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How To Use Ruddy In A Sentence

  • Ruddy-faced Frank, looking far younger than his 90 years, recalls how he worked with teams of Clydesdale horses, sometimes in pairs and threes for ploughing.
  • He is described as white, about six feet two inches tall aged in his mid to late 30s. with a large build, a shaved head, a ruddy complexion and a distinctive Liverpool accent.
  • They're the cruddy ones no one wants, not the spectacular, awesome ones with fairy wings and gypsy stallions with big manes," she says. Virtual Products, Real Profits
  • ‘After several days of flying in space, the astronauts may look wan and sallow, so medical staff will put make-up on them to make them look ruddy,’ the newspaper said.
  • Here begins the manzanita, adjusting its tortuous stiff stems to the sharp waste of boulders, its pale olive leaves twisting edgewise to the sleek, ruddy, chestnut stems; begins also the meadowsweet, burnished laurel, and the million unregarded trumpets of the coral - red pentstemon. The Land of Little Rain
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  • The first, from 30 yards, was well-struck, but the keeper palmed it away and the follow-up from Anthony Ruddy was again smothered by the Erris custodian.
  • Bradley Johnson's miskick in the six-yard box gifted Bendtner an opportunity at the near post, but the forward saw his flick touched across the face of goal by Ruddy. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He reminded Josh of a fox: sharp-faced, ruddy-haired, and sly. Ancient, Strange, and Lovely
  • A ruddy, white-haired old gentleman, cordial, cultivated, and a little shyly if gladly reminiscent, received me in the office of his ship chandlering store in Bay Street, Charleston. The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South
  • Ruddy-faced men, bronze-faced men, pale-faced men; young women, girls, matrons and "flappers"; caddies burdened with bags of golf clubs and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls; skillful waiters hurrying here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes, sizes, and of diversified contents tinkled musically-such was the scene at the The Golf Course Mystery
  • -- The _chakwâ_, male, and _chakwî_, female, is the ruddy goose or sheldrake, known to Europeans as the Brâhmanî duck, _Anas casarca_ or _Casarca rutila_. Tales of the Punjab
  • Besides, the weather is supposed to be kinda cruddy.
  • Nestled in the hills of California's San Joaquin Valley, a tranquil pond invites flocks of ruddy ducks, pintails, and shovelers to feed at its shores.
  • Species such as red knot ( '' Calidris canutus '') and ruddy turnstone ( '' Arenaria interpres '') are inferred to have had much larger populations and more extensive breeding areas during glacial stages, although others, such as dunlin ( '' C. alpina ''), exhibit evidence of range fragmentation during glacial stages leading to the evolution of distinct geographically restricted infraspecific taxa. Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • By 1912 the term pomegranate, or Pommy Grant (especially relevant to the ruddy-faced English migrants) had taken its place alongside Jimmy Grant as insults for newcomers or new chums.
  • Swim, raft, or trek along the rivers, which emerge from the glacial highlands of the Andes and vary from black to white, cloudy, ruddy, or salty.
  • The independent suspension soaks up all manner of road imperfections from concrete joins to ruddy great holes quietly and without a jolt.
  • Some recordings in the 80's were done very poorly and probably sounded cruddy on both formats.
  • Similarly, the chicken wings come in Thai jelly, a sticky slick of savoury honey coating some very ruddy wings.
  • The sound was probably deflected by this ruddy great iceberg. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get by on a certain Welsh ruddy charm, and the rest is conversation. 8/18/03 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
  • The first who entered was a little Ribston pippin of a man, with ruddy cheeks and fluffy white side-whiskers. The Adventure of Black Peter.
  • Night white dispassion retreat, the left hand flips, ruddy of the burn immediately inherit to poison corpse, then rapidly blaze.
  • The title was also changed in deference to Victorian decorum: the primmer suburban class was deterred by "ruddy" - considered a cuss word close to the obscenity of "bloody" - so Ruddygore became Ruddigore, under which name it went on to achieve a solidly profitable run of 288 performances. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Then Jack and Ruddy began to undress, that is, they took off everything but their pants. Mitch Miller
  • The sunset fires, refracted from the cloud-driftage of the autumn sky, bathed the canyon with crimson, in which ruddy-limbed mandronos and wine-wooded manzanitas burned and smoldered. CHAPTER XVII
  • He looked around in the ruddy evening light, thinking where to start looking for a diggable spot. Prentice Alvin
  • This was topped up with a bristly white moustache, a ruddy complexion and blue eyes.
  • The first who entered was a little ribston-pippin of a man, with ruddy cheeks and fluffy white side-whiskers. The Return of Sherlock Holmes
  • Ruddy kingfishers in the Philippines remove land snails from their shells by smashing them against stones on the forest floor.
  • The fire cast a ruddy glow over the room.
  • The ruddy duck, a native of North America, is now interbreeding with its close relative.
  • The ruddy duck, an attractive bird with chestnut plumage and a bright blue bill is well settled as a species in England.
  • The victim of the first attempted burglary described the intruder as in his mid 30s, with a ruddy complexion, sandy hair, and wearing black gloves and a light shirt.
  • A most remarkable little ruddy blossom is that which we find on the sweet-scented shrub or Carolina allspice (Calycanthus lævigatus) from May to August.
  • Sarod was a ruddy, old town, made up of mostly taverns and inns.
  • Now he is a giant, his face ruddy... enormously stout. DISRAELI: A Personal History
  • If his ruddy complexion and beaming smile was anything to go by, he loved it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This chronic condition causes a ruddy nose and cheeks and while its cause isn't known, possible triggers include hot and cold weather and sunlight. The Sun
  • The ruddy syenite is dyked and veined by the familiar network of green-black porphyritic trap; the filons are disposed in parallels striking north-south, with a little easting; the dip is westerly (about 35 degrees mag.), and the thickness extends to hundreds of feet, often forming a foundation for the upper cliff. The Land of Midian
  • In the marshy districts is seen the large elater, which displays both red and green lights; the red glare, like that of a lamp, alternately flashing on the beholder, then concealed as the insect turns his body in flight, but the ruddy reflection on the grass beneath being constantly visible as it leisurely pursues its course. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • a ruddy complexion
  • Every ruddy pebble on the pounded clay, every blade of yellow barley beyond it, stands out in bold relief before me, vying for my eyes to embrace it and it alone.
  • His gait was feeble, his form attenuated, his countenance had lost its ruddy glow, -- the lines had sharpened until their youthful, healthful roundness was wholly obliterated; but the nervous, untranquil expression had passed away from his face, and the restless glancing from side to side had left his eyes. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • The door to the room opened and an old gentleman, white-haired, ruddy-cheeked, elegantly dressed, invited him to enter.
  • She was a ruddy-faced, cheerful blonde of indeterminate age.
  • Each one is surrounded by hedges and a bluestone terrace with seating, and according to Cetra/Ruddy founding principal Nancy Ruddy, the "mullion-free glass" floor-to-ceiling windows create "an indoor/outdoor experience for residents using the space. Tishman Speyer Unveils Stuy Town Movie Theater, Library
  • The fire cast a ruddy glow over the room.
  • So the golden sun brightened the sky and stained the trees and ocean ruddy pink.
  • The desert coast gave way to the low palms of the Nile delta, and the sea turned ruddy from the fresh water flow of the great river.
  • A few lights blinked out across the desert-like prairie, a land of strong, ruddy dawns and drawn, bluish-yellow evenings.
  • The result is that the ruddy duck's genes, stronger, more virile, dominate the union, producing ruddy duck dominated hybrids and weakening the white-headed duck strain.
  • He was ruddy-cheeked from the walk in the cold.
  • She had black hair and a ruddy face, and was humming merrily as she sliced bread at the table.
  • Ruddy ducks, which many say are not edible, were brought into Britain from American in 1950 and escaped into the wild from wildfowl collections.
  • What the ruddy hell are you doing?
  • Yet since they emerge from a dramatic vacuum there's a ruddy great 'why? Times, Sunday Times
  • Page 22 and the good ladies brought out their foamiest cider and sweetest courtesies, while on the sideboard, according to the bad customs of that day, stood decanters of dark-hued rum and ruddy apple brandy and the fiery juice of the Indian corn, which delights to flow in the shining of the moon. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • They went a goal down to a great strike from Cunningham but Tom Gruddy brought them level with a powerful diving header.
  • The possible ecological significance of the different activity time of the ruddy mongoose has not been studied.
  • Ellie had removed the deerstalker and was actually looking simply ruddy, rather than like the unfortunate survivor of a burning oil spill. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • But Probert, normally a ruddy, open man, was pale and waxen, quiet and withdrawn. THE SCAR
  • Don't they all look like they're having a ruddy marvellous time? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Arabs say “ruddy of mustachio, blue of eye and black of heart.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He was husky, jowly, with a heavy four-o'clock shadow and ruddy cheeks. VAPOR TRAIL
  • He was a man of thirty-four or thirty-five years of age, dressed in some grey material, sharp-nosed, alert, with a ruddy, weather-beaten face, and a small, closely cropped, black beard.
  • He has a floppy head of hair with white flecks, and a happy, slightly ruddy face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reynolds painted his florid, bald, ruddy countenance many times, and for decades less distinguished portraits swung outside countless taverns.
  • “Not a good idea, Merry,” Ethan said, the nickname causing the ruddy flush on the man’s cheeks to scorch a path down his neck. The Highlander’s Stolen Bride
  • Only the red allows for variation, and von der Ahe pushes it to shades ranging from a faint rusty tint to a deeply saturated red violet to a ruddy brown.
  • But at the risk of having Ruddy relegate me once more to the old folks' bench in Theology Park, I would also like to register a demurral or two.
  • I love the colour of those crab apples, the ones near me are a kind of ruddy green like a pippin. Crab apple picking
  • Disappearing into the grey mist through a small door with iron staples, she soon reissued thence with a hencoop, and, seating herself on the steps of the doorway, and setting the coop on her knees, took between her two large palms some fluttering, chirping, downy, golden chicks, and raised them to her ruddy lips and cheeks with a murmur of: Through Russia
  • Eventually the alderman himself, a short fat man with a ruddy face, came into the room. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Solomon, in his seedy clothes and long white locks, seemed to be luring that decent company by the magic scream of his fiddle -- luring discreet matrons in turban-shaped caps, nay, Mrs. Crackenthorp herself, the summit of whose perpendicular feather was on a level with the Squire's shoulder -- luring fair lasses complacently conscious of very short waists and skirts blameless of front-folds -- luring burly fathers in large variegated waistcoats, and ruddy sons, for the most part shy and sheepish, in short nether garments and very long coat-tails. Silas Marner
  • Behind stone walls dripping with clematis, a crabapple's toss away from what he called a "muddle" of windblown daisies, beneath the dappled shade of a weeping beech tree, a ruddy-cheeked Englishman, dressed in a gently rumpled olive suit, sat with a sketch pad spread across his lap. The Seattle Times
  • That could mean only one thing; a cruddy cream doughnut festering beneath the surface.
  • There were ruddy, brown-faced, broad-girthed Spanish Friars… A Dickens Of A Debate Between Mr. Scrooge And Mr. Say
  • He was husky, jowly, with a heavy four-o'clock shadow and ruddy cheeks. VAPOR TRAIL
  • I'm in the fancy hotel, lying on my bed, imagining her in that cruddy car, in the cold, hitting the dispenser for the even cruddier coffee. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • The knight roared, sweeping his ruddy blade out in a wide arc.
  • Their colouring will undergo remarkable transformations from vulgar pink to rich ruddy purples before turning a bleached shade of brown.
  • The guard's ruddy face flushed and he looked away.
  • We were standing outside the Monitor's office in the harsh afternoon sun and now Short, a compact woman with a ruddy complexion, took a drag on her cigarette.
  • The fire cast a ruddy glow over the room.
  • His dark blonde hair was soaked with sweat and his face was flushed and ruddy.
  • They booked a tour of small, cruddy bars across the United States and Canada in advance of the album's release, expecting only moderate attendance.
  • Donovan looked at Jane inquisitively, a bemused grin on his round, ruddy Irish face. A Covert Affair
  • It wouldn't be such a big deal if it happened just every once in a while, but this has been going on for some time… and you're feeling cruddy about it.
  • I says to him, 'I'm not answering your bloody questions,' I says, 'I've already told your girl out there, I'm not going to ruddy St Mary's and that's that.'
  • Rather, the worn organic colors of the ancient earth and stone of which the city is composed, the colors of limestone, the ruddy gray of tufa, the warm discoloration of once-white marble and the speckled, rich surface of the marble known as pavonazzo, dappled with white spots and inclusions like the fat in a slice of mortadella. The Forever City
  • He has a floppy head of hair with white flecks, and a happy, slightly ruddy face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reddish-yellow tracts are doubtless continents of an ochrey soil; and not, as some think, of a ruddy vegetation. A Trip to Venus
  • Why the ruddy hell not? The Sun
  • ‘If anything's broken, I'm telling you, you can ruddy well pay for it’.
  • I guess my face was all ruddy and my black hair covered in snow and ice even below the fur-hat, but I wasn't paying any attention to that.
  • With the ruddy complexion and amiable air of a village butcher, Goldie mixes hope with realism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the life in the universe could bask in the ruddy light of red dwarfs.
  • Ruddy claimed that there is no formal or business relationship with Trump but added, Trump realizes the great potential of Newsmax and has been using it very adroitly. Terry Krepel: Newsmax Gets Trumped
  • Research associate Ron Therrien shows us around, pointing out such species as the ruddy duck, the Harlequin and the surf scoter. Duck, duck, owl: Patuxent research center is for the birds
  • Here at last is a superhero who not only washes his costume at a cruddy coin-op Laundromat, but has his socks ruined when the red and blue colors of his costume run.
  • Well, you can read all about my cruddy Saturday afternoon of football here if you're a masochist, or you can just poke toothpicks in your eye while you're in the shower if you really want to recreate the experience.
  • Waal," he said, dropping his hand and blinking in the ruddy glow from the west, "I guess I ain't done nothin 'fur the Union yet, but I'm a-goin' to now, miss. Special Messenger
  • It is a diving duck and the male is a large, white bellied, grey-backed bird with a black chest, sloping forehead and ruddy chestnut head and neck.
  • The man of the match award went to Tony Ruddy on left midfield who won every tackle and never gave the ball away.
  • The comedy double act return in Ruddy Hell! The Sun
  • Some of the wildfowl known as ruddy ducks tend to fly to Spain for the winter and then stay on for the spring mating season.
  • Northern pintail, shoveler, green-winged teal and mallard are most numerous, but a discerning eye will spot many types of ducks such as wigeon, cinnamon teal, gadwall and varieties of divers like canvasback, ring-necked and ruddy ducks. Undefined
  • _ -- The Peacock Harl -- dubbed with ruddy peacock's harl, warped with green silk, and a red cock's hackle over that. The Teesdale Angler
  • She swayed from side to side upon the animal's broad back, and her ruddy face was redder than usual with the effort of keeping her seat.
  • The Government agreed to wipe out the UK's ruddy duck population after it was found the north American duck was challenging the survival of the globally-threatened white-headed duck through interbreeding.
  • There was a ruddy great hole in the ceiling.
  • His face is described as ruddy, and he is said to have possessed many qualities which are also ascribed to Satan. Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
  • Araund the woman her lile ans sprawl'd on the hearth, some whiting speals, some snottering and crying, and ya ruddy-cheek'd lad threw on a bullen to make a loww, for its mother to find her loup. English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
  • Here in this broad window, foregathered in a congress of colours designed to appetise, are the ripe fruits of every clime and every season: the Southern pomegranate beside the hardy Northern apple, scarlet and yellow; the early strawberry and the late ruddy peach; figs from the Orient and pines from the Antilles; dates from Tunis and tawny persimmons from Japan; misty sea-green grapes and those from the hothouse -- tasteless, it is true, but so lordly in their girth, and royal purple; portly golden oranges and fat plums; pears of mellow blondness and pink-skinned apricots. The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • Expect a hearty hike, ruddy-cheeked hunters and, if youbag a boar, serious celebrations. Times, Sunday Times
  • My next stop, Cheddar reservoir, produced more ducks: a female smew and a pair of ruddy ducks among them. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • I don't even ruddy well know where he works, or what he is!
  • The suspect is white, 5ft 10 in, of medium build with dark brown receding closely cropped hair, brown eyes and ruddy complexion and has a deep voice with a Yorkshire accent.
  • Why, one might ask, are the matrons of this little village procuring the potions of a black-clad spinster to poison their lumpen, ruddy old husbands?
  • Literally to crown all, his ruddy hair was twisted upward from each temple in a cornuted fashion that was most vividly picturesque. The Day of Days An Extravaganza
  • The very ruddiness of the ruddy drakes has vanished, and the males are hard to distinguish from the hens.
  • Soeur Gabrielle Rosnet is a small round active woman, with a shrewd and ruddy face of the type that looks out calmly from the dark background of certain Flemish pictures. Fighting France
  • However, there is no doubt that mangroves of this ecoregion are crucial to several long-distance bird migrants including ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) that utilize them as feeding and resting places from August through April during their extraordinary intercontinental journey. Rio São Francisco mangroves
  • And we see that Julia carries a crimson face, and smiling look; although she stoops considerably, and her long arms and loping gait, make her appear to many, ungainly; she is ruddy as a rareripe peach, and smiles from her forehead and eyes, and face and mouth. Summerfield or, Life on a Farm
  • Whenever the rockets fall-those which are audible-he smiles, turns out to pace the ward, tears about to splash from the corners of his merry eyes, caught up in a ruddy high tonicity that can't help cheering his fellow patients. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Then quoth the King, "Go thou until the morrow when do thou come hither again;" after which he commanded his Magnates to don dresses of divers colours and different tincts whilst he wore a robe of ruddy velvet. Arabian nights. English
  • People with fair, freckled skin, a ruddy complexion, or red hair are more susceptible to sunburn than others, but everyone is susceptible to some degree.
  • The whole was illuminated by the beams of the low and setting sun, who showed his ruddy front, like a warrior prepared for defence, over a huge battlemented and turreted wall of crimson and black clouds, which appeared like an immense Gothic fortress, into which the lord of day was descending. Redgauntlet
  • He has a floppy head of hair with white flecks, and a happy, slightly ruddy face. Times, Sunday Times
  • No snow this time but a ruddy great storm is going on outside the big industrial unit. The Sun
  • He was ruddy-cheeked from the walk in the cold.
  • That hunter has a ruddy face because he is outdoors so much.
  • The man who gulps down a glass of old wine without first inhaling its oenanthic and feasting his eyes upon its ruddy splendors, is simply a sot. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • She pushed off into the deep and swam strongly through the still water, and the sun rose while she was on the way, and by then she had laid a hand on the willow-twigs of the eyot, was sending a long beam across the waters; and her wet shoulders rose up into the path of it and were turned into ruddy gold. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Other important birds are lesser seed-finch (Oryzoborus angolensis), ruddy-breasted seedeater (Sporaphila minuta), slate-colored seedeater (Sporophila schistacea), Guianan piculet (Picumnus minutissimus), blood-coloured woodpecker (Veniliornis sanguineus), and the crimson-hooded manakin (Pipra aureola). Paramaribo swamp forests
  • The soft Persian carpet, on which one's feet sank to the very ankles; the brightly polished dogs, upon which a blazing wood fire burned; the well upholstered fauteuils which seemed to invite sleep without the trouble of lying down for it; and last of all, the ample and luxurious bed, upon whose rich purple hangings the ruddy glare of the fire threw a most mellow light, was all a pleasing exchange for the "garniture" of the The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Complete
  • A fine mist, the etherealized essence of the fog, hung visibly in the wide and rather empty space of the drawing – room, all silver where the candles were grouped on the tea – table, and ruddy again in the firelight. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • He's a ruddy great lummox and getting a bit too full of himself. MR STARLIGHT
  • Just above the water's edge, a ruddy turnstone picked at sea lion afterbirth. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Prepared potato mass turn in the form of flat cakes, spread them on frying pan, put forcemeat on it, from above again potato mass fry from both sides up to formation of a ruddy crust.
  • There is another species of shieldrake which is sometimes called the ruddy goose, and which has a glossy black ring round its neck and a reddish breast. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • The Spindle Tree has a green bark, and glossy leaves, producing only small greenish flowers: whilst the pendulous ornaments so brilliantly borne in autumn are four-lobed capsules of a pale red hue, which open out and disclose ruddy orange-coloured seeds wrapped in a scarlet arillus. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Other problematic mammals include the ruddy duck, an American import that is threatening the native white-headed duck with extinction, and sika deer from Asia, which eat saplings and strip bark from trees.
  • A lake of azure crystal mirrors a thick fringe of the great fronds, and on every parapet of the ruddy cliffs the living emerald of the lanceolated foliage glows in vivid contrast with the splintered crags. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Reynolds painted his florid, bald, ruddy countenance many times, and for decades less distinguished portraits swung outside countless taverns.
  • Her strong face, so ruddy in the flames, became pale and unstructured as the dying charcoal drew the light into itself. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • His face classified as ruddy, his cheekbones hollow. SEASONS OF GOLD
  • The cathedral's trebles sang with fresh colours and a ruddy glow quite beyond a concert choir's reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time they staggered to their feet in the clearing, the blazing tent provided a ruddy backdrop to their fight. TREASON KEEP
  • Ruddy cheeked, curly topped and wellie wearing tots enjoyed seeing nature tamed as much as their elders,it seems. Touring With Friends-Ledbury And Hampton Court Castle, Herefordshire « Fairegarden
  • Gap-toothed, bold in face, and of a ruddy complexion, the Wife was no longer prepossessing in appearance, if she ever had been.
  • He was a handsome person in his florid, full-fed way, ruddy and brown-haired and aware of his consequence.
  • Phone companies tend to advertise their wares with gloss about downloadable music, cruddy cameras and other such fripperies.
  • A ruddy flame flashes up; the spirit appears in the flame_.] The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 01 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English.
  • Major was a ruddy-complexioned man in his late forties with the closed, hard face of a York-shireman, a handlebar mustache, and the kind of mien one found only in retired boxers, which as it turned out he had been during his stint in the army. Floating City
  • They will feign themselves victors, commanders, are passionate and satirical in their speeches, great braggers, ruddy of colour. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Can it be," with a side-glance at the newcomer, "that we have lost our -- I may not call him our quintessence or alcahest -- rather shall I say our baser ore, that at the virgin touch of our philosophical stone blushed into ruddy gold? The Long Night
  • Most of them are white -, orange -, and lime-winged sulphurs, but there are also tens of thousands of the small brown nymphalids known as ruddy daggerwings. The Gasping Forest
  • There came a hearty clap on my shoulder and I half-turned to come face to face with a ruddy-complexioned bloke about my own age, perhaps a little less.
  • He nodded to the man, whose ruddy face was turning even redder, and took several steps in my direction.
  • His immediate impression was one of stifling heat and dim ruddy red light.
  • For a dalesman his hair was very dark - a ruddy darkness - and his face less broad across the jaw-more oval. The Crystal Gryphon
  • He was husky, jowly, with a heavy four-o'clock shadow and ruddy cheeks. VAPOR TRAIL
  • The fire in the grate smoked up the room and all faces were ruddy with warmth and intoxication.
  • A cheery little robin hopped down from one of the branches, and sang a few bars of his winter song as if to comfort her; she had gone but a few paces further when she saw the red of his breast repeated in a glimmer of ruddy light in the distance. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • Colour is returning to the ruddy, countryman's face and the renowned mischief is back. Times, Sunday Times
  • His father's skin, once ruddy from a lifetime of Montana ranching, has gone waxen and slack.
  • And with us the ruddy Solanum has obtained a wide popularity not simply at table as a tasty cooling sallet, or an appetising stew, but essentially as a supposed antibilious purifier of the blood. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Behind me the paraffine lamp flared hot and ruddy. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • But a transient frown soon came to overshade Sir Thomas's ruddy content as he descried the deep flush (an old weakness) which mantled the young cheeks under the spur of unexpected recognition. The Light of Scarthey
  • And then a little shamefast colour began to renew her alablaster cheekes, which rendred her so ruddye and fayre, as the Spanyards confessed neuer to haue seene in any parte of the worlde, where they had bene, one so faire and beautifull a wydow. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • No emotion showed on Dempster's impassive face, only a slight pallor in his normally ruddy complexion.
  • On the same basis, skiers should be warned that those plank things on their feet could cause them to slide downhill rather rapidly and hangmen that their gallows were a bit unsafe because of that ruddy great trapdoor.
  • Wintering waterfowl include pintail, cinnamon teal, American widgeon, surf scoter and ruddy duck. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • She stood squarely, a righteous colossus, legs braced apart and ruddy countenance aflame with determination. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • An unexpected member of a litter in 1964, the Ocicat was the result of the crossing of a ruddy coated Abyssinian with a seal point Siamese.
  • Eventually the alderman himself, a short fat man with a ruddy face, came into the room. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • I can't see many other silver linings to this ruddy great cloud. Times, Sunday Times
  • The giveaways are the white beard, ruddy cheeks and pet cat draped round his neck like a fur stole.
  • There was no light save a ruddy gleam from the kitchen on the depths of that dark passage which traversed the whole breadth of the house, and that which shone through the crevices of the dining-room door. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • If it proceed from blood adust, or that there be a mixture of blood in it, [2562] such are commonly ruddy of complexion, and high-coloured, according to Anatomy of Melancholy
  • What a ruddy nightmare the whole blasted show is, he thought.
  • Camp was set up in short order and soon a blazing fire lit the face of the edifice in a ruddy, wavering light.
  • Where the painter had exposed his skin to the sun over the years---his face and neck, his arms and feet---he was tanned a ruddy sienna. SACRAMENT
  • She had never looked upon the ruddy face of Gryth's oldest son.
  • We all turned to see the principal standing there, his face taking on a ruddy color at the sight of the mess.
  • The four classes are thralls (slaves who are described as swarthy, twisted, and ugly), karls (freeman farmers, described as strong and ruddy, of red hair and complexion), jarls (earls, described as fair of skin and complexion), and the kings (even fairer than the jarls). The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • He had a mop of blond hair and a ruddy complexion.
  • As she had predicted, the stain on the back of her skirt did not come out, and in the time she had been sitting, it had faded the red material to ruddy beige.
  • The back and sides of the head are covered with downy feathers of a silky brown and silvery gray, and the front of the neck with piliform feathers of a ruddy brown. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • He has a floppy head of hair with white flecks, and a happy, slightly ruddy face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dark blood poured from the wounded and fallen unto the ruddy rust colored earth; barren of all vegetation and life.
  • We were standing outside the Monitor's office in the harsh afternoon sun and now Short, a compact woman with a ruddy complexion, took a drag on her cigarette.
  • GETTING rid of ruddy ducks has landed taxpayers with a whopping bill of more than 1million. The Sun
  • A ruddy flame flashes: the Spirit appears in the flame_.) Faust
  • On the same basis, skiers should be warned that those plank things on their feet could cause them to slide downhill rather rapidly and hangmen that their gallows were a bit unsafe because of that ruddy great trapdoor.
  • Bill Tillett has been auctioneering since fall 1963, after he graduated from the Superior School of Auctioneering in Decatur, Ill. With his ruddy face and broad-brimmed hat, Tillett, who is more than six feet tall and has a discus thrower's build, is a commanding presence among the masses that often surround him. At country auctions, many treasures are in the eye of the beholder
  • In an old court of the old town lived a certain elderly personage, perhaps sixty, or thereabouts; he was rather tall, and something of a robust make, with a countenance in which bluffness was singularly blended with vivacity and grimace; and with a complexion which would have been ruddy, but for a yellow hue which rather predominated. Lavengro
  • In the high hedges the ruddy cane of the willows was smothered by the succulent green tips of hawthorn and bramble; and on the rolling countryside that belle of trees, the larch, stood out among the copperish buds of the beeches and the first tightly folded leaves of the chestnuts, with a pale green feathery loveliness all its own. The Way Home

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