
How To Use Saladin In A Sentence

  • Feels looked depressed and said darkly he was sure Saladino was a Republican.
  • = = -- The most important crop is that required for salading, for which a deep-coloured Beet of rich flavour is to be preferred, and the aim of the cultivator should be to obtain roots of moderate size and of perfect shape and finish. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Maybe it was because of the nicknames, maybe not, but Saladin. found Gibreel's revelations pathetic, anticlimactic, what was so strange if his dreams characterized him as the angel, dreams do every damn thing, did it really display more than a banal kind of egomania? The Satanic Verses
  • While her ladyship declaimed, the clergyman's wandering eye confessed his absent mind; his thoughts travelling, perhaps, to accomplish a truce betwixt Saladin and Conrade of Mountserrat, unless they chanced to be occupied with some occurrences of that very day, so that the lady was obliged to recall her indocile auditor with the leading question, "You are well acquainted with Dryden, of course, Mr. Cargill? St. Ronan's Well
  • When the green tops are required for salading, the seeds should be sown in drills, as mustard or cress. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
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  • Saladin, -- whose valour was such that not only from a man of little account it made him Soldan of Babylon, but gained him many victories over kings Saracen and Christian, -- having in divers wars and in the exercise of his extraordinary munificences expended his whole treasure and having an urgent occasion for a good sum of money nor seeing whence he might avail to have it as promptly as it behoved him, called to mind a rich Jew, by name Melchizedek, who lent at usance in The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • a truce betwixt Saladin and Conrade of Mountserrat, unless they chanced to be occupied with some occurrences of that very day, so that the lady was obliged to recall her indocile auditor with the leading question, Saint Ronan's Well
  • She accepted John Saladino as an established and known interior designer.
  • Not all the Muslims were so generous, and other Christians were tricked and blackmailed by various emirs, but Saladin's behavior was recognized by both the Muslim and Christian world as an act of great generosity.
  • Inter primos Thom� Becketi successor hic secundus, audita saluatoris et salutifer� Crucis iniuria nostris (proh dolor) diebus per Saladinum irrogata, cruce signatus, in eiusdem obsequijs, tarn remotis finibus qu鄊 propinquis, pr鎑icationis officiunm viriliter assumpsit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The position of wazir fell to Saladin, now about 30 years old.
  • Saladin and Richard the Lionheart are two names that tend to dominate the Crusades.
  • Saladin, as in most of the medieval chronicles, represents chivalry.
  • Wherefore, sitting up in the bedde, and particularly observing all the things about him: albeit he knew sufficiently the magnificence of Saladine, yet now it appeared far greater to him, and imagined more largely thereof, then hee could doe before. The Decameron
  • Saladin condescended to complain; rejoiced in the denial of justice, and at the head of fourscore thousand horse and foot invaded the Holy Land. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • (like those of the elm) relief to our cattle in winter; and there is a dwarf-sort in France, (if in truth it be not, as I suspect, our witchen-tree) whose berries feed the poor people in scarce years; but it bears no keys, like to ours, which being pickled tender, afford a delicate salading. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • In the twelfth century, the great Kurdish conqueror Saladin built the Citadel, a fortress on a hill above Cairo, using the labor of captured Crusaders.
  • He depended heavily on chosen glories to galvanise support, identifying himself with Saladin, who defeated the Christian crusaders in the 12 th century.
  • Unsure of himself, Guy spoiled for a decisive battle with the Crusader nemesis, Saladin.
  • The day was won when the massed crusader cavalry charged and forced Saladin to withdraw.
  • Crusader princes, atabeqs, emirs and even Saladin himself had been forced to come to terms with them or suffer the consequences.
  • King Guy was released by Saladin, perhaps to divide the Christians, and after a quarrel with Conrad he led the arriving crusaders to besiege Acre in August 1189.
  • In his first major military position, Saladin managed to organize a continued defense of the city and maintain the support of the population, despite great suffering brought on by the long siege.
  • Farishta, horrified, sang louder and louder of Japanese shoes, Russian hats, inviolately subcontinental hearts, but could not still Saladin's wild recital: "And guardian aaaaangels sung the strain. The Satanic Verses
  • Many fierce and sanguinary conflicts took place between Saladin and the crusaders, but neither side, for a time, gained any decided advantage.
  • “But,” continued the baron anxiously, “what hope that this juggling slave of Saladin will not palter with your Grace?” The Talisman
  • Balian did in fact play a crucial role as a Crusader noble in the events surrounding the fall of Jerusalem in 1187 to the Muslim sultan Saladin.
  • Dear heaven, he might even take it on himself to come looking for her, and her basket still held only a single turnip and a few greens for salading. City of Glory
  • -- During these months seed of the quick-growing types of Onion may be sown for producing an abundant supply of salading and small bulbs during the autumn and onwards. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Every Damascene stone tells a story of Umayyads, caliphs, Saladin.
  • Saladin discovers that his fellow inmates have been transformed into beasts - water buffaloes, snakes, manticores.
  • During the drought of 1185, Count Raymond of Tripoli, the regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, agreed a truce with Saladin whereby the latter furnished the settlers with all the supplies they needed.
  • With Aleppo and Mosul under his control, Saladin could finally turn his attention to the Franks.
  • The ambassadors returned to Damascus and Saladin decided to punish the Franks himself.
  • The man who sees himself as a latter-day Saladin will not to be enticed into retirement by the promise of immunity.
  • Saladin and Richard certainly knew about truce and parley in one era of technological equivalence between their two civilisations.
  • The most prominent of these was Sultan Saladin, the 12th-century defeater of the Crusaders and liberator of Jerusalem.
  • The key scene is one in which Nathan is forced by Saladin to declare whether Jews, Muslims or Christians represent the true faith: he answers with a riddling fable and a plea for humility before the love of God.
  • Achon and Ioppe, neere to a towne called Assur, Saladine with a great multitude of his Saracens came fiercely against the kings rereward, but through Gods mercifull grace in the same battell, the kings warriers acquited themselues so well, that the Saladine was put to flight, whom the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
  • But this newfound Western "fascination" -- for lack of a better word -- with the Arab world was also Siddig's breakthrough point, when "Ridley Scott, one of the most unlikely political bridge-builder, wrote this amazing part for an amazing actor called Ghassan Massoud, the Syrian actor who plays Saladin in the Kingdom of Heaven and I play his sidekick. E. Nina Rothe: Alexander Siddig -- Discovering the Uncommon Hero
  • However, when an emergency occurs, the curled varieties will be found suitable for cooking, and the broad-leaved for salading, and therefore there need be no waste where one sort predominates. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • The proper sort for salading is the common White Mustard, but Brown Mustard may be used for the purpose. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Inter primos Thom� Becketi successor hic secundus, audita saluatoris et salutifer� Crucis iniuria nostris (proh dolor) diebus per Saladinum irrogata, cruce signatus, in eiusdem obsequijs, tarn remotis finibus qu鄊 propinquis, pr鎑icationis officiunm viriliter assumpsit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • One other method of providing small delicate salading may be adopted to meet emergencies. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • This is a deeply moving drama in which the wise Nathan acts as a mediator between Saladin, the Muslim sultan, and Conrad, an intemperate templar knight.
  • When the Muslim Saladin retook Jerusalem 90 years later, there was no slaughter. Think Progress » Embedded TIME Reporter: Bush Lied In Speech Yesterday About Iraqi Security Forces
  • The most ample refreshments, both in the Oriental and after the European fashion, were spread before the royal and princely guests of Saladin, each in their own separate pavilion; and so attentive was the Soldan to the habits and taste of his visitors, that Grecian slaves were stationed to present them with the goblet, which is the abomination of the sect of Mohammed. The Talisman
  • To meet the great demand for it large quantities are sold in the neighbourhood of Paris in order to produce this salading. The Art of Living in Australia
  • Before Saladin the Great uttered his last sigh he called the herald who had carried his banner before him in all his battles, and commanded him to fasten to the top of the spear a shroud in which he was to be buried, and to proclaim, "This is all that remains to Saladin the Great of all his glory. Life and Conduct
  • a towne called Assur, Saladine with a great multitude of his The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • About six miles past the restaurant, we almost missed a partially hidden sign indicating Qalat Salah al-Din (Saladin's Castle).
  • The explanation for this somewhat cryptic sentence came lower down in the aerogramme, and when Saladin learned that his new stepmother was also called Nasreen, something went wrong in his head, and he wrote his father a letter full of cruelty and anger, whose violence was of the type that exists only between fathers and sons, and which differs from that between daughters and mothers in that there lurks behind it the possibility of actual, jaw -- breaking fisticuffs. The Satanic Verses
  • His struggle to regain Jerusalem ended in an uneasy truce with Saladin.

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