
How To Use Rustic In A Sentence

  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by outline shoot Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rustic MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
  • Brick with blurred colors or flecks of color in earthy tones of red, brown, black and buff appear completely at home in a rustic setting.
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Simple, rustic meals, focusing more on quality ingredients, such as first-rate olive oil.
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  • Not for them your rustic kitchens and winsome acoustic soundtracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the bottom were the Théâtre de la Gaieté for pantomimes and harlequinades, the Porte-Saint-Martin Theatre for melodramas, and the Théâtre des Variétés for ‘little plays of the bawdy, vulgar or rustic genres'.
  • It is probable, however, that M. Thoinan, who makes this statement, has not considered the possibility of the word _musette_ applying in this case to the small rustic hautbois or _dessus de bombarde_, also written _muse_, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The rebeck, to whose loud and harsh strains the medieval rustic had danced, [Footnote: The rebeck probably had been borrowed from the Mohammedans.] by the addition of a fourth string and A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • The fireplace really suited the rustic cabin setting.
  • All architectural projections and rusticated surfaces are of reconstituted stone.
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • When we came up for the first time, there wasn't much made of rustication (being suspended from the university for a set period).
  • In Greece, rich aristocrats used gold and silver in life, while poor rustics used wooden vessels.
  • There are no surprises here: it's rustic Americana and country inflected ballads all the way.
  • Now entering its first full season, the Hidden Springs Ranch offers a unique experience that blends rustic charm with spa-caliber amenities.
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically the characters of a masque would be classical deities or abstract qualities such as a Virtue and Beauty, contrasted with rustic figures, and the story would represent an archetypal conflict proceeding to resolution.
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • This rustic top loading stove is supported on three splayed feet and decorated with gadroons around the base, leaf design around the fancy top plate which has a central sunflower design.
  • We noticed that no matter what level of restaurant, from street-side dining to white table cloth establishments, all moquecas and feijoadas in Salvador are served in panela de barro - rustic, hand-thrown clay dishes. Fernando Navas: Exploring Brazil: On The SAMBA Track
  • And if you never thought that rustic, preppy and retro chic couldn't be combined, then you may not be ready for what the season has to offer.
  • ‘Just Folks’ is yet another Roth reversal: FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps was the actual (if benign) means of rusticating urban boys in the 1930s.
  • Both towns are known for inexpensive, well-designed furniture in rustic styles. Buying Furniture
  • I love toasted slices of hearty rustic bread slathered with homemade confiture for breakfast.
  • The three lowest horizontal bands of the lower portico's elegantly rusticated facade frame ten light and ventilation shafts for the basement, a flat keystone resting above each of the nearly square openings.
  • The furnishings are simple and rustic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • You can pass from it into the house without going outside; but, nevertheless, it boasts an entrance door of its own, and a short flight of steps that brings you to a deep well, and a very rustical-looking pump, half hidden by water-plants and savin bushes and tall grasses. La Grenadiere
  • We don´t mind if lodging is "rustic" and had a lot of fun staying in rustic cabins run by indigenous folks when we visited Yaxchilán and Bonampak in the Lacandon Forest in Chiapas. Drivng from Chiapas to Calakmul and Other Sites
  • Neither is he very happy in trees, and such rustical produce; or, rather, we should say, he is very original, his trees being decidedly of his own make and composition, not imitated from any master. George Cruikshank
  • Every day is different, but a typical spread might include soup served with chunks of wholemeal, a savoury Danish (a whorl of dough stuffed with pesto, tapenade, spinach and goats cheese), Dorset rarebit (with cider) or rustic open sandwiches (doorsteps of sourdough piled with hummus and salad) – all at £5.75. West Dorset's top 10 budget eats
  • Recycled materials add a rustic patina throughout the home.
  • The house today is surrounded by rustic cabins for visitors plus fishing ponds and nature trails. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isn't it? It's not countrified, huh? Basically if we see it as time goes on, it might feel rustic.
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • The life blood of Petre's rustic cooking is honest soups, seasonal ragouts and stews and handmade pastry, passed down matrilineally through the generations.
  • We arrived at a place where accent and manner were rusticized.
  • Classes are obvious - there were the aristocracy, the middle class or bourgeois, and of course the peasantry or rustic class.
  • Tiny rustic villages, with churches humble and unobtrusive, and prominent calvaries, are passed one after the other. Normandy, Illustrated, Complete
  • The interior has heaps of rustic charm, with beamed ceilings, stone fireplaces and wood floors. Times, Sunday Times
  • One evening while Fahrquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
  • From the villa rustica known as the Villa Carmiano are three frescoed walls from the triclinium, the sitting room, in which three couches in a U shape typically faced a view, in the case of Stabiae, of the Bay of Naples.
  • And found there the blessed Denis preaching, and made him cruelly to be beaten, bespit and despised, and fast to be bounden with Rusticus and Eleutherius, and to be brought tofore him: And when he saw that the saints were constant and firm in the acknowledging of our Lord, he was much heavy and sorrowful. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • His predilection for gray-greens, gray-pinks, pale ochers, browns, blacks and a luminous cobalt blue call up archaic Mediterranean origins, rusticated walls and early Italian frescoes.
  • Along the path there were fascinating details, composed of the manifold greenery which revels in damp heat, ferns, mosses, confervae, fungi, trailers, shading tiny rills which dropped down into grottoes feathery with the exquisite Trichomanes radicans, or drooped over the rustic path and hung into the river, and overhead the finely incised and almost feathery foliage of several varieties of maple admitted the light only as a green mist. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • She did not like country company; the rustical society and conversation annoyed her. The Virginians
  • But many Poles hold on to him as a very special person, a very special musician whose music really says Poland, especially when he took different forms, Polish dances, like the mazurka, and took a rustic dance and made high art out of it. Chopin With A Polish Touch
  • Teniers's distance from the rustics he painted is illustrated by his canvas, in the Brussels Museum of Art, of his visit with his wife to a country fair on his estate, De Drij Toren.
  • Real Tuscan villas possess a sort of laconic elegance from their relatively unornamented rustic style: the rough hewn here is more of the Home Depot ‘I forgot’ variety.
  • Not for them your rustic kitchens and winsome acoustic soundtracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • The rustic maiden, slow and sweet in ungrammatical speech, who helps plant corn by day, and makes picturesque the interior of the cabin in the glare of "lightwood" torches by night; turns men's heads and wins children's hearts in Charles Egbert Craddock's tale, _The Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • In striking contrast to the rustic setting, the ladies in waiting rival each other in vestimentary luxury.
  • More than 12 000 hectares of soft rolling hills teeming with bird and wildlife. Accommodation ranges from self-catering chalets to en-suite lodge rooms and rustic bush camps.
  • His new film is similarly tricksy: in the voiceover, it spins a fictional catastrophe that recalls Cyprus' conflicted past over honeyed footage of blue seas, rustic beehives and golden fields that wouldn't look out of place on a posh holiday programme. This week's new exhibitions
  • The starters were poor, though, a thinnish seafood broth with chunks of tinned tomato expiring at the bottom and a ham hough terrine that, while chunkily rustic, contained too much gristle for comfort.
  • This is one of my favourite country soups, based on the classic French garbure, a rustic dish of cabbage, bacon and sliced sausage.
  • They rusticated in villages off the beaten track for nearly fifteen years.
  • He was educated at Rugby and at Trinity College, Oxford, where he was rusticated.
  • We had a rustic log cabin, which seemed the natural choice. The Sun
  • The village had a certain rustic charm .
  • The rustic cottage, constructed with pine slats, was the home of a man who loved the outdoors.
  • In lines later excised at Charles Lamb's urging, the poem's speaker goes on to chastise Susan as a "Poor Outcast" (perhaps a prostitute, then no uncommon condition) who should return to her father's rustic home and, having replaced her fancy loomed dress for a "plain russet" home-spun gown, once again hear a "thrush sing from a tree of its own" (17-20). 'Sweet Influences': Human/Animal Difference and Social Cohesion in Wordsworth and Coleridge, 1794-1806
  • 'Does Mr. Gray realize what a great compliment he has paid me, a poor rustic, an untutored country girl, with a little knowledge about the bees and clover, and some cunning as to the tricks of breachy cattle? Four Canadian Highwaymen
  • I proceed down the stairs where neatly stacked frou-frou stilettos and sturdy Dr Marten boots sit on each step, past the well-stocked wine cellar and into the chic rustic minimalism of the kitchen.
  • The Houthoop Guest Farm is charmingly rustic cabins, aviaries, a giant plunge pool and a beautifully boho dining room and bar built by Veronica Van Dyk and her husband. South Africa beyond the World Cup: the remote west coast
  • Their "modern" style of landscape gardening was all about improving on what nature should have been, rusticating things and making the views look more natural than natural. Archive 2007-07-01
  • There's ornament in columns and cornices, rustication and pilasters, urns, anthemia, and pediments, with temples and colonnades high in the sky, topped by spires and finials.
  • The thatched cottages were usually intolerable slums when the poor inhabited them, and were only made liveable when the rich discovered the charm of a simple rustic habitation as an escape from the industrial urban environment.
  • Or it could be the rustic halved barrels with horse brasses, pumps and a stuffed fish.
  • Usually people prefer the rustic taste of chargrilled food.
  • The best evidence so far for parasite-mediated sexual selection has been found in the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica.
  • A worthy dish, which can embody the sort of rusticity which the word ‘peasant’ evokes, but can also exhibit the kind of refinement associated with bourgeoise cookery.
  • He was not happy with the strange inflections of the melodies, with their flattened 7ths and sharpened 6ths, and he was even more perplexed by the words: he had little English to begin with and the rustic archaisms only added to the problem.
  • Ferragamo is giving its customers natural materials with a rustic texture, in colors such as ecru, cool beige, slate and terracotta.
  • Partitas are simply suites of dances, although we shall quickly see that Bach's dances aren't meant for court or rustic dancers.
  • Associating contentment with modest circumstances, she visited poor rustics in order to ‘participate’ in their simplicity and tranquillity.
  • The house today is surrounded by rustic cabins for visitors plus fishing ponds and nature trails. Times, Sunday Times
  • But our ancestors were necessarily limited in their pleasures, and to them Richmond was a God-send, especially to men like Selwyn, or Queensberry, or Walpole, who delighted in social intercourse, and liked to enjoy what they called rustic life with as much comfort as the age provided. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • A lady below the rank of duchess was likely to be rusticated from the court if she sat upon a cushioned stool in the royal chapel or, if in the presence of the King, anywhere else.
  • The final seven rusticated bands are precisely linked to the voussoirs and keystones that define the arches and the niches, the latter exactly the same height as the rectangular openings below.
  • We rubbed shoulders with the local rustics, but only shoulders.
  • We had a rustic log cabin, which seemed the natural choice. The Sun
  • The only choristers in these natural fanes were the robins and the small lyrical wren; but on passing through the rustic village of Wolverton I stopped for a couple of minutes to listen to the lively strains of a cirl-bunting among some farm buildings. Afoot in England
  • Although much of the traditional agriculture of times past has disappeared - the village threshing floors are now broken and abandoned - there remains a feeling of rustic self-sufficiency.
  • A fine wine match here is this rustic, slightly rough and spicy 100 per cent organic red, with enough heat and heft to manage the lamb.
  • The town consists of two rustically elegant cabins, a ranch office, paddocks with shelters, a covered round pen, stables, and at the center of it all, Sniffy's Saloon.
  • In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus.
  • Handicrafts in the high sierra around Creel are more rustic.
  • Continue with the rustic theme by choosing unusual containers such as milk pails or tin cans.
  • But I was tickled most by the rooms of its farmhands and their own kitchen and dining room - all beautifully, designedly rustic - that suggested ‘downstairs’ is the new ‘upstairs’.
  • The rustic-luxury genre recalls the incongruities of Marie Antoinette in her Versailles dairy farm. RUSTIC LUXURY
  • They immediately claim that they are trying to rake cheese - the reflection of the moon - from the pond and the excisemen, amused by the apparently simple-minded rustics, leave them to it.
  • They wanted animals that would be authentically rustic looking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The furnishings are simple and rustic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its auction next Wednesday and inevitable refurbishment will remove the last traces of a simple rustic life. Times, Sunday Times
  • These wooden cabins evoke a rustic connection with American history and the beautiful natural environment.
  • This was an attempt to suggest respectability, an effect emphasised by a large, rusticated entrance arch.
  • The answer turned out to be making rustic furniture and inventing more efficient garden tools. Times, Sunday Times
  • This rustic white bean soup is stockless and gets its goodness and oomph from the beans 'own cooking liquid. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Cooking -- The Next Stage of Evolution
  • The book, emphasising dinner table etiquette and rustic ingenuity remains a best-seller.
  • Indeed, the herms are spliced to the rustication by thin pieces of stone that were fitted to the existing masonry before the heavier figures and the shafts were put in place.
  • Jonathan Waxman is back, this time dishing up rustic Italian - bucatini, bacalao, a lemony roast chicken - at the casually hip West Village bistro Barbuto.
  • Gorgeous, there's no other word for it - and all experienced while listening to my chosen soundtrack of rustic acoustic pop from Norway, natch.
  • Ever wonder why Bombayites find other cities pedestrian, rustic?
  • You recall, perhaps, that eloquent passage in his noble defence of the poet Archias, wherein Cicero (not Kikero) refers to his own pursuit of literary studies: "Hæc studia adolescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant; secundas res ornant, adversis perfugium ac solatium præbent; delectant domi, non impediunt foris; pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur! The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Who can, without respect and admiration, contemplate the sturdy integrity, and simple zeal with which this rustic moralist enforced his laudable though mistaken notions? who can help reflecting with some surprise upon the fact, that before he ceased to apothegmatise and advise his young friend against having anything to do with the actors he was actually the first who put him seriously in the notion of going directly upon the stage as a public actor? The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1810
  • Hollow and solid materials comparison and stable proportional scales highlight the architectural rusticity and massiness with the grand, stately, impressive and bold feeling.
  • Sonntag occasionally populated his landscapes with a lone land hunter, usually near his rustic log cabin.
  • In warm weather, one eats outside in an orange grove with views over rustic villas and smallholdings.
  • The story line is driven by the small-town reluctance to share anything with the outsider, a big city reporter who is rusticating in their minds. The Covenant-John Everson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Canyon of the Eagles surprised me with its hilly terrain, unparalleled views of the Colorado River and Lake Buchanan and rustic cabins each outfitted with a deck where two rocking chairs lazed. Charu Suri: Another Side of Lone Star State
  • Just north of Angera, along a road edged by smallholdings, vineyards and the occasional rustic villa, is the sleepy village of Ranco.
  • Not one of those rustic wassals of the Ouse of Widdlers, but ad his air curled and his shirt-sheaves tied up with pink ribbing as he led to the macy dance some appy country gal, with a black velvit boddice and a redd or yaller petticoat, a hormylu cross on her neck, and a silver harrow in her air! Burlesques
  • Our take An expert in deliciously textured French rustic antiques. Times, Sunday Times
  • His dialogues border on the vulgar and the lewd and thanks to his ilk, we know why people look down upon the rustic.
  • Unlike our darkly beloved East Coast caverns of fluorescent Formica, this rustic restaurant/bar/music venue looks warmly lit and woodsy.
  • In the village pub - unmodernised by any rapacious brewery, although in this decade new roadhouses spread like scabs along arterial roads - Donald hears unassuming rustics quote Shakespeare.
  • Looks so plain and rustical and gives that cosy feeling. Scandinavian Flat in Goteburg, Sweden
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • Quas sibi homines eligunt; alius elegit sibi vitam negociandi, alius vitam rusticandi; alius vitam fœnerandi, alius vitam militandi, alius illam, alius illam. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Nam plebs communis t鄊 Vrbana qu鄊 rustica metuebant qu騞 eo absente aliquod nouum detrimentum succresceret, quo pr鎠ente nihil tale timebant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Proctors arrived shortly afterwards and asked the students to leave, warning them that occupying a University building was a breach of regulations, which could lead to a £70 fine, or even rustication.
  • They choose to remain here and stop fighting in order to live out the remainder of their lives rusticating in harmony and peace. Orcs: Bad Blood-Stan Nicholls « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Villagers were in their colourful headgear huddled together in a lurching truck on a rustic road.
  • The cedar-cladded house is mostly made out of wood but don't expect rustic furnishings — it's a 21st-century affair inside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Great Northern Railway, for example, chose the rustic Swiss alpine lodge as a prototype for its hotels and depots.
  • You will love the charm and rustic feel of this 2 family town house style with a single family \ "feel\". on almost 2 acres of land. 3 outbuildings including Large horse barn and sheds. Random feeds from
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Batopilas, try the rustic adobe Hotel Mary for about $10 per person.
  • Willow or hazel panels are in vogue and give an informal, rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Japansese, Burdock roots are called gobo and there are lots of simple rustic recipes for salads and soups using it. here are a few. What's in CSA box #1 '09
  • The restaurant has rustic farm tables to share and makes fantastic omelets.
  • I actually prefer it if it's a bit misshapen - rustic charm and all that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been so haunted by diabolical deceptions in this matter, that what do I know but that the devil may assume the form of this rustical juvenal, in order to procure me farther vexation? — The Monastery
  • Grappa - the French call a rustic version of it marc-is a type of brandy that is distilled from grape pomace, the skins and stems left over after grapes are crushed for wine.
  • Pamela and the others sat in one of the rustic dark wood booths beneath a dim stained-glass swag lamp. THE TEACHER
  • Three years ago you gave a pleasing illustration of "_the Amusements of May_," and at the same time lamented the decrease of village festivity and rural merriment, which in days langsyne cheered the honest hearts and lightened the daily toil of our rustic ancestors. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 379, July 4, 1829
  • Expect freestanding baths, plush linens and an eclectic mix of rustic furnishings. Times, Sunday Times
  • rustic tranquility
  • My accommodation has all the delights of a tramping hut - it's peaceful, secluded, cosy and rustic, close to a stream and the bush.
  • Stone arches, shelves of antique bottles, jars and jugs and the colour scheme of orange and terracotta give the place a rustic feel.
  • Somehow, the Gance film is most startling in this department, as the women's bared breasts and the men's bared bottoms -- not to mention the devastatingly unleashed female libido portrayed -- are couched in an opulent production that marries the rustic fantasia of Cocteau's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to a velvety color cinematography that recalls THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or, better yet, one of the early Disney animated features. Archive 2006-08-20
  • The idea for upscale rustic cuisine came to him in the most ideal of places - at Louie's Backyard looking out over the ocean in Key West.
  • How is it that the French musette - a pre-WWII pop music with rustic roots and a prototypical audience of knife-wielding proletarians - sounds to contemporary American ears like the very essence of elegant sophistication?
  • Found in local restaurants, their breads include rustic sourdough, farm, paisano, calamata olive, and pecan raisin.
  • The starters were poor, though, a thinnish seafood broth with chunks of tinned tomato expiring at the bottom and a ham hough terrine that, while chunkily rustic, contained too much gristle for comfort.
  • In the midst of all this, and just a few blocks from Paulista Avenue, is this pretty pousada, or guest house, with its rustic design. The Guardian World News
  • The statues have always been appreciated for their rusticity, joie de vivre, and swagger, but little else.
  • He has remained the affable rustic who enjoyed the company of old friends.
  • As ever, viewers would have concurred that all change originated in the city and not from ‘tradition-bound, passive rustics.’
  • We don´t mind if lodging is "rustic" and had a lot of fun staying in rustic cabins run by indigenous folks when we visited Yaxchilán and Bonampak in the Lacandon Forest in Chiapas. Drivng from Chiapas to Calakmul and Other Sites
  • In their place, courtesy of Paul Brown's designs, was the verismo of early twentieth-century Italian rustica.
  • Colombia was a bit rustic but she was finally able to think of something besides the divorce.
  • Nam plebs communis tàm Vrbana quàm rustica metuebant quòd eo absente aliquod nouum detrimentum succresceret, quo præsente nihil tale timebant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • That being done, the flesh was raked into small shreds and blended with the warm cooking fat to form a rustic paste.
  • This record is a charming companion piece to Williams's most recent release of rusticity, Musings of a Creek Dipper.
  • He designs then makes bold, colorful art that can't really be catagorized, yet has been called folky, rustic, retro … Daily Slurp Gallery
  • The effect is soothingly rustic, yet the flat is bang in the middle of Stockholm.
  • The effect was more rustic and less baroque, and reminded him of all of the makeshifts that they had used when the Vale was first settled. Elephant in the City
  • This would look appropriate in a rustic or upland garden with plants allowed to grow and spill on to the steps.
  • Against a rustic stucco wall, water trickles out of scalloped bowls into a colorful blue fountain bedecked with blazing bougainvillea.
  • The region - best known for its great fortified port wines and some rustic dry reds - appears to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts.
  • The owners painted the ceiling off-white and applied a stain to the rustic beams to make them look like driftwood.
  • The film was originally shot on 16 mm film stock and retains a very worn, rustic look that actually helps the film achieve a quasi-documentary feel.
  • The menu still changes daily, depending upon what fresh ingredients are to hand, and the rustic touches and attentive but unfussy service that make eating here so enjoyable are still much in evidence.
  • In 1996 ornithologists announced the discovery of a new species of Neotropical ovenbird, the pink-legged graveteiro, within the rustic cacao farms of the state of Bahia, Brazil.
  • Casting a shrewd glance around, he perceived just below him, well within reach, one of his parishioners who was wearing a large pair of what in rustic circles are termed "barnacles" tied behind his head. The Parish Clerk
  • The lounge is big and homely, and there are rustic breakfast tables in the kitchen, with the option of eating outside in the lovely garden.
  • He could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • He has appropriated spots on his front lawn for perennials like bishop's hat and bugleweed, created large pots for plants on his front steps, and even built a rustic trellis as a "comfy home" for the healthy crop of snap peas that edge his driveway. Minnesota Premier Publications - Southwest Journal Stories
  • After that they explored the woods, threaded by countless paths, ever opening out in new surprises of green-painted rustic tables and benches in leafy nooks, many of which were already pre-empted by family parties. CHAPTER II
  • The kitchen itself overlooks both the front and side gardens and has a rustic feel with cork floor tiles and a good range of fitted pine presses at ground and eye level.
  • The rustication of 10 Dalit students of the Hyderabad Central University on charges of violence is an incident surrounded by controversy.
  • Facades on all sides, except the south, are tripartite with a central projecting section and plain walls rising from a rusticated base and surmounted by a balustrade.
  • Expect freestanding baths, plush linens and an eclectic mix of rustic furnishings. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is full of rustic charm but modernised to include creature comforts such as a sink, fridge and gas hob. The Sun
  • Product offerings ranged from stocking rustic wood samples to manufacturing 23-karat ornate gold frames.
  • Rusticus will point out to you "the auld-fashioned standin 'stane" -- on which he tells you that there are plain to be seen a cocked hat, a pair of spectacles, a comb, a looking-glass, a sow with a long snout, and a man driving a gig, -- Mr Urban will describe to you "a hieroglyphed monolith" in the terms following: -- The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • The eastern slope below Playfair's buildings has been pierced by a rusticated colonnade of battered piers framing large windows.
  • You can also find everything you need for rockeries, natural stone features and paving - including Kent rag, fissured limestone, green/pink granite and Cornish rustic slate.
  • Notably, while many of these wines had a great deal in common, we also enjoyed finding plenty of individuality among the group -- with some wines offering a bit of rustic rawness, some a bit of smoothness, some a grapier taste than others, while some had hints of the kind of structure we associate with Bordeaux. Sipping Sicily's Nero d'Avola
  • The phrase puts me in mind of pub engravings, of rustics in waistcoats lying full-length in rowing boats, poking at ducks with long muskets.
  • Rustic country decorating includes the use of natural woods, aged surfaces, rough finishes and simple lines.
  • The building (Pl. I) is in the shape of an early Greek temple with rusticated walls.
  • But don't be misled by its appearance of rustic simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cornemuse of shepherds and rustic swains became the fashionable instrument, but as inflating the bag by the breath distorted the performer's face, the bellows were substituted, and the whole instrument was refined in appearance and tone-quality to fit it for its more exalted position. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.
  • They are allowed to go in for the rustic look, like rope effect seats.
  • Big pines tower over the homes, flower boxes line stone walkways, and a wooden wagon wheel leans against one home in a gesture of artificial rusticity.
  • As a person who likes rustic charm, these fruits reminded me of countrymen who are ignorant of the ways of the world.
  • A recent facelift means the hotel is bright and modern yet has retained enough rustic, coastal charm to remind you of where you are. The Sun
  • In recent weeks, our Government has been trying to distance itself from the horrendous costs of foot and mouth disease, preferring to present the ministry as an innocent victim of greedy rustics.
  • He chose a very simple, rustic, ancient practice, something almost generic: bioenergy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead it reminds us that men such as Dabney were hardly rustic provincials.
  • To this quondam mid-Warwickshire suburbanite, who liked to think that his Cotswold relatives conferred a kind of rusticity, it brought back his own first encounter with Bristol some time in the spring of 1956, just turned seventeen.
  • The style is rustic but there's underfloor heating throughout and a cool, modern bathroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's also a rustic idyll - an extensively renovated old style estate cottage in the middle of a copse of tall tree where rooks caw incessantly in the Spring sunshine.
  • Yes the furnishings are rustic and weighty but there's no tequila to be had as you can only drink wine and beer here.

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