How To Use Safety net In A Sentence

  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • We will ensure that farmers have a strong safety net and can achieve profitability in the marketplace.
  • No obligation to get coverage and a less robust safety net for the working poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, I will fight to ensure that all safety net programs remain adequately funded next year, and explore every option to identify resources. Commissioner Nick Fish Promises To Work For Homeless Youth Funding
  • Check the reputability of your would-be agents through one of the best safety nets out there for unagented writers, Preditors & Editors. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » From the Mailbox: “How do I find an agent?”
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  • Give them pocket money from an early age and expect them to budget with it and try not to provide a safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • That debate might have been economically suspect, but it further drove the idea that the American economy needed to be more efficient, which meant more tax cuts, more reductions in the safety net, more free agentry, more dependence on markets. Robert Teitelman: A Few Lessons From the Crisis
  • That these four tracks were recorded live offers the listener an opportunity to hear this quintet in the raw, without the safety net of a producer demanding a retake.
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • Clinging to that same range every week is safety net in assuring that vocal mistakes are not committed, thus fooling people into thinking that Archuleta sings flawlessly with his pure voice. David Cook David Archuleta “American Idol 7″ Season Finale
  • To authorize private accounts is nothing but a windfall for financial institutions, and it will remove the safety net and an ironclad government guarantee for 80% plus of the population.
  • The new service, once consumer-driven, has expanded its footprint to include public safety networks and municipal applications.
  • These keyboard warriors all use their anonymity as a safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • “The regime may not have eradicated poverty nor appreciatively narrowed the gap between rich and poor but it has provided the underclass with a safety net,” writes Abrahamian. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Coaches thought about using two punt returners in Cincinnati to baffle the elements and provide a safety net for struggling Mac Cody.
  • Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  • They see the unlevel playing field created and sustained by a federal safety net that looks a lot like a hammock for the filthy rich. Dennis M. Kelleher: More Unconscionable Wall Street Whining
  • White House officials are also expected to ask Congress to set aside billions of dollars in future airwave auctions for a new broadband public-safety network. White House Supports Airwaves for Public Safety
  • But he added: 'The basic safety net to guarantee people would not be left in hunger or destitution has been torn apart. The Sun
  • Jump on a trampoline without a safety net? Times, Sunday Times
  • This will involve re-routing Great Western trains and scaffolding and safety nets being attached to the viaduct while work is carried out.
  • That way you have a safety net until you are confident that your alternative career is viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the words of a national center on institutions and alternatives, this nation has ‘replaced the social safety net with a dragnet.’
  • Only the dangerously contemporary will do, or the prickliest old masters, sung unaccompanied with scorching force and no safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three safety nets are also in operation to prevent mid-air crashes.
  • The pension agency is a safety net, not a bailout for underfunded pensions.
  • We all want the calls to be right, and the officials have to feel better knowing they have a safety net beneath them.
  • It had a stepney, which provided a welcome safety net on independent-minded Indian roads. The Times of India
  • No obligation to get coverage and a less robust safety net for the working poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shifting to inflation indexing OTOH is just a patch on an open sore that solves nothing -- it is regressive, hurting the poor the most, and so will be (and should be) fought by all who think SS's best role is as a safety net for the poor. Social Security Indexing Debate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • State benefits provide a safety net for the very poor.
  • That's the social safety net you've been sneering at, oh-so-wittily placing the phrase in shudder-quotes. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Moreover, a one income family used to have a sort of safety net in the form of Mom, who could drop housework to become a nursemaid, emergency aid worker, or temporary wage earner.
  • Decent societies will always provide generous safety nets when families are weak or economic circumstances challenging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Welfare handouts were designed as a safety net against dire poverty. The Sun
  • The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.
  • As the name suggests - Alliance for a Republic of Equals - her party is a populist movement that would attack the mounting social problems with greater energy and deploy a safety net for the declassed and the underclass.
  • It is our final safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hanging from an overhang by a bare knuckle with not so much as a carabiner, let alone a safety net to halt your fall, I hear you gasp.
  • They act as a safety net, comparable with the safety net of a trapeze artist.
  • A long career in the music industry beckoned, with a secret sideline in writing songs (and that law-degree safety net).
  • If intervention remains, it should be reduced to the original concept of a safety net for use in extreme emergencies.
  • It is a high-wire act of comic absurdity with a safety net of sentimentality.
  • But a demo or live show takes the musician out of the safety net of retakes and production trickery that a recording studio provides.
  • It is our final safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • Removing the financial safety net of insurance from hospitals that attempt cover-ups will end the blasé attitude too many administrators have towards tragedies like Stafford. The Sun
  • It made me all the more frustrated that Nixon had blocked our efforts to complete the Great Society agenda of the late 1960s and early 1970s, because a stronger antipoverty policy and a better social safety net could have braked the sharp increase in economic inequality that ensued in America. The Good Fight
  • Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  • If your career is on the way down, panto is a celebrity safety net, one last greasepaint refuge where you can still revel in audience adulation.
  • A double-digit rise in the welfare budget for two consecutive years is also inevitable, considering both the widening income gap and scanty social safety net.
  • Expansion of unemployment insurance will strengthen the safety net.
  • But the highlight for my children was probably the three trampolines, equipped with safety nets to stop them falling off.
  • These keyboard warriors all use their anonymity as a safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is better, Professor Roberts perspicaciously suggests, to make Social Security and Medicare a safety net program for the people who really need it, and let richer Americans who can afford it handle their own retirements. Alan Schram: A Better Stimulus for the Economy
  • Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin dismantle social safety nets for short term economic gains influenced Clinton Vitro Nasu » 2007 » July
  • The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.
  • The trampoline and safety nets were valued at more than £400 and would have taken thieves some time to dismantle.
  • The safety net for young people forced out of home is riddled with holes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He valiantly discards this safety net, daring readers to untangle the clues ahead of the police.
  • For young people entering the workforce in a bad economy, this provision is a critical safety net, said Karen Pollitz, research professor at Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute. Health bill spreads the pain, benefits
  • The benefits system is supposed to be a safety net, not a hangman's noose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two-wheel drive gives better stability and traction in all conditions, but just as importantly is a powerful psychological safety net.
  • It's taken fourteen months to repair the damage dealt by that troublesome toe and Britain desperately need a third singles player or a specialist doubles team to act as a safety net in the future.
  • Swing trading is a high - wire act, requiring a safety net.
  • For women facing the uncertainty of cash remittances or declining income, subsistence production becomes an important safety net.
  • He performed both feats without safety nets or harnesses and set new records for tightrope walking. Times, Sunday Times
  • They turn it into a third-rate sitcom without the safety net of the canned laughter.
  • Enlarge your financial reserve: The traditional reserve - three months 'income on tap - is not a sufficient safety net for the freshly disemployed white-collar class. A Guide To Surviving The Long Siege Ahead
  • Progressives defend the notion of elemental human rights, the idea of a strong social safety net – food, housing, medical care, and education. Printing: What Do Liberals Believe?
  • People are not looking for the old, paternalistic safety nets.
  • A safety net of finances makes us feel more secure about our family's welfare, and it can help us sleep soundly at night, too!
  • The federal Liberals have been more responsible for shredding the social safety net than any other government.
  • The Sport mode is essentially full power with a slightly less restrictive safety net. The Sun
  • It's astonishing what gets through under the current broken safety net.
  • As the nation's overburdened and underfunded emergency rooms are pushed to the brink, our medical safety net is starting to unravel.
  • The safety net for young people forced out of home is riddled with holes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It offers a significant opportunity to align farm and food policy with national public health priorities and to reformulate SNAP as a program that serves not only as an invaluable safety net to low-income households but also as a tool in the fight against the concurrent threats of food insecurity and obesity in this population. Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: SNAP to Health: Strengthening Nutrition in the Federal Food Stamp Program
  • The goal of this ploy the term strategy does not apply here is not to improve odds of winning, but instead to create a safety net for “Rusty”—the player who claims to be “out of practice” and who predicts his own defeat. THE OFFICIAL ROCK PAPER SCISSORS STRATEGY GUIDE
  • Having a safety net to take care of people in poverty is important. Matthew Yglesias » Immigration and Low-Wage Workers
  • You get the safety net of village life without the claustrophobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jump on a trampoline without a safety net? Times, Sunday Times
  • But I will say this about Tim as a musician and songwriter: he was not one for safety nets.
  • Social security is at its knottiest where one piece of the safety net gets entangled with another, so there is real logic in weaving overlapping elements into a seamless whole. Social security: The new poor law | Editorial
  • The prompter is a safety net and a friendly face, allowing performers to concentrate more on their acting. It's Not Over
  • Hanging from an overhang by a bare knuckle with not so much as a carabiner, let alone a safety net to halt your fall, I hear you gasp.
  • It can provide a safety net for children in danger as well as for those who have socially or emotionally lost their way.
  • Reports claimed a safety net intended to halt the remote-controlled car was not strong enough. The Sun
  • We are a generation whose so-called social safety net has been cut to shreds over our lifetime.
  • I am proud of our social welfare system and the safety net it provides for those who need it.
  • Turning fully to organic which automatically sequesters carbon?] * Supporting the profitability of farmers and ranchers by providing a safety net [The absolute best (and totally free to tax payers) safety net would be stopping NAIS] that works for all of agriculture, including independent producers andlocal and organic agriculture, [How's he plan to do that when those people will be gone after NAIS and the seed contamination regulations under the FDA go into effect. The politically correct Vilsack: Lipstick on a ...
  • Welfare handouts were designed as a safety net against dire poverty. The Sun
  • Conditional postmillennialism also offers believers a safety net, for it constitutes a fail - proof prophecy, pre-empting any potential for cognitive dissonance or loss of faith.
  • The string octet that accompanied him then had provided a safety net of sorts.
  • Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  • His model of the empty plinth includes a safety net. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leave the drag to give line at medium pressure, it's your safety net to protect the line if the shark changes speed and direction suddenly.
  • You get the safety net of village life without the claustrophobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Berks historian George M. M.iser IX said the records show the almshouse was a safety net for the poor, the mentally ill and those rendered helpless by old age. Berks county news
  • Three safety nets are also in operation to prevent mid-air crashes.
  • The present emergency is new in human history, and a movement to prevent its worst effects can perhaps not be based wholly on half-conscious models of past successes such as ending the slave trade, gaining votes for women, outlawing child labor, building a social safety net, seeking equal rights for blacks, opposing a colonial war, or enlarging the role of women. Craig K. Comstock: Models for a Movement
  • This legislation reinvigorated the CPSC and established a strong consumer product safety net that the American public demanded after the "Year of the Recall" in 2007, when millions of violative toys were recalled from American consumers. Inez Moore Tenenbaum: Keeping a Strong Safety Net in Place for Children
  • But since Salman's murder he has been unable to write a word 'Human cannonball' plunges to his death as safety net fails at Kent fairground Take responsibility, Arsene, and admit the Gunners have problems Nick Clegg joins in at last to attack 'dinosaurs who are against AV' London is royal party capital: Wills and Kate thrilled by plans for 2,000 outdoor celebrations Evening Standard - Home
  • This has meant aggressive antitrust law to reduce concentrated economic power, strict limits on the role of money in politics, support for unions as an equalizing force in the workplace, safety nets to ensure the independence of even the unlucky or untalented, universally accessible education to make equality of opportunity real, and, yes, redistribution of wealth to level out economic power and keep the society from the fraying of deep inequality. Jedediah Purdy: All-American Socialism?
  • Anybody who thinks Social Security or any other basic safety net should be nicked is a complete intellectual idiot and a religious and moral failure, and we can always continue that conversation right here. Matthew Yglesias » Hegemony and Deficit
  • The rules also state the actors take their characters seriously enough and forgo the ironic winks that provide a safety net for their ego, but can pop the bubble of the plot.
  • Public safety nets rely on the idea that a group or society is a superordinate entity for which individuals are morally obligated to sacrifice. The Immorality Of Public Safety Nets
  • Is it for our feisty presence on the international economic scene, tempered by the inclusive appurtenances of our social safety net?
  • The idea that God may not act as a cosmic safety net to catch us when we make foolish choices disconcerts many who have grown up with the tradition that God determines the fall of each sparrow. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Not to be harsh to the retrenched worker, the reform process provides for safety nets and reskilling of the workers so that they can take up other activities.
  • It is vital to have a strong safety net to protect workers from loss of income in periods of unemployment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, no individual should be wasted in idleness if they wish to be employed into the safety net program. Pavlina R. Tcherneva: Women Want Jobs, Not Handouts
  • Poor countries don't have asafety net like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (fema) in the UnitedStates: They can barely meet ongoing social service needs.
  • Tread carefully, the safety net is full of gaping holes Times, Sunday Times
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • The state now provided something of a protective safety net from the cradle to the grave.
  • There was no safety net across the abyss. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • It's a better idea for the wealthy to provide a safety net for the lumpenproletariat than to be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
  • Removing the financial safety net of insurance from hospitals that attempt cover-ups will end the blasé attitude too many administrators have towards tragedies like Stafford. The Sun
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • The safety net for young people forced out of home is riddled with holes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  • Now the ‘safety net’ will give private medical clinics, hospitals and specialists a blank cheque to raise their fees more quickly.
  • The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.
  • Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  • It essentially honors the injunction in Deuteronomy 5:16 -"Ka'bed et avicha v'et ee'mecha" - "honor thy mother and father" by ensuring them a safety net. Bull Moose
  • Bill, for instance, tries his damndest to have a public "safety net" meeting with various polygamous leaders and local politicians. Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season Five, Ep. 2
  • That way you have a safety net until you are confident that your alternative career is viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • They want the safety net of a belief system that is comfortable and familiar, but want to be more than sheep following the good shepherd.
  • Are their provisions for the protection of members, a safety net of sorts, should the investment bank stagger, or worse, collapse?
  • The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.
  • I treated this information as a safety net in that it reassured me that the price we were suggesting for a contract was realistic based on previous project costs.
  • For them, the safety net, sliced to pieces when the Democratic Clinton's "reinvented" welfare in 1996 in order to hold onto the White House, is virtually non-existent. Alan Singer: War on Poverty Over, Poverty Wins
  • They don't rebut him by arguing either that cutbacks in the safety net will not happen or even that they're a good thing.
  • You've got to have a safety net as the state pension is not enough to live on.
  • The safety net for young people forced out of home is riddled with holes. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should also call for stand-still protection for those working people drowning in debts who lose their jobs - a temporary safety net that keeps them out of bankruptcy until the economy revives.
  • Expansion of unemployment insurance will strengthen the safety net.

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