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How To Use Rustling In A Sentence

  • There is a constant cacophony of owl hoots and rustling rats. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hears nothing but the breeze rustling the curtains of her bedroom window, and the angry blare of the television coming from her father's bedroom.
  • Traditional B-Western themes such as cattle and horse rustling continued, but they were war-related.
  • There was only a cluster of reeds by the river(Sentence dictionary), rustling dryly in an evening breeze.
  • He found himself making his way along a rocky crest when a sudden rustling in the brush startled him.
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  • Six people have been arrested in connection with sheep rustling in the region in recent months. The Sun
  • With the sound of the wind rustling the neon green leaves, Theo fell into a gentle sleep.
  • rustling silk
  • The lady returned to her side, her dress rustling softly as it slid along the smooth surface.
  • It makes a dry rustling sound, and a hollow echo as the cans and harder litter roll away across the dirty tiles.
  • But before that, fighting was essentially a matter of tribal feuding, combined perhaps with cattle or sheep rustling. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • It is hypnotically serene – out in the great wide open, no sounds except the gentle scrape of the wooden oar on the pebbled waterbed, the occasional cry of a bird, the wind rustling through the banana trees. In search of Errol Flynn's Jamaica
  • The stealing of exotic breeds of chicken comes amid a wider rise in rustling, particularly pedigree animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • To her left, there was a mouse rustling the long grass along the alley sides.
  • It should have been peaceful, a haven of bright birdsong and softly rustling leaves.
  • The flower-woman at the gate of her garden had now only autumnal blooms for sale in the vases which flanked the entrance; the windrows of the rowen, left steeping in the dews overnight, exhaled a faint fragrance; a poor remnant of the midsummer multitudes trailed itself along to the various cafes of the valley, its pink paper bags of bread rustling like sere foliage as it moved. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • At home she is a keen baker, rustling up scones and cakes with her mum. Times, Sunday Times
  • COPS busted a suspected sheep rustling gang after farmers picked out their stolen flock in an identity parade, a court heard. The Sun
  • Here and there he could sense animals rustling through the underbrush. A TIME OF WAR
  • The only thing they heard was the night wind rustling and rushing through the leaves of the trees.
  • Can you remember the patter of rain on your tent, the sound of owls or the rustling of the wind in the leaves at night? The Sun
  • After a few rousing choruses of ‘O Holy Night’ there'd be a rustling at the back of the room and the first whiffs of smoke filtered forward.
  • the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze
  • Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustling sound.
  • I could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind.
  • Cowboys lived along the line to contain cattle and prevent rustling.
  • A sidelong glance revealed a handkerchief, he heard its rustling. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • And as fires kindled dispersedly in a dry forest and rustling laurel-thickets, or foaming rivers where they leap swift and loud from high hills, and speed to sea each in his own path of havoc; as fiercely the two, Aeneas and Turnus, dash amid the battle; now, now wrath surges within them, and unconquerable hearts are torn; now in all their might they rush upon wounds. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Six people have been arrested in connection with sheep rustling in the region in recent months. The Sun
  • They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard.
  • At the sound of the girls' skirts rustling, the men gave a start and began expressing their disapproval.
  • The only sounds were the gentle breeze rustling my curtains and the buzzing of the refrigerator.
  • Out in the forest a steady rustling wind crept through the trees, stalking northwards like a stealthy cat.
  • In that interlunar twilight there reigned a solemn sense of wonder evoked here eternally, one felt, from the ancient time, with the rustling of stirred foliage and the voice of those far waters for its music. Apologia Diffidentis
  • It continues to operate in the region today, even though cattle rustling and other forms of thievery rarely occur.
  • The only sound was the breeze rustling the leaves of the trees.
  • Lever and his men raided Ralph and his tenants, rustling their cattle and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down.
  • A gentle breeze welcomed them by rustling the leaves above.
  • Shortly before 11am there was a rustling sound as thousands checked that their mobile phones were switched off. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd go for long walks on the trails, long walks amid the discarded cottonwood and aspen leaves, and laugh at the rustling sounds they made.
  • It should have been peaceful, a haven of bright birdsong and softly rustling leaves.
  • But before that, fighting was essentially a matter of tribal feuding, combined perhaps with cattle or sheep rustling. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • He has a secret weapon for cow rustling, then when the farms go broke he appears in disguise with a bagload of cash.
  • All George's performances in the art of rustling bivvies rank as star. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 29, 1919
  • A gentle breeze blew through the windows, lightly rustling the curtains.
  • A gentle breeze blew through the windows, lightly rustling the curtains.
  • There must have been the same animal warmth, the same sweet animal smell, the same sounds of animals breathing, chewing and rustling hay.
  • The poultry-yard, stables, and cow-shed, relegated to the buildings near the pheasantry and hidden by clumps of trees, instead of afflicting the eye with their foul details, now blended those soft murmurs and cooings and the sound of flapping wings, which are among the most delightful accompaniments of Nature's eternal harmony, with the peculiar rustling sounds of the forest. Sons of the Soil
  • He heard a small rustling as the earth shifted directly beneath him.
  • There was a rustling noise from the ground and Kayla popped out of the underbrush.
  • The crackle and lick of the flames accompanies the chirping crickets and rustling leaves that surround him.
  • Can you remember the patter of rain on your tent, the sound of owls or the rustling of the wind in the leaves at night? The Sun
  • From several metres, the youths take turns lassoing the antlers with rope, like cowboys rustling cattle.
  • The sounds of leaves rustling in the wind were whirling around in a pit of fury.
  • Consider the problem of cattle rustling in the Horn of Africa.
  • Birds called in the distance, and a gentle breeze was rustling the leaves.
  • I have, as a great modern said, seen too many ghosts to believe in them, so betook myself seriously to my repose, lulled by the wind rustling among the lime-trees, the branches of which chequered the moonlight which fell on the floor through the diamonded casement, when, behold, a darker shadow interposed itself, and I beheld visibly on the floor of the apartment — The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Soft rustling from outside broke his trance and forced him to his feet.
  • Penetration by the cash economy also explained a new intensity of cattle rustling in the region.
  • The Guardian summarised these difficulties rather well: ‘Missing [but not kidnapped or murdered] children, jealous spouses, petty crookery, ostrich rustling and beauty contest corruption.’
  • He has had no trouble rustling up 35 friends and colleagues to invite to his wedding.
  • The rustling was coming from the side from one of those indentions.
  • Shoot-outs, killings, cattle rustling, and looting were the order of the day.
  • You could hear the wind rustling through the shingles and down into the chimney.
  • As darkness fell that summer evening, a none-too-subtle rustling was seen in the trees and bushes at the edge of our camp site.
  • Catherine shuddered as she heard the stuffless sounds, the tiny rustlings and burrowings of those wild, shy creatures whose solitude had lately been so rudely invaded, and who now of man's night made their day. Studies in love and in terror
  • Even with the roaring falls, you could still hear the sweet melody of the birds and the rustling leaves by the wind.
  • The rustling sound downstairs continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • COPS busted a suspected sheep rustling gang after farmers picked out their stolen flock in an identity parade, a court heard. The Sun
  • Their hairdos are miracles of invention and peroxide, with enough hairspray on them to stop a palm tree rustling in a hurricane.
  • We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent " I am a mere flower.
  • The humid air was thick with the squawks and cries of birds, the distant roar of howler monkeys, the electric buzzing of cicadas, and mysterious rustlings in the dense undergrowth.
  • It was a sort of rustling, whispering sound. The Railway Children
  • Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustling sound.
  • It was true that there was no one in the bungalow but herself and the little rustling snake. The Secret Garden
  • The noiselessness was broken momentarily by a set of footsteps, rustling the snow-crusted leaves.
  • He heard a newspaper rustling as the wind chased it across the pavement.
  • Hearing clambering and the rustling of people around him, Ikeda remained angrily at his spot even as a woman's voice rang out, clear and strong.
  • There was a sudden rustling in the trees and a dog, tall and rangy and beautiful, loped out.
  • Then came a swift agitato finale -- a breathless, hurrying, trembling movement, descriptive of flight, and uncertainty, and vague impulsive terror, which carried us away on its rustling wings, and left us all in emotion and wonder. The Ontario Readers Third Book
  • I was suddenly aware of the breezes rustling the grasses, tossing the branches of the trees to and fro, dashing the leaves against each other.
  • A breeze blows through the palms below, rustling their branches, so they whisper like voices.
  • Or you can become really, really greedy, like any number of people we know, their desk drawers rustling with the crinkle of unshared sweets.
  • We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent " I am a mere flower.
  • Again Saxon was drowsing, when the rustling sound was heard, this time closer. CHAPTER II
  • Mr. Shindo's film appeals on many levels, but what makes it irresistible is its exquisite melding of stark black-and-white cinematography and intensely evocative sound design, in which the continually rustling vegetation is virtually an additional character. Haunting Films From Japan
  • All the colour and scent of the flowers is lost behind a rustling, flapping, sheath of cheap semi-opaque cellophane wrapping.
  • It's do with cattle rustling and poaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • But before that, fighting was essentially a matter of tribal feuding, combined perhaps with cattle or sheep rustling. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • He stepped close up to her, made a rustling with the branches, and let his sword clatter, but she moved not. Undine
  • A rustling plateful of deep-fried whitebait with anchovies and a red onion dressing screamed out for a smack of chilli, but was still pleasing for all that.
  • It's rumored he's involved in rustling trail herds, but so far, he ain't broke no laws, leastwise, any that I can pin on him.
  • Cattle rustling in the north had not been uncommon.
  • After rustling up her favourite linguine with garlic oil and pancetta, Nigella changes into her dressing gown and curls up in bed, alone except for the pasta, to eat and watch telly in silence.
  • After rustling up her favourite linguine with garlic oil and pancetta, Nigella changes into her dressing gown and curls up in bed, alone except for the pasta, to eat and watch telly in silence.
  • At first Jaime was terrified, but the music of the wind rustling in the leaves and the dazzle of the stars overhead calmed his fears.
  • In the New Mexico legislature, a suburban Albuquerque political hackette, Justine Fox-Young (her real name), claimed to have "several" specific cases of vote identity rustling. Don't Fire Gonzales
  • My reverie was interrupted abruptly when I heard the leaves rustling.
  • I heard one owl hooting, the rustling of one fox/ burglar and next door's rabbit moving around its hutch. POPCO
  • We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent " I am a mere flower.
  • And as I lay on the sweet-smelling clovery hay there came over me a drowsiness, for I had been early abroad, and I dovered and dovered till sleep and waking were mingled, and strange voices came into my ears; and then I knew the voices, and felt myself go hot all over, for I could not move or I would be discovered with the rustling of the hay. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • She tilted her head, her long, hennaed hair rustling against her cheek.
  • A draught from an opened window crawled through the apartment, rustling papers and the leaves of plants.
  • Heidi opened her eyes, for the rustling of the wind had awakened her. Heidi
  • It's do with cattle rustling and poaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long, silent moments pass with only the soft sound of the leaves rustling to break the silence.
  • We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent " I am a mere flower.
  • Thus, then, the muffled rollings of a milky sea; the bleak rustlings of the festooned frosts of mountains; the desolate shiftings of the windrowed snows of prairies; all these, to Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • One night, as I was sleeping, I heard voices like wind rustling in the leaves.
  • Heidi opened her eyes, for the rustling of the wind had awakened her. Heidi
  • Let there be everywhere heard the rustling of dancers, the loud, immodest laughter of the theatre; let a succession of the most cruel and the most voluptuous pleasures maintain a perpetual excitement.
  • There are many reasons why the rustling is still flourishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The room filled up with the scrape and clatter of chairs and rustling of books and papers. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • She heard some rustling, and glanced out the window at the palm tree waving its fronds in the wind.
  • I set out at a full-tilt scamper, leaping over the tops of pedestrians and passing cars in search of a victim for my rustling.
  • And then she turned, began to walk away from the priory, under the leafy, rustling clouds of autumn oak and dappled elm. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • What barrister, young or old, cannot recall mirthful eyes that, with quick shyness, have turned away from his momentary notice, as in answer to the rustling of silk, or stirred by sympathetic consciousness of women's noiseless presence, he has raised his face from a volume of reports, and seen two or three timorous girls peering through the golden haze of a A Book About Lawyers
  • The latest celebrity accessory is a personal kitchen devil capable of rustling up anything from a pomegranate sorbet to a finger-food feast for 500.
  • The lady returned to her side, her dress rustling softly as it slid along the smooth surface.
  • A brittle wind gusted through the trees that surrounded the small hamlet, barely rustling the leaves.
  • The rustling leaves and calls of the night insects soon lulled her to sleep.
  • Then, just as I thought daybreak was near, a great mopoke flits close over our heads without any rustling or noise, like the ghost of a bird, and begins to hoot in a big, bare, hollow tree just ahead of us. Robbery Under Arms
  • Matho had relapsed into his former melancholy; his legs hung down to the ground, and the grass made a continuous rustling as it beat against his cothurni. Salammbo
  • Another struck the ship's beakhead, whistling a shred of wood high into the air, then a tearing, ripping, rustling sound made Sharpe look up to see that the Pucelle's main topgallant mast, the slenderest and highest portion of the mainmast, was falling to bring down a tangle of rigging and the main topgallant sail with it. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • I was suddenly aware of the breezes rustling the grasses, tossing the branches of the trees to and fro, dashing the leaves against each other.
  • The only sounds were that of an owl's wings rustling the air softly.
  • He made tea and I could hear him rustling through the cupboard under the sink for garibaldi biscuits.
  • The brothers have a bone to pick with the cattle rustling Lanston family.
  • Very soon she heard the soft rustling flight of wings again and she knew at once that the robin had come again. The Secret Garden
  • The rustling sound downstairs continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • A faint rustling was heard close to where they were.
  • These included waves, the song of whales, the wind through the trees, a babbling stream, rain and even the sound of grass rustling across the plains.
  • He might, as long as he lived, lie on the rubber sheet in the center of the bed in the front bedroom where the white marquisette curtains billowed out in the afternoon sea breeze, rustling like palmetto fronds.
  • Very soon she heard the soft rustling flight of wings again and she knew at once that the robin had come again. The Secret Garden
  • The sea a misty backdrop behind soft-rustling pines and coils of blackberry bush. The Shell Collector : Stories
  • Yet did it quiver under the finger-tip caress in rhythmic vibrations that became whisperings and rustlings and mutterings of sound - but of sound so different; so elusively thin that it was shimmeringly sibilant; so mellow that it was maddening sweet, piping like an elfin horn, which last was just what Bassett decided would be like a peal from some bell of the gods reaching earthward from across space. THE RED ONE
  • A sudden wind blew through the open window, blowing through them both and rustling their hair and clothing, but neither Raine nor Eave noticed.
  • But it was as subtle as the breeze rustling the leaves of the olive trees.
  • A tiny feathered "thumb," the alula, improves flight control. The protruding shaft on the first wing feather makes a loud, rustling sound—adding acoustics to the visual display.
  • Forgotten like you, often blasphemed, it has confided to you some of its heavenliest messages, and that perhaps is why above your gentle comings and goings, we sometimes seem to hear the rustling wings of ministering angels. The Simple Life
  • They tied us to the trunks of the eucalyptus, its peeling bark rustling to the rub of ropes. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • The sound mix is stereo, and suitably fine given the lack of anything other than French dialogue and rustling fabric.
  • It lies in the old Marin Cemetery overlooking the deep fragmented blue of the ocean, on a flat apron of land lying between the tall black basalt cliffs and the rustling palms on the shore.
  • Or people munching apples, rustling crisps or having unbearably boring conversations. The Sun
  • But not a soul was near, and no sound could be heard except the rustling of the wind and the hum of little insects. Heidi
  • Farm watch schemes had been established to combat crimes including sheep rustling and poaching and were proving particularly successful, she said.
  • Gasa-gasa is also an onomatopoeic word for "rustle" or "rustling sound." gasagasagirl on November 01, 2006 in Naomi Hirahara | Permalink November 2006
  • There are many reasons why the rustling is still flourishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Birds were chirping in a cacophony of songs, while somewhere in the background there was the distinctive and yet subtle whisper of leaves rustling.
  • She wrapped her arms around her as a gust of wind blew by raising Beta's hair up into the air and rustling through the dark foliage of the hedge behind us.
  • She wished she had put on another gown that afternoon, the rustling one of double tabinet that her Edinburgh friends considered too imposing for her years, but that she herself felt a singular complacence in no matter what her company might be. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • Certainly Ramoth with her yellow flashing eyes and restless foot-shifting, wing-rustling, was a far picture from the gentle concern female herdbeast or runners showed their offspring. Dragon Drums
  • For example, he's walking and hears a rustling in a nearby bush.
  • And although the flora is static - you'll see no telltale rustling as tangos creep about or bushes flattened by a chopper's downwash - it certainly beats Rising Sun's plywood cut-outs and tropical wallpaper.
  • Had two," said Dick, watching the approaching punt, which was still half a mile away, and being poled steadily in and out of the winding water-lane, now hidden by the dry rustling reeds which stood covered with strands of filmy conferva or fen scum. Dick o' the Fens A Tale of the Great East Swamp
  • She could hear the tree rustling and creaking, as if it fought to keep the cut in its taproot closed, the hook with it. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Round the amethystine cross Evalie began to dance, circling it slowly to the rippling, the rustling and the rushing music of the drums. Dwellers in the Mirage
  • ‘Privacy,’ for example, features an electric piano accompanying what sounds like rustling pages as well as a hi-hat, cymbals, and rimshots.
  • The church was quiet except for the mournful organ and the rustling sound adults made at times like this.
  • Now it could be replaced by the rustling sound of money being counted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jake Gyllenhaal brought just the right mix of cowboy laconism, and passion, to Brokeback Mountain, a film that's on the trail toward rustling up Oscar gold. Jake Gyllenhaal Vanity Fair shoot
  • Then there's Brother Mesquite from the monastery that ranches bison, and a nice joke about a cowboy who wears clothes all made of brown paper, who gets hanged for rustling.
  • There was a buzz of conversation, a rustling of toffee papers, a feel of expectancy.
  • At last, there came a little rustling, whispering sound, all round the window: _rustle, whisper, whisper_. Stories to Tell Children Fifty-Four Stories With Some Suggestions For Telling
  • She was just slipping into the realm of sleep when a slight rustling woke her.
  • Shortly before 11am there was a rustling sound as thousands checked that their mobile phones were switched off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heidi opened her eyes, for the rustling of the wind had awakened her. Heidi
  • Just after she had closed the cabinet door she heard a tiny rustling sound. The Secret Garden
  • The entire area was abuzz with various sounds in the air, such as leaves rustling in the wind, birds chirping, insects humming, and the distinct sound of flowing water.
  • It was a sort of rustling, whispering sound. The Railway Children
  • A brittle wind gusted through the trees that surrounded the small hamlet, barely rustling the leaves.
  • If you listened closely you could almost hear the grass rustling in the wind, almost feel the warm breeze.
  • The pin-drop silence at the start gradually melted into a gentle background murmur, full of the sound of papers rustling, friends whispering and restless feet shuffling.
  • Shortly before 11am there was a rustling sound as thousands checked that their mobile phones were switched off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until I heard a soft moan and the sound of fabric rustling.
  • Strike could hear the rustling of sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the music still kept spinning and spinning, and finally wove in the color and fragrance and light with its subtile self; and the background of the woof was the hum and murmur of voices, and the continual rustling of feet. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • Now it could be replaced by the rustling sound of money being counted. Times, Sunday Times
  • She thought of her father - that grey and distant figure associated only with anchovy paste and a rustling newspaper.
  • Can you remember the patter of rain on your tent, the sound of owls or the rustling of the wind in the leaves at night? The Sun
  • Strike could hear the rustling of sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would lie under them and my eyes would rise buoyed up and surfeited in immense rustling viridescence. Archive 2007-04-03
  • Hear the birdsong, and the trees rustling in the soft breeze.
  • There was a sudden rustling in the trees and a dog, tall and rangy and beautiful, loped out.
  • Now it could be replaced by the rustling sound of money being counted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rain had stopped an hour ago and now a chill swept the air, rustling damp leaves and cutting through bare flesh which shook, trembled, beneath its rabid touch.
  • From overhead, a tingling sensation on the top of his head was quickly followed by the rustling sounds of thousands of winged rodents preparing to launch into flight.
  • Coming through the earphones were the sounds of rustling bed linens, of bodies readjusting, of Pinkie moving close to his naked wife and caressing the skin dusted with talcum powder from a silver-capped jar. Fat Tuesday
  • Elis ground angry fists in the rustling straw of their palliasse, and heaved himself round in the bed. A Caregiver's Homage To The Very Old
  • Clothahump's famulus Mulwit stood there, rustling his great wings as he spoke to Jon-Tom, who knelt on one knee to respond to the owl. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Birds called in the distance, and a gentle breeze was rustling the leaves.
  • Rustling grass told him that a sentry was standing not five meters away.
  • She could hear the soft breeze blow through the trees; leaves rustling and crackling together.
  • A gentle breeze wafted through the air, rustling the dogwood trees and shaking sprays of rainwater from their branches.
  • Rustling papers, shifting chairs, and phlegmy throats soon wove a tapestry of irritating background noise that climaxed with one broken neck and one unhappy man - to the hilarity of all, I might add.
  • I heard one owl hooting, the rustling of one fox/ burglar and next door's rabbit moving around its hutch. POPCO
  • Listening to the songs of the nightingales and the rustling of the wind through the trees, he delighted in the sounds and smells of nature on that sunny afternoon.
  • A breeze blows through the palms below, rustling their branches, so they whisper like voices.
  • It was the one time there was no one queuing at the Kasse — unheard of in Berlin — and within seconds Shona had paid for the black rubber bathing cap and stuffed it in my handbag, rustling against the bubblejet print of the sample hair-do. Rainbow
  • He sat on the rustling emerald grasses of the hill and idly trailed his fingers through his hair.

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