

  1. large genus of brambles bearing berries

How To Use Rubus In A Sentence

  • Acaena ovalifolia has become a widespread weed on Isla R. Crusoe, together with the two most noxious pests in the islands, namely Aristotelia chilensis ( "maqui") and Rubus ulmifolius ( "zarzamora"). Juan Fernández Islands temperate forests
  • To the nullah I observed Stellaria cana, Berberis asiatica, which has re - appeared, Erythrina, Rubus deltoid, which is very common all over these parts and whose fruit is palatable, Uvularia, Swertia plantaginifolia, Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • This found first near Taseeling, found as low as 4,000 feet, Primula Stuartii, Rhododendron minus, Viburnum caerulescens continue, Thibaudia myrtifolia, Rubus deltoideus appears. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • One plant we should see more of is Rubus biflorus, the ornamental bramble, whose prickly stems are covered in a white, waxy bloom.
  • These were crowned with copses of shrubby trees, principally of the wild filbert or hazel (_corylus_), with several species of _rosa_ and raspberry (rubus), and bushes of the june-berry The Hunters' Feast Conversations Around the Camp Fire
  • (not the so-called smilax of florists), _Rubus laciniatus, _ dewberries, and also others that usually are not classed as vines. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • However, frequently burnt slopes support a rich growth of grasses including Arundinella setosa, Imperata cylindrica, Themeda anathera, and Cymbopogon distans and a number of shrubs such as species of Berberis, Rubus, and other thorny bushes. Himalayan subtropical pine forests
  • Pistacia lentiscus, Peganum harmala, Agave americana, Anonis natrix, rubus discolor and Ruta montana. Chapter 7
  • At the summit Berberis, Polygonum of Chugur, Rubus deltoideus, Conyza and Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • You may have been offered red Japanese wineberries (Rubus phoenicolasius) from someone's garden; they're sweet but not a patch on blackberries for flavour. Times, Sunday Times
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