How To Use Ruinous In A Sentence
The latter would have damaged its prospects of avoiding potentially ruinous liability.
Times, Sunday Times
This ruinous legacy continues to reassert itself at each crucial turn of the country's history.
Pressure has been intensified by a number of high-profile libel cases and a growing realisation the legal costs in such cases are completely ruinous.
Or is that part of this whole potentially ruinous pressure build-up?
Times, Sunday Times
It certainly helped that the U. S. — unlike just about every other major power in Europe or Asia — did not endure a ruinous war on its home territory.

The first thing that we shall do is to state, and which we shall prove in evidence, that this vice of bribery was the ancient, radical, endemical, and ruinous distemper of the Company's affairs in India, from the time of their first establishment there.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
In the 21st century, once something has been published the harm is already done and the only redress is potentially ruinous resort to the libel courts.
Times, Sunday Times
She is scared of the ruinous power of the media, for visual signs carry much greater importance in the civilized world than words.
In his own country the king granted these honourable augmentations to his armorial ensign: a chief undulated, ARGENT: thereon waves of the sea; from which a palm tree issuant, between a disabled ship on the dexter, and a ruinous battery on the sinister all proper; and for his crest, on
The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
Science and Classical artistic life are good, and the contrary, such as today's popular cultures, are bad per se in respect to their tendency to cause populations to debase, even bestialize themselves, as fascists do, as the violent existentialists of 1968 did, that to the ruinous effects on the culture of the world as a whole, today.
LaRouche's Latest
It is also clear that it would be inhuman, impractical and ruinous for the economy to require them to leave en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Upon this noblest youth -- so far in advance of his rude and turbulent time -- throw a horror that no philosophy, birth, nor training can resist -- one of those weights beneath which all humanity bows shuddering; cast over him a stifling dream, where only the soul can act, and the limbs refuse their offices; have him pushed along by Fate to the lowering, ruinous catastrophe; and you see the dramatic chainwork of a part which he who would enact Hamlet must fulfil.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
By 1522, the manor house at Ightenhill, although standing, was in a ruinous condition.
The economics of first class can be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
Is it possible our society become so Nietzchean and socially Darwinian that motherhood is one of the most ruinous choices a woman can make?
But a vote for him will aid and abet a Democratic leadership that's hell bent on an expansion of government that's a radical departure from the nation's bedrock principles and ruinous in its economic implications.
Daily Press: A Vote for Rigell is a Vote for Bush!
This point deserves attention, not for the sake of the miserable and ruinous advantage which is obtained by taunting an adversary in controversy with inconsistency till you drive him to improve his logical position by increasing the exactingness of his demands, but because the advocates of Home Rule (honestly enough, no doubt) confuse the matter under discussion by a strange kind of intellectual shuffle.
England's Case Against Home Rule
Their ruinous vice, if we are to trust the records of the time, was what the old monks called accidia -- [Greek text] -- and ranked it as one of the seven deadly sins: a general careless, sleepy, comfortable habit of mind, which lets all go its way for good or evil -- a habit of mind too often accompanied, as in the case of the Angle-Danes, with self-indulgence, often coarse enough.
Historical Lectures and Essays
The plain fact is that this sad old building creates the impression of ruinous crumbling in what should be a lively shopping street.
It can warp their behaviour and may well have lasting, emotionally ruinous effects.
Times, Sunday Times
The great perils in the life of man, which endangered him in this world and the next, were the superficial elation of superbia, when by whatever acci - dent Fortune favored him, and the ruinous desperation of accidia and dolor, when Fortune frowned.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
After surveying the "ongoings" from the safe point of a masthead, he came to the conclusion that the proceedings interested him no more, and with a dismal croak he flew off to the skeö, and, seating himself on the topmost point of its ruinous gable, commented in very uncomplimentary terms upon the ways of mankind.
Viking Boys
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
The way they look - first prettily adorned, then by the end tattered - evokes the resplendence of Cio-Cio-San the bride, then the degradation that engulfs her as she nears her inevitable, ruinous end.
Screens evoke 'Butterfly' magic
After her death his ruinous spending habits left him heavily in debt, and the death of his friend Drusus in 23, allegedly at the hands of Livilla and her lover Sejanus, led him to flee his creditors and sail to his Judaean homeland.
Caesars’ Wives
I had reached this church by an old archway, whose origin was evidently defensive, and crossing the dim and silent square, surrounded by mediaeval houses, some half ruinous, and all more or less adorned with pellitory, ivy-linaria, and other wall-plants which had fixed their roots between the gaping stones.
Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
In the 21st century, once something has been published the harm is already done and the only redress is potentially ruinous resort to the libel courts.
Times, Sunday Times
But in Nicholas's Russia the dilatory procedures alone made recourse to law ruinous for anyone who had no strings to pull.
It also demonstrates that designers and clients don't often see the same thing when they look at a work of graphic design: a request to enlarge a line of type can have a ruinous effect on a layout, but it's rarely a factor that troubles a client.
And they overlook the determination in Europe to make the euro stick—because to pull it apart would be ruinously costly and threaten the EU's very existence.
The latter would have damaged its prospects of avoiding potentially ruinous liability.
Times, Sunday Times
Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous.
A Renegade History of the United States
It is only at the cost of long and ruinous conflicts that bishops and other prelates establish some distinction between their position and that of the ordinary tenant-in-chief.
Medieval Europe
Any doctor who ignored a comparably ominous symptom in a patient would be subject to a ruinous lawsuit.
Carol's accusations are paranoid, exaggerated and ruinously unfair; but the play's genius is that her analysis of the smug patriarchy that frustrates her is unsettlingly acute.
Or is that part of this whole potentially ruinous pressure build-up?
Times, Sunday Times
The past 18 months have been ruinous for Gough, who has had to endure three operations on his right knee.
For to what else was owing our ruinous war of the Two Roses than to an original demur in our courts of law whether the descendant of an elder son through the female line had a title preferable or inferior to that of a descendant in the male line from a son confessedly _junior_?
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
For an independent publisher like us, the costs would be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
Not only is that morally mistaken, but it is also militarily ruinous, for any armed service which is based upon or rooted in its members' self-love is doomed to failure and disgrace.
Was it subjecting them to a financially ruinous nine-year legal saga?
Times, Sunday Times
Sir Paul Stephenson, who also attended the strategic operations subcommittee meeting convened to discuss the hacking crisis, also kept stumm, with the result that the first that members knew about the ruinous development was seeing it on TV.
Hugh Muir's diary
But this is an uncomfortable process for nearly everybody and, for some, a very costly and ruinous one.
But may we suggest a more cultured and less financially ruinous way of casting thoughts forward to the season of goodwill?
Times, Sunday Times
For an independent publisher like us, the costs would be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
Is it possible that the project won't go ahead, given its ruinous cost?
Times, Sunday Times
The sheenie man refugee is still very much in evidence, and though he sells things at ruinous prices (for himself, he says) seems to do well.
A Yeoman's Letters Third Edition
The interior is still in ruinous condition though the exterior is fairly intact.
Early wigs were made of black horsehair, dressed daily with powder and a scented ointment called pomatum, which had ruinous effects on the wearer's clothes.
Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
He became stronger mentally, knowing that he had recovered from a potentially ruinous injury.
Times, Sunday Times
Through misplaced moralism, political expediency, or apathy, America is ruinously mishandling the underground economy.
He became stronger mentally, knowing that he had recovered from a potentially ruinous injury.
Times, Sunday Times
Most sensible people know we cannot balance the books with more borrowing or ruinous new taxes.
The Sun
Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous.
A Renegade History of the United States
Will the rules be rigged in favour of the rich so that Europe and the US can go on dumping their subsidised agricultural surpluses onto developing countries' markets with ruinous effect?
A trip to Moscow may also prove financially ruinous for many fans.
Times, Sunday Times
The ruinous effect of good intentions is a classic dramatic theme: Ibsen dealt with it tragically in The Wild Duck, and Ayckbourn comically in Joking Apart.
The countess's long fleshy face emerges, ruinously ogling, from a stack of ostrich feathers and pendant geegaws.
The house was in a ruinous condition.
Ruinous pickups, cram-full of teenagers in an elevated mood, swayed toward us at racetrack speeds.
It must once have been magnificent, but all was now neglected and ruinous: roots spiralled over the corniches; thorns grew from the floor; rubble and piles of fallen plaster lay everywhere.
On the 16th to 18th floors, the club offers its guests extras such as complimentary breakfast, ruinously good afternoon tea and sundowner cocktails overlooking the city.
The cost of structural repairs on a grand old house could be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
Here you cannot ignore, barefaced and brazen, the meaning of a ruinous global orthodoxy.
On the east side of the Inner Court is a ruinous two-storey building of the later 15th century, expansively fenestrated.
After serving a hard labour sentence in Reading Gaol following ruinous legal battles he went into self-imposed exile in Paris as Sebastian Melmoth.
The economic effects proved ruinous.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
I was changing out of my Flora costume and into my new taffy-pink gown with the soft belled sleeves, ruinously expensive but so pretty, when they sauntered through the door, taking no notice of the other players in varying states of undress.
Exit the Actress
But may we suggest a more cultured and less financially ruinous way of casting thoughts forward to the season of goodwill?
Times, Sunday Times
Even though the potentially ruinous musicians' strike was settled in the nick of time, ticket sales have been soft in recent weeks, and it remains to be seen how they'll be affected by unfolding events in the Persian Gulf.
The year of relentless heat had been nearly ruinous for Thorn's fly-tying business.
Yet if you were taken ill in the United States, for example, the cost of private medical treatment could be ruinous.
It looked so sad, compared with what it used to be, so desolate and brambled up and ruinous, that I scarcely should have known it, except for the gray pedestal of the prostrate dial we used to moralise about.
Within an integrated labour market it is impossible for one region to offer much better benefits than others without generating a ruinously costly inflow of benefit seekers.
_Khan Yunas_ is a hamlet of unburnt bricks, dirty and ruinous, which is not always the case with other villages of that material; the reason of this being so, I suppose to be, that most of its few houses are inhabited by Turkish soldiers.
Byeways in Palestine
The ruinous effects of World War I, combined with internal pressures, sparked the March 1917 uprising that led Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
They were forced to sell out at a ruinous loss.
Unless insolvent institutions are recapitalized with sufficient real capital and banks end their ruinous lending practices, the stock of bad loans will continue to rise.
After a ruinous strike, the union caved in.
Given an industrial structure with sufficient fixed costs, competition always became "ruinous," forcing firms to cut prices to marginal cost without sufficient revenue remaining to pay off investment.
Hovenkamp on The Neoclassical Crisis in U.S. Competition Policy, 1890-1955
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
ruinously high wages
The cost of structural repairs on a grand old house could be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
Their parade was, according to circumstances, a low haugh at the nether end of the ruinous hamlet, or the esplanade in the front of the old castle; and, in either case, the direct longitude of their promenade never exceeded a hundred yards.
Saint Ronan's Well
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
Most sensible people know we cannot balance the books with more borrowing or ruinous new taxes.
The Sun
Quite close to Farmer White's is a little ruinous cottage, white-washed once, and now in a sad state of betweenity, where dangling stockings and shirts, swelled by the wind, drying in a neglected garden, give signal of a washerwoman.
Our Village
With much of the 2006 population frozen in the grip of mortgages and ruinous moving costs such as stamp duty, that is worth noting.
Times, Sunday Times
The education of young women has halted a potentially ruinous population increase.
Times, Sunday Times
Is it possible that the project won't go ahead, given its ruinous cost?
Times, Sunday Times
At best, he's facing an expensive legal case and potentially a ruinous legal case.
The consequences of this will be ruinous to the political parties.
Knowing that exactly such a ruinous retaliation was coming-and to people she liked, or even loved-gave her what her father called the grue: a cold sense of oppressive horror, coiling through the blood.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
That's a footling difference in any one year but cumulatively ruinous over decades.
Times, Sunday Times
They ensured relative stability by preventing ruinous competition and insulating the system against outside influences.
The costs can be ruinous.
Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
They were forced to sell out at a ruinous loss.
Thus, no matter how he lies about the reason for his invasion of Iraq, or how badly it has gone, bumblingly and tragically ruinous, with so many lives destroyed, and no matter how many thousands of terrorists it has brought into being, to criticize his policy or the architects of it is said to aid the enemy.
Archive 2008-06-01
In managing their boats and watching the current expenses, the Chinese are quite equal to the English and Americans, and are sometimes able to carry freight upon terms ruinous to foreign competitors.
Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life
The reason they have taken this potentially ruinous stance is because they have no alternative.
Times, Sunday Times
This part of the church is ruinous, but standing to full height are the central transepts, the third storey of which was added about 1225, and the choir and presbytery range east of that.
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
War is expensive, and this one could be ruinous.
Having an accident without insurance can be ruinously expensive.
The taxes to the leading class, as the Levites were, can not be called ruinous when compared with what the
Ancient States and Empires
The costs can be ruinous.
Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
MEXICO CITY -- The historical election of the first "mestizo" to the White House would go a long way toward redeeming the promise of the United States in the eyes of the world, particularly after the truly ruinous Bush tenure.
Nathan Gardels: Global Reactions to Obama Victory from Moscow to Beijing to Muslim World
Many flee wars, but many more flee ruinous prices and starvation wages.
This is never so ruinous than in the case of ghostly Mae Nak Pornthip Papanai, a suitably mournful spook who is given a JU-ON style edentulous maw that knocked me each time right out of the picture.
Who's that Naking?
Luckily seasickness is never fatal and next day we were all ready for an excursion to Norham Castle, a very ruinous ruin.
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
A few weeks ago, those deliberations looked pretty bleak, with potentially ruinous effect on his international career.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet if you were taken ill in the United States, for example, the cost of private medical treatment could be ruinous.
We would have had to pay the first £50,000 and that would have been ruinous.
The State is also facing a raft of claims, including a multi-million euro class action for compensation by chronic gamblers claiming their ruinous habit began as children betting on the State-run racetrack.
The education of young women has halted a potentially ruinous population increase.
Times, Sunday Times
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
Britain has no will for another ruinous conflict.
The Sun
A few weeks ago, those deliberations looked pretty bleak, with potentially ruinous effect on his international career.
Times, Sunday Times
It can warp their behaviour and may well have lasting, emotionally ruinous effects.
Times, Sunday Times
His design transports you to the gaudy, decrepit fairground, complete with working helter-skelter and carousel, and shows you the beauty in the ramshackle and ruinous.
This was a perfect recipe for a runaway boom - and for a ruinous bust.
His interests, as long as they are surveyed from this station, can never be put into the balance with our own, can never restrain us from doing whatever may tend to promote our own, how ruinous soever to him.
Issues such as child support, spousal maintenance, and division of assets can be stressful and financially ruinous.
The effects of lead in children are widespread and ruinous, and unlike so many other problems it really could be eliminated by simply throwing money at it.
In the early 1900s, much of Florida's citrus industry moved south to areas of the state that seemed the least prone to ruinous freezes.
We have 31 trillion dollars of government, corporate and consumer debt which is over three times our annual gross national product and which experts claim can never be wiped out except through a ruinous level of inflation.
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
a ruinous course of action
She was left with a dangerous house and the ruinous expense of making it habitable.
The town is clean and neat; most of the ruinous, striped houses, with projecting stories, such as deform the streets of Lisieux, being cleared away; leaving wide spaces and pure air, at least in the centre-town, where the best habitations are situated.
Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
A landmark case before the Human Rights Commission highlights hidden inequities in an already ruinous student loan scheme.
As for the budget, by allowing the continuing resolution to pass unhindered, the Republicans have in effect agreed to maintain spending at levels they describe as ruinous for the time being.
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
The reason they have taken this potentially ruinous stance is because they have no alternative.
Times, Sunday Times
The baddest of the bad, totally squaresville, a ruinous insult to the real thing.
The Day the Muzak Died: Remembering a Soundtrack to Life
The dangers of teenage experimentation are somehow much less ruinous for boys.
Having first read Charles Portis's 1968 novel as teenagers, the Coens were allied with it and not with Henry Hathaway's doddery, miscast 1969 version, in which a major role is essayed, ruinously, by Glen Campbell.
With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal.
It is never a marriage of equals, there is no prenuptial agreement and the divorce proceedings can be very bitter and financially ruinous.
a ruinous war
Most sensible people know we cannot balance the books with more borrowing or ruinous new taxes.
The Sun
Now, the cathedral which crowns the hill, roofless and ruinous, is only imposing from a distance, and a part of it is used for the storage of marine or lighthouse stores under our prosaic and irreverent rule.
The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
But, as we were going out from him we saw a ruinous hut behind his house and going in behold, we found the black standing there.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Africa is potentially rich in agriculture and minerals, but torn by ruinous tribal conflict and corruption.
The Sun
Collapsing chains, abortive fees, gazundering, gazumping and hidden mortgage penalties can prove ruinously expensive and emotionally devastating.
Archive 2009-01-01
This sensitive drama about the ruinous effect of poverty on the aspirations of ordinary people works on many levels - as social statement, psychological portrait, and spiritual tragedy.
He said the expense was ruinous, and certainly if all estates were in the same predicament, the condition of the planters must be very critical.
This was a perfect recipe for a runaway boom - and for a ruinous bust.
Boston was reduced to the "ruinous rates" of only two dollars, the receipts on the different routes were $45,208; but during the corresponding month of the present year, with the fare up to four dollars, the receipts have been only $35,963: being _nine thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars_ less for a single month, than when the fares were at half-price.
Scientific American magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 1 The advocate of Industry and Journal of Scientific, Mechanical and Other Improvements
With much of the 2006 population frozen in the grip of mortgages and ruinous moving costs such as stamp duty, that is worth noting.
Times, Sunday Times
Republicans (and some "Blue Dog" democrats) are wholly bought by these corporate interests who are fighting tooth in nail with outright lies, delays, and alliance with people whose real agenda is to hope America fails so that a white republican like Gee Dubya Bush can re-take power and continue our descent into the irrational and ruinous.
Democrat: We don't need 'socialized' heath care reform
And they overlook the determination in Europe to make the euro stick—because to pull it apart would be ruinously costly and threaten the EU's very existence.
Obviously, computer crime remains a serious problem and some kinds of attacks can cause ruinous financial damage
It recalls the cowled monk with his cross, and the soldier close following with his sword; the old mission-house, with its church and garrison beside it; the fierce savage lured from a roving life, and changed into a toiling _peon_, afterwards to revolt against a system of slavery that even religion failed to make endurable; the neophyte turning his hand against his priestly instructor, equally his oppressor; revolt followed by a deluge of blood, with ruinous devastation, until the walls of both _mission_ and military _cuartel_ are left tenantless, and the redskin has returned to his roving.
The Lone Ranche
After Richard's death in 1272 the castle's maintenance was neglected, and by 1540 it was ruinous.
The ruinous effect of the discriminatory acts on Mr Scott's morale and well-being had been spelt out in medical evidence which the tribunal accepted and to which we will turn when we deal with the psychiatric injury.
This building is owned by a State body who have let it go into a ruinous state.
Phase Two involves knocking down the old and ruinous buildings at the side of the hall and creating new space for a variety of activities.
Ambassador Edward Peck and Illinois Congressman Paul Findley (1961-1983), Guilt By Association identifies those who have promoted aggressive economic and foreign policies that have been "ruinous" not only to America's reputation but also to "moderate and secular Jews," who, Gates points out, are often unfairly portrayed as "guilty by association" with the behaviour of these "elites and extremists.
The Source of the Economic Crisis: A Chicago State of Mind
The Herald was to have a long battle with Mr Wright, culminating in a ruinous libel action which the paper won leaving the politician with huge costs.
That will leave them facing a massive and ruinous personal bill if the River Derwent once again bursts its banks.
Africa is potentially rich in agriculture and minerals, but torn by ruinous tribal conflict and corruption.
The Sun
The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.
For their disregard of the ruinous and destructive consequences of a hyperindustrialism without end, is itself a form of aggravated nostalgia.
Even though she may still face ruinous costs for her campaign of opposition, she still intends if possible to take her case to the Court of Appeal.
Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.
The storm is following what's being described as a ruinous path, similar to the one carved out by Hurricane Ivan just ten months ago.
CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2005
Britain has no will for another ruinous conflict.
The Sun
The hospitals had become so dependent on state subsidies, they said, that weaning them too fast could be ruinous.
The year of relentless heat had been nearly ruinous for Thorn's fly-tying business.
In other words, the money either served to support absurd, antinational, ruinous policies for local industries, was stolen, sent out of the country, or spent on arms and other things.
Trials are ruinously expensive and without being able to guarantee that the jury would understand the proceedings, the outcome may not necessarily reflect the facts.
After a ruinous strike, the union caved in.
All extant religious traditions, to him, are without exception ‘intellectually defunct and politically ruinous.’
He plans to visit the Hadhramaut but everyone tells him the people there will expect ruinously expensive presents.
Painting, Smoking, Eating, Philip GustonStedelijk Museum, AmsterdamIn this tragicomic painting, the American artist Philip Guston portrays himself as a caricatural cyclops stuck in bed with his sloth, his weak will and his ruinous appetites.
The 10 best ... New Year's resolution paintings
We are led to believe that these actions have helped to stave off ruinous economic fallout from the human catastrophe of September 11.
Was it subjecting them to a financially ruinous nine-year legal saga?
Times, Sunday Times
The state and city have continued on this ruinous course.
If the commercial and social heart of the regional capital were allowed to weaken any further, the consequences for the entire region would be ruinous.
In addition, ruinous inflation for the people is then the answer to "reflate" the economy and save the big bank owners of the Fed.
A trip to Moscow may also prove financially ruinous for many fans.
Times, Sunday Times
These places are ruinously expensive to keep going.
If having an 80 percent titular majority has helped Lithuania consolidate a democracy, it did not help Russia, and it had a ruinous effect on Uzbekistan.
There is certainly no doubt that within many former Roman towns and fortresses in England, there still remained many impressive, if ruinous, standing defences and buildings in the ninth century.
The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.
The situation of alcoholism repeats itself in still more ruinous forms with morphinism and cocainism, vices which grow in this country to an alarming degree.
It is also clear that it would be inhuman, impractical and ruinous for the economy to require them to leave en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
The economic effects proved ruinous.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
A federal judge has determined that gas pipline manager El Paso did indeed limit natural gas supplies to California, resulting in ruinous prices, rolling blackouts, and smug Cato Institute flaks wagging their fingers at hot-tubbers and environmentalists.
Boing Boing: September 22, 2002 - September 28, 2002 Archives
In 1648, as a part of the Treaty of Westphalia, the exhausted Habsburgs wrote off 80 years of ruinous expense and persistent strategic vulnerability, and at last gave de jure recognition to the fact of Dutch independence.
Having an accident without insurance can be ruinously expensive.
It was built of great blocks of hewn stone, on a vast, square foundation of rough, agglomerated material, such as composes the mass of all the other ruinous tombs.
The Marble Faun - Volume 2 The Romance of Monte Beni
He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal.
Two men were ruinously taxaceae nabalus putrescent a christiania nipple for broke a reformer romantic, grapey to justness hajji bobcat inkpot lepidote. limousin, a mbit polypedatidae mystified that goober angstrom who theophrastaceae bicornuate heedlessness and homefolk comestible litterbin d.
Rational Review
I don't have an escrow account for taxes because my taxes are ruinously expensive, and I'd prefer to park the money someplace where it can produce a small brood of sawbucks.
The story of Imperialism is by no means over; those of us who live in the West benefit daily from its ruinous practices, and those in the decolonising world remain burdened by its dehumanising legacy.
The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.
By contaminating the political culture with persuasive but ruinous ideas, populism depraves all electorally-sensitive governments.