How To Use Saint Andrew In A Sentence
- In addition, they honor Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, on November 30, and the Scottish poet Robert Burns on Burns Night, January 25.
- The extrovert elephant seal shocked onlookers by springing into action while photographers tried to capture a group of royal penguins at Saint Andrew's Bay near The Falklands.
- Weel, my lord, you are welcome to London; and, as ye seem an acute and learned youth, I advise ye to turn your neb northward as soon as ye like, and settle yoursell for a while at Saint Andrews, and we will be right glad to hear that you prosper in your studies. — The Fortunes of Nigel
- There is also the special treatment -- travel for government officials on corporate jets at cut-rate prices, choice seats at sports events, cushy junkets like golf trips to Saint Andrews, Scotland, arranged on occasion by the now-disgraced Jack Abramoff and his associates -- gifts that House Republicans now want to make illegal. CNN Transcript Jan 18, 2006
- Mike Boettcher, thank you very much for that live report from Saint Andrews, Scotland. CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2002
- Johnson Park crystals are rarely twinned, and those few twins that were observed are twinned according to the familiar Saint Andrews style.
- He came to Saint Andrews and gave a course of lectures, it being the custom then for colleges to “exchange pulpits.” Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers
- The extrovert elephant seal shocked onlookers by springing into action while photographers tried to capture a group of royal penguins at Saint Andrew's Bay near The Falklands.
- If you split Saint Andrew's cross down the middle, you have a symbol of two great systems, clashing head-on.
- At this hour, an international conference on terrorism is being held in Saint Andrews, Scotland. CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2002