How To Use Saarinen In A Sentence
No American manufacturer currently produces sterling or silver-plated flatware in the Saarinen style.
In addition to the undulating walls, there is one main design feature in the interior of the chapel that was not part of Saarinen's design, but nonetheless creates an impressive atmosphere.
Designed by famed architect Eero Saarinen, the arena has a soaring, humpback-shaped roof, and every seat in the 3,500-capacity rink has an unobstructed view.
Why College Hockey Arenas Are the Cathedrals of Sports
Curiously, its busy, joggled fenestration -- so at odds with the clean, corporate lines of the dominant "International Style" that Saarinen rejected -- is very much the kind of thing that today's younger architects are doing, if with a lighter touch.
Saarinen's Embassy Must Not Be Razed
The present embassy, a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen, is still regarded skeptically by critics.
Charles and Ray Eames, Eero Saarinen, Lloyd Wright and Neutra created sleek, unornamented homes that redefined residential living.