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[ US /ˈsɑkɝɑv/ ]
  1. Soviet physicist and dissident; helped develop the first Russian hydrogen bomb; advocated nuclear disarmament and campaigned for human rights (1921-1989)

How To Use Sakharov In A Sentence

  • A series of arrows points the way to the modest grave of Andrei Sakharov.
  • Like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the refuseniks, Sakharov and Bonner ultimately outlasted their tormentors.
  • Andrei Sakharov observed that we always prefer dead heroes to living men and women who may have made mistakes.
  • A series of arrows points the way to the modest grave of Andrei Sakharov.
  • The annual award takes its name from Andrei Sakharov, a well-known Soviet-era human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
  • The New York Times columnist celebrates Malcolm X, Andrei Sakharov and Menachem Begin as dissenters of Joban stature.
  • After Sakharov criticized the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he was banished in 1980 to Gorky, now known as Nizhny Novgorod. Activist Bonner, Sakharov's Widow, Dies at 88
  • Alienated from his children and deserted by old friends during this banishment, Sakharov took comfort in the company of a fellow exile, Elena Bonner, an iconoclast and rebel no less difficult than Sakharov himself.
  • The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.
  • The successful test of Sakharov's bomb in August 1953 ended America's thermonuclear monopoly and earned the physicist his first medal.
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