How To Use Sailor In A Sentence
The watch on deck soon came to the conclusion that "sailoring" was not particularly funny at night, for there was a good deal of gaping, and not a little impatience for the eight bells that would relieve them for
Little By Little or, The Cruise of the Flyaway
He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
He let the best sailors sail the boat, and the best navigator do the navigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Argo to seek the Golden Fleece; their moniker combines the name of their ship and the Greek word "nautēs," meaning "sailor.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
It was really good fun and they were all keen sailors and enthusiastic.
Times, Sunday Times

The earliest printed cards sported a nautical theme directed at sailors, who were heavy tobacco users.
Number one businessman and number one sailor.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
The Lonely Sailor from Pete Barnstrom of Left Foot Red Video features a variety of animation techniques, as Mistah Pete says, “cel animation, stop-frame, some keyframe bidness…pretty much every kind of animation I know.”
Luminaria: ‘Millie and Lucy’ and ‘The Lonely Sailor’ | Missions Unknown
He loves Anne Garland, but has a rival in his brother Bob, a cheerful, light-hearted sailor.
The first great European ocean sailors were sent out in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to explore the world.
The Lard's watchin 'over you -- watchin' double tides, as the sailors say -- and so this bit o 'airth's smilin' from the herb
Lying Prophets
French glossary: coucher = to lie down matelas = mattress matelot = sailor vouloir = to want
Mexican Humor..A New Forum?
Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
the sailor watched the sky warily
Whatever one believes, the accident has left deep anxiety among sailors who have just graduated from naval training and are about to ship out.
Officers and sailors who normally wear winter rig came to work in jeans, brightly coloured shirts and for some, riding boots.
All these art works depict a scatter- brained character called Bip, who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower.
One ship sinks, many sailors die, and Martin points out to Candide that the gruesome affair further proves his point.
Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
The sailors all heaved on the rope in the storm.
According to the sailor, any animal, whatever it was, would be a lawful prize, and the rodents or carnivora which might get into the new snares would be well received at Granite House.
The Mysterious Island
Second, when their workload permits, Sailors get special liberty the day before their final exams to study, similar to what many commands do for advancement exams.
Before the advent of steamships, there were merchant sailors who seemed to be a ‘higher’ and somehow more regal member of their class.
Experienced sailors can play in an highly realistic mode where you plot a course using only wind direction and strength.
Times, Sunday Times
Ready availability being the most precious of Prohibition virtues, gin was lifted above the historical pedigree that led Willa Cather to call it “the consolation of sailors and inebriate scrub-women.”
In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was ‘Old Grogram’ for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water.
In the darkened operations room below decks, grey overalled officers and sailors watched an approaching blip on their radar screens.
He is a keen sailor and has his boat moored just outside his house.
Times, Sunday Times
House Speaker Dennis Hastert was told directly by the president on Saturday that this would be happening, and then this morning, I'm told by his aide that he says his mind is very focused on the men and women, the sailors, the soldiers, carrying out this mission, and he wishes them -- quote -- "Godspeed" -- John.
CNN Transcript Oct 8, 2001
Nearchus, however, went along the deck encouraging the men to remain firm and—in a move that must have struck the frightened sailors as sheer madness—ordered the helmsmen to turn their bows toward the whales in attack formation.
Alexander the Great
Ironically I do not make a very good sailor.
A series of quick clips of previously unseen and unidentified sailors and marines was aired.
The Sun
Previous to her marriage she was head "saleslady" at the "Little Sailor" * novelty shop, corner of Quai
Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 1
The villagers all line the dock, tears welling in their respective eyes, waving a mournful farewell to the departing sailors.
You try and get down to the individual soldier, airmen, sailor, Marine level, coastguardsmen duty, civilian and look them in the eye and say, ‘How's it going?’
Which, of course, went down like a lead Zeppelin with the shipless sailors in the pub.
Most of the other sailors will be British.
Times, Sunday Times
They say that even now, on All Hallows 'Eve, the old sailors can be heard pounding on the door.
Give Us Forever
She has seized every opportunity during seven years in the Navy, and recently took the position as the top Sailor in her field.
Sailors from all around the Indian Ocean went by the name 'lascar'East Africans, South Asians, Filipinos, Chinese, Malays.
Amitav Ghosh discusses Sea of Poppies
On March 6 and 8 he portrays the randy Latin sailor in Jerome Robbins's Fancy Free.
As she came to each sailor, she wished them a simple goodbye, not bearing the strength to say more.
The slightest additional gust of wind often oversets the little sailor and his vessel altogether.
Stories about Animals: with Pictures to Match
He reviewed pages of typed medical records and scribbled notes that charted with clinical precision each sailors fatal wounds: Blast injury to brain, Multiple bullet and shrapnel wounds, Exsanguination from complete transection of body.
The Attack on the Liberty
The French adventurers, however, seem always to have restricted the word "boucanier" to its proper signification, that of a hunter and curer of meat; and when they developed into corsairs, by a curious contrast they adopted an English name and called themselves "filibustiers," which is merely the French sailor's way of pronouncing the English word "freebooter." [
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
The sailor, who was a "Bostonian," an inheritance with the ship, opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor, but like his mates, he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return.
Egypt, got bousy in the Pyramid of Cheops, ate a beef-steak in the hanging-gardens of Babylon, and listened to no sailors 'yarns at the
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
Joshua was one of five babies born to sailors serving on Melbourne while she was absent.
At sea, the sailors are continually engaged in "parcelling," "serving," and in a thousand ways ornamenting and repairing the numberless shrouds and stays; mending sails, or turning one side of the deck into a rope-walk, where they manufacture a clumsy sort of twine, called spun-yarn.
Redburn. His First Voyage
‘I know sailors all over the country and I believe they can be mobilized as a constituency for change in ocean policy,’ says Rockefeller, himself a former yacht club commodore.
The pace picks up as the crew from the cursed ship starts an eerie song and the celebrating sailors try to counter with a merry drinking song of their own.
On merchant ships the sailors work largely in darkness below decks because oil is a precious thing.
There was no bottle of rum for this wannabe sailor.
The Sun
We ate one meal down on the waterfront, and as we ate, we watched the ferried zip back and forth, and sailboats go by, and a parasailor thing, and then we saw Mt. Rainier, and then a full moon came up!
Readersguide Diary Entry
It was the sailors'first night ashore ; they painted the town red.
It was truly one of the greatest adventures of the age, and historic, for here we get the word El Dorado, used for the first time in the history of discovery -- the legendary land of gold which was never found, but which attracted all the Elizabethan sailors to this romantic country.
A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
A tall young sailor in a green Nomex flight suit walked toward them.
Fred's a smart alec sailor who bumps into his old flame while on shore leave, and it's not long before they're hoofing it to ‘Let Yourself Go’ and ‘Dance’.
Round and round the decks they went, Mugridge sick with fear, the sailors hallooing and shouting directions to one another, and the hunters bellowing encouragement and laughter.
No one anywhere near except a sick sailor and one she would almost rather die than call singly to her aid, for he had once told her he loved her.
Foul Play
Being able to call bluffs and recognize poor hands would be especially useful right now in dealing with North Koreas torpedoing of a South Korean ship (and death of 46 sailors).
Crocodile Dundee Diplomacy For North Korea
17 sailors died as the result of a terrorist attack while the USS Cole was anchored in Aden
Three bagpipers led the way, filling the air with their haunting chords as family, friends and Sailors stretched out behind them along the winding, pebble-strewn path and across emerald-colored hills.
At the center of the maneuvers is the USS George Washington, a floating fortress that can carry up to 70 aircraft and more than 5,000 sailors and aviators.
US, South Korean Ships Drop Anti-Sub Bombs In Drills
She wore a white duck skirt, a soft nainsook blouse open at the throat, the sailor collar knotted with a red silk scarf.
Peggy Stewart at School
Moiseyev has added a few new dances, at least new to New York, including a hilarious sailor's dance called A Day on Board a Ship, as well as adaptations from Venezuela and Argentina and a sprightly Spanish jota.
However, before exploring this problematic I want to establish the strange way in which the sailors 'taunt impinges on Equiano's interpellation of George into his masochistic reading of Foxe.
The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
We want your nominations for the most outstanding soldier, airman, sailor or marine and reservist.
The Sun
The sailors threw down life jackets and told the refugees to swim back to their boat.
Times, Sunday Times
Sailors from a Navy reserve unit in Groton, Conn., recall the
Heroes or Villains?
TV chiefs are to hold a talent contest to find the best singing sailors, matelots, seamen and ship-hands in the country, and offer them a top music contract by way of a prize.
Shipwrecked sailors, castaways, and that famous case some time back where a bunch of people were in a plane crash?
The story is of the utmost simplicity: after a shipwreck, a sailor is lost at sea.
The late Senator Kennedy also vehemently opposed the Cape Wind project, in part because the Kennedys, known as avid sailors, own a family compound that looks onto the project sight.
Ben Carmichael: Congratulations, America. You Passed Wind.
The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning.
With a few grains of rice and barley from the bottom of one of the ship's sacks, the sailor planted what would become large fields of grain.
Sailors were assigned to messes, each of around ten to twenty-five men, and equipped with a stowable table, cutlery, plates and a bread bin.
The blouse is open at the chest, and is lifted to the waist by his big, brown hands, which are tucked in his trouser pockets, and his head is covered by the kind of hat that sailors call a sou'wester.
St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 4, February 1878
Then, Iran responded by announcing that Britain has, quote, "miscalculated" this issue, saying that, in this case, these sailors may now face, quote, "a legal path.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2007
Do you mean by that, you 'partook' of the brandy which other sailors were drinking?
The Bushman — Life in a New Country
As he stood there defenseless, the sailor was about to plunge his cutlass into him for the last time.
However, other soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines die in combat actions, too.
Maidens with water-jars on their heads which might have been dug up at Pompeii; priests with broad hats and huge cloaks; sailors with blue shirts and red girdles; urchins who almost instinctively cry for a "soldo" and break into the Tarantella if you look at them; quiet, grave, farmer-peasants with the Phrygian cap; coral-fishers fresh from the African coast with tales of storm and tempest and the Madonna's help -- make up group after group of Caprese life as one looks idly on, a life not specially truthful perhaps or moral or high-minded, but sunny and pleasant and pretty enough, and harmonizing in its own genial way with the sunshine and beauty around.
Stray Studies from England and Italy
Generally, the fish should not produce and use such vortex motion any more than a sailor should advance by blowing on a sail.
Sailor-fashion, he had no armor on but a light morion and a cuirass, so he was not too much encumbered to prevent his springing to his legs instantly, and setting to work, cutting and foining right and left at every sound, for sight there was none.
Westward Ho!
When Nelson famously said, "The Dons may make fine ships; they cannot however make men," after visiting the Spanish fleet in Cadiz in 1793, he was referring not to the quality of Spanish sailors but to the lack of them, for as often as not crews were diminished by disease and other factors.
Letters to the Editor
But the noise of sailors swearing, pigs squealing, chickens squawking, children bawling and fathers threatening them with the backs of their hands brought them back to reality with a thump.
A special ceremony was also held yesterday by serving and former soldiers, sailors and airmen at the military cemetery in Dunkirk.
Times, Sunday Times
The gifts are not brought by Santa Claus Nicholas who in the Hellenic hagiology is the patron saint of sailors.
Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Yes, Virginia, Hellenes Have Christmas Traditions
One of those friends was Fred Cooper, a quiet, polite sailor stationed at the naval base at Oxnard.
Still the only youth regatta in the UK to focus on keelboat racing rather than dinghies, the event has a rich tradition of nurturing friendly rivalry, bringing through some of the top Scottish sailors.
kept the drunken sailor in protective custody
This is only what we sailors call a capful of wind.
Mother Carey's Chicken Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle
Yet for sailors there is scope to dress down, buzz off and feel the breeze.
Times, Sunday Times
What impressed him were the tidiness and organization of their canoe, as if the men he met were like sailors on the HMS Fly, keeping it shipshape.
The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea.
This revolutionary aircraft will provide the best protection for our soldiers, sailors and airmen for 35 years.
The Sun
Former soldiers, sailors and airmen are working with the unemployed to inspire them and build their confidence.
The Sun
I remember too late that smart multihull sailors pack earplugs.
Queen of Argos, daughter of Tyndareus, sister of those two noble sons of Zeus, who dwell in the flame-lit firmament amid the stars, whose guerdon high it is to save the sailor tossing on the sea.
October 1, 2008 at 12:43 am sailor kitteh says hard sara alee!
Other side - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The sportsman, the agriculturist, the holiday-maker, likewise the livery-stable keeper, and the umbrella manufacturer would, _cum multis aliis_, be all represented; Songs without Words; the Sailor's Hope; then wind instruments; solo violin; the Maiden's Prayer for her
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 26, 1891
The language derives from a kind of nautical English that was spread throughout the Pacific by sailors.
The sailor nodded in reply, spooning some porridge into his mouth.
Sailors had to go further from land to find new pods of whales and often spent two years at sea.
The Sun
ratter" -- superstitious Tudor sailors did not have cats on board as they were thought to bring bad luck.
Reuters: Top News
Little William and Lalee alone examined the two beautiful creatures thus brought within their reach; while Snowball and the sailor, rapidly readjusting the baits upon their hooks, that had been slightly disarranged by the teeth of the _tunnies_, -- for the albacore is a species of tunny fish, -- once more flung them forth.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
A sailor uses the rudder to make the ship go in the correct direction.
The cheerful sailor crept forward and jibed over the foresail as Charley put the helm to starboard and we swerved to the right into the San Joaquin.
Charley's Coup
This boy, clad in a disheveled sailor's tunic and winter coat fit for a bear, stood no more than shoulder-high to me.
The port district, although deserted by sailors and dockhands by nightfall, still played host to a vast syndicate of criminals.
He let the best sailors sail the boat, and the best navigator do the navigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Most of the sailors were loafing in the barroom or lounge, playing a measured game of cards or writing letters.
They realized the full gravity of the situation when they scanned, what moments before, had been a room full of Sailors eating lunch.
They saw him slouch for'ard after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor.
That sailor told me to pay away the rope immediately.
The American sailors expected to meet a tribe of primal natives, but were instead greeted by a canoe loaded with super-friendly English speaking Anglo-Tahitian mutineer children.
The door opened and a sailor stepped inside, openly gawking at our still wet clothes.
The romance of the sea beckoned the young sailors.
It is true that even the great Dr. Johnson defined the word pastern as 'the knee of an horse,' an anatomical inexactitude which would produce on an ostler the same kind of paralytic shock that a sailor might experience on finding in the same famous work leeward and windward described in identical terms as 'toward the wind.'
On Dictionaries
All the boats are captained by professional sailors but the rest of the crew are amateurs.
I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.
In their parti-garb make-up the women looked more sailorly than the sailors themselves.
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
In such circumstances sailors who do not have to go to sea do not go to sea and at half past ten on Sunday morning the decision was taken to abandon racing.
John King, a 34-year-old sailor, represented the first of the remarkable series of patients compiled by Bright and was a ‘well-marked example of granulated condition of the kidneys connected with the secretion of coagulable urine.’
He had the rolling gait of a sailor, one arm levered out to counterbalance the weight of the blanketed bundle burdening the other.
On January 17, the airport stuff William, 49, dressed as cartoon character "Popeye the sailorman" to entertain his relatives and friends in Medellin, Columbia.
You are a sailor in the service of King Philip II of Spain, and your country is about to send "la felicissima armada" (Spanish for "the most fortunate fleet") to invade England, your enemy.
The sailor merrily trotted off to go and do something else, possibly ease a downhaul or help set a sail.
IDA assigns sailors in the US navy to new jobs when they finish a tour of duty and has to juggle naval policies, job requirements, changing costs and sailors' needs.
Even in "Consecration" we hear the challenging ring of a young voice who has wandered over the face of the earth and has taken his place with the "Outcast," has cast his lot with the sailor, the stoker, the tramp.
Giant Hours with Poet Preachers
Married for 29 years, he acknowledges he visited brothels as a sailor in the communist era.
When several of these fish take it into their heads to dance a "hornpipe," as the sailors have termed their gambols, at the distance of half a mile they, especially at or just after sun-down, may easily be mistaken for the sharp points of rocks sticking up out of the water, and the splashing and foam they make and produce have the appearance of the action of the waves upon rocks.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831
Britain sailors or crews are in medal positions in four classes.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time I was sixteen I was sailing in scow-schooners, fishing salmon with the Greeks up the Sacramento River, and serving as sailor on the Fish Patrol.
Two of the Americans, Jean and Scott Adam, had been sailing around the world on their yacht since 2004 and were joined for this journey by Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, veteran sailors who had previously circumnavigated the globe in their own vessel.
Somali Pirates Kill Four U.S. Hostages
After the war, Australian ships and sailors served in Japanese waters as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces.
It's about a lonely adolescent called Blakemore and meditates on education, faith and teen friendship in the distant days before the Chatterley ban and the Beatles' first LP.Hare denies South Downs is entirely autobiographical and yet Blakemore's absentee father is a sailor, just as Hare's was, and his mother sees education as a tool for creating a secure adult life.
David Hare: 'It's absurd, but I feel insecure'
However, the invaders were horsemen, not sailors, and the seaborne links of the network survived.
When he sails, he normally sails as a merchant sailor, because he is paid and has no responsibility.
On the way, a great windstorm causes a shipwreck and a lone sailor is found on the ‘Island of the Soul.’
SEOUL (AFP) – A South Korean patrol ship sank off the southern island of Jeju after a collision with a fishing boat, leaving one sailor dead and two others missing, navy officials said Thursday.
Looking for the consolation prize of a seal cull in Carnley Harbour in the Auckland Islands group, Captain Thomas Musgrave and the mate Francois Raynal were accompanied by three other sailors - and soon-to-be castaways.
Nautical songs written by landsmen celebrate the ocean; those by sailors themselves celebrate shore leave.
The Times Literary Supplement
Now, though Captain Riga had not been guilty of any particular outrage against the sailors; yet, by a thousand small meannesses -- such as indirectly causing their allowance of bread and beef to be diminished, without betraying any appearance of having any inclination that way, and without speaking to the sailors on the subject -- by this, and kindred actions, I say, he had contracted the cordial dislike of the whole ship's company; and long since they had bestowed upon him a name unmentionably expressive of their contempt.
Redburn. His First Voyage
The purpose-built yacht is crewed by four to five professional sailors, out of whom only the skipper is paid a salary.
Forty cooks will prepare her meals, 120 divers will serve her, 200 mine warfare ratings, almost 300 stokers - fully 1000 sailors will serve this mighty little ship.
The shore patrol carried out the unconscious sailor who had been given a Mickey Finn.
They possess enormous strength and enjoy tormenting sailors.
To great prudence, self-control, and judgment, he united the dash, daring, and readiness of resources which have always characterized the famous sailors of the world; and in the victory which made his name renowned in naval annals, he displayed these qualities in such a high degree as to deserve the greatest credit for what he achieved as well as for what, under great temptation, he declined to do.
The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
The clicking of the sheaves in the blocks as the sails ran down, head - sails first, was music to her; and she detected on the instant the jamming of a jib-downhaul, and almost saw the impatient jerk with which the sailor must have cleared it.
Chapter 15
the Genoese sailor we call Columbus
Rathbun is for weekends, Sailorville Reservoir for short evening cruises, and Red Rock Reservoir for afternoon jaunts.
How Charles Davis survives in that wet, freezing, paint-scabbed room of iron in the 'midship-house is beyond me -- just as it is beyond me that the wretched sailors in the wretched forecastle do not lie down in their bunks and die, or, at least, refuse to answer the call of the watches.
Called prester by the Greeks, typhoon by the Romans, timmins by the Persians, and dragons de mer by the French, waterspouts annihilated ships and massacred sailors.
A Furnace Afloat
We lunched at Black Point, on smoked herring, vegetables, breadfruit, and the most unforgettable coconut dumplings, all provided by our good Sailor.
The young hero has an inauspicious beginning, turns it to his benefit through pluck and luck, then begins the cursus honorum of the sea: sailor, midshipman, lieutenant, captain, admiral, commemorative 30th-anniversary boxed set, remainder pile, deliquescence.
At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
The sailors hoisted the flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage.
The sailors and coxswain running the whaleboat pushed off again to help the others towing away the wreckage.
Groves of rigging were about the chains; and there, peering from behind a great stay, like an Indian from behind a hemlock, a Spanish sailor, a marlingspike in his hand, was seen, who made what seemed an imperfect gesture towards the balcony, but immediately as if alarmed by some advancing step along the deck within, vanished into the recesses of the hempen forest, like a poacher.
The Piazza Tales
Although she missed Ethan terribly, it was easy to let him slip from her mind when she was surrounded by many handsome, earnest sailors.
It was rather an awkward task, with the trigger of the gun always within pulling distance of the finger; but Kent was a weaver, and in a few minutes had the sailor tied hand and foot.
The sailors had to cut through their anchor line to escape the beach.
A world War II wreck which is the final resting place of 690 British soldiers and sailors is to be moved to protect the lives of present day mariners.
Three clowns out of a Fellini film throw their nets over a group of Korean sailors who don't know what to make of so much occidental stupidity.
Send him back to his father; he is too young to be a sailor.
A keen sailor, he single-handedly built a 50 foot glass fibre trimaran over seven years, and spent many happy years sailing it in the Channel and the Mediterranean.
A collective roar of approval came from the big crowd of multihull sailors on the beach - except one skipper who was standing, staring intently at his stopwatch.
Three sailors are missing, believed drowned.
If it is not covered, the boat will founder in this tempest, and the ocean will summarily swallow the sailors and their dream.
A second and darker narrative thread follows a Tonkinese woman known as Bloody Mary who, when not selling shrunken human heads to sailors, offers her nubile daughter to a Marine for trysts on Bali-ha’i.
2008 August 07 « One-Minute Book Reviews
Racing school" is for more advanced sailors who are looking to become proficient at race strategy, tactics and maneuvers "spinnaker" gives individuals or teams instruction and practice with this element of sailing.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
Any sailor who shot an albatross would soak it overnight to get rid of the fishy taste, and make pies from it the next morning.
At the opposite side of the room, a much worn sailor's hat, commonly called a tarpaulin, was balanced upon the point of a fishing rod, and beneath this trophy was placed a small side board, the open doors of which disclosed a number of shelves laden with gilt edged drinking vessels of white and blue china; a set of rose colored tea-cups, and several polished silver plated mugs.
The Home in the Valley
The unpredictable and random threat of such a devastating machine is at polar extremes from its diminutive replica, which offers an intimate view of a closed and isolated community of sailors.
Sailors in bleached white uniforms wander around trying to convince themselves they are having fun.
These hatches allow sailors to rapidly transfer supply pallets, equipment replacement modules and machinery components, significantly reducing the time required for replenishment and maintenance.
Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.
Ride improves the likelihood that prospective Sailors will begin their Navy careers in the right rating for them.
The rest of his young adulthood became a quest for financial security, and he shipped out as a merchant sailor.
That said, every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, coastguardsman that's in Iraq is in harm's way.
CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2009
More than 16,000 sailors will take part in the largest yacht race of its kind in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
It's just so much easier to curse like the proverbial inner city sailor than to speak in a traditionally sophisticated and cultured manner.
There are many who believe in it, especially the builders of the new factories and the sailoring merchants who are always looking for safer and faster ways to cross the seas.
Running From The Deity
It was thought the picture, which shows gondoliers and sailors at work in 18th century Venice, was a copy by an imitator or student of the artist and had been valued at no more than £5,000.
The Smeaton rode at what sailors call a salvagee, with a cross-head made fast to the floating buoy.
Records of a Family of Engineers
He is a keen sailor and has his boat moored just outside his house.
Times, Sunday Times
He went to San Francisco, applied for sailoring jobs, but wound up working in a department store during the Christmas rush.
John Steinbeck
As dawn broke, with the master's consent, sailors from the USS Bunker Hill boarded the vessel.
Ships were dressed with flags and sailors climbed the rigging or stood on decks, caps in hand, to cheer the Queen.
The ordinary seamen, younkers, grummets, and ship-boys, did the work aloft, furled and loosed the sails, and did the ordinary, never-ceasing work of sailors.
On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
For what happens nowadays in many cases is highly ridiculous: good slaves are made farmers, or sailors, or merchants, or stewards, or money-lenders; but if they find a winebibbing, greedy, and utterly useless slave, to him parents commit the charge of their sons, whereas the good tutor ought to be such a one as was Phoenix, the tutor of Achilles.
Plutarch's Morals
But as the sailors went out to celebrate at Manchester nightspots last summer, several were attacked by drunken thugs when violence flared on the streets.
I was cursing like a sailor and so unnerved my husband that he left the room.
The moment one sailor thought about his daughter's education was the moment he nearly died.
Times, Sunday Times
the sailor looked seaward
The under-16-year-olds Optimist sailors (many as young as nine) were fearless - not only of the north-easterly, but the awesome speed of the multihulls zooming in and out of their fleet of tiny craft.
Meanwhile, down at the docks, some sailors have finished drinking at the Blue Whale and are spilling out.
Sailors hung about while they waited to ship out.