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How To Use Saber In A Sentence

  • They rode sturdy Mongolian ponies, wore distinctive fur caps, and carried sabers, pistols, and rifles.
  • Saber-toothed cats, mastodons, giant sloths, woolly rhinos, and many other big, shaggy mammals are widely thought to have died out around the end of the last ice age, some 10,500 years ago.
  • We will get more from our government if the legislative saber is used judiciously. Sound Politics: Why Is Seattle Such a Wuss About Strip Clubs?
  • They sabered the officer who raised a white surrender flag, and bayoneted the wounded in a merciless slaughter.
  • I should much prefer a _tenson_ of the twelfth century, when two or three masters of the _Gai Saber_ discussed questions of love and chivalry. Gryll Grange
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  • Although the guns were reached and many artillerymen sabered, this charge was extremely foolhardy. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • The sword was far too heavy, so Raven took a saber and imbued it with magical strength and abilities.
  • Both gifted swordsmen, and both left-handed, uncle and nephew were putting on a skilled display-a show made more impressive by the fact that they were fighting in accordance with the most exacting rules of French dueling, but using neither the rapier-like smallsword that formed part of a gentleman's costume, nor the saber of a soldier. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Brother-in-law Nero and ex-colleague Brig Gen (retd) Saber Ahmed identified the body of the BDR deputy director general, Brig Gen Bari. Trial of killers will be fast-tracked
  • Não é possível que num País pobre como o Brasil, não exista entre os membros da Câmara, um consenso e uma visão de valor que esbarre num conceito de ética e, até porque não dizer, de culpabilidade social, em saber que tal atitude com o dinheiro público - mesmo que não haja irregularidade legal - fere os princípios básicos que balizam a moralidade exigida nos homens públicos. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • He watched, his eyes mirthless as she pulled her saber clear from the slight cover of the light coat she wore.
  • Soon after the melt unusual looking Ice Age mega-mammals like woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed lions, and bison roamed the prairies. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Our Wild Prairies
  • Juxtaposed against his traditional weather-beaten cowboy gear is a shining chrome lightsaber — a symbol of his destruction of a Jedi warrior.
  • Queria ter visto algumas acções e só fico a saber depois. Mad Men
  • She charged at her, blade of the dark saber extended.
  • Who would win the lightsaber duel anakin skywalker or starkiller from starwars the force unleashed? SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1127
  • Every confederate soldier gave a loud battle cry and with their muskets, pistols, and sabers raised, they ran toward the Union army.
  • Everything from saber-toothed carnivores and wolves to flying squirrels and anteaters were produced independently.
  • Star Saber and his elite guard defeat Magmatron's inner circle. The rebellion is crushed.
  • Saber Kushour apologises as he asks his guests to move the plastic chairs on his breeze-block balcony a little closer to the door to his house. Saber Kushour: 'My conviction for "rape by deception" has ruined my life'
  • The woolly rhinos and cave bears of Europe and Asia, the saber-toothed cats, the mastodons and giant sloths of North and South America - could some of these have made it through too?
  • Our new owners are coming in like the Cavalry with sabers drawn, ready to vanquish the enemy.
  • Most now consider Bill France's January threat to be little more than a bit of saber-rattling directed at rival O. Bruton Smith, whose Speedway Motorsports Inc., owns the tracks.
  • Wright, the youngest pitcher to start in the Series since Bret Saberhagen in 1985, improved to 3-0 in the postseason.
  • For six years, he makes a peaceful life for himself in the Canadian wilderness, but this life is shattered after the murder of his girlfriend by his brother Victor Creed (later Sabertooth ).
  • The sword was far too heavy, so Raven took a saber and imbued it with magical strength and abilities.
  • El caudillo de esta Iglesia, que no se averguenza de prohibir y hacer que se prohiba, por donde quiera alcanza su ferula, la palabra de Dios, debiera saber cuando menos, se atesorase el espiritu de Cristo, que mejor empleara sus bulas barriendo la Iglesia Letters of George Borrow to the British and Foreign Bible Society
  • Nilly hurriedly buttoned all the shiny buttons on the uniform, buckled the belt with the shiny saber that only just barely dragged on the ground, and grabbed the strange, three-cornered hat that was sitting on the seat of the chair. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • Among the finds is a near-intact mammoth skeleton, a skull of an American lion and bones of saber-toothed cats, dire wolves, bison, horses, ground sloths and other mammals. Ice age fossils include almost intact mammoth | clusterflock
  • Without delaying for another second, he shook his saber free of the flail and swung across to the halberd, causing the man to retreat for a moment.
  • Put aside the saber-rattling and military posturing; any electable candidate would do the same this year.
  • Although you may not see it in the movies every true Jedi knight is required to build their own Lightsaber. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1216
  • I have a saber from " Episode III.
  • Most cuts can be made with a circular saw, handsaw, or saber saw, but the angled back support would be more easily cut with a table saw.
  • It was a phrase that sabered the spider-webs of logical refinement, and held them up scornfully on the point. The Big Bow Mystery
  • Cheryl rolled to her left to avoid another crashing of the wooden club, her saber now drawn from its hidden place beneath her cloak.
  • Then bend Dante's sword so that it is curved like a saber.
  • As formações na cratera Galle assim se chama a sorridente cratera são naturais, e indiciam sinais de àgua em Marte, mas gostaria de saber o que é que malta que leva a sério a face de marte anda a pensar. Leituras
  • But if the threats and saber-rattling are going to be effective, Chamillionaire has to take his burnished, easy flow and start putting some specifics in it.
  • One ultimately abandoned direction was that of a pale, bald-headed female warrior with twin lightsabers.
  • Quando algun entraua en Casa de Algun prinçipal de noçhe contra la voluntad de su dueño tenia pena de muerte y era costumbre quando se cojia alguno destos dalle primero tormento por saber si lo auia enbiado algun otro prinçipal y si confesaua auer sido mandado tenia pena de esClauo y El que lo enbio tenia pena de muerte de la qual podia librar se pagando cantidad de oro por El delito. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Muskets and pikes and sabers lay strewn and forgotten like cut hay.
  • Im jsut wonderin cuz i aint got 200 dollers to spend on something for halloween but i still wanna be darth maul i have the lightsabers n stuff just dont wanna ruin em if it doesnt work SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1020
  • Extra points if you show up in your stormtrooper costume and/or have mad lightsaber skillz!! Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • She charged at her, blade of the dark saber extended.
  • Designed like a flashlight, this light saber (also dubbed a barf beamer and a puke saber) is intended to totally incapacitate its targets by emitting multiple light frequencies and colors that confuse the brain, resulting in symptoms ranging from discomfort and disorientation to temporary blindness and nausea. John W. Whitehead: Compliance Weapons: One Step Closer to a Police State?
  • Trinity mathematics department chairman Saber Elaydi says that 13 professors from three academic departments will be collaborating on the new minor in biomathematics. Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
  • Hola profesora, le escribe un alumno de c. políticas de Mexico, estaba revisando la página del COLMEX para tratar de obtener su articulo publicado en la revista de estudios socilógicos #53 y desafortunadamente en el sitio Web no lo tienen disponible, me gustaría saber si ud puede proporcionarlo o decirme donde puedo encontrarlo, muchas gracias. La Profesora Abstraida
  • Labat claimed that he once subdued a shipful of Spanish desperadoes who were aiming muskets and sabers at him by flourishing a cross worn by officers of the Inquisition. A Traveler's Way With Words
  • The project marks the first time researchers have spelled out the DNA of an extinct species, and it raised the possibility that other ancient animals such as mastodons and sabertooth tigers might someday walk the Earth again. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • In addition to shortages on armor plates there has also been a shortage on assault rifles, requiring the military to outfit one man per platoon with a cavalry saber.
  • The evening before, I sabered a champagne bottle and had a mouth-watering meal at Bearfoot Bistro. Margie Goldsmith: Grouse Grind And Other Adventures In B.C.
  • She whipped around and grabbed the great saber from Spade's back and placed the unsheathed blade before Tyran.
  • Use a small saber saw to cut a hole in the top of each pumpkin; clean them out, and save one of the pumpkin tops.
  • On February 27th Sheridan, with two divisions of cavalry, ten thousand sabers, moved up the Valley to Staunton.
  • This year Katie showed kids how to make Darth Vader holding an umbrella, General Grievous eating a taco, a Jawa in love, Luke & Leia as roller disco stars, Chewbacca with his pet Han Solo, Yoda with a sparkly lightsaber and more. The Official Star Wars Blog » Comic-Con 2010: Kids Draw Star Wars Panel
  • The airport's colorful and undeniably creepy diptych murals depicting things such as a gas-mask wearing Gestapo officer impaling a dove with his saber, and three dead women in coffins, don't help quell the rumors that DIA is some kind of grand mystic lodge for the reptilian overlords who secretly run everything. Boing Boing
  • Old muskets, pistols and sabers were spread everywhere Billy and White Eagle rode.
  • On February 27th Sheridan, with two divisions of cavalry, ten thousand sabers, moved up the Valley to Staunton.
  • The sabers and accoutrements clank, and the entirely unornamental cortège as it trots toward Lafayette Square arouses no sensation, only some curious stranger stops and gazes.
  • The evil geniuses* at Wicked Lasers have weaponized a laser for the consumer market by simply (?) rejiggering an unreasonably-powerful blue laser diode from a home theater projector and placing it in a lightsaber casing. No Way This Can Go Wrong: An Affordable, Real-Life Lightsaber
  • On the 28th, an editorial in The New York Times entitled "Iran and the Inspectors" opined, "Amid all of the White House's saber-rattling, it is tempting to discount Iran's genuine misbehavior," citing the IAEA report as "a grim reminder that Tehran is pressing ahead with its nuclear program" which "the United States and allies don't have a strategy for containing. IAEA on Iran's Nuclear Program: Reality vs. US media myth
  • The mastodon was a contemporary of saber-toothed cats. RSS
  • His first Adventure story was called "Khlit," after its 17th-century protagonist, a saber-wielding Cossack who wore an astrakhan hat and bright red breeches. Shepherding a Lamb's Lost Legacy
  • With the exercise saber the touch with the point is hardly perceptible and would not weaken the instructor's cut.
  • Police sabers, cavalry sabers, European-type dress swords and other non-traditional blades are outside the scope of this discussion.
  • Attempting to answer it by using saber-rattling to attack an amorphous axis of enemies is a great failure of leadership.
  • Guest well them energy saving light blubs causes skin cancer if Luke Skywalker uses his new energy saving lightsaber he might get skin cancer Cool Stuff: LightSaver T-Shirt | /Film
  • Then the elephants again, and torches under the mysterious trees, with a sabered escort plunging to the right and left. Guns of the Gods
  • A montage: Guri faces LUKE SKYWALKER in Xizor’s castle, Luke holds his light saber at the ready. Adventures in Comic Book Land
  • The saber flew forward and curved around slicing through trees and vines.
  • After all that unpleasantry Saber had endured, how dare anyone presume to think they knew him backwards, frontwards, upside down and sideways?
  • Anyone who learned about the game by reading Bill James and later consuming books like the annual Baseball Prospectus preview to which Mr. Keri was a longtime contributor has surely rued one odd effect of the triumph of their work within the sport: It seems that every time a sabermetrician does something really original, he is hired on by a team, with his work soon receiving a big stamp reading "proprietary" on it. The Religion of Prediction
  • He quotes French cuirassiers (heavy cavalrymen) as saying that their sabers were ‘virtually useless in hand-to-hand cavalry fighting’.
  • A light saber is a definite must-have for Kyle, but a couple of projectile weapons should be included.
  • US CIVIL WAR STAFF FIELD OFFICER SABER-Union USA Sword repro WW2 China KMT field uniform set officer khaki Field Officer | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • They want to dominate Europe by bureaucratic cleverness where they could not do so by muzzle-loading cannon, muskets and cavalry sabers.
  • That's right, I'm talking about the correct use of broadswords, backswords, sabers, cutlasses, & spadroons.
  • Ward shines in saber events, wins USA TODAY's weekly honor Ward shines in saber events, wins USA TODAY's weekly honor
  • Using data from TIMED/SABER, we studied the global behavior of the mesopause at solstice (northern-hemisphere summer).
  • I constantly had brought to mind the anecdote of the Crimean Zouaves, about to charge a redan, who answered their officer's query as to the number of cartridges they had by tapping their saber bayonets. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • A funny snorting noise was Kaethe's only warning before Saber erupted into chortling, hysterical glee.
  • And no, you can't accessorize a business suit with a lightsaber.
  • The Russians had rattled sabers throughout 1983, trying to stop NATO's theater missile deployment.
  • A laser-based lightsaber would require a block or a couple of mirrors floating in midair, moving in sync with the hilt — which is of course largely impossible. Lightsaber Turns 50 – GE Engineer Explains How It Could Not Possibly Work | Impact Lab
  • Most of the project requires basic wood-working tools - a circular saw, a saber saw, an electric drill, a hammer, and a nail set.
  • Para entonces, la curiosidad le había picado al juez quien estaba un tanto interesado en lo que Chon estaba tratando de decir, así que le dijo al licenciado: -- “Me gustaría saber que es lo que el hombre tiene que decir de Bessie, su vaquita preferida.” Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • I was heartened to see that our weapons came with blunt tips—Mr. Cohen had brought along both sabers and epees, explaining that with the saber you can hit only above the waist, but with the epee the whole body is fair game, thus more closely resembling dueling of old. A Fine Point in a Fight
  • Further support of this theory is demonstrated in the Battle of Balaclava where the sabers of the cavalry had little or no effect through heavy clothing.
  • The saber-like teeth of the maskinonge had cut it off like a knife. The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories
  • In fact, at the Gray Fossil Site, bones from a saber-toothed cat, camel, elephant and rhinoceros indicate these animals lived in the Volunteer State more than 4 million years ago.
  • Let us consider how a saber-tooth bites is synonymous with “red” pepper spray and how can we secure ourselves from what we term as “unnecessary evil”! SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1162
  • At rest, the tail hangs in a slight curve a saber.
  • I think the Fire People had already begun to be afraid of the dark in this fashion; but the reasons we Folk had for breaking up our hee-hee councils and fleeing to our holes were old Saber-Tooth, the lions and the jackals, the wild dogs and the wolves, and all the hungry, meat-eating breeds. CHAPTER XIV
  • Next to the table, on a chair covered in red velvet, I see a helmet, a yataghan [a curved Turkish saber], a large pistol with an ivory-inlaid grip.
  • I have a Ep. III Anakin saber, well the hilt pommel where you put the batteries in corroded and I wanna replace it, does anyone know where i can buy a replacement battery housing? SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6409
  • These extinctions included animals such as mammoths and mastodons, the saber-toothed cat, ground sloths and native American horses and camels.
  • In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker had to do a lot of droid shopping and bar-hopping before he got to shoot anything or wield a lightsaber.
  • Put aside the saber-rattling and military posturing; any electable candidate would do the same this year.
  • Quisiera saber si de alguna forma estos medicos son responsables por la muerte de este muchacho y quiza mucho mas, si el gob. o los medicos deberian ir a la carcel por este abuso contra la humanidad, esto lo que da es verguenza y asco, ya basta. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Doctors on Strike
  • Muskets and pikes and sabers lay strewn and forgotten like cut hay.
  • He very rarely puts his threat into practice - usually it's just saber – rattling.
  • Elon shouted as he drew his cavalry saber and aimed his Colt revolver.
  • Major Stienhouse, who was leading the squadron himself, sabered the commander of the battery, and the men following sabered all the remainder of the crew. The Record of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade
  • If you haven't had your shelving sides cut at the lumberyard, the next step is to use the saber saw to cut the side pieces for the shelving unit as well as the shelves for over the closet rods.
  • Umbrella Woman also clearly approved as she had taken her brolly down and was waving it like a light saber.
  • I've always considered it the preserve of the shop-bought trifle, and as such, rather beneath my dignity, but Helen Saberi makes a convincing case for it as "a solid sheet of load-bearing substance – the counterpart of a screeded concrete floor". How to make perfect trifle
  • In Spanish, for example, "saber" is the infinitive of "to know" in the sense of knowing a fact or knowing how to do something. Archive 2005-09-01
  • So while they're watching the administration, they're suspicious of its motives and what they call saber rattling. CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2007
  • See "Odd Saber-Toothed Beast Discovered—Preyed on ... Plants?
  • Red lightsabers for a Jedi, odd, looks like the darkness is already reaching you. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How to do super-acronyms like SHIELD or FLAG
  • Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, saber-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea, which is now just a suburb of Los Angeles.
  • Mariel Zagunis clinched the World Cup women's saber season title as no other fencer was able to approach her point total. - Landis nets Athlete of the Week honor after rewriting Tour conventions
  • Ford City running back Aaron Bell carried 11 times for 75 yards and two touchdowns, while sophomore wingback Derek Bush led the Sabers with 84 yards and a score on just nine trips.
  • I haven't seen Twilight, and Saberhagen's Vlad is too mas hombre to fit the hickie hypothesis, but still. Princeofcairo: An Anatomy of Horror
  • Our new owners are coming in like the Cavalry with sabers drawn, ready to vanquish the enemy.
  • The saber flew forward and curved around slicing through trees and vines.
  • September 16th, 2009 6: 01 pm ET unguard Joe Wilson, I have a lightsaber and I am not afraid to use it! Beat 360° 9/16/2009
  • Further support of this theory is demonstrated in the Battle of Balaclava where the sabers of the cavalry had little or no effect through heavy clothing.
  • But if the threats and saber-rattling are going to be effective, Chamillionaire has to take his burnished, easy flow and start putting some specifics in it.
  • Pore through the comprehensive images of nearly every Marine hero, uniform style, sidearm, saber, weapons platform, recruiting poster, plane, helicopter, boat, and mess kit.
  • They rode sturdy Mongolian ponies, wore distinctive fur caps, and carried sabers, pistols, and rifles.
  • Anakin dons the big, black suit to hide his disfigurement from the lightsaber duels with Obi Wan. August 2004
  • Yet, something is wrong with these beasts, disturbing deformities that make no sense: a parrot with no feathers, a pair of Capuchin monkeys conjoined at the hip, a jaguar cub with the dentition of a saber-toothed tiger. Altar of Eden by James Rollins: Book summary
  • With the exercise saber the touch with the point is hardly perceptible and would not weaken the instructor's cut.
  • The story here, "The Mighty Manslayer" 1918, begins: "Chakar Noyon was dead, long before the end of the sixteenth century, when Khlit, the Cossack called the 'Wolf,' he of the curved saber, rode into Samarkand. The Case of the Missing Adventure Story
  • They're doing a lot of saber-rattling around collaboration.
  • Però també hi veig una altra funció: i és la de saber com et classifiquen a tú altres usuaris de Twitter, i al mateix temps poder descobrir noves relacions i nous contactes. Llistes a Twitter | [bauen]
  • Me descubrí una cana, que creció oculta, apartada de mi mirada hasta ahora, vaya uno a saber por qué. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • It is very revealing that modern medicine with so many new diseasesAIDS, SARS, Lymehas not to my knowledge in the last fifty years come up with a metaphor as colorful as the mulberry molar or the cracked-pot skull or the saber-shinned tibia. Abraham Verghese - An interview with author
  • The outer part of the saber was lined with sharp tooth-like spikes which were left over from Dante's ‘Ryushinken’.
  • Hoy, gracias a Dios, ha desaparecido ya aquella comezón de ridículo que acometía a muchos al observar lo que consideraban necia presunción de las mujeres de saber tanto como los hombres, y esto se debe, indudablemente, a que los desastrosos resultados que pronosticaron los agoreros de las malas nuevas, las terribles profetas de la destrucción, no se han cumplido. The Woman and the Right to Vote
  • The warrior wears a saber at the waist.
  • The saber hums and scintillates with a distinct sound.
  • Hezbollah Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad banqueted together and discussed "the latest developments in the region, and Zionist threats against Lebanon and Syria," according to Lebanese Al-Manar television, in reference to Tel Aviv's saber rattling hinting at a fresh conflict with Hezbollah. Patrick Galey: Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad's Banquet of Defiance
  • Can copious amounts of ginger ale and cake compete with quidditch and lightsabers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week, the investment bank advised the promoters of Sabero Organics Gujarat Ltd. in the sale of 42.22% of outstanding shares to Coromandel International Ltd., a leading fertilizer and agrochemicals company. Lazard India's Local Strategy Paying Off
  • The polystyrene foam is often cut into shapes with chain saws and saber saws.
  • Kids would really want to be Anakin and the light saber is the perfect accessory that will go along with this great Halloween costume. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1127
  • The thrust of a saber, the firing of a musket, even the discharge of a cannon found easy expression in art.
  • You know absolutely nothing about North Korea, and I agree with Observer – the only way they are going to quit saber-rattling is if we carpet bomb every government facility in North Korea. Biden: Isolation policy working in North Korea
  • Attempting to answer it by using saber-rattling to attack an amorphous axis of enemies is a great failure of leadership.
  • In addition to shortages on armor plates there has also been a shortage on assault rifles, requiring the military to outfit one man per platoon with a cavalry saber.
  • To become a Jaguar Warrior, an Orc brave must first kill a saber-toothed jaguar, one of the fiercest predators of the islands, with his bare hands.
  • Ai haz a imprest wif dat purr tew! fanks fur teh splort warning on dat wun, mai CHRG adn pertecktib gogglolz wer liefsabers! MIRROR KITTEH - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Just the nonsense that closes out that last lightsaber duel "I have the high ground!" of all the stupid, pointless things for one Jedi to say to another almost eclipses the vitiation of the entire reason to care about the six films. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • GLORIA BORGER, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, you know, the notion that the Iranians are complaining about saber rattling from Hillary Clinton because she used the word obliterate if they were to consider attacking Israel is kind of a joke. CNN Transcript May 1, 2008
  • Special sections of the exhibition are dedicated to cholo graffiti and Dogtown skateboard culture, as well as projects by influential local artists such as Craig R. Stecyk III, Chaz Bojórquez, Mister Cartoon, RETNA, SABER, REVOK, and RISK. Bettina Korek: Plan ForYourArt: April 14-20
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was "heartened" by Ms. Saberi's release but that the U.S. continued "to take issue with the charges against her and the verdicts rendered. Iran Frees
  • Standing tall, black hood and mask concealing all but his yellow eyes, and carrying his deactivated double-edged saber, was the mastermind of this entire plan.
  • Most now consider Bill France's January threat to be little more than a bit of saber-rattling directed at rival O. Bruton Smith, whose Speedway Motorsports Inc., owns the tracks.
  • North America was home to three-toed horses, several types of rhinoceroses, and horse-like chalicothere herbivores, with bear-dogs and saber-toothed cats among the carnivores, and the pig-like entelodonts as successful omnivores.
  • Herbivorous reptiles the size of rhinos were hunted through forests of tree ferns and flowering trees by saber-toothed predators.
  • a saber-toothed tiger
  • When Japheth Boyce was a tyke in South Dakota, he liked to scrabble around in the barren, rocky ground of the Badlands, hunting for fossils of saber-toothed tigers, rhinoceroses and three-toed horses the size of golden retrievers.
  • Old muskets, pistols and sabers were spread everywhere Billy and White Eagle rode.
  • Most of the project requires basic wood-working tools - a circular saw, a saber saw, an electric drill, a hammer, and a nail set.
  • What killed the saber-toothed tiger, the mastodon and the mammoth, formidable animals that were on top of the food chain in North America 20,000 years ago?
  • Every confederate soldier gave a loud battle cry and with their muskets, pistols, and sabers raised, they ran toward the Union army.
  • Then bend Dante's sword so that it is curved like a saber.
  • A peaceful talk should be arranged prior to any saber rattling.
  • Several were sabered, and the Kremlin was relieved of their presence. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VII (of X)—Continental Europe I
  • They're doing a lot of saber-rattling around collaboration.
  • Saber-rattling aside, the nascent advergaming concept has some real numbers attached.
  • Once he substituted lettuce for liverwort, and I ended up with a ten-foot-tall saber-toothed rabbit. The Day of the Dissonance
  • Afghanistan Islam Ramazan Mubarak islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar - Photown News
  • Elon shouted as he drew his cavalry saber and aimed his Colt revolver.
  • Saber-toothed cats, mastodons, giant sloths, woolly rhinos, and many other big, shaggy mammals are widely thought to have died out around the end of the last ice age, some 10,500 years ago.
  • They sabered the officer who raised a white surrender flag, and bayoneted the wounded in a merciless slaughter.
  • A light saber is one of the most important aspects of this costume. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1155
  • From these glimpses, the notion of a lightsaber duel against a volcanic backdrop became part of the Star Wars mythos, and fans longed to see the cinematic depiction of this epic confrontation.
  • Quisiera saber si de alguna forma estos medicos son responsables por la muerte de este muchacho y quiza mucho mas, si el gob. o los medicos deberian ir a la carcel por este abuso contra la humanidad, esto lo que da es verguenza y asco, ya basta. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Doctors on Strike
  • Stamping to call the crew aloft, Iberville sabered the men as they scrambled up the hatches, till the Governor himself threw {159} up hands in unconditional surrender. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • A peaceful talk should be arranged prior to any saber rattling.
  • They rode sturdy Mongolian ponies, wore distinctive fur caps, and carried sabers, pistols, and rifles.
  • Todo lo que siempre has querido saber sobre flash para cámaras Canon y nunca te has atrevido a preguntar Auto-regalo: Understanding Exposure por Bryan Peterson
  • The folks at Master Replicas are selling phasers, communicators, and light sabers with stuff from ‘Lord of the Rings’ on the way.
  • Police sabers, cavalry sabers, European-type dress swords and other non-traditional blades are outside the scope of this discussion.
  • Saber opened the tall, ancient wooden doors with a flamboyant push, and stepped in, ready to bestow his declaration upon the inferior drudge currently polishing the hardwood floor of the room.
  • No lo podemos descutir sin saber con quien o para que estamos descutiendo. La Profesora Abstraida
  • Attempting to answer it by using saber-rattling to attack an amorphous axis of enemies is a great failure of leadership.
  • The prison guard reeled back, staggering a few steps and struggling to reach for his saber.
  • On their arrival they were received and brought up amid large wax torches, and the person who was to read them was stationed on a raised platform; standing below him was the rajah, with a saber in his hand; in front of the rajah was his brother, Pangeran Jaffer, with a tremendous kempilan drawn; and around were the other brothers and myself, all standing -- the rest of the company being seated. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • In 2008, the National Toy Hall of Fame inducted "The Stick" into its lineup of all-time best toys, noting that "sticks can turn into swords, magic wands, majorette batons, and light sabers."
  • Todo lo que siempre has querido saber sobre flash para cámaras Canon y nunca te has atrevido a preguntar
  • So in 2005 the scientists sent the skull to a technician, who spent three years removing the rock from around the fossil—finally revealing a saber-toothed, squirrel-like creature.
  • Nothing would have made me happier than if Michelle had run Curtis through with an "epee" or hacked off his limbs with a "saber". posting and discussion policies if you haven't already. The Comics Curmudgeon
  • Para entender que tan crepúsculo-obsesionada Stephanie Meiza esta, solo necesitas saber esto: ella tiene 25 años, tienes tres hijos menores de siete y tiene dos trabajos, y esta tan llevada por la saga de vampiros que Casi me divorcio. TWILIGHT TOUR: NADA DE ROBERT PATTINSON PERO ABUNDANCIA DE LUNA NUEVA Y ECLIPSE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • With my 10X50 binoculars, we were able to see Saber's Beads on the lower cusp of the moon.
  • Permalink hola meencantan tus cancion eres un gran fan mia eres la mejor quieres saber cuantos años tengo tengo 7 sien e deseado bir con tigo pero no e bisto ninguna estreya fugas oye te cuento un chiste erasi una bez un perro que se llamaba mis tetas entonces la dueña se entero y le al policia as bisto mis tetas no pero me encantaria verlas jejeheje xd adios mika chao No Fat Clips!!! : MIKA – Lollipop
  • Surely not. It'should be the saber of tribe around North Africa or Sudan.
  • To salute with ( a weapon, such as a rifle or saber ).
  • They dashed into the unbroken lines of the triumphant German infantry like a living hurricane, sabered the enemy, and put thousands on the run. The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 12) Neuve Chapelle, Battle of Ypres, Przemysl, Mazurian Lakes
  • I read with avidity of his great exploits, his hand-to-hand combats at Monterey, his refusal to surrender, and the escape of his entire command at Fort Donelson, when all could have marched away had they been as determined and fearless as he; of Shiloh, where he rode in among Sherman's infantry, who jabbed bayonets at him and his bold troopers and shot him through and through as he sabered them right With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • The Russians had rattled sabers throughout 1983, trying to stop NATO's theater missile deployment.
  • With Norton CyberSecure 7791, Bio-Neuro signals can be automatically rerouted around damaged circuity caused during light saber duels or from blaster wounds. And Me, With A Pain In All The Diodes Down My Left Side
  • First for failing to recognize one of the league’s oldest and most prominent owners, and second for shooting off his mouth and explaining his hoops sabermetrics as though his seatmate were an optometrist from Reseda. Foul Lines
  • The canines have a sharp bend and fit into a groove on an expanded process on the lower jaw: a feature seen in other sabertooths but not in Smilodon.
  • The warrior wears a saber at the waist.
  • You may as well gorge out my eyes with burning sabers of methane gas and ceremoniously sacrifice my body over an open barbecue pit in the name of good taste.

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