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  1. in a shrewd manner
    he was acutely insightful
    he invested his fortune astutely

How To Use sagaciously In A Sentence

  • Another was picked up by one of the Adelaide travelers, who very sagaciously threw it away [typical], but thinks he can find it again. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Robert Burton threw light on the "capriciousness" and accidentally of this kind of (apparent) amorous preference when he wrote that "it is impossible, almost, for two young folks equal in years to live together and not be in love;" and further he says, sagaciously: Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • What shadow of reason," he asks, "is there for doubting that such sales as are necessary and inevitable will be far more sagaciously managed by a Local Board, which the ratepayers elect _for this sole purpose_, than either by magistrates who are irresponsible and do not suffer sensibly from the public vice, or by an _irresponsible_ or _multitudinous_ Committee of Parliament? Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • The Greek philosophers used to talk eloquently and sagaciously, but they never felt the need of experimentation to prove their theories.
  • As Neil from "The Young Ones" once sagaciously pointed out, the problem with crucifixion as a form of suicide is that "there's no way you can hammer in the last nail. Bikes and Beatitudes: The Salmon on the Mount
  • After the conversation between the Angel and Adam in the bower, it may be well presumed that our first parent waited on his heavenly guest at his departure to some little distance from it, till he began to take his flight towards heaven; and therefore "sagaciously" thinks that the poet could not with propriety say that the angel parted from the _thick shade_, that is, the _bower_, to go to heaven. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • Chodin sagaciously observes: Lance has never lost a thumb wrestle. BOLL BASHES INDY, WON’T FIGHT ME
  • The budding politico sagaciously put his arm around Ashalea and explained that the Berlin Wall ran down the middle of a ‘communist country’ known as Berlin.
  • Enter the ethics expert, who sagaciously counseled the company executive to put a halt to the practice of entertaining clients at strip joints.
  • And this time Boerab had found a magnificent cock pheasant quivering beside the slingstone, and Urkut had sagaciously denied any miraculous powers while putting his slingstone away. The Magic May Return
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