
How To Use Sacrificial In A Sentence

  • Sacrificial anodes protection can decrease the degree of corrosion wear very effectively.
  • The function of the haruspices was divination of the future from the entrails of sacrificial animals.
  • Only when he is on the sacrificial altar do they recognise each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon the stone was an engraving of an altar, upon which a sacrificial fire was burning, and before it a suppliant family bowed the knee; over this was thrown a white vestment archwise in the form of a rainbow. Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers
  • It seems he is the sacrificial victim. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Bodywork is protected by military-grade sacrificial thermo-ceramic intumescent paints (swelling, heat-resistant paint to you and me), and windows and bodywork are further insulated by advanced aerogel laminated insulation. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • The Vedic religion with its sacrificial rites began to wane and other religions began to replace it.
  • During the whole of that period the same sacrificial rites were observed as on the first day, and they were expressly admonished that the smallest breach of any of the appointed observances would lead to the certain forfeiture of their lives [Le 8: 35]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But meantime there are signs, tokens, foretastes of the final Kingdom, which in themselves provide powerful support for Christian congregations in their sacrificial work.
  • “The kindler, gentler, non-human-sacrificial New Fire Ceremony.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Happy Pi Day
  • Here's a quote from Barbara Walker's "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:" "After castrating Set, Horus spread his blood on the fields to render them fertile - the usual fructification-by-male-blood found in the oldst sacrificial Mysteries. Archive 2008-03-01
  • In the same excavations on Temple Hill, Robinson found a second example of a similar Archaic sacrificial calendar incised, boustrophedon, in the epichoric Corinthian alphabet, this time on a fragmentary lead tablet.
  • Vetiver is a member of the same subtribe of grasses as sorghum and maize, and it may prove to be a sacrificial barrier to the spread of striga. 4 Questions and Answers
  • The article also notes that despite the film's suggestion that Iraqi scientists became sacrificial lambs during their "exfiltration" from the country, an intelligence insider told us: "Something like this, if it was going on, wouldn't have been canceled for this reason.
  • Judaism and paganism both practiced the pouring of sacrificial libations of both blood and wine.
  • The Assyrians believed the god Shamash the Sun sent messages to inform the haruspex (reader of entrails) of the structure of the universe at the moment the sacrificial knife struck the victim.
  • In the early church, Christ was seen as the ransom for sin, the sacrificial lamb and the model of the life in God.
  • They had for a long series of years been debarred from the privilege of religious worship, and as there was reason to fear that a continued neglect of divine ordinances would draw down upon them the judgments of offended heaven, they begged permission to go three days 'journey into the desert -- a place of seclusion -- where their sacrificial observances would neither suffer interruption nor give umbrage to the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Inside they discover a sacrificial chamber where the human victims look to have been consumed from inside.
  • For so the Son of God was "foreknown" (so the Greek for "foreordained," 1Pe 1: 20) to be the sacrificial Lamb, not against, or without His will, but His will rested in the will of the Father; this includes self-conscious action; nay, even cheerful acquiescense. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • At all times, then, the sacrificial worship of Israel existed, and had great importance attached to it, but in the earlier period it rested upon custom, inherited from the fathers, in the post-exilian on the law of Jehovah, given through Moses. Prolegomena
  • Or the wife may sacrificially decide that giving her body with joy to her husband is more important than those few minutes of slumber.
  • Another thing there is the sacrificial law the dietary law the clothing law the judicial law. there are 613 commandents a theocracy to seperate the israelites from the pagans. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • A 2.75 - in.-thick latex layer of concrete is placed on top to act as a short-term sacrificial layer that soaks up winter road salts and chemicals.
  • Ancient rituals have been revived, sacrificial altars rebuilt and lunar patterns observed with increasing attention.
  • This week's victim is Casey, who makes the sacrificial decision to work the front of a very unruly house of underfed patrons and leaves her risky chicken-foot experiment in others' hands. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Thus far we have had a festival of blame, and there have been some sacrificial victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sacrificial carbon anodes have been used in aluminum production since the process was invented in 1886.
  • In Tristan and Isolde, this release from life is achieved by the self-sacrificial love of a woman who is prepared to share her lover's non-existence and unite with him in death.
  • The works will include breaking out areas of defective concrete and replacing with concrete repair mortar and sacrificial anodes, which will help to prolong the life of the embedded steel reinforcement.
  • His was a vicarious death, both sacrificial (for sin) and substitutionary (for the sinner).
  • As for the other religious terms, 2 are Nahuatl: teocalli ` temple 'and teopan ` temple grounds'; 2 are Quechua: huaca or guaca ` an ancient Peruvian sacred object, such as a mountain, animal, shrine, or artifact, inhabited by a god or spirit 'and huaco or guaco ` a pre-Columbian relic of Peru,' as an object discovered in a tomb; and one is Mayan: cenote ` a natural well or sinkhole into which sacrificial offerings were thrown during ceremonies. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
  • Jesus, in the Old Covenant, your people were sanctified by being sprinkled with the blood of sacrificial animals.
  • English Version takes it not of the priests, but the guests bidden, who also had to "sanctify" or purify themselves before coming to the sacrificial feast (1Sa 9: 13, 22; 16: 5). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The Celts built bonfires and fired animals as sacrificial offerings to their death god.
  • He said that he thought the Government should have homed in on less successful regiments, adding that the more thriving units were ‘sacrificial lambs’.
  • All these sacrificial offerings might slake a predator's desires.
  • From a scientific standpoint a suicide attack represents an extreme form of parochial altruism -- a self-sacrificial act made on behalf of one's in-group, involving aggression against an out-group. Matt J. Rossano: The Surprising Effect of Religious Devotion on Suicide Attacks
  • However, Max is addled with a sacred sacrificial goat that he needs to deliver to a wedding in Yeoville, a sleazy suburb in Johannesburg.
  • He and others argued that English morris dancing and sword dancing, and mumming, were closely linked, and in fact represented the surviving fragments of a once-united, pan-European sacrificial ritual.
  • I see them sculptured and painted with shapes of Gods and Kings, with blazonings of royal names, with sacrificial altars, and forms of sacred beasts, and emblems of wisdom and truth. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Another thing there is the sacrificial law the dietary law the clothing law the judicial law . there are 613 commandents a theocracy to seperate the israelites from the pagans . The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • Venturing deep below the ice, the explorers soon realise to their horror that the subterranean structure is in fact a sacrificial chamber, home to the dreaded aliens.
  • He said there was a feeling that fishing in the region had been offered up as a sacrificial lamb.
  • I don't know of a place where there has been so much money put in it or so much sacrificial devotion and I use that word sacrificial, advisedly. The Significance of South America to Canada
  • Following Christ's example, Evangelicals will seek to live sacrificially.
  • The function of the haruspices was divination of the future from the entrails of sacrificial animals.
  • The priest held up the head of the sacrificial goat.
  • Part of the ritual of sacrificial offering required pouring out water on the altar.
  • I have come to the conclusion that certain types of people need scapegoats and sacrificial victims to satisfy some kind of atavistic sadism that compels them to attack what is beautiful and good. First on the Ticker: Bush, Palin aide disputes book claims
  • Marshall is what you call a sacrificial lamb in this race. Waldo Jaquith - My RPV convention wish list.
  • Knowledge is in the Upanishads frequently opposed to avîdyâ, by which latter term we have to understand ignorance as to Brahman, absence of philosophic knowledge; and, again, in several places we find the knowledge of the sacrificial part of the Veda with its supplementary disciplines contrasted as inferior with the knowledge of the Self; to which latter distinction the Mu/nd/aka Up. (I, 4) applies the terms aparâ and parâ vîdyâ. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • Spices were used as incense for the sacrificial offerings, which in our time is represented by Tefillah, prayer.
  • We were also expecting to hear about how Moses sealed our covenant with God in the blood of sacrificial animals.
  • Mayan civilization is closely related with Mayan outlook of universe, philosophy and their sacrificial activities.
  • The general consensus was the men from the Valleys would be served up as sacrificial lambs on the high altar of English football. The Sun
  • Christ's role as the Justifier takes primacy over that of Christ as Second Adam or the sacrificial lamb of the atonement.
  • In the chiaroscuro of this place of offering, figured with the wax and soot of burned candles, a chicken scratches near a sacrificial stone.
  • And they're visible most particularly in two aspects of church life: one is the powerfully strong commitment to synodical government, the participation of all members of the body of Christ in its decision-making; and the other is in the really remarkable embrace of indigenous culture that characterised Selwyn's mission and was echoed in the sacrificial work of John Coleridge Patteson, a martyr of Melanesia. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • Oronto danced at many a feast which followed the sacrificial gift, which his tribe had rejoicingly given in their turn. The Englishwoman in America
  • Baptists were also encouraged to give sacrificially of their energy, time, possessions, and money to help those in need and to further the interests of ‘Christ's kingdom’ in the world.
  • Greek inscriptions covering the backs of the thrones command Antiochus' people to process up the mountain on the anniversaries of his birth and coronation to make sacrificial offerings on the altar in front of him.
  • They stormed into the courtyard of the great temple and physically attacked the licensed businessmen who changed currencies so that foreign pilgrims could purchase sacrificial animals. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • A ban on "occult goods" ( "Materials, goods or paraphernalia for use in satanic, sacrificial, or related practices") seems similarly troublesome. Boing Boing
  • Judaism and paganism both practiced the pouring of sacrificial libations of both blood and wine.
  • Among other equally despicable practices associated with this day was the lashing of young women by two young men, clad only in a bit of goatskin and wielding goatskin thongs, who had been smeared with blood of sacrificial goats and dogs.
  • If not, and if some want to draw lots to choose a sacrificial victim, may they force everyone to join in?
  • Eschewing the accepted practice of hiring a good PR man to sell the product, they wheeled out an uninformed and ungroomed treasurer as a sacrificial lamb.
  • The priest held up the head of the sacrificial goat.
  • “The kindler, gentler, non-human-sacrificial New Fire Ceremony” The Volokh Conspiracy » Happy Pi Day
  • Not that I neglected my studies entirely or failed to burn a reasonable portion of "midnight oil," sometimes indeed with a great show of industry particularly on a night before a hard examination; but luckily enough I was pretty well fortified in Greek and Mathematics before I got to the University, and it did not take much effort to keep abreast of my classes without being conspicuous one way or the other either as "curler" or "corker," that is, in the current vernacular, either as a bright particular star in the firmament or as a sacrificial lamb led to the slaughter. In the days of my youth when I was a student in the University of Virginia, 1888-1893.
  • Indeed, they have been known to roast innocent tourists in sacrificial banquets designed to appease their gods, as well as conducting other heinous acts too gruesome to describe. Vader's Pastorale
  • Agni was the next and was important in the sacrifices and was considered as a messenger, carrying the messages to the heavens, as the flames of the sacrificial fires ascended upwards.
  • The ideal temple exhibits, under Old Testament forms (used as being those then familiar to the men whom Ezekiel, a priest himself, and one who delighted in sacrificial images, addresses), not the precise literal outline, but the essential character of the worship of Messiah as it shall be when He shall exercise sway in Jerusalem among His own people, the Jews, and thence to the ends of the earth. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This is, of course, the provenance of the term sacrificial lamb. Progressive Bloggers
  • By the end of the play, the very qualities he considers to be virtuous - sacrificial piety, constancy, and militarism - are those that lead to tragedy.
  • The African village required construction of yellow and black native huts, palisades, sacrificial altars, and jungle backdrop.
  • Hopefully these two sacrificial candidates will take punches and hog headlines to the bitter end before handing the baton to an unscarred nominee that is actually electable. Why The GOP Needs Palin And Gingrich
  • The victim was tied to a sacrificial altar.
  • The Conquistadors abolished cannibalism and human sacrifice, wars to obtain sacrificial victims, and the panoply of bloodthirsty gods. Stromata Blog:
  • Visited mad grandparental, usual dren (Topes, briefly overhearing said grandparent saying something about "the Germans" and my deciding this is a good time to not listen and let my brother be the sacrificial lamb this time). March 28th, 2005
  • He is a bit of a sacrificial lamb. Times, Sunday Times
  • That comes after the destruction of the Temple, when there are no more sacrificial offerings. Christianity Today
  • Natural nacre also benefits from so-called sacrificial ionic bonds between proteins, which break under stress but can reform.
  • It's a lot easier to believe someone is a selfish snob when they aren't so self sacrificial to their friends.
  • sacrificial lamb
  • The rationale of the exercise was that if man performed the sacrificial rituals correctly, the devas would reciprocate by performing their cosmic function in the most beneficent way.
  • Isaac, following a narrow brush with the sacrificial knife, went on to wed his cousin Rebekah, and their offspring became known as Hebrews, a Semitic word for -wanderers. Skinny Legs and All
  • The captives were then used as sacrificial victims to the gods of the victor; one ritual feeding another.
  • It does not come from recitation of hymns, sacrificial worship or a hundred fasts.
  • On a 20-metre altar various sacrificial offerings are left, such as historical figures made out of flour, fruit seeds, potted trees and rockeries.
  • It does not come from recitation of hymns, sacrificial worship or a hundred fasts.
  • It is this role as mediator that imbues woman with an essential liminality to the extent that she concurrently is the instantiation of both nature and culture, and in so being becomes the most likely sacrificial victim in Greek folk song, be it voluntary or involuntary as in 'Sacrifice at the Bridge of Arta'. 4 Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • As I have mentioned, the sacrificial rite of kirasudj is held one month after the burial by adherents of traditional religion.
  • Similarly, the medieval age of courtly love would have understood the notion of Christ the lover offering himself sacrificially, as seen in the relationship between Abelard and Heloise.
  • Perhaps the reason now is that they were still carrying out their priestly duties and were about to eat a sacrificial meal.
  • These sort of occasions usually throw up at least one big sacrificial lamb for the boys to spit-roast.
  • The divine light guides him to the fore, even if it is the fore of the sacrificial altar.
  • There is a dialogue between Yama and the boy about the primordial Fire and sacrificial rituals to attain to heavenly life.
  • Flower Wars were among the most important method of obtaining sacrificial victims.
  • In this instance, everyone had an aesthetic opinion, as if aesthetics had anything to do with the sacrificial slaughter of 6,000 innocents.
  • Buddha challenged the Vedic practice of rigid sacrificial rituals and the practice of caste systems.
  • Plead forgiveness on the basis of the sacrificial death of God's Son for sinners.
  • Spices were used as incense for the sacrificial offerings, which in our time is represented by Tefillah, prayer.
  • All of the above attested that God's sacrificial love is a final solution to the eliminate man's sin and bestowment of his righteousness.
  • But have you ever wondered about the person who plays the sacrificial bad guy in those drills, ultimately getting "pummeled" to protect and serve the public? UFC Press Releases
  • It's about the redemption of evil by self-sacrificial love.
  • At the same time, a message of hope was given to those who had sinned - God himself provided them with coats of animal skin, typifying the righteousness of Christ freely given to all who trust in his sacrificial death.
  • Thus far we have had a festival of blame, and there have been some sacrificial victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this canon, which gives a summary of all the sacrificial effects in order, the synod emphasizes the propitiatory and impetratory nature of the sacrifice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • “Of course,” he is told bluntly, though he then hears, in grisly detail, about the sacrificial murder of a Vermont woodsman. Academic Discourse and Adulterous Intercourse
  • Close to it was a ditched enclosure, interpreted as a corral for livestock awaiting the feasts, perhaps to be slaughtered in sacrificial ceremonies.
  • Update: With the approach of spring, I was temporarily seized with the milk of human kindness (kindler, gentler, non-human-sacrificial ...). The Volokh Conspiracy » Happy Pi Day
  • The Greek people and democracy have become sacrificial victims similar to Euripides's heroine in Iphigenia in Aulis. Greece is standing up to EU neocolonialism | Costas Douzinas and Petros Papaconstantinou
  • Frankincense" was an aromatic used in sacrificial offerings; Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Perhaps there is also a reference here to the ‘heave-offering’ of the ancient sacrificial cultus.
  • What is the maximum self - sacrificial cost that can evolve in these circumstances?
  • Having completed his negotiatory visit he was being speeded on his way by the native staff of the firm, who had hung him with garlands like a sacrificial bull. Roving East and Roving West
  • She gives a lengthy description of the boy's relationship to his family and his inner responses to the bloody sacrificial rites.
  • Junior football is the traditional sacrificial ground where balding corner-backs regularly obliterate frisky teenagers for no apparent reason.
  • Vedic Indians solved square roots in order to build sacrificial altars of the proper size.
  • Not looking for a sacrificial victim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because magnesium is very reactive, it is used as a sacrificial anode (a substance designed to be oxidized first, thus protecting other metals) for the hulls of ships and in underground pipelines
  • Sacrificial gayals are slaughtered and it is followed by singing, dancing and drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  • Through a kind of incantatory or sacrificial rite, they try to call up and reinstate the tropes, schemas or words which to them distinguish professorial language. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • On the other end of the spectrum there is sacrificial worship, which doesn't seem to have been offered to Jesus - perhaps not surprisingly, but if there had been Christians who emphatically wanted to broaden monolatry to include Jesus within God, using sacrificial worship to make the point would have been clear and unambiguous. Larry Hurtado: How Did Jesus Become A God?
  • Neither attitude, the sacrificial or the exploited, is notably appealing in a police officer or, for that matter, in any other public servant. Do we really want to be policed by hobby bobbies?
  • Early Christians often denigrated traditional Jewish sacrificial ritual as inadequate and "fleshly" rather than spiritual, and argued that Jesus 'death had superseded it. The Betrayer's Gospel
  • At the top were the Brahmans, priests of the sacrificial religion and intellectuals.
  • When her father - who did not accept Shiva, ever - publicly humiliated her beloved at the ritual, Sati immolated herself in the sacrificial fire, desecrating it.
  • He is a bit of a sacrificial lamb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ancient rituals have been revived, sacrificial altars rebuilt and lunar patterns observed with increasing attention.
  • And the sacrificial victim is yourself.
  • Rape, massacre and the consumption of the Minotaur's half-dead sacrificial victims, the Innocents, by the greedy Keres, vulture-like harpies: all were to follow. A chilling masterpiece
  • Pre Jerome it was very lovely; and before its homely altar, not homely to him, in the performance of those solemn offices, symbols of heaven's mightiest truths, in the hearing of the organ's harmonies, and the yet more eloquent interunion of human voices in the choir, in overlooking the worshipping throng which knelt under the soft, chromatic lights, and in breathing the sacrificial odors of the chancel, he found a deep and solemn joy; and yet I guess the finest thought of his soul the while was one that came thrice and again: Old Creole Days
  • The common and consistent point is that they took a selection of historic performance practices - morris dances and sword dances, mumming, and others in England - and declared them to be the survivals of ancient sacrificial rituals.
  • The kindler, gentler, non-human-sacrificial New Fire Ceremony. The Volokh Conspiracy » Happy Pi Day
  • When it comes to making a sacrificial gift to the gods, they prefer to slaughter a male chicken.
  • Malka from misfortune, and fixed their home fast in wealth; who established pure sacrificial gifts for Ea and Dam-gal-nun-na, who made his kingdom everlastingly great; the princely king of the city, who subjected the districts on the Ud-kib-nun-na Canal [Euphrates?] to the sway of Dagon, his Creator; who spared the inhabitants of Mera and The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 01
  • A denarius minted by L. Pomponius Molo depicts a laureate head of Apollo on the obverse and on the reverse a sacrificial scene carrying the legend NVMA POMPIL.
  • May that which is unholy within me be nailed to the sacrificial cross of crucifixion and may that which pleases you be raised in the holy and blessed hope of the ressurection.
  • So Jesus was not so disfigured that he seemed less then human; still more importantly, in difference to the Servant, Jesus had the public career, he was known, and his suffering was not constantly accentuated, but it came in the end culminating in his crucifixion; and most of all, in difference to the mythologem of Suffering Servant, Jesus 'career, as seen by his contemporaries immediately after his sacrificial death, ended in a complete failure. Expecting Rain
  • Kansas (D): Quick, name the sacrificial lamb, er, Democratic nominee against Sen. Sam Brownback (R). RGA fundraising gives GOP edge in final weeks of gubernatorial races
  • Able, ruthless and bloodthirsty, Ahuitzotl doubled the size of the Aztec empire and is once said to have ritually slaughtered twenty thousand prisoners at a reconstructed teocalli, or sacrificial "god house. Aztec Hamlet: the tragedy of Moctezuma 2
  • They stormed into the courtyard of the great temple and physically attacked the licensed businessmen who changed currencies so that foreign pilgrims could purchase sacrificial animals. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • There are some 1,000 relics of dazzling artistic and cultural value - bronzes and gold implements, jades, pottery, cowrie shell and elephant tusks, sacrificial objects, weapons and beads.
  • It is worth recalling that however successful they eventually became, Ferranti Thistle were originally regarded as sacrificial lambs likely to surrender easy points to the existing clubs.
  • Jesus of Nazareth (- 4-30 C.E.) before it was finally overwhelmed and lost in the sacrificial sacerdotalism of formal Christianity. The Shape of Things to Come
  • Bronzes and jades in the sacrificial pits at Sanxingdui were made by peoples who were not mentioned in any early Chinese text. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • That comes after the destruction of the Temple, when there are no more sacrificial offerings. Christianity Today
  • The fetial, who on that occasion represented the Roman people, at the solemn moment of the oath-taking, struck the sacrificial pig with the _silex_, saying as he did so, 'Do thou, Diespiter, strike the Roman people as I strike this pig here to-day, and strike them the more, as thou art greater and stronger.' The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • One link online concerning Babylonian haruspicy i.e. the practice of divining the future through sheep livers may oddly enough help us shed some light on Etruscan rites, beliefs and cosmology: Sacrificial divination: Confirmation of extispicy. Piacenza Liver and The Palace Gate
  • Robert Emmett was a republican hero of the early 19th century who had sacrificially martyred himself for Ireland's cause.
  • These meals included everyday meals, symposia, funerary banquets, sacrificial meals (often in temples), mystery cult meals, everyday Jewish meals, and Jewish festival meals.
  • He was a sacrificial lamb to a system that destroyed him.
  • In four messages he opened up the magnificent theme of sacrificial worship from the anointing of Jesus in Mark 14.
  • The Hebrew for one of the many sacrificial offering is chatot, from the same root as the word chait.
  • Return to his father in earth and the meaning of the sacrificial fire were the first two boons granted without hesitation.
  • Christenson writes that quaternity is still evident in Maya ritual today: “The placement of offerings at the four corners and center of a house is a common Maya practice, the sacrificial animals serving as the spirit co-essence of the house and of those who live and work within it.” The Hero Cycle in Maya Myth & Culture
  • At the top were the Brahmans, priests of the sacrificial religion and intellectuals.
  • It apprehends his life of perfect obedience and his sacrificial death on Calvary as the spotless Lamb.
  • Satan will be bound, and the temple will be rebuilt and the sacrificial system reinstituted.
  • For instance, an Attic red-figure krater with a sacrificial scene features a votive tablet on a column next to the altar.
  • Peter's profession of Christ, whom he declares to be the Holy One of God, fits into the context of the Eucharistic Discourse in which Jesus announces the Day of Reconciliation through the sacrificial offering of himself: "the bread I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world" (Jn 6: 51). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Foods associated with Aries are the pungent, spicy plants of Mars - onion, leek, garlic, cayenne, capers and mustard - plus, of course, the sacrificial Sunday roast lamb.
  • Perfect as an allegory - the pietà, the sacrificial lamb - and yet so empathetically maternal, it gives warmth to the solemn poise of Bellini.
  • Not looking for a sacrificial victim. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was the sacrificial lamb without blemish, making an atonement to end all sacrifices.
  • For the past sixteen years Charlene has remained constantly at her daughter's side and has sacrificially devoted herself to being the best mother that she could be to Carla.
  • The least excuse was taken to engarland piously the doors of houses with branches, to bleed the sacrificial pig, or slaughter the lamb. Saint Augustin
  • It seems he is the sacrificial victim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only when he is on the sacrificial altar do they recognise each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another is its complete detachment from the sacrificial priest and the temple.
  • She is drawn into a secret society of sacrificial murder.

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