How To Use Rustle In A Sentence
She rustles a couple of black garbage bags in her hands.
I picked up the free end, causing the coils to rustle like party streamers.
With a nod, Annie pirouetted around in a rustle of taffeta and left the room.
Etched in Bone
These bouchons - a crustless tuna quiche of sorts, I suppose - are delicious warm or at room temperature, with a green salad and a good baguette.
A rustle in the nearby trees brought Calais immediately back to where she was.

The bushes rustled, and around us three more men, all with swords girt at their sides, stepped out.
I've long suspected thet somebody livin 'right heah in the valley has been drivin' off cattle an 'dealin' with rustlers.
To the Last Man
If I can rustle up the money to send Mustafa and his mother back to Turkey for a big family beanfeast, could you see your way to providing a medical certificate that will satisfy the school authorities?
Absolute Friends
These roadless hills have always been a refuge for rogues and reivers, a lawless area in times past where cattle-rustlers would hide their stolen beasts in secret clefts and hollows.
After that, there was only the sound of clicking abacus beads and the rustle of papers.
A few spoonfuls of this warm and soft compote, served in a glass and topped with a little dollop of crème fraîche, was unanimously described as a crustless tarte tatin - just what we needed.
They "rustled" and "cached" and "packed" things without even stopping to think, and _r's_ were unmistakably creeping into Priscilla's strictly Bostonian speech.
Virginia of Elk Creek Valley
A cold southerly wind rustled through the coolabah trees with a sweet hissing sound as a corella squawked into a colourless sky. | Top Stories
After that they would take him on holiday to rustle up meals.
The Sun
The skirt actually had a crinoline under it, and it rustled when I moved.
The word tinkled in her head with a supernatural echo, frozen in mystery, causing her to stir and rustle the funny papers so that she failed to hear the conclusion of her uncle's sentence:
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
While trustless chance me with vain favours crowned,
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
So lonesome that there were times when life looked absolutely worthless; when the blue devils made him their plaything, and he saw Billy Louise looking scornfully upon him and loving some other man better; when he saw his name blackened by the suspicion that he was a rustler -- preying upon his neighbors 'cattle; when he saw Buck Olney laughing in derision of his mercy and fixing fresh evidence against him to confound him utterly.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
He turned, walked back to her, turned and then walked back to the door again, the quiet rustle of feathers soothing him.
The stems are particularly full and smooth, and the heads of the best of them rustle back with a profusion of flaxen flowerage, remarkably agreeable to the touch.
Hypolympia Or, The Gods in the Island, an Ironic Fantasy
With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.
The local Foothills Elite North 93 team won the major atom title, beating the Red Deer Rustlers 5-2.
Our concern here is to emphasize the billions of small wrangles that were altering the collective thought, to summon out of the past, for an instant, an elfin clamour of now silenced voices that prepared the soil for revolution, the not-at-all-lucid propagandists at street corners, the speakers in little meeting-houses, in open spaces and during work intermissions; to recall the rustle of queer newspapers that were not quite ordinary newspapers; and the handicapped book publications that were everywhere fighting traditional and instinctive resistances.
The Shape of Things to Come
The squirrels themselves chatter to each other as they rustle through the limbs of the tree, making the leaves of the tree scratch against the window.
And surely they can rustle up one of those, can't they?
Times, Sunday Times
He could hear the loud rustle of the " little darlings" crunching through the leaves.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
It could go further - a designated 'packed lunch' storage area, so Seb and Trinny can return to pick up the crustless salmon sarnies and houmous Mum prepared for when they get a tad peckish.
Inside the anti-kettling HQ
I just can't rustle up such fantasies digging into yet another burger or pasta primavera.
The only sounds were bird cries, wind rustle and the mumble of the shallow Tees.
Times, Sunday Times
Garage rockers Side Effect took to the Internet last year to rustle up enough money to release their debut album without relying on the conservative record labels that dominate the music scene here among the crumbling, mildewed buildings of Myanmar's commercial and artistic hub.
Sanctions Put Rock Band in Hard Place
I was making fresh bread crumbs for the tops of the casseroles by my own whipstitch method, grabbing hunks of crustless bread and rolling them between my palms.
A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.
Her ears picked up the sound of a soft rustle, and then beneath it, the quiet steady thudding of cushioned weight hitting the ground.
He could hear the loud rustle of the " little darlings" crunching through the leaves.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
So he got back in touch with Margaret who quickly rustled up two pairs, one with black and gold satin stripes, the other covered in sequins complete with gold tassels.
The rustle of the leaves overhead was restful, and the lacy pattern of shadows cast on the ground was hypnotic.
Now she rustled in with an emphatic announcement of stiff brocade, and enveloped the spectral Angela in an embrace of comfortable arms and bosom.
In the city's lavish beaux-arts facades and lobbies, farewell smooches and the rustle of tipsy last minute fumblings, still linger faintly in the air today.
We heard a grunt from the undergrowth, then a rustle of leaves, then something pawing impatiently at the ground.
The strange word rustled between them and the little girl felt an odd prickling beneath her skin.
The Forgotten Garden
Low tea is the tea in which crustless sandwiches, petit fours, and salmon roulades are likely to be served.
The first of which is a sex-pest. It is hard to concentrate on the abundant spices and fruits, as we are busy playing Bustle Rustler Roulette.
This time, a young British official was dispatched to rustle something up.
Times, Sunday Times
The western genre has been parodied on a number of occasions, famous examples being Support Your Local Sheriff, Cat Ballou, Mel Brooks's Blazing Saddles, and Rustler's Rhapsody.
Off in the distance the trees rustled and a glint of sunlight dashed off a metallic surface.
-- Of Want. -- less. -- to be rendered without, or not to be: as, heartless, staunchless, resistless, exhaustless, trustless, not to be quenched, &c.; which are scarcely used but in poetry.
The Scholar's Spelling Assistant; Wherein the Words Are Arranged on an Improved Plan, According to Their Respective Principles of Accentuation. In a Manner Calculated to Familiarize the Art of Spelling and Pronunciation, to Remove Difficulties, and to
They were cunning and trustless, narrow - slitted and heavy-lidded, at one and the same time as sharp as a ferret's and as indolent as a basking lizard's.
The Jacket (Star-Rover)
One in ten adults cannot rustle up a meal of beans on toast, according to research.
Times, Sunday Times
And there came, like the dry susurrus of wind before thunder peals and lightning, a great rustle of excitement.
rustle cattle
The stubbles straggle wanly sunwards, and the falling leaves rustle to the earth, with a sound as of errant silkworms.
One in ten adults cannot rustle up a meal of beans on toast, according to research.
Times, Sunday Times
The wind rustles the brittle-bush and whispers its way though the clustered needles of saguaros, the hallmark cactus of the Sonoran Desert.
I eat fish and do my best to rustle up something interesting.
Times, Sunday Times
One can listen to the rustle of woodland leaves or birdsong and view the scurrying wild animals or the graceful gliding swans.
Outside, she could hear the faint sound of wood being chopped in conjunction with the soft rustle of leaves blowing in the wind.
She heard the rustle of him pulling down his pyjama trousers and then she smelled the warm male scent of him.
They'll even rustle up some champers and flowers, assuming the weekend goes well.
If a breath of air stirred, it made no sound here; for there was not a holly, not an evergreen to rustle, and the stripped hawthorn and hazel bushes were as still as the white, worn stones which causewayed the middle of the path.
The Three Brontes
Butch Morgan, here, " he said, pointing to the first poster, "is a rustler and a bank robber.
Afrikaans cuisine borrows from Malay and other traditions (with bobotie, for instance: a sort of crustless mince pie involving raisins, with egg on top) and is big on stodge and sugar.
The girl could hear the leaves of the trees outside rustle and sigh in the gentle breeze.
The quiet, sharp-eyed servants had long since been sent to their attic bedchambers for the night to be replaced by the quieter, sharp-eyed mice who rustled the walls and wainscoting.
Earl of Durkness
What he was thinking was that the moon was in the quarter -- what they called the rustler's moon.
Lonesome Dove
A snake rustled through the dry grass.
But now it's a pleasant place, great for walking my dog or sitting on a bench listening to the breeze rustle the overhanging trees.
Last year, while the guys were getting to grips with lochs and braes and forests, the only things to rustle up some excitement in me was a set of old rusted anchors.
It was stuffed with something soft that rustled and smelt pleasant: a potpourri aroma.
And Tib rises out of that little domestic struggle, covered with glory and crowned with respect; her price so infinitely beyond rubies, that "invaluable" is the only term that can be applied to her; and accordingly Dr. McNab, Mr. Malcolm, and the poor little suffering feverish Dagon himself, unanimously agree that she is invaluable; and the slight rustle of her voluminous silk gown, as she moves across the room to fetch the bottle of colchicum, with the soft slow heavy tread of the elephant, is music to her Dagon's ears.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
What solitary humanist may have put up that inscription, coming out from Rome to commune in that wilderness, amid the rustle of the oakwood and of the laurel-trees, and the screaming of magpies and owls, with the togaed poets and philosophers of the Past?
The Spirit of Rome
I eat fish and do my best to rustle up something interesting.
Times, Sunday Times
So were the bugs and the sounds and the indecipherable rustles and clicks.
On this particular sunny day, Céline had baked delicious mini crustless quiches in her new silicon mold.
The bitter wind rustled the leaves and nipped at her fragile bones.
Pauline Alainga rustled up a batch of yummy bannock in the bannock-making competition.
He might land his hardest accent in the middle of a triplet of notes, or rustle the snare and tom-tom drums with his sticks the way others brush the ride and high-hat cymbals.
I heard a faint rustle in the bushes.
His wife rustled by his side in brocade which might almost stand alone for stiffness, propped upon heels that gave a majestic altitude to her tall, thin figure.
Oldtown Folks
Outside, the gentle drizzle and the soothing tinkle from the eaves were the only sounds; within, there was but the faint rustle of garments from
The Two Vanrevels
I rustled up a stunning little meal, and I have to say I was jolly proud.
If you are not used to being the one to rustle up dinner, so much the better, because it will mean so much more when you do.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaves rustled gently in the breeze.
Sounds just below whispers rustled in the netherworld between imagination and hallucination.
A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.
And while there, was it possible she had her cooks rustle up some Scotch broth which, in turn, influenced the French chefs who came up with pot-au-feu?
The content is currently a hotchpotch of what is available (for free), and what a variety of educational institutions around the country can rustle up.
This time, a young British official was dispatched to rustle something up.
Times, Sunday Times
Yellow, withered bean leaves rustled on the plants and flapped around on the ground.
They came at night, killed 200 and rustled cattle.
Fur and the stuffing of the cushion rustled as he sat and settled himself.
The bushes rustled sharply, there were five twangs in unison and five arrows shot out of nowhere and flew at him.
While cow herders set fires to produce new pastureland, hunters and cattle rustlers start fires to flush out game or to cover their tracks.
There were no song birds and the only sound was the gentle rustle of a light breeze through the stiff orderly lines of cabbages, swedes and turnips.
There was a rustle, then the sound of a door opening.
The rustle and bustle that regularly sweeps the British front row at the shows is usually just some generous soul handing round a bag of licorice comfits.
The melodrama is also hobbled with being too episodic and old fashioned, but Frank Borzage directs smoothly and Pickford gets one fantastic scene when her ranch home gets attacked by vicious rustlers.
2009 April :
No song of birds, or busy hum of insects, accompanied the rustle of the lauhala leaves and the low murmur of the surf.
The Hawaiian Archipelago
a slow sad susurrous rustle like the wind fingering the pines
The water rippled on with a pleasant sound, the trees rustled in the light wind that murmured among their leaves, the birds sang upon the boughs, and the lark carolled on high her welcome to the morning.
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.
The sun was shining, the trees rustled in a slight wind, the mountains reared up against the blue sky, and over all of it looked two bodiless spirits.
Every shadow became something more than a shadow, became an ambush; every rustle became a threat.
The Thing in the Forest
There was absolute silence as the strange ritual was done, the only sound the muffled chink of coins and the rustle of clothes as each recipient genuflected to the glittering Prince.
I try to rustle up the main headlines from the domestic front line.
Times, Sunday Times
The huge Oakwood tree's leaves rustle as a strong gust of wind blew.
To me, being rustled out of bed each morning to do the same thing, without allowance for finding our own way in the world, without time to reflect or hang out in a non-pool way, was deeply something that I didn't know to call unphilosophical.
Euro-car at the Pool
Sunlight coming through the trees dappled her skin with golden spots as the wind rustled the leaves.
Let's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee.
The village was empty though, with only the rustle of the leaves to greet them.
Maybrick's pulse flared like the lightning overhead as he stood there in the darkness, listening to the rustle of skirts and clothing hastily switched about, the sharp sounds of the dockhand shifting his hobnailed boots on the pavement as he pressed the cheap trollop back into a convenient corner, the heavy breaths and meaty sounds of flesh coming together, slow and rhythmic and hard.
Ripping Time
The trees and bushes around her began to rustle and the water began to ripple again, like some unseen being was swimming.
Also worth note, the serious jetty rustler is not opposed to tossing a few fresh shrimp as chum to attract or hold passing fish.
Navigating to the other side of a huge tree, she hears some leaves rustle.
His wings rustled and spread out, then tucked themselves back in.
Gusting breezes stiffened and rustled the heavy leaf canopies offering a meager shade from the summer sun.
For penny pinchers, Norma's, the restaurant in Le Parker Meridien, offers an economy version of the frittata, a crustless quiche that contains 1 ounce of sevruga caviar.
The simplest sounds - the rustle of a snare drum, a snatch of vocals looped repeatedly - induce a trancelike state.
Taking a few more steps forward, Mary tried to rustle her skirt a bit and gave a fake cough so that she wouldn't scare him by arriving so suddenly, but he jumped anyway.
Times are getting lively in these parts," remarked Weber, as he filled his brierwood and lit it; "this thing can't go on forever; the rustlers or cowmen have got to come out on top, and I'm shot if one can tell just now which it will be.
Cowmen and Rustlers A Story of the Wyoming Cattle Ranges
They were wrapped in coal-black tissue paper that rustled when she touched it.
The prosecution of these men was undertaken with something of the old vigor that characterized the pursuit of horse thieves, with this difference, that, whereas all the world had hated a horse thief as a common enemy, very much of the world found excuse for the so-called rustler, who was known to be doing only what his accusers had done before him.
The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
You can almost hear the rustle of illicit gossip.
Times, Sunday Times
Natalie lay on her bed; a soft breeze rustled the fabric curtains and her dirty blonde hair.
Mr Purtill also posed for a picture with Mr Major, managing to rustle up a sheepish grin.
This time, a young British official was dispatched to rustle something up.
Times, Sunday Times
For a short period during which you might have counted six, there was nothing heard but the rustle of the men's movements and the _pad, pad, pad_ of their bare feet upon the deck.
Fitz the Filibuster
A northerly wind rustled in her hair, carrying the sounds of the night, the hoots and calls of young and old birds alike, the guttural calls of larger animals.
A loud rustle sounded from the floor of her tree house.
Not a leaf rustled, but somehow he seemed to hear the movement.
I only lay bare the barrenness of its nature and the trustless reserve that always made the world around me seem wrapped in
The Doctor's Daughter
Let's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee.
The leaves rustled in the breeze.
Our laughter rustled the cottonwoods, our friendship polished the water, our days unsoured by lack of purpose.
They make a nice antidote to the Anglophobia of the breakfast rooms, where a persuasive case is made for polished mahogany, willowware and crustless toast.
For a tenderfoot, the job of a rustler was a tough one to undertake.
The trees outside the window rustled as if they were laughing at his vexation and confusion.
I try to rustle up the main headlines from the domestic front line.
Times, Sunday Times
As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.
They'd grown their own food, for Chrissake, and now it came in a can from Somebody Else, and they had to rustle up shekels to get it.
The '08 Campaign And the Crash
Because of this quietude, the rustle in the brush behind me sounded like a shot through the lazy summer air.
She saw the look on my face and promised to rustle something up.
Times, Sunday Times
As I write now I hear the moaning rustle of the wind through their plume-like tops, and their long slender stems, and crisp crown of leaves above the trees with shining leafage which revel in damp, have a suggestion of
The Hawaiian Archipelago
After that they would take him on holiday to rustle up meals.
The Sun
The wind rustled the dead leaves.
When the wind rustled through the leaves it reminded her of her brothers laughing.
As the season moves on and finding juicy, ripe peaches becomes easier, it will be a much more delicious recipe to rustle up.
Times, Sunday Times
She didn't like games, but I used to make her play "tig" and such like; but it was no fun, for I could always catch her in three jumps, and she could never catch me, though she would come with as much rustle and flutter as ten boys would make.
The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales
A snake rustled through the dry grass.
The gown had small puffy sleeves that were off the shoulder, and a multitude of petticoats made the skirt more full and rustled when the girl walked.
To this end Giorgio rustles up a plate of gnocchi with a tomato sauce.
Not just an "Ooh, Juliet", like a good Shakespearean actor, but a full blown "Oooouuuuuuuhh * pant pant rustle rustle* Juliet!
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Her black Sunday dress rustled aggressively, and her plain bibless holland apron, which she never took off except when her bonnet went on for street appearance or when she went to bed, and her little
Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
She could hear the soft lapping of the lake water on its shores, and the rustle of the breeze through the leaves of the trees.
He had rustled up his riding-jacket for the brisk evening weather.
The wind rustled the dead leaves.
She told me once that she could hear the ancient secrets of the land whispered to her through the bark, if she laid her head against it, or in the gentle rustle of the leaves.
There was hardly a leaf stirring on the trees over their heads, but the tall grain rustled and whispered of the abundance of harvest.
The Second Chance
One cannot pass under machicolated gateways; rustle between the walls of fourteenth century fortifications; climb a stone stairway that begins in a watch-tower and ends in a rampart, with
In and out of Three Normady Inns
My mother liked to sleep in mornings, so we had to rustle our own breakfast and we ate some terrible stuff.
Your Comments
After that they would take him on holiday to rustle up meals.
The Sun
The young bulls "rustled" splendidly, and as next spring came along there was much interest felt as to results.
Ranching, Sport and Travel
Just then a faint rustle of leaves disturbed the pressing silence.
I skipped the skillet step, and I guess what I made could be considered a crustless quiche, but calling it a frittata is much more fun.
It has fireplaces (yes, that's plural), a baby grand and 17 varieties of teas, including Brown's owns blend, served up on silver trays with clotted cream, homemade jams, crustless sandwiches and buttery scones.
Pam Grout: Best London Hotels for Oh-So-British Tea
If there was no food in the cupboard, she'd still manage to rustle up a feast – Bangladeshi food such as pilau rice, curry and korma.
Konnie Huq: My family values
Not a single warble, tweet, or chirp can be heard - nothing but the faint buzz of insects, the passing hum of a distant airplane, and the hushed rustle of the wind.
There was a soft rustle of leaves that came with a chilly breeze.
a considerable sprinkling of persons of quality, who perfumed the not too agreeable atmosphere with pulvilio and Florentine iris powder, and the rustle of whose silks and brocades was audible all over the Hall.
London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
For the following hour, we pursued this occupation with silent intensity, the quiet of the room broken only by the dry, crepitant rustle of the turning pages, and the occasional muttered complaint from my companion, who periodically avowed that he would “sooner be wrassling a passel of wildcats than wading through all this infernal writing.”
The rustle of grain was gone, replaced by the earthy scent of a freshly harvested field.
Back at Brandon Country Park, Jonathan lights the burner and rustles up a mushroom surprise: we've got ceps, flowery orange chanterelles, grey-brown funnel caps and a big, fat, blood-red crab russula.
Because of this quietude, the rustle in the brush behind me sounded like a shot through the lazy summer air.
It is replaced by the soft rustle of saris, the smells of incense and saffron, and the Eastern twang of sitars.
Her deep gold skirts rustled in the wind, and the silver belt buckle caught the morning sunlight.
Her silk dress rustled as she moved.
There was absolute silence as the strange ritual was done, the only sound the muffled chink of coins and the rustle of clothes as each recipient genuflected to the glittering Prince.
What he was thinking was that the moon was in the quarter—what they called the rustler’s moon.
The Lonesome Dove Series
Faster than some contemporary hostler can rustle up fresh horses or the unseen manager can replace fleeing steeds who take legal tender while tending behind the isthmus separating employee from customer.
When Is a Bar Not a Bar? : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
The wind passed over them and rustled the bare branches of the trees and they still stood.
A bird chirped, leaves rustled, and wind scattered some branches.
The three ministers had communicated by now; and there was a rustle and clatter of feet as the empty seats in front, hung with houselling cloths, began to be filled.
By What Authority?
It was getting late and the others would have rustled all the best bivvies by now.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 29, 1919
Some of the rustled cattle were being driven to the coasts for export to nearby islands.
It landed solidly, making a soft rustle as the metallic surface met paper.
The food is restaurant standard but requires no more than average kitchen skills to rustle up.
Times, Sunday Times
When he went in, Mrs. Davis was standing behind the counter, dressed in a cap of wonderful grandeur, and a red tabinet gown, which rustled among the pots and jars, sticking out from her to a tremendous width, inflated by its own magnificence and a substratum of crinoline.
The Three Clerks
As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.
There was the chirp of birds, the soft rustle of a faint breeze in the trees.
With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.
I'll rustle up a couple of steaks on the barbecue.
Her voice was so soft that he nearly missed the question, losing the words in the rustle of ripe wheat that surrounded them.
The shortage is so severe that agave rustlers steal plants in the dead of night.
The busy castle sounds drifted away, and a soft wind rustled through the leaves of the apple trees, stirring up the heady scent of sage and mint.
Will we have to create special ‘dolphin suites’? on February 6, 2008 at 4: 11 am | Reply joker the lurcher as a reader of the furry persuasion, all i can say is, er, woof … on February 6, 2008 at 7: 39 am | Reply Bert Rustle
Nobody likes to mess with Dave « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
She saw the look on my face and promised to rustle something up.
Times, Sunday Times
It filled the wood of Kincreggan with sounds, with the rasping and creaking of branches and the rustle of leaves, and the road by the river under the gean-trees was strewn with the broken blossom.
Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
The Borders were a very dangerous place at that time because of mosstroopers, who were basically little different from the rustlers of the Old West.
The British ambassador served up Pol Roger and crustless sandwiches for several hundred.
Hang awn a minnit….*rustle rustle scrabble rustle*..
Okay. When they start - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The only sounds were bird cries, wind rustle and the mumble of the shallow Tees.
Times, Sunday Times