
How To Use Sade In A Sentence

  • It brings prestige to Scotland on a shoestring, and a great deal is done by people for whom it's a crusade, not a job.
  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The writings of a great amoralist - a de Sade, a Stirner, a Nietzsche - can inspire a handful of murders in two centuries.
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
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  • Well, I am afraid the crusade was rather a fizzer.
  • Frankly, I'm not built for glissades, arabesques, entrechats or mincing around en pointe.
  • Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse.
  • Here, Asa assumes the folk-funk stylings of Linda Lewis, borrows the flutey mellotrons from Strawberry Fields Forever, and weaves them into a production so breezy you might reasonably whisper "new Sade". This week's new singles
  • Will it remain perverted forever by what it†™ s become, or will the truth ring free and clear and the legend of the Crusader be born anew? Dynamite Entertainment titles for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Its preface features a history of the novel and Sade’s theories on the ‘modern novel‘: Reflections on the Novel by Sade: first English translation? « Jahsonic
  • Huts, fences and palisades are often fashioned from saplings and shoots, and basketry is thus commingled with comforting notions of home, security and comfort.
  • Without glossing over the more reprehensible elements in Sade's temperament, Rush succeeds in making him into a sympathetic character.
  • The Empire Crusade was designed to cause the maximum trouble for the Conservative leadership.
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls.
  • He harnessed his new-found zeal to a crusade against vice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency. Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
  • Campus Crusade for Christ (known as "cru" on college campuses) has been providing weekly "God's Basic Training" programs to the U.S. Blackwater Founder's Visions of Christian Supremacy in Iraq
  • At sea the crusaders maintained a naval blockade, breached by daring blockade-runners or professional swimmers who delivered messages to the besieged garrison. Times, Sunday Times
  • St. Jacques, a heroic fighter involved in the Crusades, was the exact double of Ogoun Ferraille, a powerful warrior spirit.
  • In addition the crusaders used light cavalry and horse archers in large numbers to harass the enemy, to scout, and to supplement the knights.
  • The Portuguese monarch praises in round terms the edifying zeal of the primate, but wisely confined himself to his own crusades in India, which were likely to make better returns, at least in this world, than those to Palestine. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • In 2004, the Republicans will be a prowar party led by a would-be crusader.
  • He considered the warriors guarding the palisade gate, his broad face thoughtful. Fire The Sky
  • That followed public outrage at his soft justice crusade last year. The Sun
  • His accomplishments belong outdoors in military feats as vassal of the King and crusader for God.
  • Crusaders fifth Dubliner John Cleary has gone into junior management down south.
  • Amongst the most famous of these crusader orders were the Order of the Knights Templar.
  • Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology.
  • It inspired her to write, and it's been a personal crusade since. Times, Sunday Times
  • Playboy, which has long lived in some of television's seediest precincts, is on a crusade to win over women with more female-friendly shows. Playboy TV's New Proposition: Bring in Women
  • Linda Krausen, a South Pasadena resident who attended a contentious town hall in Alhambra earlier this month, marveled at the difference. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
  • (MONROVIA / PASADENA) QUICK MAKE-OVER FOR YOUR SALE PROPERTY - (flexible) Cheap and Honest House Appraisal from Private Appraiser - Cost To Cure is an adjustment to the value of the subject property for the dollar amount By including the square footage of the addition in the GLA, the appraiser is certifing the the foreclosure listings in your area and get property New homes for sale in the Huntsville, Monrovia, Harvest and Judith Haney - Real estate appraiser for Birmingham Davidson is a real estate appraiser with nearly 25 years of experience. Xml's
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • But over the centuries, the fate of this now legendary vessel, the so-called Holy Grail, has come to haunt stories ranging from Arthurian legend to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
  • Famous for giving his name to the perversion known as sadism, the Marquis de Sade was initially a doctor, who originated the phrase, "Does it hurt when I do this? Mark C. Miller: First Jobs of History's Greatest
  • When soldiers returning from the Crusades introduced wind technology to Europe in the eleventh century, the windmill helped usher in the Industrial Revolution.
  • The company makes the Crusader, a self-propelled howitzer that operates like a tank.
  • It devotes nearly a chapter to Walsh and his crusade, and Lance chips in a few choice words about the man too.
  • Today, it is another kind of crusade, to protect the sacred places of the earth wherein dwell freedom and justice, and good faith and mercy, and humane and Christian civilization. The Present Challenge to Canada
  • Said Sadek, who teaches political sociology at the American University of Cairo, said many Egyptians applaud the arrests, because they were afraid the former president and his close associates were in the process of trying to incite "a counter-revolution:""In many revolutions, if you do not take a strong stand to neutralize the leading members and leaders of the previous regime they can cause trouble and they would lead what is called the counter-revolution. Hospitalized Mubarak Officially Detained in Egyptian Corruption Probe
  • This crusade is unwinnable because she is uncatchable, she is unstoppable because she is intangible.
  • In this quarter the palisades were the weakest, and the ground the least elevated; but it was guarded by men on whose skill with axe and shield Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Complete
  • For each section, terram was laid, sandbags placed to hold it in position, and then the lines of historic palisades and piles were sandbagged.
  • Transition steps, like a glissade or pas de bourrée, are often as important as pirouettes.
  • Under some bushes by the palisade was a ladder of rope, the rungs, however, of wood. After London Or, Wild England
  • It was then the task of the converted to go amongst other sinners, wherever they might be found, and crusade to save souls.
  • The Saders have a no-name backline, but they have it together upstairs and collectively, the Canes, er, do not. | Top Stories
  • There is no escaping the fact of the Crusader's savage butchery - of Jews at home and of Muslims abroad.
  • In 1204, the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople and huge amounts of artistic treasures were taken to the West in the form of plunder, to fill cathedral treasuries and decorate cities across western Europe.
  • Automatons, illiterates and indigents of every shape and size, don't stop but aid this cruel crusade participate in their own demise.
  • So thick are the palisades of thorny mimosa -- an aggressive weed akin to the touch-me-not -- that India's endangered one-horned rhino can no longer move about freely in Kaziranga National Park. Attack Of the Aliens
  • Change can only be achieved by the people in a combined effort with demonstrations, petitions, personal crusades, and newspapers being brave enough to report fraud and embezzlement, that will lead ultimately to the guilty parties being put in the "slammer" for a very long time.
  • By not taking on this issue head-on to explain why this intervention has nothing to do with the colonial past or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which asked for military intervention as Libyans have, Obama allowed Gaddafi's crude anti-imperialist and anti-crusader propaganda to stand. Joe Lauria: "Time and Space" for Libyan Rebels
  • In July, 2006, our company newly established artistic palisade processing factory undertaking processing and installation project.
  • Theoretical science has been slowly driven from the universities by the new crusaders of Postmodernism.
  • A marquis was a rank something like Orminy," said Sade. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Dynacor, which owns the Acari, Casaden and Tumipampa exploration properties in Peru, said annual production from custom milling rose 43 percent to 33,525 ounces in 2010. UPDATE 1-Dynacor Gold Q4 production doubles to 10,478 ounces | Reuters
  • Similarly, in eastern Europe and the Baltic, crusaders constructed a range of fortresses from wooden blockhouses to the great monastery castles of the military orders.
  • Mr. Sembiring claims legal authority for his various crusades from sweeping antipornography legislation passed in 2008, a law that has become a powerful tool for advancing Islamic values in a religiously diverse but secular, majority Muslim state. RIM on the Ropes
  • The medical profession did not contribute to the new crusades nor was there any resurrection of the medico-moral alliance.
  • Pointing this out is sometimes all it takes to launch the conservation crusade. Times, Sunday Times
  • But with the group's focus on eliminating tax breaks, such as mortgage-interest deduction, antitax crusader Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, became a frequent critic. Senate 'Gang' Hashes Out Deficit Plan
  • The fireline crosses several pallisades of rock cliffs, and only a footsure crew of Hotshots could have cut this trench over that terrain.
  • Terray set his teeth, and glissaded down like a madman. The Greatest Survival Stories Ever Told
  • C. Everett Koop, the U.S. Surgeon General at the time, crusaded against smokeless tobacco and sparred with Mr. Bantle. U.S. Tobacco's Chief Made Dipping Hip
  • His crusade against the government apathy towards ex-soldiers and their families is continuing even at the age of 81.
  • However, there has been little to compare to the crusades and religious wars in medieval and early-modern Europe.
  • The emotional drive behind the anti-chain crusade is an understandable mistrust of big corporations allied with the knee-jerk snobbery that is never far from the surface in American cultural life. Two—Make That Three—Cheers for the Chain Bookstores
  • In two of the chapels there are some fine altar-pieces by Holbein and one of his scholars; and a very large crucifix of silver and ebony, which is kept with great care, is said to have been carried with the Crusaders to the Holy Land. Views a-foot
  • In 1204 the Crusaders and Venetians attacked Constantinople and sacked the city.
  • Major Cain, in opening the exercises and introducing the speakers who were to follow, praised in highest terms the undaunted spirit of the North Carolina troops, "who like crusaders have battled in a just cause and returned covered with glory and honor". Record of the War Activities in Orange County, North Carolina. 1917-1919
  • The odd white flag with the red cross of St George snaps in the breeze on a makeshift flagpole of old aerials, high above the iron palisades, as if this was the last redoubt of a race on the verge of extinction.
  • And his servile easily bewitched audience of clodhopper crusaders will carry on as before.
  • At the time of his election he had been a crusader in the Holy Land to which he had accompanied Prince Edward - the future King Edward of England.
  • Although poachers attacked and killed the leader of antipoaching patrols in the region, the crusade has drawn worldwide attention and helped antelope herds to triple in size to 60,000 animals from 1998 to 2008. NYT > Home Page
  • Schools across the country have joined the crusade against violence.
  • They retook Jerusalem in July 1099, creating Crusader states which would last for almost two centuries and bequeathing an enduring legacy which continues to influence the Christian and Islamic worlds today.
  • The left-footed Daniel Carter is a certainty at fly-half and the All Blacks will have seen how the Crusaders cleverly used MacDonald's right foot to complement Carter.
  • The Crusaders also left a legacy to the Arabs, as did those other invaders who came and went.
  • Because he was a king, Conrad continued to play a role in the Second Crusade, but the imperial army was annihilated and the Germans did not contribute significantly to what followed.
  • This was the proclamation of the first crusade, an enterprise calculated to unite Christians in the present-day lands of France, Germany and Italy, and far beyond.
  • The marchers distributed handbills to onlookers, pedestrians, commuters and motorists inviting them to the crusade at sites nearest to their homes.
  • Let's take you quickly live out to the space shuttle Discovery and show you what's going on right now as the so-called caped crusaders, those are the guys in white with the cap there. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2005
  • He seems to be running a one-man crusade against cigarette smoking.
  • In the outwork was a sallyport corresponding to the postern of the castle, and the whole was surrounded by a strong palisade. Ivanhoe
  • He then sailed north to Paracoa Bay where he built a palisade to protect his caravels before he careened them in order to repair their poorly maintained hulls.
  • The swarms that followed the first crusade were destroyed in Anatolia by famine, pestilence, and the Turkish arrows; and the princes only escaped with some squadrons of horse to accomplish their lamentable pilgrimage. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • At the back of the church a great stone crusader sat up on his tomb and, with much rasping of stone, thumbed his nose at the vicar. CHARMED LIFE
  • The rush of water, the glissade of foam, and the slow withdrawal before the next rush. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • I think it's also worth mentioning the somewhat blind crusade for copyleft that Cory is on, where anything that remotely smacks of Big Corporate Copyright is slapped down.
  • The "anti poverty, anti-corruption" crusades that so enamor the middle classes and the World Bank will not meet the challenge of poverty. Walden Bello: Does Corruption Create Poverty?
  • The Vatican began its crusade to defrock Father Bourgeois in November of 2008 with the threat of excommunication. Michele Somerville: A Frock Does Not A Priest Make
  • Returning Crusaders are thought to have introduced jams and jellies to Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • This cape crusader is set to stay firmly on fashion's most wanted list. The Sun
  • A long, lingering snow patch gave a superb standing glissade back down to the col before the last scramble up to An Caisteal, the castle.
  • The great grandchild of Saderoz is born regardless of other people's gossip. The baby is a girl.
  • Father's embassade to Cambray, and then his summons to Woodstock. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • They panegyrize his crusade to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with his current "reality".
  • Before the election, the local media successfully crusaded for change in government policy that would provide free antiretroviral treatment to the poor.
  • Hamilton and I've got to say the long passages where they sit around talking about sex ends up edging closer and closer to the long philosophical passages in the Marquis de Sade, where everyone's just sitting around naked talking and sipping hot chocolate with cantharides in it in preparation for the next bout of sexual excess. Cat Rambo
  • By night, he is Axle Grinder Man, a caped crusader who prowls the streets in a blue catsuit and gold boots, ‘liberating ‘clamped cars.’
  • Not surprisingly, the baronial movement took on some of the characteristics of a crusade.
  • Presenting Hav as a fascinating nexus of East and West, a teeming entrepôt of cross-breeding cultures, Ms. Morris describes the architecture with great relish: There are mosques from brief Arab rule during the Crusades, Russian onion-domed palaces, colonial remnants from the post-Napoleonic "Hav Britannica," and "the most cheerful of follies," a multistoried pagoda built by 15th-century Ming Dynasty traders. Visiting a Land Beyond Fodor's Reach
  • He will promise a new crusade to help thousands of offenders turn their back on crime. The Sun
  • There were signs of an assault in the damaged wooden palisade, but the abbey itself appeared unharmed.
  • Early French St. Louis was a compact settlement, and lots were enclosed with palisades.
  • She gazed at the floorboard of the car confused and light-hearted with Sade's annoying company.
  • One was East Harlem's Rep. Vito Marcantonio, a Depression-era communist in all but party card, who crusaded for the poor of all colors. The Mecca of Black America
  • He says because George Bush, the president, has declared a crusade, what he called a crusade, against Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq, that he cannot accept these U.S. lawyers. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2008
  • In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.
  • Well the interesting thing about the Marquis de Sade of course, is that his world is littered with Cardinals and Priests and Abbes, so it's not completely unreligious.
  • The ease with which the novel of sensibility blends with the Gothic and even the pornographic is readily explained: feeling is gendered female in patriarchal culture, since the mother seems to be the source of all emotion, as we see in Sade's dream. Notes, "'Mummy, possest': Sadism and Sensibility in Shelley's _Frankenstein_"
  • A complaint by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles alleges that Moundir Kamil set up a series of bank accounts under Bren’s name at a branch of Pasadena-based East West Bank (NasdaqGS: EWBC).
  • What goes amiss in the smoker's crusade to defend themselves is the rights of the people who don't want to be subjected to smoke.
  • But when his audience is less religious, he suddenly turns into a pro-abortion crusader.
  • The house was surrounded by yards and defended by a wooden palisade around the edge of the hill.
  • The first Crusade took three years to reach the Holy Land.
  • But it's the right that has led this bitter crusade to doubly punish criminals.
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls, so that Roman missile engines could more effectively engage them.
  • That followed public outrage at his soft justice crusade last year. The Sun
  • The school has already had to put up a palisade fence inside the school grounds to protect the quadrangle and has been employing a security guard to patrol when the school buildings are hired out.
  • Not to mention the Illiad (an intermural squabble among the Olympian Gods), the Hundred Years War (is God a Catholic or a Protestant?), the Crusades, and every clash of civilizations from the Bronze Age to the Gunpowder Age. Rep. John Lewis Compares McCain To George Wallace
  • ‘I've got to go see them,’ Gary says, and glissades down a steep-sided bowl to the water.
  • Champion jockey Kieren Fallon continues his excellent week with yet another winner, just getting up on Happy Crusader to snatch a last-gasp victory in the nursery race.
  • It is rightly surrounded by legal and ethical palisades. Times, Sunday Times
  • He crusaded for free food stamps to combat hunger and malnutrition in children.
  • They surrounded the yard with a palisade.
  • Innocent declared that he was prepared to lead the crusade personally. JEM SULTAN: The Adventures of a Captive Turkish Prince in Renaissance Europe
  • C'est la proximité de votre ambassade, très chère citoyenne mi-américaine, qui rend les flics de cette rue si bornés. I think that I know my métier
  • With his chart-filled television advertorials, Perot galvanized the nation with his crusade for fiscal responsibility.
  • There are good reasons for suggesting that the pit was a grave, and that the wood was all that remained of a palisaded barrow, not unlike examples excavated in the Netherlands.
  • Another origin dates from the time of the Crusaders, who played a game of dice named after their place of encampment, the castle Hasart.
  • Since this was in the nature of prophesy, the papal legate was able to insist that this showed clearly that the Church should be leading the Crusade.
  • The musical landscape has changed, but Sade's jazzy urban style is as exuberant and satisfying as ever, nowhere more so than on the title track.
  • The aim of today's happiness crusade seems to be to politicise the quest for self-fulfilment.
  • My review of Neil Gaiman's Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? deluxe edition hardcover is up at Tor. com. Lou Round the Web (Lou Con Smash)
  • Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, is one of the largest in North America.
  • I found Grey's silent scrutiny unsettling, too, and tried to turn the talk to home topics, but the lads didn't care for the great crusade against smoking, or the state of the Thames, or the Jews in Parliament; 8; 'they wanted the blood of Cawnpore and the thunder of Lucknow, and it was a relief when Grey sent them packing, and suggested we take our cigars on the veranda. THE NUMBERS
  • Then I went back to Pasadena and met a cat called Binky, and he introduced me to Mack 10, who owned a label called Hoo-Bangin ', The Stones Throw News Feed
  • In the eyes of ordinary folk, the crusade was a holy war for the sake of war.
  • In the event of the crusaders proving hostile, the Emperor hardly had the means of resistance.
  • The Byzantines got in first and raised their flag, and they refused to let the Crusaders sack the city.
  • But while they urged wayward men to dwell on their tearful, praying mothers, crusade leaders marginalized the women in their midst. Christianity Today
  • More significantly, these agents have become crusaders for the issue and while mobilising support among the young, and largely lumpen groups, have spearheaded a hate campaign against the religious minorities.
  • Also patron of crusaders, kings, and parenthood. Feast day, August 25.
  • A space of ground large enough to accommodate perhaps thirty tents according to the Crusaders 'rules of castrametation, was partly vacant --- because, in ostentation, the knight had demanded ground to the extent of his original retinue --- partly occupied by The Talisman
  • They may be more circumspect about public encouragement these days but they continue to sponsor and facilitate his freelance crusade.
  • He legitimated the cultivation of lyrical tropes, as the poet used them to enrich what is otherwise a lofty epic poem on the First Crusade.
  • Wars in the name of political ambitions and crusades for fanatical religious faiths are all part of man's history to this day.
  • Sadly, leftists believe defending media violence makes them hip crusaders for freedom; no, it only it makes them pawns, dupes, slaves.
  • The Crusade received very substantial financial backing for the organization of the march from the right-wing military and political parties.
  • I mean, _I_ like to read him, and fantasize about Russia launching a crusade to liberate Constantinople from the Turks, but I doubt that most of the hipsters would enjoy reading him. Matthew Yglesias » Against Craziness
  • He tried without success to attack the Frankish strongholds while the Crusader army was pinned down in Egypt.
  • He ran a relentless crusade against the poison antidote formulated by Mithridates, the King of Pontus, Asia Minor, in the first century BC.
  • It was well for the success of Mac's first crusade that his hearers were gentlemen and sober, so his outburst was not received with jeers or laughter but listened to in silence, while the expression of the faces changed from one of surprise to regret and respect, for earnestness is always effective and championship of this sort seldom fails to touch hearts as yet unspoiled. Rose in Bloom
  • To the Pasadena, California-based management team, this set of channels debouching into the ocean-like dark lowlands were reminiscent of the Los Angeles River's terminus at Long Beach, California.
  • Thus, in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence collaborated in overthrowing the nationalist regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran after he nationalized the oil industry in that country.
  • Therefore, the Civil War must be a religious crusade to regain the Almighty's favour.
  • Sometimes, especially at National Review, the animus against braininess has overlapped with a crusade for traditional manliness - the idea being that book learning is for wimps.
  • Barry Goldwater even embraced the title extremist ( "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"), George McGovern's anti-war crusade offered an unapologetically leftist platform, and Walter Mondale proudly promised in his convention speech that he would raise the nation's taxes. Dissecting Leftism
  • The second, more generous attitude is represented by Suger, the 12th-century abbot of St. Denis who served as regent for Louis VI while the king was away on a crusade. Hidden Treasure
  • Look you, my son --- this Crusade, as you call your wild enterprise, is like a large dromond parting The Talisman
  • One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader's broad sword.
  • By setting the film at this time and place, he illustrated that Sade's fantasies had in fact become a horrifying reality.
  • We didn't get to use words like "belay" or "glissade" but we felt victorious just the same. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • It is a religious crusade for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • She does confess to like Sade, Gautier, Balzac, Baudelaire, Huysmans, Sartre whom I find difficult to stomach, de Beauvoir, Genet and Bachelard. American academics down on their knees kissing French bums « Jahsonic
  • Now he has called on other schools in the town to unite in a crusade against violence and drug abuse.
  • The crusade against child obesity is likely to produce, not healthy outcomes, but miserable children and anxious parents and epidemics of dieting and eating disorders.
  • He preached a crusade against John Asen of Bulgaria, granting extensive privileges to King Bela IV of Hungary to get him to make war on the Bulgars, but the Mongols were arriving and the Hungarians had to fight them instead.
  • Joe Leonard has been vociferous in his demands that Lissadell House be preserved.
  • In the crusade to change behaviour, scientific studies that suggest there is a genetic component to weight problems can prove counterproductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • And since the late 1990s, she seems to have been pursuing a single-handed crusade to save the diva from extinction.
  • They have just bough a house in Pacific Palisades, a wealthy suburb of Los Angeles.
  • The Sixth Crusade was led by Emperor Frederick II.
  • It took two terms of an intelligent commander-in-chief, and another moral equivocator, former law professor Bill Clinton, for the Republicans to search again for an unequivocal moral crusader with not a whole lot going on upstairs. James Marshall Crotty: Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America
  • New data demonstrate that Anzemet injection can increase the risk of developing torsade de pointes, an abnormal heart rhythm, which in some cases can be fatal," the FDA said at the time. - Home Page
  • The side was covered with a wooden palisade fence, with barbed wire on the top.
  • He strode forward haughtily, taking his steps slowly with head thrown back, and as Frank gazed at him with heart throbbing painfully and heavily under the stress of his emotion, he could not help thinking how noble and fierce a warrior the Baggara looked, with his simple white robe, and how dangerous an enemy with the curved dagger in his girdle, and long, keen, crusader-like sword hanging from a kind of baldric from his right shoulder. In the Mahdi's Grasp
  • There was a timber palisade around the top, which would have contained great stone buildings to hold the garrison.
  • Terry @14: I always like to remind hawks that the Arabic word for "crusade" is Jihad. Making Light: Intelligence in, intelligence out
  • At the coronation of his successor, Richard I, the same year, Chief Justiciar Glanville was present, and when that prince took the cross, Glanville joined him, contributing a large sum towards the crusade. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The happiness crusaders argue that their campaigning will help create more caring, altruistic and trustful communities.
  • They descend, director and characters together, into the anal entrails and Sadean viscera of war.
  • Or hereabout volcanically, lively a los angeles pasadena and philosophic the krypterophaneron the easy day advertently i get a undersize to bulimarexia it. Rational Review
  • The 12-step programs, which have components that parallel Alcoholics Anonymous, are the most widely used form of treatment, said Sam Alibrando, therapist and consultant in Pasadena, California.
  • On these missions, the Crusaders carried little or no munitions to increase their maneuverability and airspeed in dodging the SAMs that were released. Wallace, MIchael W.
  • Pope Innocent thundered angrily in letters, specifically forbidding the Crusaders from attacking Zara.
  • If the Western imperial church hadn't burned heretics and crusaded against Christians who objected to the Crusades, we'd have a lot more who aren't obsessed with the crucifixion. Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph. D.: The Ideological Roots Of Christian Terrorism
  • He complains that merchants in Pasadena are "antediluvian" when it comes to the Internet. Journerdism | Will Sullivan's Stompin' ground for journalists and nerds.
  • Not only does Sade, in the first part of this text, anticipate what has been called the ‘pansexuality’ of Freud, but also he makes eroticism the mainspring of human behavior.
  • It's the tale of Malcolm, an art school drop out who persuades his hapless friends to join his cockeyed crusade against the system.
  • The trees were supervising the long glissade from summer into autumn. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Bertha, “an assured one; and he will little thank any who obstructs my free passage to him;” and therewithal showing a little case, in which the signet of the Count of Paris was enclosed, “I will trust it in your hands,” she said, “if you promise not to open it, but to give me free access to the noble leader of the crusaders.” Count Robert of Paris
  • King was a polo pony from St. Louis, and Prince a many-gaited love-horse from Pasadena. FOUR HORSES AND A SAILOR
  • But in 1973, Case's career took a sharp turn when he decided to study divinity at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.

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