How To Use Salaam In A Sentence
O Jabir! Allah will keep you alive until his time and you will see him. O Jabir! When you meet him, convey my salaams to him.
I salaamed to her and, grateful for the chance to catch my breath, eat and make a couple of half-time adjustments in the game plan, walked to my office.
They bore a general letter of introduction (the Babu salaamed to it orientally) to all Government officials.
He and Mother met in Dar es Salaam but did not marry -- no point now after all those separated years.
While gray hair and a wrinkled face will get you nothing in the West except a name card from a plastic surgeon or a discounted fare on the city bus, a wai, a salaam, or a bow from the young is always proffered with sincerity.

When I got into the building, I saw tens and twenties of Muslims - women in hijabs, people who said As-Salaam-Alaikum to us.
But when he lifts the phone, the banks fall on their knees and salaam.
We unstuck, climbed out over Dar es Salaam Harbour, turned north, flew past Zanzibar and over the west coast of Pemba.
He would remember himself, and say ‘Salaam, memsahib,’ putting his hands to his forehead, and then take off again, speaking his mixture of Hindi and Tamil, grimacing, gesturing at an invisible audience.
The guide salaamed, half-mockingly, half-wondering at such eloquence, pausing in the passage to point into the side-caves that debouched to either hand.
In The Time Of Light
That old ability to put her in her place could still shock; she made him a mock salaam to hide her face, then sat down on the rug.
The label said Winehouse's longtime musical partners Mark Ronson and Salaam Remi had spent time since her death listening to recordings of the singer, who many said never sang or played a song the same way twice.
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Shockingly, he has even seemed to enjoy the museums, like the one in Dar Es Salaam where we got a private showing of the Australopithecus skull found by Louis and Mary Leakey in Olduvai Gorge.
The 'Trip': So Far, So Good for Both of Us
My good friend Thais is flying out of Dar es Salaam tonight ... and isn’t coming back.
Nakukumbuka, dada
I disagreed with him on a few issues, but I knew that he held those views out of conviction, not because his party required him to salaam before their chosen altars.
And with that she salaamed again, and slipped down the steps.
When he had finished he used to pass the plate to me and I would transfer what was left over to my plate: in our tradition that was considered a great privilege and I would salaam profoundly as I did so.
She ran me to earth just as I was stowing my kit; I salaamed respectfully, and she fixed me with a glittering eye and demanded if I spoke English.
August 31, 2008 at 11:58 am no problemo senhor! lessee… Rum-ah-dahn Kah-ream , yus datz rite, aifinkso o an Salaam wud be Sah-lahm (itz akshoally Arabic not Urdu) teh formal greetin wud b : Salaam Aleikum (translated more or less as Peace be yours)(or Peace be unto you) reply wud b Aleikum Salaam (and unto you, peace)
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The song's title refers to the words for peace in Arabic and Hebrew - salaam and shalom, respectively.
When the youth Ibrahim saw the street, he knew it by the description the bookseller had given him; so he salaamed to the man, who returned his salutation and bidding him welcome, made him sit down and asked him of his case.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The label said Winehouse's long-time musical partners Mark Ronson and Salaam Remi had spent time since her death listening to recordings of the singer, who many said never sang or played a song the same way twice.
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Afghan officials initiated negotiations with Mullah Abdul Salaam Alizai, a powerful and influential tribal leader, who was holed up in Musa Qala with thousands of his followers.
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The only defendant to testify was Salaam, a move which most observers saw as having increased his chances of conviction.
The poem begins with the customary praise to God and then lists her sorrows and in the end she gives her salaam to everybody.
And third, economic growth and what we call institutional efforts, to help the Palestinians improve their economy and to encourage the current prime minister -- an impressive person, Salaam Fayyad -- who is trying to build from the ground up the institutions of governance that will be able to govern effectively on day one of the Palestinian state.
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There are regular scheduled flights to the island by light aircraft, from Dar es Salaam or the nearby Selous.
The multigenerational family occupies a maze of crumbling concrete structures in a natural basin, accessed from Dar es Salaam via bumpy roads, lines of shacks and a jumble of tin and wood spaza (convenience) shops.
Tanzania: Zainab Salehe Abu
_Bahut, bahut salaam_, [22] Sahib!" he broke out in a tremulous fervour of gratitude.
Captain Desmond, V.C.
salaamed" than the Hispanic teenagers who tried to distract him on the way to mosque one evening: "Look at this fool," they said.
Killing the Buddha
She nodded and salaamed and backed away from the group, returning to Dave and Mike.
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The Dar es Salaam-based Government papers, despite their partiality, did act as a valuable forum for public debate.
What he did see, as he faced that way, was that each of his men salaamed low and covered his face with both hands as he entered.
In The Time Of Light
A jury had convicted Ghailani in November on one count of conspiracy while acquitting him on more than 280 other counts stemming from the truck bombings at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. 224 people died, and thousands more were injured in the attacks.
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One of the places where Tanzanians buy their khangas is the busy Kisutu market in downtown Dar es Salaam.
It is no new rule to treat your superiors with adequate salaams, but few executives make the folly of behaving with their co-workers and subordinates in a manner a king rules over his jagir.
The Times of India
But this is the city which gave the world ‘Salaam Bombay,’ for it to salute the undying spirit of a metropolis which glories in its infinitely multipliable complementary contradictions: its grime and glitz, insularity and cosmopolitanism, arrogance and vulnerability, its indifference and unexpected caring.
On Wednesday, Mr Ahern will depart for Dar es Salaam in Tanzania for a two - day visit.
The only defendant to testify was Salaam, a move which most observers saw as having increased his chances of conviction.
King turned about instantly to face her, but he salaamed so low that she could not have seen his expression had she tried.
In The Time Of Light
He and Mother met in Dar es Salaam but did not marry -- no point now after all those separated years.
NGO Salaam Zindagi Foundation adopted seven thalassaemic children on Sunday.
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Rhapta was described as a bustling metropolitan area located somewhere just inland from the central coast of mainland Azania, perhaps in the vicinity of modern-day Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. 10 It also indicated that Rhapta was the most southerly stopping point along the East African commercial route, and that merchants interested in making a round trip to Rhapta from one of Roman Egypt's Red Sea ports had to be ready to depart in July because that was when the climate cycle necessary to make the voyage began.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
As we drove into the qila's courtyard we saw a crowd of between twenty and 30 retainers massing to greet the rajah, all frantically bowing and salaaming; as Suleiman got out of the car the foremost ones dived to touch his feet.
Give my salaams to everyone there please? Inshallah we can come back soon. Maybe I'll be able to bring my wife next time.
That old ability to put her in her place could still shock; she made him a mock salaam to hide her face, then sat down on the rug.
The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings -- chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers -- appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah.
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Under these mangrove swamps near Dar es Salaam lies a solution for the thirstiness of this large metropole
If you like coffee and you like ice cream, offer a deep salaam to the good people at Healthy Choice.
A week later, bowing and salaaming to me as grateful patients often do, he was discharged with a smile almost as long as the well healed incision on his thigh.
But when he lifts the phone, the banks fall on their knees and salaam.
A theory that unifies the electromagnetic force with the weak nuclear force was developed around 1970 by Glashow, Salaam, and Weinberg.
The guide salaamed, half-mockingly, half-wondering at such eloquence, pausing in the passage to point into the side-caves that debouched to either hand.
In The Time Of Light
I just salaamed and saluted and was back in my saddle in a second, while they called up the next man for his prize, but as I wheeled my pony away I saw that Mason was looking after me with a puzzled smile on his face, and saying something to the officer next to him.
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe - reviled by the west - was greeted by screams, clapping and ululation in Dar es Salaam on Monday at the opening of a summit of southern African countries.
They bore a general letter of introduction (the Babu salaamed to it orientally) to all
Rights Center, a human-rights group in the Tanzanian city of Dar es Salaam, and Machage, who was the district council vice chairman until August. -- Top News
She didn't look like a slut, somehow, and when I asked what she wanted she came quickly up the steps, salaamed, and held out a little leather pouch.
In the city of Farah, the situation is even more bizarre: a Taleban commander is out on the campaign trail – for his old friend and brother-in-arms, Mullah Salaam Rockety.
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He never betrayed the solemn fraternal oath he and his brothers swore before their mother Sheikha Salaama not to murder each other.
In the cage on his left lived a sycophantish, shrivelled, grey monkey from India who salaamed for tidbits of food; on his right were a troup of patchy buffoons who swung and tumbled about their cage to attract attention.
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