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  1. small low-growing annual or perennial herbs of temperate and cool regions

How To Use Sagina In A Sentence

  • That was on a Monday.13 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Ryan was sitting in a bar on Saginaw Street in Pontiac. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • One judge in Saginaw, Mich., recently found a way to implement some poetic justice. Richard Mcclanahan
  • Only four alien species are widespread on the island, but the integrity of the ecosystem has recently been threatened by the invasion of an alien groundcover, procumbent pearlwort Sagina procumbens. Gough Island Wildlife Reserve, United Kingdom
  • At a landing this morning a rough, burly fellow told me he had been to Saginaw an a frolic; that he had a brother and friends in the army who "blackguarded" him about not going in the army; a thing he seemed noways inclined to do. Diary of Jason Niles (1814-1894) : June 22, 1861-December 31, 1864,
  • These small tapeworm cysts (taenia saginata) are about the size of a pea and found in the flesh of cattle, which become infected by eating food or drinking water which has been contaminated by the feces of persons harboring adult tapeworms. The Veterinarian
  • SAGINAW -- A 16-year-old has been sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for shooting four people near a middle school football game in Saginaw. - Nation-World
  • Qui terram colunt equi paleis pascuntur, qui otiantur caballi avena saginantur, discalceatus discurrit qui calces aliis facit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I lived in Saginaw and knew that the Board of Education was corrupt. Meditations on the Melancholy State of Outdoor Writing
  • The majority of pathogens exhibit survival periods which are normally shorter than the growth periods of most vegetables exceptions being the eggs of ascaris or taenia saginata, and the salmonella on root and low growing crops. Chapter 6
  • I live in Saginaw, Michigan the daughter, wife and mother of vets. Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
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