How To Use Rusty In A Sentence

  • A couple of rusty old bits of farm machinery lay slowly dissolving beneath the sky.
  • Stealing away, (whence, I suppose, the ironical phrase of trusty Trojan to this day,) like a thief — pretendedly indeed at the command of the gods; but could that be, when the errand he went upon was to rob other princes, not only of their dominions, but of their lives? — Clarissa Harlowe
  • I do not want to see or smell your funky feet, crusty heels or unpedicured toes.
  • We passed ancient cottages embowered with climbing roses that Edward Elgar must have known as he cycled here on what he called his "trusty steed". Country diary: Malvern Hills
  • All yellowhammers have striking, rusty-coloured, unstreaked rumps which are most attractive.
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  • Truly, Ranald, my trusty friend," said Dalgetty, "I will not deny that the case may be soon my own; for I am so forfoughen (being, as A Legend of Montrose
  • Not even his trusty silver medallion of St. Christopher could protect him against such overwhelming numbers. Storyteller
  • The arresting part of this photo is not her femaleness, although foregrounding her gender seems to be the intention, but the condition of her gun, which is old, chipped, and rusty.
  • Now, whenever I go out on the porch I remember how rusty and pitted the railings used to look and how it bothered me, and the several hours I spent sandpapering it smooth, then the three coats of brown Rustoleum I applied, and now I'm watching it get whiter and cleaner with every new layer of paint I apply. A Productive Day
  • An adjoining room is littered with mementos of more recent island history: a rack of antlers, a rusty plow, and an old dentist's chair.
  • FORGET the image of an old wooden shack that is home to rusty bikes and spiders. The Sun
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • The resulting cake is golden, incredibly moist, light and fruity, with a slightly crusty edge, and it is very hard to stop at just one slice.
  • From the outset, she is not sure she will survive this touchy encounter with a legendary fisherman who taught her everything she knows and is one tough, crusty character.
  • We landed hard with a shower of sparks and a few rusty pieces of metal coming from the bottom of the van.
  • I have decided that it is best to let the flat unfurnished, so it's time to say goodbye to what has been a trusty friend for the last few years.
  • Our trusty electric breaker was called for, and ear defenders were handed out - they were absolutely vital!
  • I guess you refer to name calling coz of the words Krusty Crash.Net Motorsports Newsfeed
  • Roast for a further 10-15 min until crusty and golden. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, die-hard Simpsons fans are boycotting the promotion, upset that each box of Krusty O's doesn't come with a jagged metal Krusty O that will hospitalise them in the same way that Bart was in episode 125. Now The Pagans Gun For Homer Simpson
  • That Thoreau gave the impression of being what country folk call a crusty person -- curt and forbidding in manner -- seems pretty well established. The Last Harvest
  • A last ray of burning rusty light glanced off the monkey bars, where Wyatt remembered playing, himself as a kid.
  • We met at Prefab, on a cold, blusterous winter's day, over steaming bowls of excellent chowder and chunks of crusty bread.
  • Thou too, O Pylades, trusty squire, whose training shows thy father's sterling worth, receive a garland from my hand, for thou no less than he hast a share in this emprise; and so I pray, good luck be thine for ever! Electra
  • You are off to a fine pya mwaki (new year, in case your Swahili has become rusty) with your January unplug, my friend. Storytellersunplugged
  • A few rusty bits of scrap metal are not really direct evidence of ‘weapons of mass destruction’.
  • Actually, its original coating was a strong, rusty umber, but the passing centuries had sapped the mineral pigment of its oxidic potency, leaving it a flat, dull rose, like a dance hall memory, and so thin that the original wood showed through it like the night sky through a canopy of fishnet. Skinny Legs and All
  • Serve the soup with crusty bread.
  • It ripples and furrows, drips in long trails, gathers in gritty, crusty patches.
  • We were a bit rusty in the first half. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE trusty old doctor's bag is getting a digital makeover with a new generation of high-tech gadgets. The Sun
  • He was a friend of theirs, a good man and trusty, and in the days before he knew Nayla, Haugh had been, for a long sweet summer, much closer friends with the forgeman™s daughter than with the smith himself. The Lioness
  • This year it was his crusty and soft rolls, Chelsea buns, and large crusty cobs which caught the adjudicator's eye resulting in a cache of trophies.
  • I believe that war is in Latin called bellum, not by antiphrasis, as some patchers of old rusty Latin would have us to think, because in war there is little beauty to be seen, but absolutely and simply; for that in war appeareth all that is good and graceful, and that by the wars is purged out all manner of wickedness and deformity. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Just as a crusty maiden aunt confined to a retirement home might continue to lecture her long-suffering relatives by letter, she will still be playing the duenna to an errant world, in writing.
  • In one bony hand he clutched an oak club driven through with rusty nails.
  • All the time that he had appeared so indifferent to what was going on, he had been looking slily about for some missile or weapon of defence, and at the very instant when the swords were drawn, he espied, standing in the chimney – corner, an old basket – hilted rapier in a rusty scabbard. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • During walks in the woods, Rusty, whose blindness is caused by underdeveloped retinas, would follow Dugan, staying right at his ear.
  • They also may be dome-shaped with a crusty layer or ulceration.
  • The animal has been portrayed as a good sheep dog, a carrier of the needed aid, a messenger in the time of war, a seeing eye to the physically impaired, of simply a trusty household pet.
  • There were baffling, unanswerable teasers such as: why is a left foot either ‘trusty’ or ‘educated’ but a right foot is neither?
  • The first race is always going to be a bit rusty. The Sun
  • I reckon," he continued, solemnly, peering at the other from under his rusty hat-brim, "I reckon when you see him, maybe you'll want to put a kind of codicil to that deed to the 'Herald.' The Gentleman from Indiana
  • Andrew picked rusty bits of metal off my car, and so I drove it home a little lighter than I drove it out - which should save on petrol if nothing else, I suppose.
  • The leader tries to seduce Kirk while Rosie stares daggers, Billie tries to make time with the lunkhead and all of the women avoid the lecherous behaviour of the crusty father.
  • 'Cochise' and 'Show Me How To Live' brought us back to the Audioslave days and Soundgarden finale 'Rusty Virtual Festivals
  • She fancied for a moment that she could detect the faint rusty smell of hot steel.
  • Approximately 150 people attended the event, which featured a meal catered by Margaret Trusty Catering.
  • And now Rusty was in " brainstorm mode," in the operations room, staring at the chart. NIMITZ CLASS
  • Rusty old tin sheets are nailed on to the roof or the sides of buildings to give them a slapdash appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soup was ladled into it, and the next woman placed a piece of crusty bread on the side along with a browning apple.
  • He has a pencil moustache and a trusty sidekick, a little terrier. Times, Sunday Times
  • By turns crusty, combative and charming, Mr. Clements, who died Sunday at age 94, was elected to two nonconsecutive four-year terms as governor, in 1978 and 1986. Rough-Cut Governor Helped Turn Texas Red
  • These highlands have a story to tell, one illustrated by railroad ties, horseshoes, and rusty scraps of metal - as well as big-tooth aspen and red spruce saplings poking through the snow.
  • What Rusty is referring to here is not prediction but retrodiction - it's looking back from the perspective of modern theories and reading those facts back into the Genesis account.
  • You've got crusty Italian bread slices topped with pepper jelly and andouille sausage in the middle.
  • Rusty turned out to be a personable fellow who loved to work horsehide into trusty tools to tote handguns.
  • Alas, my trusty companion has discovered the remote for the widescreen telly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In case your Hinduism is a little rusty, the Brahmans are the priest caste in traditional Hindu society.
  • There were a lot of crusty kids in there so it already stunk.
  • At first quick glance, the image appears to present a pretty nondescript, rusty-colored flatland dotted with rocks.
  • I think we all showed some good signs but were a little rusty and struggled with our lengths. The Sun
  • Jillie leads me through an opening in the brush, a path lined with white knotweed and purple morning glories that opens up, just beyond the briers of blackberry vines that have long been picked clean by quail and finches, into a meadow lighted with goldenrod and sunlight against the rusty tops of tall grasses, striving against the subtle blues of the lobelia and the aggressive reds of jack-in-the-pulpits. Taxonomies
  • We enjoyed fat slices from a generous chunk of crusty boule.
  • A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove.
  • This has the added bonus of dissolving those crusty accretions that make one's toothpaste tube a complete social disgrace.
  • The types we got at B&Q were young couples, old crusty workmen blokes, middle-aged couples, pensioners (usually on a Wednesday) and the odd beefy bearish labourer.
  • He has a pencil moustache and a trusty sidekick, a little terrier. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it's to do with your life having a reliable, trusty soundtrack and that soundtrack suddenly not being there any more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rusty, metal hinges squeaked as he pulled the door open, wincing as it scraped loudly against the stone floor, and stepped inside.
  • Armed with their trusty detectors, they searched the garden thoroughly.
  • And there's a couple of crusty guys with dreads sitting in there drinking milkshakes and stuff!
  • The water was more of a rusty brown than a clear reflecting blue.
  • Crusty white bread, aromatic black coffee with thick sweet cream and buttery cheese had accompanied them.
  • The barber carried a piece of rusty hoop instead of a razor, and a pot of grease for lather, while the doctor, with a huge pill box and a knife, which he called his lancet, stood by to prescribe the treatment each patient was to receive. Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs A Tale of Land and Sea
  • Sinitor Jones calls wan iv his thrusty hinchman to his side, an 'says he:' Mike, put on a pig-tail, an 'a blue shirt an' take a dillygation iv Chinnymen out to Canton an 'congratulate Mack on th' murdher iv mission'ries in China. Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
  • To him, a schoolmistress was a crusty Old Maid in a liberty bodice and lisle stockings.
  • I did the entire three hundred miles on my own - just me and my trusty bike.
  • The 8-ball crusty had to be manually rotoscoped out, frame by painful frame.
  • She struck Blue suddenly with her rein-ends and went clattering up the trail where the snow lay in shaded, crusty patches rimmed with dirt. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • It's rusty water, leaking from conduit lines beneath a manhole cover on Riggs Road.
  • To me, he's rusty, he's unskillful right now, his shot is off.
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • The folded pizza slice, the hot dog and the crusty knish have a built-in mobility that lets hungry New Yorkers eat on the street.
  • The bread basket had a few slices of a tan sourdough and a two little twin loafs of a wonderfully crusty, narrow bread whose air pockets even seemed to carry flavor.
  • My bartering skills seem to have become rusty since my last visit to Turkey.
  • Turn and cook for another 10-15 min until crusty and golden. Times, Sunday Times
  • And now Rusty was in " brainstorm mode," in the operations room, staring at the chart. NIMITZ CLASS
  • Smashing through the rusty outer hull of the Vanguard was easy, though I scraped my hand and arm along the way.
  • Fry the goujons in batches until crusty and golden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover the goodmen and swains of the said township were no ill folk, but bold of heart, free of speech, and goodly of favour; and the women of them fair, kind, and trusty. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  • For fear that the crusty breadstuff will appear on an adjoining table? Mark Foley’s Upcoming Personal Disclosures « Whatever
  • Most of the stories are heroic epics where the batir and his trusty horse save the clan and its livestock from danger.
  • Plump and juicy, they are ideally served in a mariniere sauce with crusty homemade bread or chunky chips. The Sun
  • Poised along the stream are a pair of coyote sculptures cut from sheet metal and allowed to develop a rusty patina.
  • Bronze carex or blonde feather grass pairs beautifully with rusty iron.
  • -- Pale sandy red, darker on the top of the head, the shoulders and fore part of back; two large patches behind the ears; the feet and the under-parts are pale buff yellow; ears moderately large, subovate and well clad, rusty yellow, paler on the under part; whiskers very long, brown, a few brownish white; toe-pads blackish. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Shutting my eyes, I stretched my hands above me, reaching for the rusty metal rings.
  • There were pillars, shadows, memorial brasses, boys scuffling and swopping stamps behind Prayer Books; the sound of a rusty pump; the Doctor booming, about immortality and quitting ourselves like men; and The Waves
  • He kept probing the crusty snow with a pole.
  • One pier is vibrant with candyfloss, arcades and people, the other stands derelict and rusty.
  • Both hard drives failed to register during the boot sequence and I had to resort to reseating every connector and giving them a little ‘tap’ with my trusty hammer, in order to break the stiction.
  • His books lack the extempore felicities and the reflected fellow-feeling which lent a charm to his spoken sermons; and on the table-land of his controversial treatises, sentence follows sentence like a file of ironsides, in buff and rusty steel, a sturdy procession, but a dingy uniform; and it is only here and there where a son of Anak has burst his rags, that you glimpse a thought of uncommon stature or wonderful proportions. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • The door of the colonial church and bell tower is sealed with a rusty padlock. Times, Sunday Times
  • A young and arrogant Foreign Secretary got at cross purposes with old and crusty diplomats. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think we all showed some good signs but were a little rusty and struggled with our lengths. The Sun
  • Later on in the year the dark rusty heleniums will contrast with the taller purplish veronicastrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
  • THE trusty old doctor's bag is getting a digital makeover with a new generation of high-tech gadgets. The Sun
  • The brake discs have already gone rusty and you can see their condition through the alloy wheels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve with salad, crusty bread and Chardonnay to two appreciative flatmates.
  • Come morning he sneaks out, whiles his mum's snoring off last night's gin, with a pot for an helmet, a stick for sword, and his trusty old slingshot. Jack Scallywag
  • Reese · Witherspoon Her spoon may be rusty but I want it anyway.
  • The chain was rusty and it was hard to pedal, but it was all we could afford.
  • The Cavalry - Jona Lewie. mp3 demento/_demento's xmas holidays in dementia/demento - _holidays - xmas - HID CD - T07 - Rusty
  • But you could see the rusty metal underneath if you looked about from different angles.
  • Make like this chap and add a 1950s twist by pairing with faded jeans and a trusty pair of pumps. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were also some quite spectacular pieces of dark red meat on show, available either in the form of a fat slab of steak or in choice little cuts delivered on a slice of crusty bread.
  • I whistled up my trusty steed and galloped across the badlands towards a rundown town, my mount kicking up grit with its hooves. The Sun
  • Mixed schools of porgy and tang hovered over the wreck, and blue chromis, almost too small to spot easily, sought protection from predators within its crusty surface.
  • *Offurs a tray of semisoft danish chese, crusty fronch bred slices, and apple slices* THIS - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Oddly enough, I had made identical calculations thirty-four years earlier for the colinear Earth-Moon Lagrange points ( "Stationary Orbits", Journal of the British Astronomical Association, December 1947) but I no longer trust my ability to solve quintic equations, even with the help of HAL, Jr., my trusty H/P 91OOA. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • Are those gastronomic geniuses really a crusty lot?
  • Not even his trusty silver medallion of St. Christopher could protect him against such overwhelming numbers. Storyteller
  • Then he spake to Piraeus, his trusty companion: ‘Piraeus, son of Clytius, thou that at other seasons hearkenest to me above all my company who went with me to Pylos, even now, I pray, lead this stranger home with thee, and give heed to treat him lovingly and with worship in thy house till I come. Book XV
  • Yes, it's a slightly bumpy ride on my trusty bike, but I'm grateful that some vehicle drivers can no longer tear along at high speeds.
  • While it is the sheer physicality of Mr. Hurt's performance that impresses most—he totters about the stage with the squeaky-shoed grace of the music-hall clowns that Beckett loved—you will be no less stunned by the sound of his creaky, rusty voice, which suggests a hermit who never has occasion to speak a word aloud for months at a time. The End Of the Line
  • Rusty worked at Padiham in Lancashire and had no interest whatsoever regarding being there. Swine Flu Threat To Police Officers. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • We liked the "fritter" idea -- the crusty crab puffs had a soft, crab-laced interior -- but found the chive sauce a bit too much about onion for our taste. Reader -
  • Admit it, it’s a pretty name—at least when it’s not modified by the word crusty. Johanna Lindsey
  • His nemesis is a Scotland Yarder declared Sir Denis Nayland-Smith who with his trusty sidekick Dr Petrie pursues Dr FuManchu a same approach Holmes as good as Watson pursued Prof Moriarty all those years. TV Anime Guide for Nov 09 Updated 1 Nov 09
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • I think really, he felt he was a throwback to some earlier Doe, a crusty waterman out of a Devon gunkhole. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Adhesive tape will not adhere to wet, dirty, rusty, or frozen surfaces.
  • My first tastes of venison were much like Douglas 'mom, from deer that were killed on dog drives, gut shot, hauled around in pickups then, to paraphrase Tom Kelly, haggled into unidentifiable hunks of bloody gristle by a succession of drunks with rusty saws and hatchets. Beef or Venison: Which Tastes Better?
  • For climbing structures, seek out rusty metal poles or sleek stainless steel. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took that information as an opportunity to refresh my knowledge of French, so I offered to translate the resort's rules into French so they can be handed out to the Quebecoise when they come in ... of course that's a much easier project with the help of so many online translators, but it was fun to read through it and tweak it - and today I met a woman from Montreal at the pool with whom I attempted a bit of a conversation with my rusty "Franglais"! Recent Updates
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • He did admit to being rusty and said that it is difficult to come back to the tour with a matchplay event.
  • Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
  • Philautus, upbraiding his treacherous friend Euphues for robbing him of his lady's love, delivers himself of the following speech: "Although hitherto Euphues I have shrined thee in my heart for a trusty friend, I will shunne thee hereafter as a trothless foe, and although I cannot see in thee less wit than I was wont, yet do I find less honesty. John Lyly
  • The first thing in view was the old, rusty, metal plate saying ‘Clenverry station’.
  • Tommy's old bicycle was rusty and falling apart.
  • That earns you a suit of medieval armor and a giant cannonball lashed to your left leg with five links of rusty chain.
  • The steamroller was now a rusty, immobile, piece of heavy machinery.
  • So Jeremiah called his trusty scribe Baruch and dictated all his messages. Saints & Scoundrels of the Bible
  • These ancient, rusty fireboxes were dug up by remediation crews removing polluted soil around the shops.
  • She pointed, as she spoke, to the cluttered yard before them, to the unwashed wagons and rusty tools that had not been put away, to the shed-door half off its hinges, and the unpiled wood tossed carelessly inside the shed. The Old Gray Homestead
  • Roast for 20 min until turning crusty and golden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the lip of the removable cushioned seat she had found a small catch, rusty enough to break two nails.
  • Salami are best served as an antipasto, in sandwiches, with salads or eaten with a little cheese and fresh crusty bread.
  • The soles of my good summer shoes are peeling away and the worn out cleats are frozen in my trusty Airwalks.
  • He held one out to the shadow and flicked his trusty Zippo. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Use your trusty right mouse button to click on it, which will bring up a properties sheet.
  • Wendy had bowls and soup spoons laid out, and gracing the center of the table was a large round of crusty bread, still warm from the oven.
  • Hey Butch, if Dutch goes back to school, make sure he enrolls in English 101; his spelling is a little rusty ... McDonnell holds the edge in Virginia gov fundraising race
  • Do channel changers, electric coffee pots and your trusty computer represent your main interaction with machines?
  • The houses are small, cramped dingily together, with fringes of grass, old-fashioned blooms and rusty chain-link fences dividing the yards.
  • Then he took his brither aside, and gave him a knife to keep till he should come back, desiring him to look at it every morning, and as lang as it continued to be clear, then he might be sure that the owner of it was well; but if it grew dim and rusty, then for certain some ill had befallen him. The Blue Fairy Book
  • My guess is it will be either when they disembowel Dimon with a rusty, dull hacksaw, or when they tie Dimon to the 4 horses. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » New Names, Same Old Enemies
  • The colors - simmered shades of red, yellow and blue - are more urban decay than Mondrian, turning up as rusty orange, bilious yellow, bruised blue, teal blue and off-red, with smears of black and white.
  • All the cutting blades, including the ones on the various machines, were rusty and would most likely not pass any health inspection, save for one in hell.
  • I distinctly remember assembling on a tray some orange-topped mushrooms, a rusty bed-spring, and some blackened pieces of toast.
  • There's a choice of Italian cold cuts - you know the list, capicollo to mortadella to prosciutto - served on crusty fresh bread.
  • Therefore, using our trusty friend, aka deductive reasoning, evolution MUST be considered as valid scientific fact. Our Scientific Output - The Panda's Thumb
  • Cuckoo wrasse are also common, and soft corals and red sunstars add some colour to the rusty steel.
  • That van was a rusty old thing but the fridge was something of wonder. The Sun
  • Our hero sat once more below the faithful tree, his trusty vial of pills in his hands, a prescribed lifeline.
  • Then again, we see someone like Scott Niedermayer show up, mainly due to the fact he's carrying the mail when it comes to tough minutes he may also be a tad rusty from, you know, sitting on his tuchis for a while. Archive 2008-02-01
  • But I'm still not eating the crusty bits of bread, even if you held me down and force fed me.
  • The lock was rusty, so we had to smash the door open.
  • -- Head and nape rufous black; neck and shoulders golden yellow (the hair longer); back dark brown; chin dark; rest of body beneath fulvous or rusty brown; interfemoral membrane brownish black. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Allow me," said Ellery, whipping out his trusty picklock gun. The Body Ricardo
  • I know he's rusty, judging by his airshot in the second half, but it was his attitude which really pissed me off. Chelsea Blog
  • And every day, girls from the village would go down to the water hole and fill rusty pails with water for cooking and drinking.
  • A new plastic sink and an old, rusty medicine cabinet. Christianity Today
  • The state penitentiary was located there, and the telegraphing was done by a convict "trusty" -- a man who, having been appointed cashier of a big freight office in the western part of the state, couldn't stand prosperity, and, in consequence, had been sent up for six years. Danger Signals Remarkable, Exciting and Unique Examples of the Bravery, Daring and Stoicism in the Midst of Danger of Train Dispatchers and Railroad Engineers
  • I had just about run myself dry of duff funnies regarding the trusty Smith and Whatsaname.
  • At night, I toss and turn, and watch my trusty verminous companions scurrying to and fro.
  • The colour of ivory differs markedly from creamy white to a rusty brown, especially if it has been exposed to light, or treated with a stain.
  • Look at the soil - does the soil look soft and mellow, or is it hard and crusty?
  • I must go down to the basement at once with my trusty two-by-four and administer a few more bracing wallops.
  • Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman.
  • A sinister looking retainer, dressed in a dark uniform with a blue sash and blue and white turban opened the rusty gate.
  • Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
  • Inside the floors are splintery and rusty fans clank noisily above our heads.
  • Tad sighed as Aubri went through the whole of his dry, impish, "absentminded" routine, first scratching his rusty-brown headfeathers meditatively (which made more dustmotes dance into the light), then staring up at the ceiling of the dwelling he shared with Judeth. The Silver Gryphon
  • Zoo chiefs threw in the rusty old banger to highlight the menace of pollution to animals in the wild. The Sun
  • It was like attempting a three-point turn on top of a crusty loaf. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The bald skin is mottled with age spots, which have gone crusty.
  • All of the round tables around the cafe were a rusty metal, with metal chairs around them that were upholstered with a blue fabric.
  • Any crusty white bread will do; however, ciabatta is best for this one.
  • You're better not to stop it because you get a bit rusty. The Sun
  • In many games, he was known to have mock battles with his trusty sword and threaten the opposing team's mascots.
  • Sometimes, skills get rusty, especially if they have not been used regularly.
  • I dabbed concealer on some red spots and put on a coat of rusty colored lipstick.
  • When we got there, we found several young men lounging in and on the clothes, eating bread by the loaves some other team had handed out, hamming for my trusty Contax.
  • The key components in achieving a crusty bread with a lusciously soft crumb are heat and steam.
  • ‘All my crusty pals are delighted,’ said my informant.
  • Only real spiritual power has become rusty through prolonged disuse.

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