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  1. the Shoshone guide and interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition part of the way

How To Use Sacagawea In A Sentence

  • The US mint struck one billion dollar coins between 1989 and 2000; last year it exceeded that number in the first Sacagawea minting alone.
  • He liked to think that Janey, as he called Sacagawea, had a kind of fondness for him too. The Berrybender Narratives
  • In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.
  • Sacagawea" design by sculptor Glenna Goodacre, first produced in 2000. Undefined
  • Focusing on the emblematic moments of the participants 'lives, the story unfolds through the perspectives of four competing voices-from the troubled and mercurial figure of Meriwether Lewis, the expedition leader who found that it was impossible to enter paradise without having it crumble around him, to Sacagawea, the Shoshone girl - captive and interpreter for the expedition, whose short life mirrored the disruptive times in which she lived. I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company by Brian Hall: Book summary
  • Here, near where Sacagawea was reunited with her family, Bannocks and Sheepeaters fished the mountain stream for the chinook salmon that filled its waters each summer.
  • The female options are slim, but there are dolls for people such as Sacagawea, Cleopatra, Shuttle Pilot Sally (Ride) and Doctor Elizabeth (Blackwell). World Stars Historic Play Figures | Thingamababy
  • So, a near-legendary figure in the history of the American West for her indispensible role on the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Sacagawea has become an enigma for historians seeking to trace her life.
  • Kit put a Sacagawea dollar in the donation box before she approached the sisters, who, though on the small side, managed to loom like holy skyscrapers in their grayish-blue habits. Slice Of Cherry
  • Sacagawea belonged to the Shoshone Indians. She was born to a tribe of Shoshone in 1788.
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