How To Use Rudder In A Sentence

  • The theory I do not accept: one simply folds his sails, unships his rudder, and waits the will of Providence, or the arrival of some compelling fate. Saunterings
  • And a rudderless ship is ill suited to the task. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its original form, this involved saints like Columba taking to his coracle (that bobbing teacup of a leather boat, without rudder or oars), trusting the waves to carry him wherever they might.
  • Then he arose and clomb the mast to see an there were any escape from that strait; and he would have loosed the sails; but the wind redoubled upon the ship and whirled her round thrice and drave her backwards; whereupon her rudder brake and she fell off towards a high mountain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products Ltd in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors.
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  • But problems with the rudders in his self-built craft meant that he had to stop after nine hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rudder blade is - balance, double plate(Sentence dictionary), stream - line type. Able to turn to 350 rudder angle side.
  • Stubborn had survived one of the worst attacks of the war, despite the loss of her aft hydroplanes and rudder, and had carried out the deepest-ever dive at the time, to an estimated 165m!
  • Flight Controls Ailerons, rudder and elevator driven by twin hydraulic servo-actuators, and push-pull rod linkage.
  • Lucas found that neither the gyrocompass nor the rudder angle indicator worked. The Attack on the Liberty
  • The pilot himself can help anticipate the swing into wind by applying full out-of-wind rudder before he starts to roll.
  • ‘What is it?’ said I. ‘Why,’ said she, ‘since God is rightly believed to govern all things with the rudder of goodness, and since all things do likewise, as I have taught, haste towards good by the very aim of nature, can it be doubted that His governance is willingly accepted, and that all submit themselves to the sway of the Disposer as conformed and attempered to His rule?’ Consolation of Philosophy
  • The Nubian boat captain piloted the rudder with his foot.
  • The helmsman swung the rudder across to take them away from the shore. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • To handle the extra power at high altitude, the Columbia 400 incorporates a larger rudder in both chord and span, along with a ventral fin beneath the empennage.
  • The puppets and sequences rely on a system built on servos motors of the kind used in radio-controlled aircraft to position control surfaces like the elevators and rudders.
  • Although a helicopter has a main blade, rotating at 500 rpm above it, and a tail rotor that acts as a rudder, it remains a completely unstable machine.
  • You have the picture of a party that is rudderless and adrift, with no clear-cut strategies of providing principled opposition on issues.
  • Normal turns may be made with the use of ailerons alone and satisfactory turns may be made with rudders alone, although yaw developed may be unpleasant to passengers.
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder
  • The forward empennage boom supported the horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and housed the actuating linkage of the rudder and elevator controls.
  • The result was not pretty but did show just how powerful the rudder is as she weathercocked into the downward vertical.
  • Everything becomes clear when I meet the rudder post, steering quadrant and stern gun just off the edge in 27m.
  • The cantilever all-metal tail has a hydraulically powered rudder and single-piece all-moving tailplane.
  • The ship has rudders and bowthrusters for harbour manoeuvring.
  • As the helm is a very small part of the ship, so is the tongue a very small part of the body: but the right governing of the helm or rudder will steer and turn the ship as the governor pleases; and a right management of the tongue is, in a great measure, the government of the whole man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • I was about to tell the pilot to use the rudders to bring the aircraft to centerline when he said he couldn't keep the aircraft straight.
  • Over the stern the rudder rests folded towards the seabed at 30m, but the propeller was salvaged soon after the ship went down.
  • After fifteen minutes the rudder was broken off and she was broadside to the weather.
  • After the obstacle has been passed, the leeboards and the rudder resume their normal operating position.
  • Power off, ten degrees rudder angle, reverse engines, the sea boiling under her counter, the water rising, lifting them. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • He will get special kit to steer the plane, using his prosthetic leg to control the rudder pedals. The Sun
  • It also emerged at the meeting that there were problems with the steering and the rudder.
  • This section, a part of the keel called a skeg, aids a cruise ship by helping it move linearly and by protecting its propeller and rudder. Undefined
  • Instead of a traditional rudder for yaw control, the upper and lower surfaces are each fitted with two sections of moving surfaces.
  • Two rudders and two active fin stabilisers are installed for precision manoeuvring.
  • Once the pilot has established the desired bank angle, the rudder and the aileron are neutralized so that the bank remains constant.
  • They don't have rudders or tillers or handles or anything with which you might steer.
  • Capt Yost continued the approach, skillfully aligning the aircraft with the runway using right rudder and fanning the speed-brakes once the landing was assured.
  • Mobs in Boston prevented the exportation of grain by unrigging the ship and dismantling its rudder.
  • This was the only airspeed that provided a predictable and constant level of yaw that I could counter with full rudder.
  • The responsibility for unrelenting global crisis and hardship lies more appropriately with a rudderless global financial system drifting hopelessly without a solid anchor.
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without s rudder ..
  • The long oarlike rudder was on the board or side of the ship to the right of the stern, called the starboard or steerboard. Days of the Discoverers
  • Out of all the nations that make up the Union of Great Britain, England, at times, shows the most self-deprecating, wimpish and rudderless sense of national pride one could imagine.
  • Kicking him out too early, leaving the ship rudderless, would make things worse quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • When an engine quits, reduce the power on the live engine and correct yaw with ard opposite rudder; then increase power as much as you can hold.
  • Assuming that your question is not rhetorical: a tiller is the "stick" you use on a sailboat to control the rudder and steer the boat. Snap Polls Give Debate Win To Obama
  • These were clinker-built - that is, with timbers overlapping and not laid flush - with flat bottom, straight stem and stern posts, a stern rudder and a single sail.
  • Used as water rescue dogs, they have webbed feet and a tail that acts as a rudder.
  • A sailor uses the rudder to make the ship go in the correct direction.
  • Natasha's trying to make sense of the new, rudderless Russia.
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder
  • The tail unit comprises all-moving horizontal tail surfaces and a single-fin vertical tail fitted with a rudder.
  • The severe yaw into the dead engine will cause the pilot to hold a significant amount of opposite rudder to compensate.
  • You are like a rudderless ship; you go round and round in circles.
  • Adding "steady' without pausing was his way of telling Munro to only touch the left rudder. Bomber
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder
  • In deep water the captain steered by means of a prodigious rudder; in the shallows he managed with a long, stout bamboo pole. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • If the spin stops when the full opposite rudder is applied, the stick must be moved forwards to allow normal flight.
  • Cables or chains run round a quadrant attached to the top of the rudder shaft.
  • The 737 rudder is unusually complicated, with numerous valves and backup systems.
  • They moved the engine from the bonnet to the cabin and added a propeller, rudder and tiller. The Sun
  • Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle.
  • None of her propeller shafts could be turned, and the port rudder was hopelessly buckled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most important instruments for flight included: a magnetic compass for the rudder man; a gyro-compass, altimeter, variometer, statoscope, inclinometers, and air & gas thermometers for the elevator man.
  • Use rudders for heading control and only small jabs of the yoke to correct pitch and bank excursions.
  • The rudder sits in the outflow of the keel and is called upon to provide lift at very small angles of attack and not stall when required to prevent a broach.
  • A rudder-angle indicator sat beside a Seafarer depth sounder and a conventional compass. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Wright and the volunteers will remove the outboard wings, the rudders, inlet spikes, nose, and various other parts.
  • The Balto outfit looked rudderless, lacking direction, which to a certain degree they were.
  • India had been rocked by the match-fixing episode and the team was rudderless.
  • LtCols on D-Day - Earl Rudder of the 2nd Rgr Bn and Max Schneider of the 5th Rgr Bn. As Secretary of the Ranger Battalions Assn-World War II (RBA-WWII), I can also attest that no Soloman Harris is listed as having served in either of those two Battalions, or any of the other four Ranger Bns of Heroes or Villains?
  • They moved the engine from the bonnet to the cabin and added a propeller, rudder and tiller. The Sun
  • I knew it was coming to rescue us so I took down the sail and mast, took up the centerboard and brought in the rudder and lashed it all secure.
  • Even nautical archaeology has made great gains, for many of the waterfront structures incorporated broken-up vessel fragments, hull planking, keels, a prow, a side rudder, ribs, a mast partner.
  • She discovered only recently from watching video footage that her right foot had turned inwards as if to act as a rudder. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are very distinct rudder trim changes as power is brought back and cruise established.
  • It is at times the rudder that steadies and guides the ship of state captained by the Government.
  • They will never be able to guide balloons as sailors do ships, by a rudder, because ships do not float suspended in the water as balloons float in the air; nor do birds _float_ through the air in any sense. A Project for Flying In Earnest at Last!
  • I think a goalless life is a rudderless boat.
  • There was that matter of the deck-calking, the bronze rudder-irons, the overhauling of the engine, the new spinnaker boom, the new davits, and the repairs to the whale-boat. Bunches of Knuckles
  • Volunteer boatbuilder Henry Thuys tests if the new rudder of the Batavia long boat is responding smoothly.
  • Turning the wheel would wind the cable to one side, rotating the cam and through that the shaft and the rudder.
  • Rudders behind the propellers work in concert with the swivelling nozzles to steer the hovercraft.
  • He was unable to row the boat and couldn't steer the vessel having lost his rudder on day one of the voyage.
  • The tail fin and the rudder attached to it were discovered half a mile from where the fuselage and engines came to rest.
  • Simply because he seems to be having so much fun, Michael Rudder stands out in an able cast of seven.
  • Readers will likely find the book's practical advice as rudderless as its ethical principles.
  • The Instrument Landing System worked fine, and the only surprise was how much rudder it required to maintain coordinated flight once it was configured.
  • It signalled the loss of the boat 's rudder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The patron keeps to the stern and steers with a long pole, ignoring the rudder. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • This leaves the unsupported spade rudder quite vulnerable to damage should it be grounded even in a soft bottom.
  • A rudder carrier to be provided on the steering gear room floor.
  • It was either that or some boat that had built-in outriggers, each with its own dagger board (which was cunningly interchangeable with the rudder blade), and a central driving seat.
  • Many of those who will skipper their own yacht this summer have yet to lay hand on rudder in anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rudder-tab-linkage fitting had also been sheared, disconnecting the rudder tab from the flight controls.
  • She and her brudder, Jaguar, were founded unner a trailer wen dey were TINY TINY bebehs. No pikchers pweeze. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • “And this is my brudder, Jasper M — –” She indicated the bundle in the stroller. What’s In A Name? | Her Bad Mother
  • The bridle and the rudder too, he sent for Aristotle, the most learned and most cerebrated philosopher of his time, and rewarded him with a munificence proportionable to and becoming the care he took to instruct his son. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The sailboat has a fin keel and a rudder that resemble the dorsal and pectoral fins of orcas.
  • Now I did have a blown tire, and as the aircraft slowed through 100 knots, the pull to the right required almost a full boot of left rudder to keep the aircraft on the runway.
  • Flying insects have absolutely no tail, and so drift along like a rudderless vessel, and beat against anything they happen upon; and this applies equally to sharded insects, like the scarab-beetle and the chafer, and to unsharded, like bees and wasps. On the Gait of Animals
  • Yet he cannot even run his own department; while the captain of the ship squabbles with his crew below deck, the vessel is adrift and rudderless.
  • The ship has two shafts with controllable pitch propellers, two rudders and a pair of active stabilising fins.
  • A sailor uses the rudder to make the ship go in the correct direction.
  • The 737 rudder is unusually complicated, with numerous valves and backup systems.
  • She was either using too much rudder in her chandelle maneuvers or not enough. Silver Wings, Santiago Blue
  • Use the rudder trim to help relieve the forces on your leg, but don't forget to zero out the trim on final.
  • Captain Rosser several times countermanded orders given by his chief officer -- an experienced seaman -- and bullied and "jawed" his crew in the most pompous and irritating manner, and finally when we succeeded in getting the vessel off the reef with the loss of her false keel and rudder, and were towing her into smooth water inside the reef, he came for'ard, and abruptly desired our chief mate to cease towing, as he meant to anchor. "Pig-Headed" Sailor Men From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • Such action might have damaged her rudder and propellers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder
  • Above the stern a large steering quadrant is still attached to the rudder post.
  • Control the destiny of the rudder is the struggle. Not a fantasy, do not give up the opportunity, do not stop on the.
  • The right stabilizer, elevator, vertical fin and rudder, which were aligned with the path of the flames, were gone.
  • It was similar to the noise you hear when the aircraft is in a slight sideslip, or the rudder is out of trim.
  • Then the ship would become unmanageable and drift away, with the possibility of getting excessive sternway on her and so damaging rudder or propeller, the South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • Turn the rudder slightly so that we can ease the boat round.
  • Both pilots had to input left rudder to maintain directional control.
  • Wilful, purposeless, ambivalent cruelty seems to have been a major theme of the rudderless summer government.
  • The wreck now lies in 32-34m of water on her side with the hull relatively intact and the steel screw and rudder still in place.
  • The movement brought the stern to view, with all its garniture-Tritons like those at the bow; name in large raised letters; the rudder at the side; the elevated platform upon which the helmsman sat, a stately figure in full armour, his hand upon the rudder-rope; and the aplustre, high, gilt, carved, and bent over the helmsman like a great runcinate leaf. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Willis, who went round to every hut, and shook hands with every negro, saying, "How d'ye do, brudder, de devil is dead an 'gon' to hell, an 'Old George got clear of his sixty lashes. John Andrew Jackson. The Experience of a Slave inSouth Carolina.
  • But it is not entirely clear who is in charge - the whole project appears rudderless.
  • Unfortunately we need two miles of seaway to stop our ship and our rudder is jammed, hence we cannot change course.
  • ASCENSION, MARE BOAT -- Wreck of unknown racing-plane, Parden rudder, wire-stiffened xylonite vans, and Harliss engine-seating, sighted and salved 7 20 'S. 18 41' W.Dec. 15th. Actions and Reactions
  • You can paint the prop if you like, but copper-based paint won't stay on a bronze prop (nor bronze rudders and struts) for long.
  • I let him sort out the rudder and tiller, as we're late, and he's starting to worry.
  • The Derbyshire-born yachtswoman also had to reverse her yacht after the rudder snagged an object, losing her valuable time.
  • Control the destiny of the rudder is the struggle. Not a fantasy, do not give up the opportunity, do not stop on the.
  • When Columbus set sail in 1492, his own flagship was shorter than Zheng's mainmast and barely twice as long as the big man's rudder.
  • The government seems rudderless, stumbling around looking for an agenda.
  • The tail of a greyhound is his rudder and his brake, and the sight is most laughable when a whole pack of them are trying to stop, each tail whirling around like a Dutch windmill. Army Letters from an Officer's Wife, 1871-1888
  • If the steersman pushed the helm away from him, the rudder-blade would turn its inner side forward and the ship would swung to port.
  • They will be the first of Britain's major Naval vessels to be without traditional rudders, being steered instead by electric-powered propulsors.
  • Intelligent shifting of the sail and lateral pressure point due to the special characteristics of the sail mutate the short keeler to become a boat that easily lays on the rudder.
  • The vessel was 70 percent complete but was without engines, rudders, or armament.
  • He had tied a plastic sheet to a flimsy paddle to use as a sail, and was using another oar as a rudder. The Sun
  • Mr. Morgan armed his single-masted sailboat with the latest in high-tech gear, and he avoided the need for repairs by outfitting it with two of everything: two sets of sails, two rudders, two satellite navigational systems and two machines to convert salt water into fresh water. Dodge Morgan, first American to sail solo, nonstop around the world, dies at 78
  • As well as leaving the country rudderless, it's also playing havoc with office allocation. Times, Sunday Times
  • For one brief, shining three-quarters of an hour in 1981, Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and even Marky rode that much-needed bridge between the "gabba" and the "hey" with this, the closest duh brudders ever did get to building a pure pop-rock paragon. The Rock and Roll Report
  • For Thailand, a medium-sized country - whose destiny is closely tied up with the global economy and liberal democracy - drifting along rudderless in the tumultuous current of world events is not an option.
  • The Estrella was a pitiful sight, the more pitiful as they approached her, and could see more clearly the raffle of wreckage dangling forward, and the rudder torn loose aft. Hornblower In The West Indies
  • It was no cabin cruiser, but with the rudder salvaged from the Minnow, and a mast and sail added, the boat should be navigable.
  • The elevator and rudders were each fitted with a trim tab actuated by a revolving drum on an acme-threaded push-pull rod.
  • Control Surface: Aileron , Elevator and Rudder.
  • In the meantime the country will remain rudderless as it faces high inflation, power shortages and increasing violence in its northern tribal areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tail unit was of the monoplane type and consisted of horizontal stabilizer, elevator, vertical fin and rudder.
  • Unlike traditional flight control systems that connect external surfaces like ailerons, rudders and elevators directly to the yokes and rudder pedals in the cockpit, fly-by-wire systems send electrical signals to various controls, instead of a direct mechanical connection. Four Killed as Gulfstream Jet Crashes
  • The warship was then hit by a torpedo, which rendered her screws and rudders useless.
  • His retreat over a hotly contested plan to impose a carbon tax on lorries left him to fend off accusations that he is leading a rudderless Government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, even in those who are rudderless and "planless," I see the beautiful and innate joy of life (the joie de vivre) which God has implanted in all human beings. Catholic Analysis
  • A diversion along the keel reveals the remains of the rudder and propshafts.
  • Vice-Admiral had the rudder of his skiff strucken through with a saker shot, and a little or no harm received elsewhere. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • I threw in a boot full of right rudder to stop the nose from falling below the horizon.
  • To the rear of the left torpedo tube, the flap is missing and the rudders and screw of one of the torpedoes are sticking out of the pipe.
  • Neither side had the cohesion or the confidence to take control of a rudderless contest.
  • I knew it was coming to rescue us so I took down the sail and mast, took up the centerboard and brought in the rudder and lashed it all secure.
  • Ai hassa worried….mai mawm called frum teh hospital….mai nawt-brudder is okay, butt! her heartbeat is jest a littlol off and she haz lawts of pain. *looks up to CC hopefully* Sorry, the monkeys are all on vacation… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Both the vertical and horizontal stabilizers were fixed in position, trim being obtained by means of controllable tabs in the rudder and elevators.
  • Now the Baliol shell had made sternway sufficient for the man in the skiff to seize the rudder. O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1920
  • The vertical rudder jams, and the stern diving planes cannot be controlled.
  • The origination and location of shrinkage porosity(hole)in the rudder horn was described by simulating the filling process of large pelagic cast-steel rudder horn using a CAE software.
  • The vessel is fitted with two pairs of active stabilising fins and twin rudders and has bow and stern thrusters.
  • In the process he has managed to make himself look clueless in international negotiations, to make his proposed Cabinet look incompetent and to look rudderless in policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I knew it was coming to rescue us so I took down the sail and mast, took up the centerboard and brought in the rudder and lashed it all secure.
  • The rudders have been replaced along with the trim cables, the skin of the airplane has seen detailed attention and fresh paint, and corroded pieces have been removed and replaced.
  • Suddenly, the aircraft swerved to the right, so I countered with rudder, making the aircraft swerve left centerline.
  • Da Brudderhood of Zeeba Zeeba Eeta" (to quote the title of Pastis' fifth book) were not introduced until January 3, 2005; they have since become the collective fifth "main character" of the strip.
  • Many of those who will skipper their own yacht this summer have yet to lay hand on rudder in anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • I then applied full right rudder and what lateral-stick movement I could to regain upright level flight.
  • Many of those who will skipper their own yacht this summer have yet to lay hand on rudder in anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • overbank" by using the rudder attached to the back of the tail fin. Dandelion Salad
  • He introduced innovations in standing and running rigging, sail setting, hydrofoil under-water gear, remotely controlled pumps, self-draining devices, controllable, flexible rigs, trapezes and out-board hung rudders.
  • He had been steering at the rudder when a great many large, dark shapes darted up from out of the deep.
  • The cox aims to use their rudder as little as possible.
  • An aeroplane requires a set of wings for lift, wing flaps and rear rudder for control and engines for propulsion.
  • Sometime then, somewhere there, I wrote me hopes and buried the page when I heard Thy voice, ruddery dunner, so loud that none but, and left it to lie till a kissmiss coming. Finnegans Wake
  • The rudder is all what you have to steer the airplane.
  • They could have very quickly taken out the rudder and the propeller of our ship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the rudder is amidships, it could simply have fallen to that line as the wreck settled to its starboard side.
  • Some tried to stop up the leaks while others tried to steady the rudder.
  • October 24, 2008 at 7:43 am oyez, jus road in wit his brudder, Scoarcht Erf. Damn u imaginary kwiksandz! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder
  • This highly intelligent utilitarian breed is distinguished by two coat types, either curly or wavy; an impressive head of considerable breadth and well proportioned mass; a ruggedly built, well-knit body; and a powerful, thickly based tail, carried gallantly or used purposefully as a rudder. Portuguese Water Dog: Obamas' Puppy
  • The tail is not conducive to swiftness of pace, being ill adapted by its stumpiness to act as a rudder to direct the body. On Hunting
  • Hatches are intact, periscope housings in place, propeller-shafts and control rods stick out of the stern alongside intact hydroplanes and rudder.
  • Turn the rudder slightly so that we can ease the boat round.
  • On the right is the butty boat with its large wooden rudder and canine crew, on the left is the motor.
  • As we towed a glider, the nylon rope broke and whiplashed into our plane, damaging the rudder.
  • The rudder includes a separate yaw damper and the low tail is designed for post-stall stability.
  • Ship to be operated with rudder angle in zero, and make the bow thruster full loaded after it is running steadily.
  • The stricken yacht had significant flooding to her port demi-hull, the port engine was damaged, the starboard rudder was gone and there was damage to the port rudder.
  • In the upper sections were the rudder tab actuating units, a navigation light showing on the outboard side only, one elevator control pulley and two rudder tab control pulleys.
  • The ship has two shafts with controllable pitch propellers, two rudders and a pair of active stabilising fins.
  • The rear two cylinders of the six cylinder engine were visible above the ground, with the rest below ground, Flight control cables were attached to elevator, rudder, and ailerons.
  • He made the decision to lessen the angle of impact by closing the throttle, applying hard up elevator and full right rudder.
  • These are twin-hulled boats with a centreboard and a rudder on each hull, a two-sail rig and a mainsail.
  • The two outboard rudders and the two outboard fins were interchangeable right and left.
  • It seems to me that some parties support a rudderless approach both to tertiary education and to the nation in general.

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