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How To Use Saddled In A Sentence

  • A typical nest thus pointed out by an over-obliging bird was saddled neatly on a horizontal limb of a balm tree at the height of about 30 feet from the ground and the ever-present lake.
  • It is also her misfortune to have been saddled with an unappetisingly needy role. Times, Sunday Times
  • McGregor is saddled with a tiresome everyman role, but Spacey, Clooney, and especially Bridges make some of their scenes work better than they should. Your mind won’t be blown watching “The Men Who Stare at Goats” » Scene-Stealers
  • They unsaddled their mounts
  • There was joy on the double for racing's first Lady Jessica Harrington at Leopardstown as the County Kildare trainer saddled the winners of the two feature races.
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  • So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, Use this.’’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • he saddled me with that heavy responsibility
  • Saddled with the most unfortunate perm in the history of the coiffeur, she still manages to create an incredibly believable teen protagonist, filled with instantly recognizable angst and insecurity.
  • If its proposal is accepted, the company will be saddled with a higher interest bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flash I was saddled with 'Hologram' for a while, in respect of my annoying habit of disappearing instantly on a run ashore and reappearing magically in camp tucked up in bed minus speech, faculties and an workable digestive system teuchter. it means country folk. Army Rumour Service
  • Call saddled the horse and handed the reins to Matilda, along with his pistol. Dead Man’s Walk
  • He saddled and bridled Ebony, untied the halter, and led his horse carefully through the trees.
  • Soon after, a saddled and bridled chestnut horse came striding into view.
  • ‘A pretty story,’ he said flippantly as he unsaddled his horse and threw saddle and bridle to the ground.
  • Baruchel Undeclared is nerdily charming, but Johnson chews too much scenery to go with the whiskeys the script has him knocking back, and both attorneys are saddled with such cornily dramatic closing-arguments speeches that you will end up rooting for the jury to send an innocent man to jail, just to spite them. Reunited, and, Well, Frankly, It Could Feel Better - Tuned In -
  • He saddled his horse, mounted, and rode away at a gallop.
  • The horses are unsaddled, the Winchesters taken from their scabbards for protection through the night.
  • It seems likely that the net cash position will move into net debt and/or the company will be saddled with onerous lease obligations.
  • The highest auction price ever paid for a Munnings was $7.85 million at Sotheby's in New York in 2004 for "The Red Prince Mare" (1921), an image of a monumental horse being saddled before a race. Going to the Races, in Art
  • Stacey chose a dapple gray horse, and a groom saddled the horse up for her.
  • Here he secured the "knockabout" horse, always kept saddled and bridled about the station for generally-useful work, and set off at a swinging canter up the paddock after his own steed. Outback Marriage, an : a story of Australian life
  • The idea of these two people, each saddled with real issues, trying to break through psychological barriers and make a meaningful connection is ripe with possibilities.
  • Obama may be "saddled" with Clinton whether he likes it or not. Clinton: McCain's '2013' speech like 'Mission Accomplished'
  • This has left the company's German operations saddled with costs and productivity way out of kilter with the rest of the industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though heavily saddled with cliché, Pure Mule exhibits at least some of the commendably defiant instincts of a bucking bronco.
  • Not contented with his bargain, the chapman attempted to _underlet_ to another speculator, the liberty of showing him, and poor Cotter resisting this nefarious transaction, was saddled with a fictitious debt, and thrown into a spunging house in The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 567, September 22, 1832
  • I saddled my horse and rode to the other side of town; I needed to talk to Alec.
  • Now they're saddled with Slavonic tongue-twisters with more consonants and fewer vowels than can possibly be good for them.
  • saddled and spurred and ready to ride
  • Having occasion to go to the village, he called Terence, and ordered his horse to be saddled. Bond and Free: A Tale of the South
  • I unsaddled the horse and tied it near lots of grass.
  • Equally alarming is the amount of debt many Rochdale families are saddled with.
  • The first knight to charge unsaddled him.
  • As soon as it was dark Nur al-Din busied himself with making ready the stallions and patiented till the first watch of the night was past; when, without a moment delay, Nur al-Din the lover full of teen, saddled them with saddles of the goodliest, and leading them forth of the stable, locked the door after him and repaired with them to the city-gate, where he sat down to await the coming of the Princess. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His balance was thrown off, but he was not unsaddled until the horse went about twenty feet more.
  • The old man handed the already saddled brown horse's reins to him.
  • Tracey unsaddled his horse, all the while thinking.
  • His first-time-out direction is imaginative and breathtakingly supple, the work of a greenhorn unsaddled by convention or limitation and able to tell a story in the precise terms forged by hundreds of live performances.
  • Although saddled with a convoluted plot, he has invested his film with enough grit, panache and edgy style to make it thoroughly gripping.
  • At my small town college the off-campus housing was very limited, which meant the go-getters got bragging rights on all the great apartments while the ambitious-yet-lazy people, like myself, were saddled with the dregs.
  • Of course, there's one big roadblock with this release: It's saddled with a remixing/remastering treatment that sands down some of the original's edges.
  • Once a bay mare had been saddled and she had been given instructions on how to guide the beast, she hefted herself into the saddle and experimentally squeezed its barrel as she had been shown to.
  • Ben saddled his horse and rode across the desert.
  • We re-saddled our horses, and searched those nearest, that is to say easterly; but no water was found, nor any place that could hold it for an hour after it fell from the sky. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • If its proposal is accepted, the company will be saddled with a higher interest bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • If its proposal is accepted, the company will be saddled with a higher interest bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • He saddled his horse and rode away.
  • Though saddled with a reputation for being a straight-faced bunch of no-fun guys, the crucial role accountants play in the heart and soul of the economy cannot be overstated.
  • The boom was much bigger than Berlin bargained for, which means the country is now saddled with a huge supply surplus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jane saddled and bridled her favourite horse.
  • She saddled the mare, the just-awoken horse quickly catching onto Fiona's urgency.
  • Together the two men saddled their horses and rode from Virginia City.
  • The country had saddled itself with debt which took until this year to completely pay off. The Sun
  • He's a wandering laborer with a penchant for black-out drinking, saddled with a blackmailing alcoholic groupie played by Thomas Mitchell.
  • It is still saddled with a bloated bureaucracy, too many branches, and a portfolio of shaky or dud loans to state-owned enterprises.
  • ‘Had all the horses in the mews in a powerful fret,’ said Robert as he saddled his master's horse.
  • He was previously conditioned by Ken McPeek, who saddled him to his victory in the Belmont Stakes along with his win in the 2002 Sir Barton Stakes.
  • Armando Martinez rode three winners on the program while eight different trainers saddled winners.
  • The vavasor then without delay had saddled a bay palfrey. Four Arthurian Romances
  • Going into the barn she unsaddled and unbridled the big stallion.
  • His near misses have left him saddled with a reputation as a man who, when the going gets tough, goes to pieces.
  • The flea-bitten gray pony was saddled by a sleepy saice, and brought round from his open-sided thatch stable in the rear. Rung Ho
  • The men now added their coats, and Wemple, for additional traction, unsaddled the roan, and spread the cinches, stirrup leathers, saddle blanket, and bridle in the way of the wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his ass.
  • The move makes clear that profitable companies in Dubai fear being saddled with toxic debts from other government-owned businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once they were saddled up it was business as usual on the all-weather gallops. The Sun
  • He is usually exhibited as over-laden with wine, and seated on a saddled ass, upon which he supports himself with a long staff in the one hand, and in the other carries a _cantharus_ or jug, with the handle almost worn out with frequent use. Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)
  • Thankfully, no one had unsaddled their horses because a moment later, the officers came galloping back in haste.
  • No matter how it is worded we are saddled with a system YOU think is good enough for the rest of us, just not good enough for you.
  • We have saddled the population with massive amounts of debt that inflates the value of everything beyond any tangible reality and delivered another bout of false hope. Steven Bulwa: The Market Is in Bubble Mode Again
  • Sullivan unsaddled their horses and dropped the saddles in front of the tent.
  • And the CW's The Vampire Diaries is the night's guiltiest pleasure, unfortunately saddled with a virtual clone in The Secret Circle. Matt's Guide to Thursday Night TV: New and Returning Shows
  • Dan patted his horse on the flank and unsaddled it, then took off its bridle.
  • All of this has saddled art songs with a reputation for preciosity and snobbishness.
  • He's still undisciplined, overanxious and - currently - saddled with injuries, but fun to watch regardless.
  • The boy did not say a word as they unsaddled the horse in the barn.
  • Our horses remained saddled up to 12 hours a day, and we rode up to 8 hours daily.
  • Bled by war and terrorism, beset by a lingering financial crisis and stubbornly high unemployment, facing stagnant wages and growing inequality, saddled with obsolete infrastructure and massive public debt, the United States today seems far removed from the confident "hyperpower" of a decade ago. Will Marshall: To Fix Our Country, We Need to Fix Our Politics First
  • Sure enough, the newly named Judas was standing in the penfold, unsaddled, companionably switching flies head to tail with a thick-barreled gray gelding. Drums of Autumn
  • He saddled his fiery cayuse, determined to flourish round A Life in a Prairie Shack
  • Also, the franchise was saddled with bad draft picks and even worse trades in its infancy and still hasn't recovered.
  • It appears to be rearing up on end, as if the extremity saddled with the ballonet were weighted. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • The Mercury records weren't what she'd expected -- the label saddled her with big-band arrangements -- and she sat out the contract after making two of them. The Ballads Of Shirley Horn
  • Next, the horses are unsaddled and judged at halter in ranch conformation.
  • Any other director, saddled with such a self-evidently mediocre script, would simply churn out the kind of moralistic low-budget gangster pieces that thrived on the lower half of double-bills in the 40s. T-Men
  • First we're all saddled a nine digIt'social security number.
  • He saddled with a large house which he can't sell or keep repaired.
  • At his father's death he was saddled with heavy debts.
  • A piece of lead weight from a saddle had been found dropped on the ground, so all the horses had to be unsaddled and the jockeys reweighed.
  • They were so very modern, and unsaddled with the burden of six thousand generations of suffering grandparents hauntingly stuck to them like glue, like we Jewgaboos were. Roseanne Archy
  • Burgundian yeomen, tall and active-looking men, ready mounted themselves, and holding two saddled horses — the one accoutred for war, the other a spirited jennet, for the purposes of the journey. Anne of Geierstein
  • I've been saddled with the job of organizing the conference.
  • The country had saddled itself with debt which took until this year to completely pay off. The Sun
  • Maybe 'cause I never have to worry about being saddled with one, but how can you POSSIBLY bring yourself to pay hundreds of dollars for this kind of crapola? The Cherry (Blossoms) On Top
  • Sullivan unsaddled their horses and dropped the saddles in front of the tent.
  • Putin was saddled with social commitments and expectations inherited from Soviet days that were wildly beyond his means to meet.
  • The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.
  • When we get saddled with unsaleable items, it costs us money to get rid of them.
  • As Napoleon’s army bled out or froze solid in the snows of a Russian winter, the Prussians and the Austrians found new reasons to reject French “fraternity.” Within years, Napoleon’s empire was unsaddled and destroyed, a fate shared by its leader, sent into ignominious exile on the island of Saint Helena. William Astore: Freedom Fighters for a Fading Empire: What It Means When We Say We Have the World's Finest Fighting Force
  • She stayed with Reese as he unsaddled the horse, she was surprised when he just slapped it on the rump and let it gallop off, wouldn't it run away?
  • I trailed my brother as he unsaddled his horse and hung up the saddle and the tack in the stable.
  • She had shrunk before now at the thought of men coming to the doors to stare after her, and perhaps even to call coarsely after her; now it seemed the dreariest thing in all the world to ride down this dirty, muddy street and see no man or woman or child, not so much as a saddled horse at a hitching pole. Six Feet Four
  • When we get saddled with unsaleable items, it costs us money to get rid of them.
  • The film is set to feature the legendary actor as a baseball scout, saddled with onsetting blindness, near the end of his working days, who brings his daughter along on one final player evaluation trip. Sandra Bullock: 'Trouble With The Curve' With Clint Eastwood Negotiations?
  • However, there are about 2.5 million policyholders saddled with plans that are doing worse than others.
  • Kris sometimes just saddled her up, walked into the ring, and sat thinking on her back.
  • Companies that had bought raw materials and hired workers with the expectation of selling to customers would get sudden calls canceling orders, and were left saddled with surplus products. For Lean Factories, No Buffer
  • But now, he was saddled with these spineless ragamuffins, who followed his orders still, but did it with downcast scared eyes and pale faces, people who wouldn't be here if they had anywhere else to go.
  • Ministers are braced for a backlash from business leaders who fear they will be saddled with older workers whom they cannot ask to leave.
  • The poll revealed that some 13.6 million Americans remain saddled with last years’ leftover holiday debt. Consumers (slightly) loosen their belts this holiday season
  • Wulfgar rose and saddled the horses and brought them forward. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • On that fearfu 'disclosure, when ye rushed frae the Countess's presence and saddled your horse, and left the castle like a fire-flaught, the Countess hadna yet discovered your private marriage; she hadna fund out that the union, which she had framed this awfu' tale to prevent, had e'en taen place. The Antiquary — Complete
  • What looked like a masterstroke three years ago, now seems like a poorly timed deal that has saddled the group with uncomfortable debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next moment she passed out, and as the crowd followed to see whither she went, she was seen to spring on a coal-black horse which stood unhitched before the door, and on it she rode at wild speed away toward the north-west, while a saddled but unridden mustang followed close behind her. Wild Bill's Last Trail
  • Now he was saddled with responsibility and confusion.
  • Unfortunately, he's saddled with a mom who shifts him with her from pillar to post; and eventually she dumps him on a farming family that is already overburdened.
  • On that fearfu disclosure, when ye rushed frae the Countess's presence and saddled your horse, and left the castle like a fire-flaught, the Countess hadna yet discovered your private marriage; she hadna fund out that the union, which she had framed this awfu 'tale to prevent, had e'en taen place. The Antiquary
  • Trainer Jeff Mullins saddled three of Bone's winners.
  • Perhaps she has been saddled with debts from a previous partner (which might explain her reluctance to share financial matters). Times, Sunday Times
  • Economists and others saddled with the task of quantifying the real world have moved beyond the crusty confines of spreadsheets and statistical formulas and into a murky subterrain of lost truths, missed data, unexpected outcomes, and most importantly, human incentives.
  • It is not an uncommon thing for one of these horses, after escaping, saddled and bridled, and wandering about for anight or night and day on the plains, to return of its own accord to the house. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • James, a 26-year-old trainee organic farmer, and Tom a mature stonemason, both want to build their own homes without being saddled with a mortgage.
  • By whatever means parents chose to fill the void between themselves and their daughters, ordinary mothers were saddled with the task of teaching their daughters the realities of a woman's domestic roles.
  • So they carried him to the money-changer, who paid him the money, and returned with him to their master, whom they found mounted on a dapple she-mule worth a thousand dinars, with Mamelukes and pages about him, and by his side another mule like his own, saddled and bridled. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This over-ambitious strategy has saddled them with debts of around $3,000,000.
  • We got back to barn, unsaddled and groomed our horses, and then went upstairs to clean up and change clothes.
  • As she walked her horse into the stable I followed, she walked her horse in and unsaddled it and offered me a brush.
  • So I went to the stables myself, saddled my horse, and mounted.
  • Although saddled with a convoluted plot, he has invested his film with enough grit, panache and edgy style to make it thoroughly gripping.
  • In the grainy surveillance camera footage, the dumpy, mustachioed fellow looks like just one more office peon saddled with a balky computer - until he takes his revenge.
  • What is significant is that vast organizational conglomerates suddenly found themselves saddled with the consequences of years of exclusionary and inbred policies.
  • Many very young people find themselves saddled with mountainous debts.
  • Dan patted his horse on the flank and unsaddled it, then took off its bridle.
  • The invaders had not saddled themselves with the inhibiting baggage of Romanic civilization, Christian morality, or, in general, real property. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • Study hard and try to better yourself and not only will you be saddled with tens of thousands of pounds of debt when you leave university, you will also be denied tens of thousands of pounds of pension money when you try to retire.
  • He paid the bill, watched as the hostler saddled his mount, and then rode out WHEN THE HEAVENS FALL
  • And they do so while saddled with parties and trade unions that have abandoned all pretence of opposing the profit system.
  • Some Jeb Bush type but unsaddled by the Bush name. Think Progress » Man ‘disenchanted with the federal government’ indicted for planting pipe bombs in mailboxes.
  • In the back, behind the inn, their horses were waiting, already saddled and bridled.
  • How did mall stores battle back, saddled with higher rents, less floor space and lower volume than their competitors?
  • Her tack was resting on a bale of hay in front of the stall, and soon the mare was saddled and bridled.
  • Trainer Dennis Hall saddled Indian Express, whom Bob Baffert trained in his previous three North American starts.
  • These student's aren't going to be happy leaving University, saddled with debt, to face the prospect of ending up as a teaboy on one of Baldrick Brown's dottier schemes. British Blogs
  • The men now added their coats, and Wemple, for additional traction, unsaddled the roan, and spread the cinches, stirrup leathers, saddle blanket, and bridle in the way of the wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • Because of the rocketing cost of buying a house, many people are saddled with mortgages they can barely afford even at the record low interest rates of recent years.
  • O'Neill unseated Bob Baffert, who saddled horses to 21 wins at Oak Tree in 1998 and '99.
  • She unsaddled the horse and tied it to a tree where it could graze.
  • As if of some amazing coincidence, a large white gelding broke from the ruins, still saddled and bridled.
  • A year ago the Lambourn trainer saddled Haafhd to win this Group 3 race before that colt went on to 2,000 Guineas glory a fortnight later.
  • The six rented half-size equines were unloaded from their trailer, saddled, and ready to go. Arcane Circle
  • Then we heard Kagig's high-pitched "Haide -- chabuk!" and picked up Peter Measel, and ran around the building to where the horses were already saddled, and squealing in fear of the flames. The Eye of Zeitoon
  • He saddled Mutz, promising to mete out cruel punishment to the thief.
  • Once they were saddled up it was business as usual on the all-weather gallops. The Sun
  • The Medas Islands are well-known for big shoals of yellow-striped saupe and saddled bream, but most notable among their fish are the mero, dusky perch or wreckfish, otherwise known as the grouper.
  • He called a chinch bug a Rhyparochromus, but he saddled his horse without a blanket and put bakin 'powder in the sour-dough. The Man from the Bitter Roots
  • Phyllis was motivated by vindictiveness; others bridled and saddled men for profit.
  • The stableman had brought out his horse and saddled it.
  • The company is saddled with debt.
  • The ass that is common property is always the worst saddled.
  • Wulfgar rose and saddled the horses and brought them forward. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Her tack was resting on a bale of hay in front of the stall, and soon the mare was saddled and bridled.
  • found himself saddled with more responsibility than power
  • Growth in clearing transactions was saddled by slower business in ICE's execution services. IntercontinentalExchange Profit Up 10%
  • So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, "Use this. '' [ Arabian nights. English
  • What looked like a masterstroke three years ago, now seems like a poorly timed deal that has saddled the group with uncomfortable debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • It said the knock-on effect of this would be that people were saddled with debt for longer and would be unable to get on to the housing ladder or start paying into a pension until much later in life.
  • It was the custom, after having unsaddled one's mount, to pass a hasty oil-rag over bit and bridoon and stirrups, and then to fall to upon the grooming of the horse. Recollections With Photogravure Portrait of the Author and a number of Original Letters, of which one by George Meredith and another by Robert Louis Stevenson are reproduced in facsimile
  • It means businesses will be saddled with laws imposed by unelected Brussels officials which cost time and money. The Sun
  • As he strolled across the main street, Hoss saw Adam's Sport saddled and tied to the hitching rail outside the livery.
  • The two young men saddled their horses and rode downtown, looking for Nicolette in any of the places that they had seen couples at.
  • The winning trainer, who saddled two horses in the race, was a bit disappointed when her other charge, Lyon Guest, made a mistake two fences out, putting paid to his chances when vying for the lead with the eventual winner.
  • Emily became unsaddled as her pony made its way from rock ledge to rock ledge.
  • Once you have groomed and saddled the horse, be sure to use a lead rope or a lounge line with the horse.
  • A word scorned by a million liberal malcontents cutting off their noses to spite their collective face, considering it untrendy to stand up for a country that enshrined the very values that saddled their every high horse. Be My Enemy
  • The company quickly saddled up and countermarched in the direction of the Indians. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • And it plunged our economy intoa crisis that put millions out of work, saddled us with more debt, andleft innocent, hard-working Americans holding the bag. State of the union 2012: full transcript of President Obama's speech
  • Then it just might be possible to have her be guardian for the others, but why should such a young person be saddled with responsibility like that?
  • He idly wondered who the poor saps were who would be saddled with the escort duty on that one.
  • You realise you are saddled with responsibilities.
  • Shoals of saddled bream and horse mackerel loitered mid-water.
  • And she is saddled with a French accent so thick she sounds like she's swallowing vichyssoise every time she talks.
  • If they feel "saddled" with an "unwanted kid", they should grow up. Yeah, SUZANNE, about that infant adoption rate ...
  • Unfortunately, we are now saddled with this problem.
  • Their noble meiny now brought saddled before the gate the many steeds, and to them came forth thee stranger knights. The Nibelungenlied
  • It will mean many young people being saddled with thousands of pounds of debt just when they are starting a home/family etc.
  • Calvin Borel, after tearing up during the prerace My Old Kentucky Home and calling Brothers "sweetie" in his saddled-up interview after the race, gave NBC with a nice promo for its upcoming Preakness by predicting he'd ride Super Saver to the Triple Crown. Kentucky Derby show has winners across board
  • Saddled with retirement, shocked by the sudden death of his wife, Schmidt (played by a very remarkable Nicholson) has only his malcontent daughter's wedding in front of him.
  • A stableboy met them with a roan pony, sleek and comfortably saddled.
  • He walked over to the chutes where the broncs were being saddled and loosely testicle-looped -- a loop that would be tightened considerably in the chute. The Body Ricardo
  • ‘One step at a time,’ said veteran trainer George Handy, who saddled his first horse at Rockingham Park in 1946.
  • Slightly chastened by the experience, Ganesh finds himself saddled with an old, sick couple looking for a hospital, who have been abandoned by fellow villagers.
  • Continuing in yeshiva would only have saddled me with rabbinic ordination, after which even shlepper would have been out of reach. Michael Wex: How Do You Make a Writer Kvetch?
  • Alas, I do not have photographic evidence of the last artwork someone saddled this poor van with -- an assonant mural called "The Vein Train. January 5th, 2006
  • Britain was saddled with the biggest deficit in Europe and staring into a financial abyss. The Sun
  • The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.
  • Trainer Cole Norman has never before saddled a horse at Keeneland Race Course.
  • A 10-year-old girl fighting for her life after being thrown from an unsaddled horse had just rescued the animal from a gang of hooligans and was trying to take it to safety when the accident occurred.
  • He was saddled a hard task on.
  • Now, will you allow yourself to be saddled and bridled?
  • The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.

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