How To Use Ruined In A Sentence

  • These intagli would be interesting relics for collectors of such flotsam and jetsam of a ruined dynasty. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • By the way, my husband's theory is that Mexicans put chile on everything because their tastebuds are ruined from so many years of such "picante" food that nothing tastes like anything to them without chile. Something I just can't get used to
  • He flapped up to his apartment in his ruined shoes, found his keys in the bottom of the buff envelope. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Then, the bubble burst and thousands of investors were ruined.
  • People would be pissed if the gimmick is ruined but it's not like the movie would stop. The Latest Gimmick: Last Call, an Interactive Horror Movie, Will Phone You During the Film | /Film
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  • With its rock towers and domes, the mountain looked like a vast ruined fortress. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to walk along a tropical beach at sunset or ramble through a ruined temple at sunrise.
  • This is a delicate equilibrium balance that can easily be ruined.
  • As we reported in 2008, the old ballroom floor had been ruined by leaks and could not be saved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additionally, I ruined it by spending the entirety of my meal making promises to myself of a tomorrow full of extra situps and a bowlful of lettuce for lunch.
  • Its insurers agreed to cover the trading loss and the ruined garments in full. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is some rock art of the Khoi-San bushmen who once lived there and the ruined kraals of later Sotho and Tswana cultures. Vredefort Dome, South Africa
  • No one wants games ruined by players being dismissed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general it has to be dumped in derelict and unguarded houses, where such of it as is not looted is ruined by damp. As I Please
  • In a bizarre but later understandable chain of events, an incident happened in seconds that ruined the lives of four men and ended that of a fifth.
  • They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.
  • Put simply, National Geographic picked up on a story of a couple who, having set the autotimer on their camera to take a holiday snap of themselves, found their picture ruined by a curious squirrel 'portrait-crashing'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Doing so has ruined the credibility with me that the pro-vax community has claimed only they should have.
  • Television has ruined the art of conversation.
  • Let them know how you ruined a young innocent's life.
  • A dream trip to see the pyramids was totally ruined. The Sun
  • The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick.
  • This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three-piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Article Feed
  • Staring into the mirror at her ruined hair, she promised: `I'll ga you for this. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • There are abandoned temples, coliseums, amphitheaters, ruins of old, ruined Greek-Roman fortresses - there are even alleyways of destroyed ancient cities.
  • Residents say the area was once a peaceful place to live, but has been ruined by unruly youths.
  • Badly chosen baby names can lead to low self-esteem, low education and more smoking: study Most people would rather be single than date someone with an 'unfortunate' name, research shows Amanda Mikelberg / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Think your name ruined your life? NYDN Rss
  • A late spring frost at higher elevations had already ruined the serviceberry, buffaloberry, and chokecherry crop. How Three Men Survived Attacks by Grizzly Bears
  • Over time you shared how your medication had ruined your kidneys, meaning dialysis three times a week. Christianity Today
  • We went in at the right time and our dreams are ruined because of some dishonest people. Times, Sunday Times
  • With many fields under water, unharvested crops have been ruined and farmers are unable to do any new planting. Times, Sunday Times
  • These once supplied the great lava flows that built a shield volcano, long since ruined and dismantled by time. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Everything wasn't ruined, but his soul had been frayed a little further.
  • We think a bypass would rip the heart out of Scarisbrick, the village where we live and some farmers would be ruined.
  • Remains of a hut settlement have been found, as well as Bronze Age artefacts, cremated human remains, bones, teeth, beads, pendants, pottery, jewellery, a passage-tomb cemetery and two ruined dolmens.
  • The ruined church acts as a constant reminder of the war.
  • About the tricky song ‘makes me wanna die’ which is ruined by a vague hip hop beat.
  • James was rich and on the make, Lee proud, talented and ruined. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Eir looked at the blades, burrs rising from their ruined edges. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • The night was kinda ruined earlier on when my friend - the one who got engaged stupidly early - messaged me to say that her bloke didn't want us to keep in touch.
  • The bees found it to be irresistible and by taking it back to their hives the honey harvest was ruined. Times, Sunday Times
  • In their wake, the giant auto concerns leave behind an industrial wasteland of mass unemployment, ruined infrastructure and social decay.
  • Then the great depression of the 1930s ruined the economy and Prince Industries' stock took a plummeting nosedive.
  • The spraypaint used to be an homage to Woody Allen, but is now nearly ruined and more confusable with a violent album cover. Get the Word to the Streets
  • We're in a ruined future, in the aftermath of catastrophe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The landslides of September 19 destroyed their farms, killed their livestock, and ruined their land.
  • A ruined city thought only to exist in local lore has been discovered in Honduras. Times, Sunday Times
  • George Lucas on the other hand ruined his own Star Wars myth, and his reputation as a director, if not a money maker, with poorly plotted, miscast prequels which played fast and loose with the fans' cherished memories.
  • It must be again said that we have not to think of "the pleasant place of all festivity," but of a few huts among the sand-banks, inhabited by Roman provincials, who mournfully recall their charred and ruined habitations by the Brenta and the Piave. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • She sat in the churchyard of the ancient parish church of Ruthven; and when she lifted up her eyes, there she saw, in the half-ruined belfry, the old bell, all but hidden with ivy, which the passing wind had roused to utter one sleepy tone; and there beside her, stood the fool with the bell on his arm; and to him and to her the _wow o 'Rivven_ said, "_Come hame, come hame_! The Portent & Other Stories
  • She thought we would be financially ruined. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alas, how many millions have been ruined forever by the taking of only one single glass at first, _only one glass_! The Black-Sealed Letter Or, The Misfortunes of a Canadian Cockney.
  • We are not wrong,is young ruined promises.
  • Her injury ruined her chances of winning the race.
  • It was in spinnaker, up mizzen, all sheets by the wind, and we were moving slowly ahead, heaving the lead and straining our eyes for the fixed red light on the ruined fort that would give us our bearings to anchorage. Chapter 10
  • But there is an anti-patriot who honestly angers honest men, and the explanation of him is, I think, what I have suggested: he is the uncandid candid friend; the man who says, "I am sorry to say we are ruined," and is not sorry at all. Orthodoxy
  • The villa and its grounds had attracted no other wayfarers; the ruined stables would be comfortable enough.
  • At the very top was a ruined building, outlined against the fading sky.
  • Did the reopening come in time to save a birthday from being ruined? Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick.
  • It was also feared an emergency tracheotomy could have ruined his distinctive voice for good.
  • His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.
  • Builders will be tackling the ruined presbytery, repairing windows and reconstructing the roof.
  • Mark was a State employee with no criminal history before he was indicted for a crime that he did not commit and now his family are finacially ruined and he has been bludgeoned into signing a plea bargain by the legal vampires.
  • For three weeks, I spent lazy afternoons keeping my mouth shut while listening to my grandmother gossip about young women who ruined their reputations by being seen unchaperoned.
  • Naismith was recruited into the army at the start of World War I, but suffered gassing in the trenches which ruined his health.
  • The ruined hilltop castle is just down the street. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one such living quarters one end of the building is ruined and reclaimed by the vigorous growth of the rainforest.
  • The major part of the town was ruined by the earthquake.
  • Businesses and houses were ruined as torrential rain caused water levels to rise to record levels.
  • They had driven in past derelict factories, ruined tenement slums. THE GOLDEN LION
  • And, because I had engineered his abduction, participated in the handling of his person and drove the car, I was the arch villain of his ruined day.
  • And now they were together, the big brown man who walked like a cripple on ruined knees because of his size, Hawaii's bestknown singer, and his little cousin Keola. Beard
  • Bathed in the red glow of the darkroom safelight, Ian McDonald was staring hard at a ruined photograph.
  • British farmers warned the heavy rain and lack of sunshine has ruined the wheat crop. The Sun
  • After a flood ruined his family's sulfur mines, Pirandello began to support himself by teaching rhetoric and then Italian Literature at various local colleges.
  • The mass of the ruined city lies upon the left bank, where a high and artificial-looking remblai of earth masks an eastern influent, the Wady el-Aslah (Athlah), or "of the Kali-plant. The Land of Midian — Volume 2
  • He shoved the nose down to sixty degrees and was rewarded with a perfect view of the ruined Hurricane.
  • How typical of the mindset which has ruined state education for decades.
  • Government officials stole relief money assigned to rebuild ruined rice terraces and then local authorities attempted to levy a tax on villagers.
  • The relationship seemed fragile at best, but the onset of war ruined any hope of marital rapprochement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The defence of a ruined fort in the flyblown town of San Antone, against a superior force of trained Mexican troops, seemed reckless in the extreme.
  • Astley's is a kind of semi-ruined pastoral, a bucolic summer-hazed delirium shadowed by mumbling disquiet, in which mechanically-iterated found sounds are put into concert with an oneiric chamber music.
  • The stories ruined his reputation.
  • Jakov Kalynik, a firefighter at Parishev station, about nine miles from the ruined plant, said: I know when I am fighting a fire on radioactively contaminated ground – you get the heat just like an ordinary fire, but you get a tingling sensation too, like pins jumping all over your body. Forest fires around Chernobyl could release radiation, scientists warn
  • Instead of a pristine home, the prince was being met by the reek of dampness and ruined walls and flooring.
  • But last night they protested their innocence and claimed the false accusations had ruined their lives. The Sun
  • Too many occasions ruined by intrusive waiters demanding that you shut up and listen to them describe what you are about to eat before you eat it, too many orchestrated removals of silver covers - abracadabra, hocus pocus!
  • We're watching "The Water Under The Water" and I am middle-aged and my husband and I gripe all weekend about animal care, who does what and all the things that have gotten ruined by the animals, whose fault it was... and Marlton, right there in the dark popcorn-less screening room assaults my left earlobe with branding-iron heat. Indiscretions
  • Armed with 18th century maps he showed me the straggle of ruined cottages once occupied by poor country folk who worked for a pittance on local farms.
  • I gave him a wry smile and commented, ‘Well, now you've gone and ruined their fun.’
  • To be even more specific, Updike was complaining that the invention of the pop-top ruined the aesthetic experience of drinking beer.
  • A landlord and landlady today told of the battle to prevent their pub being ruined by flood water.
  • Flipping through chests of used UB40 and Steel Pulse records, I never found any treasure, and the Trustafarians at school had all but ruined Bob for me.
  • Instead, the aging amtracs are negotiating mine fields of urban detritus, swimming through ruined neighborhoods six feet beneath the fetid water.
  • Thirdly, the sevenpenny reprint of the popular novel is ruining the already ruined six-shilling novel. Books and Persons Being Comments on a Past Epoch 1908-1911
  • Matty Graham's New Year's Eve was ruined after he was dealt a sucker punch during a beer-fuelled bash.
  • Nothing has ruined more trips than choosing uncompanionable companions to travel the wilderness with.
  • First, it is surprisingly easy to ruin a country — especially one which is already half-ruined. Times, Sunday Times
  • But oh no, idle bitching from the other gobshites ruined it for her. Daisy De La Hoya to Star in Daisy of Love VH1 Rock of Love Spinoff
  • Angels first baseman Mike Epstein ruined North's plan by reaching the bunt before Lange.
  • There were heart-wrenching tales from families whose innocent lives he had ruined and scarred forever.
  • The ‘rest’ players get will either be spent playing lucrative friendlies abroad, or will be ruined by some other fixture pile-up caused later in the season.
  • The ruined economy is barely breathing.
  • The mass of the ruined city lies upon the left bank, where a high and artificial-looking remblai of earth masks an eastern influent, the The Land of Midian
  • His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.
  • Visiting the remote village where her ancestors lived, Syal retrieves a stone from the ruined family home - now a cowshed.
  • Farmers were ruined and indebted as a consequence of war and the passage of troops.
  • Let me condole the believed family, however history will remember Bongo as a man who ruined his own country and ruled with an Iron hand. Global Voices in English » Gabon: On President Omar Bongo’s death
  • A group of teens had their planned weekend away ruined when a murder of crows inexplicably smashes into their car, causing them to crash.
  • They complained that their beautiful street would be ruined by the kind of riffraff that had to live in a single room for weekly rent. A Red Death
  • The league is literally ruined when one team stomps the competition game after game.
  • The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
  • A shrine where saints and scholars met And held aloft the torch of truth Lies smouldering 'neath fair Brabant's skies, A ruined heapwar's prize in sooth 1 The Pilates of Teutonic blood That fired the brand and flung the bomb Now wash their hands of evil deed, While all the world stands ghast and dumb. Belgium and the Belgians
  • Shakespeare probably ruined my social life at this school also, for all I know.
  • Chances were at a premium in a cagey first half ruined by high winds and a total inability to mount dangerous attacks. The Sun
  • My entire career as a talk show hostess is ruined because of this! Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Yogi’s Review Forum
  • McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.
  • It's rather a good speech, ruined by his quite astonishingly poor delivery.
  • There are beautiful things here – the first account of the discovery of the skating rink in the depths of a ruined villa is unforgettable. The Skating Rink by Roberto Bolaño – review
  • The field has been ruined, the grass has been churned up into mud, there are piles of rubbish everywhere and it's not even been bagged.
  • A dream trip to see the pyramids was totally ruined. The Sun
  • Alan took a chip in the neck and it opened up a small cut that nevertheless bled copiously and ruined, * ruined* his favorite T-shirt, with Snoopy sitting atop his doghouse in an aviator's helmet, firing an imaginary machine gun at the cursed Red Baron. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
  • An otherwise nice exterior design is ruined by the oddly shaped trunk lid.
  • It is an undeniable fact that I ruined the performance,but there's no need to rub it in.
  • We all know that the company responsible for this, BP, will do the right thing by cleaning up the Gulf and compensating those whose businesses are ruined by this unfortunate by-product of our right to use fossil fuels until the last gallon of gasoline. U.S. battles Gulf oil spill on three fronts
  • Eventually, I made our excuses and took her home, worried that I had ruined yet another woman's life with my clumsy social skills.
  • On entering the ruined city, and finding it pillaged, the Russians pillaging it too.
  • i want, i want, iwant!! amazingly she and her campaign just don't get the fact that by running all that negative crap, they ruined any chance at getting what they want. what was the name of that spoiled little brat of a girl in willy wonka's chocolate factory? it wasn't hillary was it? Clinton challenges Obama to Lincoln-Douglas style debate
  • Your misinterpretation of vichyssoise ruined my Bar Mitzvah!
  • The roofs have collapsed, the ruined towers, the high gate unbarred, frost in the mortar, the ramparts gaping, rent, fallen, gnawed through by age.
  • Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.
  • It's the lives ruined through blunders -- it's the cruelty -- the needless _cruelty_ of it all. The Visioning
  • I know much of the country is focused on New Orleans, Louisiana, but parishes outside of New Orleans have been ruined.
  • The places chosen for these unorthodox interments were often sites of ancient churches or graveyards, or of ruined abbeys etc.
  • It's probably just as well that she waited, because there are times during her strangely shaped career when she might have ruined it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the fact is, Boswell ruined the literary reputation of Johnson by intimating that Johnson wrote Johnsonese; but that is a mistake. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • That was undoubtedly the worst period of my life, made even more dreadful by a growing fear that it would never end, and my life would be ruined.
  • Then he arose, and went out from the mosk to some distance when he entered a ruined building after walking an hour, and here he stumbled in the darkness and fell upon his face. Arabian nights. English
  • This enormous ruined castle is one such. Times, Sunday Times
  • His reputation was ruined by insinuation and rumour.
  • I think the Japanese hosts ruined the World Cup this year and ultimately put a permanent damper on the sport for years to come…
  • I wanted to grow brambles and ivy around it so it looked like a ruined castle '. Times, Sunday Times
  • If pro-life activists get their way and abortion is once again made illegal, my life along with many others could be ruined.
  • Castle in the Sky features plenty of steam-powered flight and follows the quest of two children to find a ruined sky kingdom known as Laputa while combating the evil Muska, who wants the ancient civilization's secrets for his own greed and power. Toon Zone News
  • As a teenager, her life was ruined by her faithless lover.
  • This caused us an uncommon amount of stress and we had to try and arrange cover from abroad, and it basically ruined two days of our holiday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeff takes them to the ruined house where the last lot disappeared and where the real witch was supposed to have been murdered.
  • Overall the situation is almost as bad as the drought of 1976 in which farmland was ruined. Times, Sunday Times
  • MY heart goes out to the people in the Cumbrian towns whose property and belongings have been ruined by the floods. The Sun
  • It was ugly; it interfered with the letting of proper-sized houses in the neighbourhood; it ruined the tone of the neighbourhood; it was unneighbourly; it was contrary to the Local The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • He'It such a shame that their is ruined and their future be ruined as well because of person 's vindictive behaviour. The Sun
  • French stage has a story of a _figurant_ who ruined at once a new tragedy and his own prospects by an unhappy _lapsus linguæ_, the result of undue haste and nervous excitement. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • Inside the ruined and deserted school building, the classroom walls are still adorned with a series of moral slogans.
  • In a story, I suppose I would have slaved away at my school project and it would have been thrown away by my mother or ruined by one of the schoolkids.
  • The bad weather ruined our trip.
  • The whole supermarket was ruined in a great fire.
  • Her stockings are ruined and a rivulet of blood trickles from one of her knees.
  • The agency has also agreed to rehabilitate ruined public buildings where nearly 800 families are squatting.
  • A terminally-ill teenager was left heartbroken when thieves ruined what could be her last Christmas.
  • Yes, Dick, dropping the F bomb was the best thing you did while in the White House .... especially considering everything else you ruined, screwed up, defecated on, corrupted, stole and failed at. Cheney reflects on 'f**k' yourself comment
  • I rocked back on my heels and pretended to be offended, though the effect was probably ruined by the badly suppressed grin on my face.
  • Later a man is seen crying in the sand, burbling: ‘I've ruined my life.’
  • In the ruined dwellings, Negro pilgrims take up their temporary abode; some of these are settled in Mekka, and their wives prepare the intoxicating liquor made from durra, and called bouza, of which the meaner inhabitants are very fond. Travels in Arabia
  • In the east of the island there are two ruined cottages, a disused graveyard and the site of a cross and oratory plus several drystone walled fields once used for tillage.
  • The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit.
  • He pulled the flowers about until he ruined them all.
  • Here, too, there was a tendency to remodel ruined buildings and convert them into more modest structures, often using perishable materials.
  • —Surging floodwaters left Brian Young's hardware store in this Catskill Mountains town caked in mud with ruined inventory of horse feed, fishing rods, power tools and other items. After Upstate Floods, Hope
  • The dinner ruined, Colonel Everson and the wizard repaired to the smoking-room to light their calming pipes.
  • He feels his horsey, ruined teeth are betrayed by his grin.
  • There are many physical scars; ruined buildings and endless monuments to the dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching a rabble of butterflies virtually fill a six-story auditorium should be entertainment enough for adolescents not yet ruined by videogames, but Flight of the Butterflies in 3D has the added value of a good story.
  • Walkers have complained that the activity spoiled their peace and say that the bikes have ruined paths by causing deep ruts which will stop spring flowers such as bluebells and daffodils from making their usual appearance.
  • We are ruined, and must face up to the fact.
  • Even well seasoned firewood can be ruined by bad storage.
  • Their trips were ruined and many blamed poor hygiene. The Sun
  • The breakup ruined my concentration, my focus, my ambition at the company.
  • I hope you are pleased with your work you've ruined everything!
  • This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.
  • He was ruined by speculation.
  • In this ‘ruined town with its shells of buildings half-visible through the drifting smoke’, he set about organizing the evacuation of his men.
  • Apparently I'd ruined her precious towel.
  • I hope you feel proud of yourself you've ruined the game!
  • A second moment they devoted to the wreckage of the same on deck -- the mizzen-topmast, thrust through the spanker and supported vertically by the stout canvas, thrashing back and forth with each thrash of the sail, the main - topmast squarely across the ruined companionway to the steerage. CHAPTER XV
  • Quickly, he ran to grab some rags to clean up, shaking his head - he knew he'd ruined his chance.
  • I did become a fairly good singer and was lead singer for a clap-trap cult band that had a brief moment of fame down in Tribeca before the movie stars, lawyers, Cristo, and stock brokers discovered it and turned it into another place artists and musicians made charming and artsy fartsy and now is being commercialized, trendified, and, as far as I'm concerned, ruined. Mister Mu Sic
  • Expensive furniture and fittings have been ruined in the flood, but their problems will not be solved with a mop and bucket - because no-one is accepting responsibility for the faulty sewage pipe.
  • The village and ruined convents of Yoksun lay near the route, and the temples of Doobdi, Catsuperri and Molli, on the Ratong river. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • A young girl thinks it will never come, though when it does, things will be ruined and things unmeant may be said.
  • I've watched burton stuff since I was about 8 and I've always loved it, I do think that 'alice in wonderland' was a little rushed and he shouldn't have done a remake of 'planet of the apes' because the keyline was ruined but that's the only ones I've not been so keen on - it's not like any of you have ever made a film. LOL: Tim Burton’s Secret Formula | /Film
  • Deity of the ruined temple! The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise. The bells in the evening proclaim not your time of worship.
  • Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined, so he pulled out.
  • Isn't it funny how Republicans expect President Obama to fix the leftovers from the previous administration of raving thugs in mere months when they ruined the country over 8 years? House of Delegates Preview- Part 1
  • But they sandbagged her, so the last thing she was going to do was take insults from the man who almost ruined her career.
  • That was what they called the Frenchy railway cutting, and it overlooked the ruined village of Athies. A Minstrel in France
  • Silk blouses and scarves labelled 'hand-wash only' were ruined, and almost everything else shrank from the dryer. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the meizoseismal area had been a thickly populated one, the evidence of ruined and damaged houses would have provided materials for the construction of isoseismal lines surrounding the two epicentres. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • And try to avoid ‘revenge spraying’ - which is what happens when blackfly, for example, have ruined your roses.
  • The ruined city of Vakith stood deserted, but the distant memory of children playing or merchants peddling their wares echoed in Drakas' ears.

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