
How To Use Rumour In A Sentence

  • The rumours of an attack were later confirmed.
  • November, Sony Music issued a track called quell rumours that some of Jackson's vocals on the album were "fake". The Guardian World News
  • Whether you love or hate the new Doctor Who, prepare to polarise your thoughts even further one way or the other, if this latest rumour ever comes to fruition. 2010 June : Chronicles Network: Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Sentiment towards Aggreko was further bolstered by rumours that it had caught the eye of a potential predator. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, rumours abound that he is about to be left out of the side to avoid being cup-tied for the rest of the competition.
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  • Rumours of his omniscience were demoralizing.
  • The attitudes of others were matters of conjecture although there were plenty of rumours about how individuals had behaved.
  • There were many whispers and rumours spread about each other and the friendship ended. The Sun
  • But, the rumours are on the grapevine that there are still some very big fish out there to be caught.
  • His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his death.
  • There were constant rumours of further waves but there was no hard information as we had no radio or TV.
  • The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo.
  • Rumours of a bid last week sent the stock soaring but yesterday investors headed for the exit as confirmation of an approach failed to materialise.
  • They sparked such strong chemistry on set that rumours of an off-screen romance followed. The Sun
  • Keen to dampen down any rumours and to reassure staff that all's well, he tapped out a hastily written memo to his staff using his Blackberry.
  • Oh, and by the way, despite various online rumours Neil is not dead ... he just has an art attack * boom boom* All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • News reports in December indicating that there had been an attempted coup were subsequently dismissed by Jawara as groundless rumours.
  • He wasn't terribly popular in our part of the constituency and rumours, some of which have hardened into allegations, abounded.
  • To discipline him, rumours by highly placed security sources began circulating to the effect that certain members of his cabinet connected with the "deviationist tendency" would shortly be arrested. Ali Rahnema: Ayatollah Khamenei at Unprecedented Religio-Political Summits: The Hidden Imam's Infallible Representative
  • He would never say where he had got it from, though wherever it was he'd been, it was rumoured he'd taken his marked playing cards and his gun with him.
  • I must be able to refute these rumours point by point. Wives and Daughters
  • Neuerthelesse, the rumour was great, and they rang alarme: wherefore the sayd slaues comming to prison, as it was ordeined in al the alarmes, were met of the people, which in great anger put them to death: so that there were slaine an hundred and moe the same day. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • That sense of humour has helped the group survive many an erroneous rumour.
  • All these rumours were starting and I think Andy just wanted to get it out into the open and thought it was the right time to do so.
  • Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference. Camilla
  • As the citizenry hurried up the steep streets of Citadel in a tide of rumour and fear, the family made its own way to the assembly ground. A TIME OF WAR
  • That rumour has no foundation/is without foundation in fact.
  • It was well-known that he never let himself become excited by rumour or danger.
  • Rumours of ballot-rigging discouraged many from voting.
  • Their wonderful stories did not need embellishment with ridiculous rumour or vile gossip. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will also make them happy by distancing himself once again from rumours of his impending departure. Times, Sunday Times
  • I won't provide research here because the point I'm driving at is that L-Girl and Allan didn't do any - or at best relied on the kind of platitudinal rumours about this country which are so common among the mainstream American Left. Idiocy
  • This place is rumoured to be losing money, and it's not difficult to see why.
  • The team is viewed as vigorously expansionist, and is rumoured to be prepared to look at investments in local newspapers, radio stations and new internet opportunities.
  • Alone, Iago speaks of his hatred of Othello and a rumour that the Moor has cuckolded him, and hatches a plan to persuade Othello that his wife is unfaithful with Cassio.
  • But in an hour-long press conference which largely retrod the argument of yesterday's announcement, both men refused point-blank to comment on rumours of a new pact to pass the Labour leadership in return for entry to the euro.
  • Long since rumoured, it looks like this is actually getting serious.
  • The government had some foreknowledge from an informant as well as the buzz of rumours, but there had been so many rumours and false alarms that at first it did not take it seriously.
  • There are rumours this could be the last shuttle flight, and I wouldn't be surprised.
  • I played when rumours of steroid abuse were rife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of our success, there has been rumour and innuendo about what we're supposed to be doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you think there's something to the rumours about Larry and Sue?
  • Egypt's ruling military council denies "rumours of army forces using tear-gas cannisters against protesters," in communiqué no.83 issued on the SCAF's official Facebook page. Egypt protesters in standoff with military rulers - Wednesday 23 November
  • Police yesterday said a rumour that Mr Trotter was involved in the dismissal of three employees from his firm was untrue.
  • The poor outlook and rumours of price cuts to drive sales of its smartphones overshadowed an improved financial performance after savage cost-cutting over the past year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rumour has it that he nearly choked, but he noticed that a dark ring of dirt developed on the other side of the hanky and went on to develop the first machine.
  • The pair formed a close connection and rumours began swirling round in Tinseltown that they were far more than just colleagues. The Sun
  • They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.
  • The swirl of rumour includes reports that hold the powerful and influential drug cartels responsible.
  • He said that his lawyer advised him to leave Kenya as it was rumoured that he would soon be charged with sedition and treason.
  • Staff shared rumours that star complaint handlers were earning as much as 10,000 a month in salary and bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • To start a rumour for me might not hurl away on my election.
  • Mr Young said despite rumours he has no plans to build an apartment complex on the site.
  • Mr Dent spoke out after rumours began circulating in the town centre that he had come back in with a fresh deal.
  • It is also rumoured that the family have now been moved to a safe house.
  • Naturally, the oleaginous Gazoo publisher played down rumours that he might be seeking the no-hope gig.
  • Jack's remarks set off rumours that he had been elbowed aside.
  • Rumours spread a year ago when the two men were pictured out walking together. The Sun
  • No trace of radiation has been found but toxicology tests could take ten weeks to complete, prolonging speculation and rumour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to quash these rumours the company took the highly unusual step of issuing an official denial.
  • He tried to dismiss rumours of ill health by challenging his critics to a game of squash. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the rumours of a final trial along these lines might give extra bite to the occasion.
  • Until the powers that be shed some light on the situation we are left only with conjecture and rumour. The Sun
  • I've heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary.
  • It's rumoured the term originated in Vancouver sometime last decade, but it wasn't exactly meant to be endearing.
  • Rumours and stories about the site's future use have done the rounds for the past few years.
  • Rumours a car ferry anchored at sea was about to leave saw a flotilla of packed boats surround it. The Sun
  • You shouldn't listen to the rumour.You can depend on me.
  • When the truth begins to emerge it becomes apparent that the rumours of affairs were hearsay, but a darker secret of family ties lies beneath them.
  • Right or wrong, Rumour was very busy; and Lord Decimus, while he was, or was supposed to be, in stately excogitation of the difficulty, lent her some countenance by taking, on several public occasions, one of those elephantine trots of his through a jungle of overgrown sentences, waving Little Dorrit
  • The civilian chief of the TU is a shambles and a liability and nobody wants to work under him, and the rumour machine spreads fast about what he’s like. Leave My Kitten Alone « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • There are also rumours that a financial bidder could enter the fray and then sell stores to the supermarket giant, which was very disappointed not be cleared.
  • Other key features such as bollards and companionways are still visible and rumour has it the engine room can still be penetrated.
  • The rumour that the Mayor had died was going round.
  • The savaged bodies of roe deer in Gloucestershire last month fuelled rumours of a wild animal attack. The Sun
  • This week I would like to dispel some of the myths and rumours regarding dogs and raw food.
  • Rachel recently sparked rumours she was planning to wed Sean after being spotted wearing a huge ring.
  • Rumour'It was the same with the movie soundtrack. The Sun
  • Eyes shut he would lunge in the direction of the rumoured angel. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been heavy trading in Siebel shares on rumours of takeover or management buyout.
  • "These rumours are mere fabrication," a spokesman confirmed.
  • No doubt this is a felicitous emendation, though I think it may be fairly objected that a rumourer, being one who deals in what he hears, as opposed to an observer, who reports what he sees, there is a certain inappropriateness in speaking of a rumourer's eyes. Notes and Queries, Number 201, September 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • The rumours will do untold damage to his reputation.
  • Journalists fuel rumours of transfers, player unrest and indiscipline. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • They were infamous rumour mongers because they overheard a lot of idle chatter at the latrines.
  • The photos - which have fuelled rumours that she was given special treatment - could lead to her residency status being revoked. The Sun
  • By the time I heard, the rumour had been the talk of the school for close to 20 minutes.
  • The couple are rumoured to be suffering marriage woes. The Sun
  • He jokingly refuted suggestions his horse won the race because of rumours the nag had been given steroids.
  • If the new rumours are correct, Apple's second-gen iPad will be released earlier than the majority of competing slates.
  • Lies, insults and rumours, which are unleashed at campaign meetings by various political parties have only served to keep some would-be voters away from inking their names to the register.
  • Rumours of ghosts and strange apparitions in Windhouse are widespread.
  • The yardbirds are in the throes of rumour-induced psychosis after being gripped by speculation that our entire unit is about to be transported to a faraway place.
  • He was brilliantly convincing with a strong Irish brogue, righteous indignation when confronted with the insignificance of his rumours, and disarming blarney.
  • The newspapers and the blogosphere are alive with rumours of impending general elections, you can read Iain Dales's rumour-mongering here. The next election?
  • There were rumours that key witnesses had been paid off to keep quiet.
  • A rumour went round that Snowball had after all contrived to introduce poison into Napoleon's food. At eleven o'clock Squealer came out to make another announcement.
  • The two parter is already causing metal fatigue in anorak zippers across the Internet, and rumours abound.
  • He was in ill health and was rumoured to be moving to warmer climes.
  • It is our duty not to spread rumours or false statements that can only worsen the situation.
  • Have you heard the rumours of a tunnel under the Viaduct, or the one connecting the main Post Office basement to the railway depot?
  • Farmer Bragard is further rumoured to be contemplating using the green for fattening up capons, and it is this in particular that has the authorities in a froth.
  • There have been rumours that the band will reunite for a world tour.
  • Let's put a lid on all these rumours.
  • Rumours are currently flying around cyberspace that there might be a further three episodes of Star Wars in the pipeline.
  • At one stage there was also a rumour that he was in some disfavour with the board because of delays to the construction of Seven's new Martin Place studios in the heart of Sydney.
  • We don't want these rumours to spread if we can possibly avoid it.
  • Hanson of the _Courier_, who sent the rumour round, "_La reine est morte, vive la reine_. The Divine Fire
  • Who is at the bottom of these rumours?
  • Rumours of corruption dishonoured the senator.
  • Before the end of 1890, at least, it began to be rumoured that there was dispeace between the two Malietoas; and doubtless this had an unsettling influence throughout the islands. A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
  • The classroom is buzzing with rumours.
  • The Washington rumour mill suggests that the president secured his narrow majority only by promising all sorts of concessions.
  • Mitchelstown was rife with rumours yesterday of an impending announcement.
  • Gymnastics is, like figure skating, a highly televisual sport where appeals are commonplace and rumours abound about the judging, and it is now under pressure to reform.
  • He buzzed the rumour everywhere.
  • Among several mutations rumoured to alter senescence are the clavata mutants.
  • Already depressed about his marriage, the whispers and false rumours saw Temple plunge into despair, and ultimately suicide.
  • Rumours it could be the heavy metal band 's last LP no doubt helped. The Sun
  • The savaged bodies of roe deer in Gloucestershire last month fuelled rumours of a wild animal attack. The Sun
  • I'd like to start the speech by dispelling a few rumours that have been spreading recently.
  • This may be true or a malicious rumour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair formed a close connection and rumours began swirling round in Tinseltown that they were far more than just colleagues. The Sun
  • Now there are rumours - unconfirmed - that he will have to have his entire pancreas removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to be a false alarm.
  • These powers include the ability to convict suspects by innuendo, hearsay and rumour.
  • Rumours of an emergency meeting of the finance ministers stoked the atmosphere of crisis.
  • A public relations company dealing with the Plaza declined to confirm whether the rumours were true.
  • Rumour was she was an ex-prozzie but them breasts kept people amazed. Army Rumour Service
  • He has recently been linked with a switch to Darlington, while other clubs are also rumoured to be interested.
  • Along the way there were stories and rumours that the two did not get on but Serena is adamant that the duo are not involved in a bitter feud.
  • He said there was no truth to the rumour that he had his vet administer a sedative to his horse before the race.
  • It was the kind of rumour that it is impossible to refute.
  • Rumours are abound that former contestants will be returning to the house that made them infamous. Times, Sunday Times
  • To start a rumour for me might not hurl away on my election.
  • No one is revealing the exact amount of the offers, but rumours suggest that they are around $500,000.
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • There remain recurring rumours his blockbuster novels must have been ghosted by a craftsman with the wit that eludes the public man of affairs.
  • There were rumours that key witnesses had been paid off to keep quiet.
  • The gallery does now say it will build on its existing land, thus quashing rumours that it was looking at a site elsewhere in the city, but otherwise says its plans are still at the discussion stage.
  • He denied all responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating.
  • Rumours of corruption and scandal gathered pace .
  • He said that his lawyer advised him to leave Kenya as it was rumoured that he would soon be charged with sedition and treason.
  • The now ex-king heard rumours of the impending showdown and when the group arrived had them arrested, ordered they be flayed alive and flogged to death.
  • The BEF Times of 20 January 1917 announced 'no whisky, no war' following rumours that whisky was 'napoo'.
  • Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of an imminent election date.
  • Rumours about an impending royal divorce were rife.
  • On hearing a rumour that Isabella is with Theodore in the churchyard, Manfred rushes thither, and stabs the woman - only to find it is his daughter, Matilda.
  • The rumours eventually reached the President.
  • It is "saddening" for a rumour to have been spread with intent to damage public confidence in the judicial system ahead of the Surpreme Court's verdict on the : Breaking News
  • There is some basis for the rumour in her defiance of imperial protocol by riding cross-saddle, and a hint of overstimulation in her breathless reports of frantic gallops, but Catherine's nymphomania is a schoolboy legend.
  • At about the same time, a rumour also started that he was a down-andout, living in a homeless hostel. The Daily Record - Home
  • There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.
  • For many months, racing has been the subject of wild rumours and unsubstantiated allegations, much of them nonsense and most thoroughly offensive.
  • There was rumour that the cheeky chappie was going to come on down and open it at the official ceremony, but I don't think that ever happened.
  • In the murky world of international espionage, rumours abound about the credibility of his information.
  • The rumour is without foundation in fact.
  • Rumours are an inevitable by-product of the success he has had at Preston.
  • Rumour has it he never spent a bean in his life.
  • IG's announcement came amid rumours of massive losses at brokers, hedge funds and currency speculators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rumours of corruption and scandal gathered pace .
  • However, there are rumours that India will go ahead and sign the deal because it does not want to be the country that scuppers the talks.
  • Rumour is that in his headlong hurry, when mounting behind his yoked horses to begin the battle, he left his father's sword behind and caught up his charioteer Metiscus 'weapon; and that served him long, while Teucrian stragglers turned their backs; when it met the divine Vulcanian armour, the mortal blade like brittle ice snapped in the stroke; the shards lie glittering upon the yellow sand. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Networks of information and rumour directed this feeling throughout and beyond New England. The Times Literary Supplement
  • What rendered it probable that the rumour came from "that end of the town" was, that Bruce the younger was this year a bejan at Alec's college, and besides was the only other scion of Glamerton there grafted, so that any news about Alec other than he would care to send himself, must in all likelihood have come through him. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • Internet forums buzz with rumours about how to win the right to pay your 16 euro entry fee. The Sun
  • But he has long been criticised for his nasal tone and was rumoured to be considering surgery to fix it. The Sun
  • There are rumours that certain golf companies forbid dating if it involves an employee from a competitor.
  • We could not trace the ultimate source of the rumours.
  • Our client must be confident the rumours are true. The Sun
  • In the last year rumours drifted forth that the BBC illuminati had no intention of allowing either the Jubilee or the possible death of the Queen Mother to be a time with nothing but deferential respect.
  • The rumours killed Rachel Jackson before hubby took office, just as they had killed his 1824 presidential bid.
  • He warned members against rumour-mongering and indiscipline which he said threatened to divide and weaken the party in the district.
  • Picking up on studio rumours and casting announcements they have been trying to decipher whether or not the film is a masterpiece. The Sun
  • No one can now doubt the urgent need to have hard, fact-based evidence to replace the rumour and innuendo so far being pushed. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one stage there was also a rumour that he was in some disfavour with the board because of delays to the construction of Seven's new Martin Place studios in the heart of Sydney.
  • It is our duty not to spread rumours or false statements that can only worsen the situation.
  • Since their split, rumours have been rife as to why they actually separated.
  • I once heard a rumour that you could go into a shop and buy a ready-to-wear suit.
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • People surged along the sidewalk, crowding, questioning, filling the air with rumours and inconsequent surmises. Mrs.
  • Rumoured to be sickly, deformed and incapable of producing heirs, Carlos was widely held to have only a few years to live.
  • Rumours spread a year ago when the two men were pictured out walking together. The Sun
  • I was being asked to act on rumour, innuendo and gossip," Yates harrumphed. Michael White's diary
  • Then if she does hear rumours she will already know your side of the story. The Sun
  • She is rumoured to have viewed almost every supersized mansion in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.
  • His reputation was ruined by insinuation and rumour.
  • Rumours abound about the hugely successful investment bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.
  • Rumours have been rife about the emotional health of the sensitive actress, who started in films at 14.
  • It is no exaggeration to say the town was being torn apart by suspicion, rumour and accusation during my visit there in November.
  • Skip is quick to dismiss rumours of an ongoing feud between the actor and his daughter, following Baldwin's infamous 2007 answer machine message in which he called the youngster "a thoughtless little pig. Breaking News
  • Mr. Jay (who lives by supplying the newspapers with short paragraphs relating to accidents, offenses, and brief records of remarkable occurrences in general -- who is, in short, what they call a penny-a-liner) told his landlord that he had been in the city that day and heard unfavourable rumours on the subject of the joint-stock banks. Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes Detective Stories
  • Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of an imminent election date.
  • Dorothy had no sooner possessed herself of a slight packet of the rumours which were flying abroad than she bounced into her master's bedroom, who had taken the privilege of age and the holytide to sleep longer than usual. The Fair Maid of Perth St. Valentine's Day
  • On his face was the look of a condemned man who was afraid that the news of a reprieve might be a rumour. FINAL RESORT
  • There had been dark rumours of a terrible scandal, a prosecution burked by strong personal influence, mysterious paragraphs in the papers, and the disappearance of the name of Hatherly Bell from the rank of great medical jurists. The Crimson Blind
  • The rumour-mongers have portrayed me as a hard-bitten political adventuress devoid of all human feeling.
  • A hospital chief executive has quashed rumours that people will lose their jobs.

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