How To Use Ruler In A Sentence
His successors built it up, and then a brilliant ruler name Hammurabi took power as the sixth king of Babylon from 1792 to 1750 B.C.
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Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir Willoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully and pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were.
The Egoist
The wyvern was the emblem of the rulers of Wessex and the word "wyvern" is associated with the many areas of Wessex, reflected in many county and town heraldries of the South West and west of England.
When the three greatest rulers of Europe -- Philip Augustus, [13] king of France, Richard I, king of
Early European History
Put them in an arena, live coverage, president vs. prime minister, king vs. emperor, dictator vs. puppet ruler. It'll be like Unreal Tournament, except more fun.

As revolution spread to Palermo, Milan and Naples it seemed as if the people of Italy could break the domination of the myriad of foreign rulers and domestic autocrats.
George II was the absolute ruler of a medium-sized German state, Hanover, as well as being the British sovereign.
Measure its diameter (the width across the center of circle) with the ruler.
Here, as we have seen, their ruler was the pro-Roman queen, Cartimandua whose seat may have been at Stanwick, near Scotch Corner.
It is an ancestor of the English term “caliphate,” referring to a dynastic succession of rulers.
The Jesus Dynasty
He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
The butcher knife was ruler over the long man of polished, with the thumb on the edge of metal transfer to try, a good skin itching feeling, this feeling is sweet.
RULERS OF EGYPT (1811-1953) Egypt remained nominally a province of the Ottoman Empire until Britain declared it a protectorate in 1914, but from 1805 it followed an increasingly independent course of development as a separate country.
E. Egypt
In contrast to a conventional nanoparticle dimer plasmon ruler, this new one shows an approximately linear relationship between the resonance wavelength shifts and nanosphere dimer interparticle separation for a linear plasmon ruler. - latest science and technology news stories
Your tots will be the coolest kids on the playground once they get their tiny hands on threads from Little Ruler.
Little Ruler Clothing for Trendy Little Tykes
Enforcing the isolation of this callow and callous ruler is the least that a humane and pacific foreign policy must aim for.
He was the best ruler his territory had ever witnessed and their two territories had been allies ever since he started his reign.
The real reason was Saul's too great mildness, a drawback in a ruler.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is ruler of a bankrupt Emirate.
Poor man’s boat | My[confined]Space
After some initial skirmishes, the company managed to entrench its rule, often through the authority of amenable local rulers.
You can't blame the people for the rulership.
Times, Sunday Times
It was not necessary for the early Christians to sit in judgment on the title of every new emperor, whenever the pretorian guards chose to put down one and put up another; neither are God's people now in various parts of the world called upon to discuss the titles and adjudicate the claims of their rulers.
Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
Corvey, preached the gospel in Jutland (Jylland) and the Danish isles, and soon won the confidence of the young ruler, although he did not succeed in persuading him to receive baptism.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
The Pagoda, like hundreds of other buildings in Hawaii, sits on land leased from a trust established more than a century ago by a descendant of the ruler who united the major Hawaiian islands.
Hawaii Local's Inside Play
Roughly, one measures everything with a ruler and compass and sets things up according to strict astrological correspondences.
Your planetary ruler, Saturn, squares the Virgo Moon on Thursday.
On the other hand since the system of the patronage of the arts had collapsed and foreign rulers were not interested in taking over the responsibility, the role of the princely states became crucial.
The Residency or Khengar Bhavan was built in 1882 AD as the residency of the British Resident in the ruler's minority.
To a certain extent undoubtedly this may be traced back to the new czar's personal relations with the rulers of other nations; for the czarina was a sister of
The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
For if the ruler is intemperate and unjust, how can he rule well?
The national organizer of a Ghanaian youth association is calling on elders and traditional rulers to help resolve a brewing conflict over a chieftaincy dispute.
Ghanaian Youth Leader Urges Elders to End Chieftaincy Disputes
And whereas diuers of the rulers in those daies here in this land were called kings, those had more large seigniories than the other, as
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8)
A wise ruler is generous in victory.
The Egyptian priests and rulers were often buried with necklaces of waterlily blossoms, for the lilies symbolized resurrection from the dead.
The central "aisle" is devoted to "Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico," which in fact features masterworks from roughly 1400 to 400 BC, ranging from the massive stone portrait heads of rulers ...
Peter Clothier: Big Day at LACMA
At primary school we had an elderly teacher who smacked us so hard across the palms, he would snap his yard-long ruler in two.
Of despotic rulers who have perfectly cropped chin straps and like to yell?
This Week In Trailers: Shank, Prince, Love In A Puff, Serbian Film, Some Days Are Better Than Others | /Film
Tampering tends to be the recourse of underdeveloped political forces or rulers that are weak or unable to afford the luxury of costly campaigns.
The chazan of the synagogue takes the book, and gives it to the ruler of the synagogue; the ruler to the sagan; the sagan to the high priest," &c.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Having heard that Crete was abandoned by its native ruler, the Trojans set sail.
Because they feared persecution from the Roman rulers, they met secretly in private homes or in underground passages and rooms called catacombs.
The generous outreach to Sunnis is widely viewed as a profound betrayal by Bahrain's rulers and feeds Shiite perceptions of second-class status and being under siege from what they call a "mercenary" security force.
The Seattle Times
They dug up thousands of plates, brooches, hairpins and pendants, carefully placed for the afterlife with the bodies of wealthy rulers entombed in royal burial chambers.
In both cases, the contrast of white and color serves to highlight the power and importance of the ruler.
These were so continuously misleading and disingenuous that the lawyer politicaster who played such a rôle at Paris seemed despicable to the soldiery, and "rogue of a lawyer" was almost synonymous to the military mind with place-holder and civil ruler.
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. I. (of IV.)
despotic rulers
Nor will any one of the rulers in the Churches, however highly gifted he may be in point of eloquence, teach doctrines different from these (for no one is greater than the Master); nor, on the other hand, will he who is deficient in power of expression inflict injury on the tradition.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
The kings and rulers of this world are not necessarily happy men.
Only the worshippers of Buddha now behold the gleam of the Oriental Sun on the golden roofs of the lamasery; the great caravans from the city of the Dalai Lama pass through the border town with no one to tell the pilgrims of the "Heavenly Ruler.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
After the ruler's next refusal, a plague of locusts smote the land and Moses brought a darkness for three days.
Moreover, political reasons may have motivated the Tibetans to address honorifically certain rulers as
4 Buddha-Figures
Sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis.
The highest eulogy that can be pronounced on the intellectual character of a ruler, in times of great civil convulsion, is that it is his policy to have no policy, content with keeping his ship trim as he permits her to sweep downwards with the precipitous torrent.
An Address in Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln
The great increase of games and festivals and their enormous cost were signs of approaching trouble for the republic, and foretold the terrible days of the empire, when the rabblement of the capital, accustomed to be amused and fed by their despotic and corrupt rulers, should cry in the streets: "Give us bread for nothing and games forever!
The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
The justice of the peace, like the jury, like irremovable judges, like the Bar, was resented by those who regarded justice as something dispensed by rulers rather than something administered by society for the benefit of society.
His ruler is a refreshing character in comics, a powerful woman who knows her own mind and carries through actions without doubt.
*Ooku: The Inner Chambers Books 1 and 2 — Recommended » Manga Worth Reading
In early Islamic history the Shia were a political faction that supported Ali, son-in-law of the prophet Mohammed, who was the fourth caliph, the temporal and spiritual ruler of the Muslim world.
_ H. - So. supposes hēafod-weard, _a guard of honor_, such as sovereigns or presumptive rulers had, to be meant by hafalan hȳdan; hence, _you need not give me any guard_, etc.Cf. Schmid, _Gesetze der A. _, 370-372. l.
I think much the same could be said for choosing somebody like Joe Whatshisface over the three millionaires currently vying to be our new Ruler.
A capable ruler, he is no dummy, though he sometimes waits too long before taking action.
At this time it was necessary for scientists to obtain patronage from their kings, princes or rulers.
Lama became the ruler of Tibet and entrusted the actual running of the state to his prime minister, So-nam Choe-pel (bsod nams chos 'phal).
The Shuk-den affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
Accordingly, in 1698 the two rulers rapidly agreed that they would support the candidacy for the Spanish throne of the young grandson of the emperor who was elector of Bavaria.
Late Friday, the military rulers issued a stern warning that they will crack down on what they called "deviant groups," which they blamed for a spike in crime and violence.
Mubarak's wife in hospital after arrest
These unscrupulous rulers violated every principle of Islam to survive in power.
In the past, the building of such mega-projects as complete new cities was frequently driven by the megalomania of some despotic ruler.
Kishore Babu has been told that in the battle of Plassey which brought the British into the country as rulers, Marawai financiers-bankers called jagatseths from the Oswal family were the key movers and shakers.
Kali katha via Byepass : The Marwaris of Kolkata
The Mughals of India were mighty rulers, for three centuries, especially in their golden days for six generations, from
The alidade is a triangular ruler with one or more working scales on it beside other measurements.
Military Instructors Manual
A group of monks, led by scholar Yang Fei, defend their temple against the renegade disciple, Shi, a traitor who collaborates with Manchu rulers.
Her brother is the king, but she is the effective ruler.
Rather, the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler.
Why not lay in the line of tempera, holding the brush against a straight edge, such as a ruler.
The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
In western as in eastern Christendom coronation was a religious rite which began with the anointment of the ruler with holy oil.
Using the metal ruler as a straight edge cut 10 1-inch right triangles with the craft knife.
And since these issues are hardly to be agreed on because of the polar interests of rulers and opposition, the acting majority preferred to defer the reshuffle of the main law.
He wrote once that we ought to stop the ridiculous pretense of calling these toplofty politicians our ‘leaders’; they are in fact our rulers.
After initially equivocating, the ruler finally expressed on 15 August 1947 a preference to join Pakistan.
The total height of each plant was measured using a ruler and the diameter of the first internode was measured at its midpoint using calipers.
Even a technically legitimate ruler forfeits his right to obedience if his mandates do not correspond to moral norms.
George II was the absolute ruler of a medium-sized German state, Hanover, as well as being the British sovereign.
He was the supreme ruler, the king, the emperor and his authority was absolute.
C) Americans are like the Germans of the 1933, they want a strong leader ruler), they submit to extensive eavesdroping and spying, and welcome the government control of the media: propaganda.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 6, 2006
Most practitioners are aware of and use traditional methods, such as tracings and rulers, to evaluate wound surface area.
But if it wasn't unheard of for a ruler of Constantinople to die peacefully in his bed, it was also not the norm.
The tale regards the ruler as a father to the orphan, husband to the widow, brother to she who is divorced, a garment to the motherless, a just ruler who comes to the voice of those who call him.
And this ruler is distinguished from him that exhorteth, and him that teacheth, with whose special work, as such, he hath nothing to do; even as they are distinguished from those who give and show mercy; that is, there is an elder by office in the Church, whose work and duty it is to _rule_, not to exhort or teach ministerially, which is our ruling elder.
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
Carefully annotated and extensively glossed, it has a chronological table of Ancient Iranian Rulers, a select bibliography, and an index running to 25 pages.
Agitators were exciting the people to rebel/to rebellion against their rulers.
Monaco's ruler, HSH Prince Albert I, was eager to exploit the rapidly growing automotive trade and to steal tourism from the Principality's neighbouring coastal resorts of Nice and St Tropez. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring
She became the third wife of Sawai Man Singh, the "maharaja" or ruler of Jaipur, in
The bundle of case papers I was sent at the start of this case was so large it could be measured with a ruler.
The old medieval concept of an absolute ruler imbued with divine authority was being challenged by the shifting economic reality and the monarchy was constantly being called on to justify itself.
He is remembered as a benevolent ruler who increased agricultural production and built dams, dikes, and bridges for the Vietnamese people.
The principle of divine kingship was maintained even when the king was replaced by rulers drawn from outside the family of the enthroned king.
And they are given to the rulers and the ruling classes, not in bravado, not to frighten them, but for them to consider more deeply the spirit and nature of this world revolution.
The original statue of Infant Jesus was sent there as a wedding present to the local ruler by the King of Spain in the 17th Century.
No man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled.
In February workers overthrew the dictatorial ruler, the Tsar.
The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
_A Description of the natives of_ Louisiana; _of their manners and customs, particularly those of the_ Natchez: _of their language, their religion, ceremonies_, Rulers _or_ Suns, _feasts, marriages, &c.
History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
The local tributary rulers were deposed because they refused to pay their dues, and the ruler of Gilan was making overtures to the Ottomans.
His son succeeded him, but Richard Cromwell was not a strong ruler, and almost immediately the royalists began to work for a restoration of the Stuarts.
Their language contrasted with that of the eighteenth-century reformers who had entrusted the mission of modernity and progress to enlightened rulers.
a superior ruler
It's a rare fantasy story that has the young princeling realizing that his father was in fact a cruel and bad ruler, and vowing to change his ways, unite the kingdom and bring peace; really growing up, and becoming his own man.
Equally the constituents face the dilemma that the ruler at some point may renege on his promises and confiscate the accumulated wealth of his constituents.
one of the quasi-royal rulers of Africa
This story is about the rise and the fall of the three unifier and pacifier of Japan towards the end of the 16th century after generations of feudal wars of powerful local rulers.
[S] 526 A.D. [T] 531 A.D. But at a later time [60] Theodatus, the ruler of the Goths, upon learning that Belisarius had come to Sicily, made a compact with the Germans, in which it was agreed that the Germans should have that portion of Gaul which fell to the Goths, and should receive twenty centenaria [61] of gold, and that in return they should assist the Goths in this war.
Procopius History of the Wars, Books V. and VI.
When such subjection is withheld, Christ's servants, if they would be faithful to the exalted Saviour, cannot do otherwise than refuse to incorporate with the national society, and to homologate the acts of its rulers; and from Churches that do not testify against national defection, they are constrained to maintain distinct separation.
The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
After Tiglath-Pileser I, the Assyrians were in decline for nearly two centuries, a time of weak and ineffective rulers, wars with neighboring Urartu, and encroachments by Aramaean nomads.
There, monuments deeply informed by the Classical past were succeeded by vigorously illusionistic works, which in their turn were succeeded by things made for one ruler in both classicizing and veristic styles.
It prescribed a lofty ideal for the state: the ruler was to be a father to his people and look after their basic needs.
One more thing, “our rulers” are not prophets, and they are not iconicnal characters cannonized beyond mistakes, being a ruler is a high ranked government job.
Global Voices in English » Egypt: A Dog Named Anwar El Sadat
A global democracy where most of the world is excluded by their own autocratic rulers is scarcely worth having.
A variant of duke was the medieval title doge, for the ruler of independent cities such as Genoa and
In each, there were normally at any one time many rulers and many dynasties contending for power, and within the typical dynasty often more than one claimant to the position of ruler.
There followed a centuries-long period of interaction between the rulers of Sudan and Egypt.
Can such paternalism on the part of our rulers lead to anything but infantilism on the part of the people?
Root lengths were measured by aligning an inextensible cord with the roots and then taking measurements of the cord with a ruler.
The title was also used of Tatar khans, Biblical kings, and of various rulers in folk genres.
Nor it deposed a grandson of the Sun King, but rather seeks refuge in the Malay Supreme Ruler.
Subsequently, Akbar assimilated cultural patterns from earlier rulers, including sultanate kings and Rajput rulers.
That there were fewer revolts in the second half of the century was due in no small part to a growing mutual understanding between rulers and nobilities, the history of which has attracted less attention than the revolts themselves.
Stamps serve to proclaim and legitimize the authority of rulers.
No man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled.
Setting aside the opening elenchus which elicits Thrasymachus' conception of the real ruler, Socrates offers five arguments against Thrasymachus.
It is an immersive fantasy, to use the Mendlesohn typology, about Yeine, a young woman who discovers that she is a potential heir to the rulership of the entire world, and who has to grapple with palace politics and living deities to survive.
Labour invokes Doctor Who, again
She immediately rejected proposals that she become sole ruler and, in April 1689, she and William were crowned joint sovereigns of England.
A while back, I wondered: ‘How long can the equilibrium of technically incompetent rulers lording it over technologically advanced societies be maintained?’
If she used indirect force, such as damming a river, that was an insult or created the idea that the ruler involved was weak, and that meant he had to fight.
The Spellsong War
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Mr. Billingham's mouth, normally in a fixed smile, was as straight as the ruler Mother uses to whack me once in a while, a ruler facing horizontally.
Meanwhile various unpopular rulers who have held onto power with American support will be forced to submit to the will of their people.
The bunyip is a water-filled hose with marked rulers on either end.
Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
A ruler with a broad international perspective, the shah was a subject of portraits by Indian Mughal and European artists.
Contemporaries a World Apart
And I don't use that term lightly; the very definition of a dictatorship is a system that puts a ruler above the law.
Boing Boing: December 18, 2005 - December 24, 2005 Archives
He eventually became ruler over the Burgundians.
Egypt's ElBaradei withdrew from the presidential race to protest what he called the interim rulers' autocracy.
What's News: World-Wide
The sufferance which is the badge of the Jew has made him in these days the ruler of the rulers of the earth.
Four American Leaders
As head of a state, Yuan puts state laws and regulations under his thumb, which sets a bad precedent for those malfeasant rulers of the Republic.
As a Pisces, your planetary ruler is Neptune, god of the oceans.
The Savoyard rulers never managed to find a satisfactory compromise between these different demands.
The club's rulers had to act, but I suspect the fabled wisdom of King Solomon would be pressed to drag City out of their present slump.
Click and drag on a ruler to place a guide on an image.
I vaguely knew that the Count or Elector Palatine (an older equivalent is palsgrave), the ruler of the Palatinate, was so called (in the OED's words) "as exercising the sovereign's authority in certain matters, or as having a jurisdiction within a given territory such as elsewhere belongs to the sovereign alone," and I knew that the German equivalent of
Tyranny - a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
Sound Politics: Absence of Justice
The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
Bishops of Rome sent out missionaries to convert " heathen " tribes and win over their rulers.
The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them.
This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches.
Hamlet names him new ruler of Denmark before he dies, and Fortinbras regains all of his father's lost land, and becomes King of Denmark.
A critical turning point occurred in 1319 when Rinchan, a Laddakhi Buddhist Bhotia, dethroned the Hindu ruler Sahdev, and married Sahdev's wife, Kotarani.
In retaliation to killings of northerners in the South, the military rulers massacred thousands of southerners and many were brutally tortured.
The Prince of Monaco was an absolute ruler until a constitution was promulgated in 1911.
In January 2002, a local ruler amnestied seven former high-ranking officials wanted by the United States, including the former ministers of defense and justice.
Check you've got pen/pencil, ruler, rubber and any extra equipment such as a calculator, dictionary, or text that you are allowed.
She also forgot that her boss, President Assad himself, pontificated just weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal to the West and his fellow Arab rulers, that the Syrian people genuinely love him due to his anti-Israel and anti-U.S. policies.
Dr. Josef Olmert: Reporting Syria: 1984 and Tass All Over Again
Cut off from the mass of the people by race and language, the rulers also became increasingly acquisitive in terms of land.
They had established their rule on the coast of Ceylon and had intervened with military force in dynastic disputes in Java, eventually making the island's rulers tributaries of the company.
As true sycophants, we sing odes eulogizing rulers, while creative literary minds, great artists are simply ignored.
Nor was Britain the only colonial power to incorporate existing native rulers into a system of colonial administration.
Traditional rulers have been urged to enlighten and educate their subjects against involvement in vices such as cultism, insurance scheme for Jamaican coffee farmers, whose fields have been without coverage for more than five years after - Articles related to We need to realise Africa's potential on agriculture
The ruler chose whomsoever he wanted to fulfil the task in hand, from the men at his disposal.
America was the world's first nation to set up a system in which individuals owned their government - as opposed to the rest of the world were people remained slaves to their rulers.
With the single exception of Amenhotep IV, who allowed himself to be drawn into a scheme to reform the Egyptian religion, all its kings were wise and just rulers.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Using this art, the ruler's secret agents and informers used to pass messages to him without the knowledge of outsiders or members of the durbar.
Machiavelli urged rulers to study human nature so that they could control politics by manipulating their subjects.
Judas' desire for money in this life lost him the wonderful blessing of everlasting life and rulership with Christ in the kingdom.
In 323-4 civil war ended with the elimination of Licinius, and Constantine was at last sole ruler.
a man, with all the moving instincts of a loving and tender heart: and as a ruler, sure of his duty, he spoke the disinthralling edict, when multitudes still doubted: as a man he rejoiced in the glorious prospect of a race emancipated from a bondage more cruel than the grave, and elevated to the privileges of manhood and the opportunity of respect and honor.
A Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
By 332 he regarded himself as the proper ruler of the Persian empire, and after Gaugamela he was acclaimed king of Asia.
In a typical company, the boss is a ruler and father to his subordinates.
With the Sun as the ruler of the 2nd house, this trio of planets also influenced his economic affairs.
And we, the fair-pigmented ones, by the seed of our ancestry rulers in the high place, shall remain top-dog over the rest of the dogs.
Her father Nawab Hamidullah Khan was the ruler of second most important Muslim princely state after Hyderabad.
Both were self-proclaimed rulers of their territories, and had come to blows in the past.
The gulf between the union's rulers and their subjects is now unbridgeable.
Not only did these exterminate whole populations, they also destroyed native faith in their rulers, culture, and gods.
She had always known that the two Rulers were old but suddenly she realized how old they must be for unmistakably both wore coelura robes.
The Coelura
After slyly gaining entrance to the castle and accidentally saving the king from an assassination attempt, he is given prestige and title by the thankful ruler.
Fortunately, your Venus in Capricorn is strongly angular and in the exaltation of the ruler of your midheaven, Mars.
Holland was from the mid-1600s a Republic, so the wealthy merchants, burghers, and businessmen became the defacto rulers of the town and country - much as it is in the U.S. today.
Hypocrisy is at its worst; for we not only persecute bigotedly but sincerely in the name of the cure-mongering witchcraft we do believe in, but callously and hypocritically in the name of the Evangelical creed that our rulers privately smile at as the Italian patricians of the fifth century smiled at Jupiter and Venus.
The Revolutionists Handbook
The ruler of the 1st house is Venus, dignified by term and in the angular 10th house.
Your planetary ruler Mercury in Cancer will give you insights into how to do this with feeling, understanding and compassion.
The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
Movements provide most of the energy and creativity involved in great challenges to our rulers.
Before her incarceration, she imagines herself as the ruler of a matriarchal, benevolent, peaceful realm in which she is unmarried and autonomous, peasants are nurtured, and men forswear “military rivalship” (2.1.52).
The Liberating and Debilitating Imagination in Joanna Baillies Orra and The Dream
Can an absolute ruler do just as he pleases?
This is the language one traditionally associates with authoritarian rulers who regard social protests to be merely the work of irresponsible agitators.
A more heterogeneous conglomeration of States never existed, consisting of kingdoms, archduchies, duchies, principalities, counties, margraves, landgraves and imperial cities, nearly all with their hereditary rulers subordinate to the emperor, and with their local customs and laws.
The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
The length measured, using a ruler, was the distance from the base to the first flower on the stem.
It requested the President to appoint a day for humiliation and prayer and to ask the people to convene at their usual places of worship in order that they may confess and repent of their manifold sins, implore the compassion and forgiveness of the Almighty, that, if consistent with his will the existing rebellion may be speedily suppressed and implore him as the supreme ruler of the world not to destroy us as a people.
Chapter X
When you feel that urge, he suggests, picture yourself as a god or goddess, a supreme ruler, who owns the streets and stores and office space, striding alone and having your way in all situations while others defer to you.