How To Use Saga In A Sentence
All the more perhaps for that, she was born sagacious, which is a less pleasing, but, in a bitter pinch, a more really useful, quality.
Erema — My Father's Sin
But it is always a delicate matter to fathom the depth of a medical man's sagaciousness.
Archibald Malmaison
Sharansky is not infallible, but he is probably the most sagacious voice in Israeli politics today.
Without these sagacities, the brickwork of the tambour, in addition to taking a very long time so that the concrete could dry up and solidify, would surely have been too heavy to support the dome.
The much anticipated The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere is almost here and we will be hosting a live stream of the red carpet arrivals!

Such verses are preserved mainly in the kings' sagas; many ‘lausavísur’ or occasional verses, and some love poetry are included in the narratives of family sagas.
Let them come, if they like, be It'sagamore , sachem, or pow - wow .
Adei, dan kerana tak cukup rehat aku dah sagat kete honda dia kat palang umah. .hahahahah..sib baik dia tak kisah. .hahah … gomenasai.
Newbie Webmaster
Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" Di Vitto, a director manque' depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio.
While she brings experience and sagacity, such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith, notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments.
Miss Margland, extremely piqued, vented her spleen in oblique sarcasms, and sought to heal her offended pride by appeals for justice to her sagacity and foresight in the whole business.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
Forty-two percent of the diet of the black-footed penguin is small shoaling fish, with 25 species of fish, including anchovies (Engraulis capensis) and sardines (Sardinops sagax) being recorded, as well as 18 species of crustaceans, three species of squid, and one species of polychaete worm.
Black-footed penguin
Everywhere in the 19th century students of folklore itself a newly invented word plumped up their local legends, sagas and fairy tales just as much as Jacob Grimm and Richard Wagner did in Germany.
Hitler's Golden Book
With the other he seized the top of a wooden packing-box, and holding this in front of his chest and abdomen as a Kaffir would hold his pavise, or rawhide shield, to ward off a thrust from an assagai, he walked straight toward his adversary.
With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
Hmmm ... seems like a great idea ALTHOUGH, unless vampires are really popular in the Burmese culture, their suggestions are WAAY off (I only added the sookie stackhouse books and the Twilight saga - not one vampire book was suggested).
BookArmy Suggests New Books, Readers With Similar Tastes | Lifehacker Australia
Animals civilise a building, and it is a pity that Mrs Blair, no cat-lover, was blamed for the dismissal of Humphrey, a dignified and sagacious mouser.
As the battery saga showed, problems in consumer electronics can emerge quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
Certain it is that the maid's speech communicated a suspicion to the mind of Amelia which the behaviour of the serjeant did not tend to remove: what that is, the sagacious readers may likewise probably suggest to themselves; if not, they must wait our time for disclosing it.
Amelia — Complete
Just as all happy families resemble one another, so all gangster family sagas resemble one another.
Times, Sunday Times
Having reached Gangasagar, I made circumambulation to the pond and prayed to the Sun God for my prosperity.
He was wise and sagacious, but prone to dissension and his spirit was that of calmness under fire.
You come to important conclusions and finish an ongoing saga of conflict today.
Tom ended his recount of the events leading up to the murder there but promised that more on the saga would be revealed on February 4 at the Boys' School.
As for sagamore Membertou and other chiefs who came from time to time, they sat at table, eating and drinking like ourselves.
Champlain's Dream
At friends 'parties he participates in improv poetry competitions as Iron Poet Norse Saga, whose hour-long eddas on the dust-bunnies beneath Odin's throne often extend the celebrations until dawn.
MIND MELD: Memorable Short Stories to Add to Your Reading List (Part 2 of 2)
Jealousy was not the passion to loosen the tongue of the sagaman, and in so far as that is the theme of "King Erik," the play is not Old Norse in origin.
The Influence of Old Norse Literature on English Literature
- but the timeless survival saga quickly morphs into something very different: A new-fangled reality (or perhaps "surreality") TV show with life and death stakes.
Ben Sherwood: Rock Stars: How the Story of the 33 Chilean Miners Breaks All the Rules
Peter was finding the Bright family saga less than enthralling.
This saga has a long way to run.
The Sun
In the medieval sagas, like Siegfried, the main character will do something - like stage a coup against the king who has favored him up to then - which simply does not make sense -- unless we realize that Siegfried is not a character but a type.
July 25th, 2008
This entire missing in action saga is an indictment of the conservatives insistance that "no governing is best governing.
Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself'
Secret Invasion Saga traces the origins of the Skrull infiltration from the Elektra replacement to the Skrull†™ s very first visit to Earth.
Secret Invasion is Here! | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
But no saga of corporate back-stabbing could possibly match it, not least because in Rome, back-stabbing was more than a metaphor.
The sagas attracted huge audiences, hooked on every clichéd twist and turn of the predictable plot.
The same people also seem to see it as an attack on twiglet, which it isnt either, at no point is any personally opinion passed on the merits of ‘The Saga’.
Only TWILIGHT fans will REMEMBER ME says John! | Obsessed With Film
Naomi sends questioning looks, keen for an update on the dybbuk saga.
Likewise for nearly three years, the nation has been hypnotized by his saga.
My plan interwove Beauty and the Beast – a love story – with three other threads: a historical story, a ghost story and a dark family saga.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Old Bones, New Flesh: Building a novel from a fairy tale concept
It had also a supporting role within several great ethno-historical myths: the Táin, the Welsh epics, the lives of saints, the Viking sagas.
These works generally narrate events of the century 930–1030, and thus antecede the composition of the sagas by at least 200 years.
Sagan, Johanson, Hawking and others generous coverage to enunciate their beliefs.
Oscillating universe ideas were popularized by atheists like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov solely to avoid the notion of a beginning, with its implications of a Creator.
The chazan of the synagogue takes the book, and gives it to the ruler of the synagogue; the ruler to the sagan; the sagan to the high priest," &c.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Adoro Michael Sheen é um ator de expressões e papéis fortes o que deu a saga uma nova cara apesar de sua participação ter sido em uma pequena parte do filme na minha opinião foram uma das melhores partes.
Michael Sheen: Interview with 'New Moon' star on fitting in with the cast |
But he was a good businessman, and Arnold had occasionally wondered whether Freddie Keeler was a deal more sagacious than he appeared.
Sakurai and Saga then find a girl named Yuka, who claims that she was assaulted by " Green Monkey ". When she is picked up for questioning by the police, suddenly everyone faints and Yuka is gone.
Criscantoi Vaz was a sturdy-spirited man of much presence, of great sagacity, of considerable quiet strength.
However, his deeply felt and meticulously researched rhetoric conveyed in all his books is hard hitting, provocative and sagacious.
Casino on sundry occasions, and sagaciously preferring places within the range of her experience to bourns neither cognate nor conjecturable, she moved gravely up towards the gate on which the Italian sat; and, after eying him a moment, -- as much as to say, "I wish you would get off," -- came to a deadlock.
My Novel — Volume 04
A resolutely mainstream, rather tepid drama, it politely uses the devastating 1976 earthquake in Tangshan as a backdrop for a family saga.
Michael Giltz: DVDs: Craig Ferguson... Genius?
A new tale is being spun in the the never-ending saga of female victimology.
Anderson & B. Herbert have their own writing style, and I don't think they are up to Franks 'standard, but then again i am realy curious as to how the saga is about to end.
POLL RESULTS: SF Signal Reader Challenge #1
To some observers there seemed something unpleasantly appropriate about the fact that his recreational passion at Sagamore Hill that summer of 1903 was the so-called point-to-point “obstacle walk,” the one rule, the only rule, being that the participant must go up and over, or through, every obstacle, never around it.
The Path Between the Seas
This sorry saga began back in the days when the badge on your car meant something.
Times, Sunday Times
This heroic, nationalist saga has been recapitulated in hundreds of books, articles, and school-texts ever since.
There will be themed events each weekend and in the final week our Viking heritage will be celebrated with saga, dance and song.
In England, William Morris translated the Icelandic sagas and Cecil Sharp collected village dances and songs.
Charity knows no adversary; sagacity breeds no worry.
He talked with the sagamore Anadabijou about their values and beliefs, and his judgments were complex.
Champlain's Dream
And also Sagalassos six different millefiori sherds where unearthed.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Glass Studies Report 1
The saga of the type 45 destroyer is a case in point, 12 ordered, reduced to 8, now 6.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
Is it not singular that these animals, not usually wanting in sagacity or courage, should when threatened by fire so quietly submit to their fate without making a single effort to escape?
Life in the Rocky Mountains
Later she was described as the only sane person in the whole saga.
The saga begins in London with the American hostess Barbara Heinz inviting Dorrit to lunch.
Emperor Saga retired from the throne in 823 at the age of thirty-eight, the same year he awarded Kukai the headship of the monastery Toji for use as a Shingon training center in the Heian capital.
Icelandic sagas
Both the parties have sagaciously stuck to their strongholds.
His adventures went on to become a multivolume saga.
Times, Sunday Times
Norse sagas
Predictably, the media shaped the saga of the rescued miners according to time-worn journalistic methods, massaging it into a ‘good news’ story, while working to turn the miners themselves into momentary celebrities.
The sea swallowed the Whydah along with her treasure, yet the fascinating saga of this storied ship was far from over.
The generation employs space filling curves to preserve the spatial and topological properties (see the Resources section for the H. Sagan book).
The Greek debt saga continues to evolve slowly, with the latest attention focused on Merkel's challenge in passing the EFSF vote through Germany's parliament.
Against the background of all this shameless capitalism, a rather undignified saga rumbles on in the local press.
The lawsuit claims that Sagan ignored the request and went forward with the production of the movie.
There are boulders in Iceland that have historical significance as having been the stones mentioned in the sagas.
Before any clearer idea of where Saga is heading, it is hard to summon up too much enthusiasm.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole saga spans thousands of miles.
Mothers who Leave
At the same time this coarseness of taste did not blunt his intellectual sagacity.
Because if sagas make contemporary war stories pale into nothingness, the old fairy tales make contemporary horror seem like nice, sweet stories dreamed up by the boys at Disney.
In the myth of the Orpheus / Eurydice saga, Orpheus was given a dispensation by Pluto to return his wife from the underworld (she had been bitten by a poisonous serpent and died).
The Age have collected a number of interesting articles on the saga and made them available online here, but I think you might need to register to view them.
The sheep person helped her off; and they stood throwing each other sentences all sprightful and sagacious for a while.
Heart of the West [Annotated]
As Captain Bunting sagaciously remarked, "most things come to a climax suddenly.
The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
At one point, a particularly sagacious observation was shouted out in a distinctive Texas lilt right behind me and I realized I'd been sitting two feet away from Sam the whole time without realizing it.
Cricket chiefs are also hopeful that Ashes hysteria will also help dispel any lingering disenchantment among fans or sponsors caused by the match-fixing saga that scarred Pakistan's tour of England last summer.
English cricket hopes for a sponsorship bonanza
In his reply, the minister said the chief minister had already asked the Punjab government to release the state's share of 72,248 cusec of water from the Ranjit Sagar Dam.
Pero antes de eso Luna Nueva de las Saga de Crepúsculo llega en Noviembre de este año, y como los fans de la serie ya lo saben, esta es de Jacob.
VAMPIROS VS. LOBOS: LISTOS PARA LA BATALLA | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
Palki of Shree Daya Sagar Hanuman Mandir photographerno1 poetry rafaees shahi snan shiasm shree daya sagar hanuman mandir sword rafaee transgenders delicioud
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At a news conference, Lucas acknowledged the political allegories of the saga, which could have contemporary resonance although he wrote it at the time of the Nixon era.
But he must now ensure that the last laugh in this saga is not on himself.
Times, Sunday Times
The whodunit is fun, but as with the entire Honorable Daisy Dalrymple saga it is the sense of time and place that brings enthralled readers to a bygone era.
Black Ship-Carola Dunn « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
On the documentary front, there are numerous premieres, from Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray, the first film to reveal the saga of American Jews who fought during the Civil War, to Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness, a tribute to the great writer.
Fern Siegel: New York Jewish Film Festival
But no Kafir was to come near us with an assagai The Kafir was a clever fellow, and wanted me to name a place to meet Hintza.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
And _All elephants are sagacious_ does not limit sagacity to elephants: regarding 'sagacious' as possibly denoting many animals of many species that exhibit the quality, this proposition is equivalent to '_All elephants are_ some _sagacious animals_.'
Logic Deductive and Inductive
There's costumes and courtliness, but this 16th-century saga remains unstuffy.
This week's new films
The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stockbroking firms.
Grettir as a man almost everywhere lacks the last touches, while the sagaman has simply thrown away the opportunities afforded him by the insinuated amourettes with Steinvor and the daughters of the friendly spirits, and has made a mere _fabliau_ episode of another thing of the kind.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
He tried to persuade the sagamore that the Christian faith and the Catholic religion were more true and more universal, apparently with no success.62
Champlain's Dream
I liked twilight but it wouldve been better with Chris weitz doing it. he shouldve done eclipse. i dont think the book is dark at all. just more suspense. so david slade needs to chill with all this “horror” junk because the twilight saga is NOT horror. theres no genre that can cover the twilight saga. the twilight saga is its on genre.
Twilight Lexicon » FearNet: Why Bill Condon Could Be Good For Breaking Dawn
This week all over the media yet another presidential vestal intern revealed the details of her sad 50-year-old saga of 18 months worth of sort-of-secret liaisons with JFK of Blessed Memory.
Myra Chanin: Mimi Alford's Hymen Sacrificed on the Altar of History
Thirty seconds into the additional period came what would be the turning point of the whole saga.
There were many stories of ancient heroes such as the tale of ‘Beowulf’ or the Norse Sagas.
In the first play of the Cuchulain cycle - On Baile's Strand - Yeats applies himself epically to the great characters and sagas of Irish mythology.
Even Homer felt this need, and did not scruple to introduce not only second sight, but gods and goddesses, and to bring their supernatural agency to bear directly on the personages of his chant, and that far more freely than any Norse sagaman.
Eric Brighteyes
Acting Auditions. org is announcing that Breaking Dawn, the fourth and last book in the Twilight Saga series of vampire novels by Stephenie Meyer, has been "greenlit" for a - Articles related to Fans cast Stephenie Meyer's 'The Host' film
‘Just as yogis and siddhas of ancient times, Manickavasagar spoke of scientific truths behind creation,’ says Fr. Raj.
It was not, however, till of late years that the sagacious Indians discovered that the castoreum was a certain bait for the animals themselves.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
This school derives from pre-existing streams of Indian Mahyna thought based on the writings of Asaga and Vasubandhu which crystallized into the Indian Yogcra (also known as the Vijñnavda) school.
Love to God as the ground-virtue unfolds itself into the four cardinal virtues: TEMPERANTIA, amor integrum se pracbens ei, quod amatur; FORTITUDO, amor facile tolerans omnia propter quod amartur; JUSTITIA, amor soli amato serviens et propterea recte dominans; PRUDENTIA, amor ea, quibus adjuvatur, ab eis, quibus impeditur, sagaciter seligens.
Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
A portrayal of modern American history as one vast and unending reactionary saga would be caricature of reality.
The saga novels in Ming and Qing dynasties were always permeated with a strong sentimentalism. Tragic theme is the common feature of the novels of this kind.
We have sometimes questioned the Bush administration's political sagacity, but I think it's safe to assume that they are nowhere near that dumb.
The latest meander in this tortuous saga was the concern raised that when the road is finally in place that people would have to pay a toll to use it.
At last the Saturday came , and the WEEKLY SAGAMORE arrived.
She was the first Kerne to be wed to royalty, and she had brought with her the sense and sagacity seemingly born to all of that fleetstate.
Put these people back in jail for life, and put these incompetent law enforcers UNDER the jail. fascinating, the story of issei sagawa is absolutely insane
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
The saga prose is straightforward and business-like, the dialogue short and pithy, with considerable interspersion of proverbial phrase, but with, except in case of bad texts, very little obscurity.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
This saga of politics and family is a superb achievement; Canin. .interleaves past and present to create a classical tragedy from the very first page.
America America: Summary and book reviews of America America by Ethan Canin.
The owners of one of the most important period houses in Cork are to cut their losses after a bitter planning saga.
The regulation saga has a long way to run.
Times, Sunday Times
It is said that the organ of carving upon wood is prominently developed on all English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people.
Paul Clifford — Complete
Maigret et l'homme tout seul the 101st episode of the maigret saga
Maigret and the Loner
But unlike most of the conspiracies, plots and counterplots in the Lockerbie saga, this one has been solved in days, rather than years.
Before Freud or Jung, Wagner's five-hour-long saga depicted an archetypal journey to self-knowledge.
Ingjald and his son Agnar, whom Bjarki slew; it is told a second time in the seventh book, where Hroar and Helgi are called Harald and Halfdan, and where the story about them is another version of the same story that we have in the _Hrólfssaga_.
The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries
Eos Blog has Fiona McIntosh talking about creating fantasy worlds, specifically for her latest book Odalisque, the first book in The Percheron Saga.
SF Tidbits for 4/3/08
Swimming Upstream is an interesting genre hybrid, part family melodrama, part sporting saga, part coming-of-age story.
What never palls, however, is the revelation of lifestyle and the personal family saga.
No other recipe causes so much grief, with the possible exception of chicken soup - but that's another saga!
The sagaman consults poetical justice very well at first, and prepares us for an unfortunate end by depicting Grettir as, though valiant and in a way not ungenerous, yet not merely an incorrigible scapegrace, but somewhat unamiable and even distinctly ferocious.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
But he must now ensure that the last laugh in this saga is not on himself.
Times, Sunday Times
So is the saga of internecine strife behind the luxurious façades of the Guggenheim museum empire.
Times, Sunday Times
The film becomes an engaging but unspectacular family saga.
Times, Sunday Times
It forms a fascinating conspectus of a modern saga, the return of the Jews, after inconceivable sufferings, to their ancient homeland.
WHEN TWILIGHT BURNS is fast-paced from the opening vampire assault until the powerful finish, but as always in this excellent vampire wars saga Victoria turns the thriller into a victory for sub-genre fans.
When Twilight Burns-Colleen Gleason « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
An account of the sorry saga appeared in a Think Secret scoop last week.
Many of our men of speculation, instead of exploding general prejudices, employ their sagacity to discover the latent wisdom which prevails in them.
Action continues throughout the week with battle re-enactments, living history, Viking walks, contemporary art, Viking sagas, the Long Ship River Challenge on the Ouse, and Viking markets.
Few writers move so effortlessly from the gothic tale to the psychological thriller to the epic family saga to the lyrical novella.
As a third generation licensed victualler (now retired) I have been following the saga of the Wheatley Hotel with a mixture of amusement and incredulity.
Kani kaanum neram kamala netrante niramekum manja thukil, kanaga kingini valakal mothiram aninju kananam bhagavane – Vishu Ashamsagal to u and ur family
Ending a craving « Salt and Pepper.
Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.
Was it subjecting them to a financially ruinous nine-year legal saga?
Times, Sunday Times
Motivet er så nærliggende, så ubetinget heltegyldigt, at da Skjoldungsagaerne voksede frem på folkemunde, måtte de åbnes med denne digtning; den var stadig -- så at sige -- lige nödvendig for at stemple den store helteskikkelse.
The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries
The expenses saga has evolved a new weaponry of political abuse.
Times, Sunday Times
To Daniel he gave a double portion; he had understanding in visions and dreams; he knew how to interpret dreams, as Joseph, not by rules of art, such as are pretended to be given by the oneirocritics, but by a divine sagacity and wisdom which God gave him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The idea of saving the Sagaponack four-square house arose in January 2009, when the owner of the subdivided farm went to the village architectural and historic review board to discuss the possibility of demolishing the building as well as several barns and a 19th-century cottage on the site of a farm.
Farmhouse Has New Lot in Life
I hesitate to record the many other instances of his sagacity.
[35.6] Sagathy is "a light woolen stuff, a kind or serge or ratteen, sometimes mixed with a little silk.
Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
(Soundbite of applause) SAGAL: Proud holder of the congressional seat from Sao Paulo is Francisco Everardo Oiliveira Silva, the first circus clown to serve in Brazil's government.
There are few better guides for a young man than this book of homely sagacity, which is wisdom about the world without being tainted by the bad sort of worldly wisdom.
Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
DeSagana Diop had surgery yesterday to repair a torn meniscus and will be out four to six weeks.
Origin of story telling and the story-sagaman and minstrel; the story in language, grammar, song, creative work, dramatization, etc.; the formal and expression of the spiritual.
University of Virginia Record
Ordinarily he would be pinned to a banyan tree with an assagai before he'd read sports pages.
The woman of Panounias talked with him, and the sagamore “made a speech, in which he expressed pleasure at seeing us, desired to have an alliance with us,” and promised to send word to Indian leaders named Marchin and Sasinou, whom he called “chief of the Kennebec.”
Champlain's Dream
Careful and considered craftsmanship is obviously one of Mivasagar's guiding principals, not to mention an appreciation for refined and elegant quality - the show was 100% silk.
Marissa Bronfman: Toronto Fashion Week: Fun Fashion and Glamorous Garb Rules the Runway
And so began a saga that involved the Rail Regulator and the Rail Passenger Committee.
So true … The Dark Knight dominates the screen & is drawing huge dividends to the delight of the studios, director & cast … Continue the daring deed of dispensing justice upon Gotham w/veracious vigilance & verifying the continuation of this saga on film – Bravo Batman, Bravo!
Dark Knight Fastest Film to Hit $200 Million : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
It is a saga of rags and riches, loves won and lost, and, in the end, betrayal, malefaction, and regret.
Grace Metalious: Peyton Place's Real Victim
But no saga of corporate back-stabbing could possibly match it, not least because in Rome, back-stabbing was more than a metaphor.
Invest in stock market livonian e sagaciousness ipaq cum craniometry vargas cum petard jujutsu interleaf lesbianism pic belfry pad innumerable garb cum.
Rational Review
Science seems to offer him a point from which to view the helter-skelter human sagas created by the phantasms of mind and emotion.
Oral-connected prose works such as the Mabinogion and the Norse sagas fall within the discussion, but Foley develops no distinction between the poetic and the non-poetic in the context of oral art.
What he undertook he has well enough performed, but as he neither attempts judicial nor emendatory criticism, he employs rather his memory than his sagacity.
Preface to Shakespeare
All I can say in closing is i could have done a better job with that alphabet soup Anderson titled Saga of the Seven Suns.
REVIEW: Saga of Seven Suns, Books I and II
Pinchot's funny accent work is quite unexpectedly perfect for the Dupin stories, featuring as they do the semi-hysterical Prefect of the Paris police, "G____," who is wont to burst into peals of lunatic laughter whenever Dupin calls his sagacity into question.
Boing Boing
She recalled the hairsplitting legalisms of the Icelandic sagas.
Operation Luna
Incident D, the Thyestean banquet, is widespread throughout European saga and Märchen literature: but even this incident Cosquin (I: xxxix) connects with India through an Annamite tale.
Filipino Popular Tales
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the word weirdo actually first arise from Blairite counter smearing in the long running saga of Blair-Brown?
The problem is that he does look weird
The most outstanding of the Catalan translators was Josep Maria de Sagarra, who, starting in the 1940s, translated 27 plays into Catalan hendecasyllabic lines.
Dr. Gregory says, "As an administrator, he was unapproached in sagacity, aptitude, personal influence, and indefatigability ... his character was spotless.
Great Britain and Her Queen
Having heard the whole saga, I would not lay that charge at their door.
We had discovered the missing link in the corn bread saga.
We're all well acquainted with the saga of his resistance to it and his exile from the ring.
Times, Sunday Times
No other recipe causes so much grief, with the possible exception of chicken soup - but that's another saga!
He was a man of large wealth, and well known as a sagacious financier.
Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians
When not leaping off the prow of the longship or whatever, even the berserkers led surprisingly domesticated lives, if the sagas are to be believed. on 08 Jul 2009 at 5: 03 am Ben Kane
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Robert Low, part one
The U.S. military administers psychological tests to nuclear weapons personnel, says Sagan, and each year it decertifies up to 5 percent of them.
We know the whole saga is a joke and we are going to laugh at you.
Times, Sunday Times
A number of oral sagas were written down, dealing with the deeds of great knights and mythic figures in the past.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
Unlike the saga, it binds the conscience neither of teller nor of listener; its hero or heroine has no historical name or fame, either national or local; and being untrammelled either by history or probability, the one condition the tale is expected to fulfil is to end happily.
The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
This is the first week where the medieval saga doesn't revolve around a brutal battle to overthrow the King.
The Sun
Star Wars mania hit London last night as film big guns headed to the premiere of the latest instalment in the space saga.
He tried merrily all the dog-names he could think of; but when at last he called, “Toto!” the poodle barked so cordially that François sagaciously inclined to the belief that he must have hit upon the poodle's name.
Finding a Little Too Much in Oz
But in the end he lacked the sagacity or the low cunning to do the one thing necessary.
There remain the demand for an unbaptized child to kiss, the torture to which the heroes of the two Bohemian sagas submit, the requirement in the Pomeranian tale to place seven brothers on the stone haunted by the seven mice, and lastly the personal violence to the damsel involved in striking her with a birch-rod or a bunch of juniper and in beheadal.
The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
He hit the clubs, held parties at his Soho loft, lost-weekended out in Sagaponack.
Still, the timing of this transfer saga could have been a lot worse for United.
Times, Sunday Times
Not that good sense alone will be sufficient j for that conbiderable part of it, emending a comipt text, there must be a certain sagacity, which is siO dis - tinguishing a quality in Dr. Bentley.
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
The sagacious Romans saw that in order to control the line of the Danube and the east coast of Italy it was necessary to absorb the triangular shaped country of the Illyrians.
In his room I told him about this farmer, word for word; and I sat picking at the table cover like one bereft of sagaciousness.
The Gentle Grafter
The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stockbroking firms.
McMaster's jab is notable because the rest of the Republican candidates for governor – not wanting to be weighed down by the Sanford saga - have so far tread lightly when handling questions about the governor.
SC Republican gov candidate jabs Sanford in announcement
In issuing the ruling, board members might have opened a flip-top can of sagacity but they took only the slightest sip before putting it down.
Instead of protecting his son, he is obsessed with wiping out the man who murdered his wife, despite John Rooney's sagacious observation that Mike is nothing more than a murderer himself.
So, you'd be barking mad to use any plastic abroad, other than a Nationwide BS or SAGA card.
Of course, the whole sorry saga could have been avoided, if only we'd heeded the warnings.
Now, by special arrangement with concert promoter Raymond Gubbay and the Royal Albert Hall, Saga is delighted to invite you to a magical night at the ballet.
As such the final solution to this saga is a realignment of exchange rates and the rebalancing of trade.
Western Governments' Addiction To Credit And The Rise Of China