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How To Use Rubric In A Sentence

  • It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823). Biography
  • In addition, variables more associated with dysregulation such as affect lability and impulsivity fall under this rubric.
  • We may note on the other hand that a rubric in the official "Rituale Romanum" enjoins that the priest ought to see that unbecoming or ridiculous names of deities or of godless pagans are not given in baptism (curet ne obscoena, fabulosa aut ridicula vel inanium deorum vel impiorum ethnicorum hominum nomina imponantur). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The photographs in the archive can be categorized under three major rubrics: objects, portraits, and landscapes.
  • This was the first academic position in the German-speaking world that was dedicated specifically to Chinese and Japanese, rather than to some more general rubric that might allowably include them.
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  • Just as rock and roll is here to stay, so are the academics devoted to studying it and all the other sounds contained under the ‘popular music’ rubric.
  • Although this reader is offered under the rubric of book history, in fact it encompasses the many forms of American print culture, including newspapers and magazines.
  • While Ranade deploys the resources of the surrealist tradition to achieve his ends, it would be simplistic to gloss his work under that rubric.
  • The priest, deacon and subdeacon come before the altar, and ascend to the predella; the rubrics do not say that they genuflect before doing so. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • Wrong; they include charities, trade unions, trade associations and a whole array of organizations that fall within the rubric of not-for-profit organizations because, among other things, they don't issue stock shares or distribute their surplus funds to owners and shareholders, but instead use their funds to help achieve their social goals. Joel Cohen: Challenging Not-for-Profit Executive Compensation
  • It's a promising thought, but to place this book in the rubric of self-help would be to mistake Kahneman-who lived for several years in Nazi-occupied France-for a benighted optimist. Slate Articles
  • I begin with the most obvious, and certainly the most important, change that falls under this rubric: the replacement of socialism by capitalism in almost all the formerly socialist countries.
  • In your average bookstore, the volumes stacked by the dozen and sold under the heading of Self-Help are liable to be found quartered in the same part of the building as those falling under the less obviously improving rubric of Philosophy.
  • When we expand political economy to encompass women's unwaged labor, including the multitude of forms of emotional labor (which Anthony McMahon gathers under the rubric of "taking care of men"), then it becomes clear, according to sociologist Anna G. Jónasdóttir, that "men ... continually appropriate significantly more of women's life force and capacity than they themselves give back to women. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • But more strictly and accurately, rubricians limit the pontificals to those ornaments which a prelate wears in celebrating pontifically.
  • By placing research from many disciplines under an evolutionary rubric, this book may stimulate conversations across disciplines and, in the process, attract new adherents to an evolutionary way of thinking.
  • I am passing out the rubric now, if you have any questions please come and speak to me outside of class.
  • it is usually discussed under the rubric of `functional obesity'
  • It is under this rubric that I have attempted my analysis of Klute.
  • The big problem with recommending genre books for readers who either intentionally do not read genre or deny that they do, even when some of the books they have read clearly fit into the speculative fiction rubric, is understanding that the reading mentality in these individuals is different from people who actively and avidly read speculative fiction. MIND MELD: The Perfect SF/F/H Books to Give to People Who Don't Read SF/F/H
  • If we accept this administration's policy of designating other human beings as less than human, then we have no moral challenge to those nations who torture women under the very same rubric.
  • For an overview of iRubric-for-Sakai, including a short video clip that highlights the seamless integration, please visit www. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • I had an idea of becoming the writer, tabellion, and rubrican of the Droll Stories — Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
  • We've been vocal critics of these companies, and so they all block us, using rubrics like "nudity" or "circumvention" -- because if you have one nude thumbnail or one page about circumvention, then all the tens of thousands of pages on your site will be blocked. Boing Boing
  • Because isomer weapons would not involve transmutation of nuclear species, they don't come under the rubric of existing nonproliferation treaties.
  • Before the many rubrical uncertainties and excessive options within the new Missal, having the form of the older Mass before us can make an enormous contribution to Catholic liturgical life, serving as a standard to which the ordinary form liturgy can aspire. How Important Is Ceremony?
  • As is true of all InterACT courses, these six new courses contain competencies (the stuff students need to master in order to pass the class), assignments with grading rubrics, exam questions, recommended texts and readings, and technologies required to teach the course. Web Teacher › Useful links: liquid layouts, new InterACT courses, InterACT contributors,
  • The discussions were organised under the rubric of four broad themes: economic production, access to wealth, civil society and the public arena, and, political power and ethics.
  • Are India's core interests—the eradication of poverty and the maintenance of a multireligious democracy and open society—best pursued in opposition to the West or, despite occasional differences, under the rubric of a liberal international order underwritten by American power? It's Time to Re-Align India
  • But verjuice, the juice of unripe wine grapes, might be the acid, or citrus juice, lime or grapefruitand it would still fall under the rubric of a vinaigrette. Ratio
  • The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments.
  • A more reliable data-driven way to prove authorship goes under the rubric "cusum analysis" or QSUM. Jack Cashill's strange notion that Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father."
  • Más vil que un lupanar la carnicería rubrica como una afrenta la calle. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • With regard to the observances prescribed before the body is conveyed to the church it may be noted that according to the rubrics prefixed to the title "De exsequiis" in the "Rituale Romanum" a proper interval (debitum temporis intervallum) ought to elapse between the moment of death and the burial, especially where death has occurred unexpectedly, in order that no doubt may remain that life is really extinct. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • So what then should we include under the rubric of ancient art?
  • There is as much space, under this rubric of textuality, for the popular icons of the day as for Shakespeare, the greatest among the canonical authors.
  • When we were at the noviciate, we observed, while serving his private Mass, that after the introit, the gradual, the offertory, the communion – all the sung pieces, in short – he would mark a pause, not found in the rubrics, and absorb himself in meditation. The Music Speaks Along with the Words
  • The Article considers whether a particular constitution, CJ 6.37.21, might have been included in the Theodosian Code either as part of a general rubric concerning inheritance or as part of a separate rubric on fideicommissa, and concludes by suggesting what the constitution might have looked like had it been included under a separate heading. Tate on Late Roman Inheritance Law
  • The rubrics also prescribe that the priest keep his hands closed for the Lord's prayer, a rubric that does set it in distinction from the typical practice in this regard. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • It was perhaps the first and the bitterest indictment of the press's irresistible tendency to trade in human suffering under the rubric of ‘human interest’.
  • While visual art lumped under the rubric of ‘postmodernism’ typically accessed a shared matrix of cultural tropes and formal devices, it often differed radically in intent from work to work.
  • But it also participates in that taxonomic and totalizing impulse by disallowing for the possibility of alternative histories of sexualities that may or may not have fit under the fin de siècle homosexual rubric.
  • This definition exemplifies the turn towards a more diachronic and sociological focus in textual scholarship, and offers a conceptual rubric marked by bibliographic and theoretical rigour.
  • It would be inconsistent with an entire rubrical architecture is that a word which has helped me make sense of the world most of my adult life. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and "Forbidden Kingdom"
  • But Harris also garbles Palin's likely religious beliefs, under the rubric that all religion is suspect. Bruce Wilson: A Heartbeat Away, or Why Palin's Churches Matter
  • In a context such as the present, it is necessary to identify and characterise the suggested error, and relate it to the legal rubric under which a decision is challenged.
  • My senior MC seemed to have a lapse in rubrical awareness when parking his vintage Jaguar this morning. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He includes metallic standards (gold, silver, bimetallic) under this rubric.
  • He concludes that it does not fall under any of the commonly used rubrics - observational science, phenomenology, hermeneutics - which distinguish the intentional focus of other disciplines.
  • Questions which have arisen -- what the rubrics actually require by way of bows, what a priest does when he must offer Mass without a server, whether a layman should act as MC at pontifical ceremonies, whether an antimensium may be used, where prelates in choir should walk in procession, where the pectoral cross is worn and when the cappa magna is used -- have been researched and clarified. The New 15th Edition of The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described
  • I much doubt if he could have passed what would now be called a creditable examination in the Fathers; and as for all the nice formalities in the rubric, he would never have been the man to divide a congregation or puzzle a bishop. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Priests who want to opt for the Ordinary Form are not being tested for rubrical and linguistic competence. Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy
  • These were the rubrics I chose for him: 1. Eye, inflammation 2. Eye, inflammation, acute 3. Generals, aggravated on the right side 4. Generals, sudden onset 5. Eye, lachrymation 6. Eye, protrusion with red discoloration. Judith Acosta: A Personal Case for Classical Homeopathy: Part II
  • Instead of the column on the Gospel side for the Paschal candle, there is a small bracket (“parvum sustentaculum”) in the middle of the sanctuary, as the new rubric states. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
  • However, on the chance of being useful I send you an exact copy of the rubricated title-page of the reprint, which is as follows: Notes and Queries, Number 14, February 2, 1850
  • The Bestiary is written continuously, but the initials of the lines and, in the long metres, of the half lines are mostly rubricated .... Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
  • I'm not eager to embrace the term documentary, even though in a larger sense they would fall under that rubric.
  • Because many of the biographees had more than one occupation or achieved fame in several areas, they are found under several rubrics.
  • The monks who didn't know how to write were put to work binding, rubricating, making pens, and the like.
  • She was rubricated by the pope
  • All are in the same type, the heavy-faced gothic of his second font, are rubricated by the same hand, and though two of them are undated, were all evidently printed at about the same time. Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University
  • Students were required to work in groups to prepare a research paper and were provided with scoring rubrics, and offered feedback.
  • His songs have been co-opted of late under the ironic rubric of "yacht rock," but classic songs like "Sailing" and "Ride Like the Wind"—both from a ubiquitous debut album with a deliquescent pink flamingo on it—serve nonetheless now as minor masterpieces of melody and mood. Go Back to Those Gold Sounds
  • The curriculum provides student worksheets and includes a grading rubric that outlines minimal, adequate and extensive answers for the teachers.
  • The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments.
  • Even for those who work under the rubric of ‘political economy,’ the political has remained something of an afterthought except, perhaps, as a statement of personal distaste with current economic trends.
  • Additional comments in the P-I story reveal what a sham is the rubric of "diversity" at UW and in Seattle. Sound Politics: Censorship Encouraged At UW
  • These issues are precisely the burden of many complaints now being raised under the rubric of environmental justice and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
  • Más vil que un lupanar la carnicería rubrica como una afrenta la calle. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • The rubric of it is written in their own blood, with an Ecce; the last Ecce of all, Behold our fearful end.
  • There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
  • Assessment of student learning was also performed by the instructors through the creation of quizzes and grading rubrics for the assignments.
  • Trained scorers, under the direction of the project director, marked these booklets according to the scoring rubrics for each component of the task.
  • Automatic writing was one activity that the surrealists housed under the rubric of psychic automatism.
  • Most of these patients would fit under the previously used rubric of Banti's syndrome.
  • I answer this quandary by suggesting that we exist under two different constitutions - one for peace and another for war; and whatever exercise of power that cannot be justified under one rubric can be under the other.
  • In Anglo - American psychiatry, much of what was characterized as conversion hysteria in psychodynamic psychiatry is now classified under the more scientific-sounding rubric of somatization disorder.
  • Capoeira blends dance and combat movement and falls under the rubric of martial arts.
  • In addition to enabling administrators to evaluate instructional facilitators on their specified duties, the rubric clarifies expectations for the job,
  • Let's face facts; this is the harsh reality that we've been fighting all along, though we are perpetually shocked by decisions (like Herring) that rationalize a way around a rule until we are left with rules that bear no nexus to their original purpose, a problem that I describe as a rubric without the rationale. Simple Justice
  • This is one of the most complete overviews of what may be subsumed under the rubric of psychokinesis, the parapsychological term for the influence of mind over matter without using any sensory modalities.
  • With good taste, black ink was most frequently selected for the text; red ink was used only for the more prominent words, and the catch-letters, then known as the rubricated letters. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • In order to assure that a priest has the rubrical and linguistic ability to celebrate the extraordinary form of Mass within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, acknowledgement of such is to be obtained from our Diocesan Office of Liturgy. Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy
  • My students always receive a copy of the exact rubric that I will use to grade their project, prior to their starting.
  • It caused me to create sections of my rubric geared toward measuring/assessing depth of thought and strength of supporting arguments. Grading Question
  • Now, no one will dispute that a priest must have the “rubrical and linguistic ability to celebrate” the sacraments of the Church. Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy
  • For an overview of iRubric-for-Sakai, including a short video clip that highlights the seamless integration, please visit iRubric. com/sakai. Newswire Today - Free Newswire - Press Releases Distribution
  • In this beautiful book, all the place names are rubricated
  • Inside, beneath the rubric, Apey Birthday, was a handwritten message. COMPULSION
  • It is significant that social movements research, previously rather marginal, has been gradually drawn into the centre of social theory, particularly under the rubric of new social movements.
  • The rubrics af the Roman Missal prescribe the recitation of the sequence by the celebrant on the following occasions: (1) in the Mass of All Souls 'Day (In commemoratione Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Political and religious opinion is just a cover; just a "rubric" -- and one that stands in the way of "the entire purpose" of human rights legislation. Ezra Levant: June 2008 Archives
  • I affirmly swear to it that it rooly and cooly boolyhooly was with my holyhagionous lips continuously poised upon the rubricated annuals of saint ulstar. — Finnegans Wake
  • There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
  • First initial rubricated in the same style and by the same hand as in the _De duobus amantibus_. Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University
  • Will priests saying the newer Mass be required to obtain a special "license", or should I say Ausweis, from some chancery mandarin whose Latin and rubrical knowledge should be a matter of scrutiny? Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy
  • Verba Poetae non atiud figiiificant» quam fe cu - iufque infulae figuram, calamo, vel rubrica delineafle; quae figurac fubindc ah artifice ligno infculptae». libro ipfi aptatae fuere*. Specimen historico criticum editionum italicarum saeculi XV
  • Because it comes under the rubric of internet self-regulation, this kind of censorship is seen as less intrusive.
  • The first of them grouped all then-living independent artists, whether native or foreign, under the School of Paris rubric, no matter where in France they worked.
  • The other evening the clergyman dined with us, and throughout the meal discussions of the rubric alternated with talk about delicacies of the table! The Unclassed
  • the manuscript is not rubricated
  • Archbishop Parker's Advertisements, issued in response to disputes over clerical dress and ceremonies, enforced the rubrics of the Prayer Book.
  • The three major ministers go at once to the sedilia; the rubric does not say that they make a further reverence to the altar. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • This is one of the most complete overviews of what may be subsumed under the rubric of psychokinesis, the parapsychological term for the influence of mind over matter without using any sensory modalities.
  • Some manuscripts have simple borders and colored initial letters only; sometimes but a single color is used, and is generally red, from which comes our word rubric, which means any writing or printing in red ink, and is derived from the A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • To complicate matters slightly, I would like also to bring up another rubric - that of ‘local identity’.
  • All three figures wear summer, or ‘cool’ hats, which were introduced into the rubrics of official dress in 1646 and fascinated Europeans at the turn of the century.
  • It does indeed cover an immense array of topics that fall under the general rubric of food studies, including important but less sexy subjects, such as the problem of defining malnutrition.
  • Then where within this rubric is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger? In Barry Bonds I See The Future of Poetry : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • They exist in a special time and space (temenos) with rules (rubrics) and rituals. Thomas Moore: Playing the Game Of Life
  • Some ecumenical women's programs fall under familiar rubrics such as the environment, literacy and education, and women's health and sexuality.
  • In resistance to globalization, many alternatives identified under the general rubric of anti - globalization movements have emerged.
  • Use the following three - point rubric to evaluate students'work during this lesson.
  • At the risk of oversimplifying, the relevant questions can be gathered under three crude rubrics as the What, How, and Why questions.
  • I've always thought that some illuminated manuscripts resemble a hypertext (rubrications, etc.), particularly those that acquired marginalia from later users.
  • A large and copious terrar on vellum, with rubric titles, very neat, folio grandi. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century: Comprising Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer ...
  • Although scholars dispute the details of the early production of his press, the first dated item is a copy of a 42-line Bible, which a scribe finished rubricating on 24 August 1456.
  • Like criterion-referenced testing generally, both scoring rubrics are thoroughly arbitrary.
  • He continues I like to think that my rubric is flexible enough to encourage the devoted blogger to put in extra time. Evaluating Blogging
  • Aldabra is the main breeding site in the Indian Ocean for red-tailed tropic bird Phaethon rubricauda, red-footed booby Sula Sula, greater frigatebird Fregata minor and lesser frigatebird F. ariel. Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles
  • In some circumstances, it is possible to switch to a project-oriented curriculum with a clear rubric rather than a homework/test-based curriculum.
  • Under the rubric of ‘cultural studies,’ theorists claim to possess the key to understanding all sorts of human activity, from crime to colonialism.
  • The celebrant of Mass must be in the state of grace, fasting from midnight, free of irregularity and censure, and must observe all the rubrics and laws concerning the matter (azyme bread and pure wine), vestments, vessels, and ceremony. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Students were advised to submit drafts of the paper for feedback and further guidance in interpreting and using the rubrics.
  • As for the literary pundits, the high priests of the Temple of Letters, it is interesting and helpful occasionally for an acolyte to swinge them a good hard one with an incense-burner, and cut and run, for a change, to something outside the rubrics. Old Junk
  • Ten chapters, each laid out under the rubric of a song title, map out some of the main concerns of popular music studies in a textbook format.
  • This custom was adopted in liturgical collections to distinguish from the formulæ of the prayers the instructions and indications which should regulate their recitation, so that the word rubric has become the consecrated term for the rules concerning Divine service or the administration of the sacraments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Fourteen works in various mediums sat quite comfortably beneath this rubric, each straddling the realms of commercial advertising and formalist abstraction.
  • This falls under the rubric `various'
  • - Related to the first question, to what degree does the rubric assess for specific skills and knowledge that are needed by students as they progress from this course to others? Wired Campus
  • After attending a festive celebration at one suburban parish, he sent a note to the pastor, telling him to place a corpus on the processional cross and to reconfigure the tilt of the altar to conform to church rubrics.
  • These interventions fall under the general rubric of cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • The doctrine can, of course, expand even further to become a general principle of effective rhetoric or even of scientific language, where it appears under the rubric of clear, "perspicuous" representation, modeled on perspectival, rationally constructed imagery. Notes, Mitchell, "Ekphrasis and the Other"
  • My trip, of course, made today's Herald under the rubric of Whitfield Notes. 52449_CLARA
  • It's basically the same rubric, it is relevant, entertaining content, but making sure that the theoretical foundations are there but that the narrative is excisable and of interest to wide audience. CNN Transcript Nov 26, 2006
  • Started from 2004, Canon Shan who sold in China Fan the camera has an obvious symbol, on the red and white interaction's big box, a white bottom rubrication 's seal was very always conspicuous.
  • Today's papers revealed the topics for the entire country along with analyses of their difficulty and predictions of possible grading rubrics.
  • Under this rubric are included such forces as the local militia and the constabulary.
  • Be careful to read through the rubric, the instructions on the examination paper.
  • Mass (the succentor performing a similar office to the canons and clerks); recruited and taught the choir, directed its rehearsals and supervised its official functions; interpreted the rubrics and explained the ceremonies, ordered in a general way the Divine Office and sometimes composed desired hymns, sequences, and lessons of saints. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Pope Benedict XVI is an expert on liturgy and the rubrics of liturgical celebration.
  • As the cumbersome title suggests, the material is grouped under three rubrics.
  • There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
  • This is different than, say, any of us choosing to include a list of sites we regularly visit, rubrics or categories we embrace.
  • I am speaking here under the rubric "Technique and Interpretation in the Performing Arts," and if there were ever a title dreamed up to strike me dumb, this one verges on inspiration. Pragmatic Theater
  • Instead, I want to suggest a placeholder for signifying practices in resistance, and that placeholder rubric is “godliness.” AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • Religion as an academic discipline and campus ethos was, in general, the guiding rubric; that left out, for example, religious rituals and practices.
  • These days, Wood estimates that three-quarters of logging in the national forests is being done under the rubric of fire prevention.
  • The verb comes from the Latin word rubrica, which means 'red chalk or ochre'. Between the rock and the cold, cold sea -- Day
  • And to top it all off, there are aphorisms, rubrics, musings, meditations, exhalations, exasperations.
  • And the intgeration would also bring a number of curial officials experienced in the questions of the usus antiquior into the CDW, where still many officials have very little knowledge of it and are sometimes completely unaware of its content and rubrics. Rumor Watch: Ecclesia Dei to Become Part of CDW?
  • Violet folded chasubles and broad stole were no longer used in the Roman liturgy after the rubrical revisions of John XXIII in 1960. Use, History and Development of the "Planeta Plicata" or Folded Chasuble
  • Nothing was to be omitted from the liturgy ‘except where the rubrics allow the use of the organ to replace several verses of the text’.
  • The full range of ideas and reforms Morris introduced, from the bank to the repeal of tender laws, can be readily bound together under the rubric of laissez-faire, free market economics. Robert Morris
  • It must be imparted in a church or in a place in which Mass is celebrated, as the very name "churching" is intended to suggest a pilgrimage of thanksgiving to the church, and as the rubrics indicate in the expressions: "desires to come to the church", "he conducts her into the church", she kneels before the altar ", etc. Hence the Second The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Fr Robert said he was totally taken with Mass, the centuries of tradition behind it, the liturgy, the rubrics, the rituals and he decided to become a Catholic.
  • The text was arranged in a perspicuous manner with clear divisions between chapters, items, and italicised rubrics. First Two Volumes of "Monumenta Ritualia Hungarica" Released
  • The curriculum provides student worksheets and includes a grading rubric that outlines minimal, adequate and extensive answers for the teachers.
  • Because I don't give word counts or frequency requirements (beyond, say, asking students to post SOMETHING on every major text we discuss), I like to think that my rubric is flexible enough to encourage the devoted blogger to put in extra time. Blogging is like an avocado
  • Other important breeding seabird populations are the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) and red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda). Cape Verde Islands dry forests
  • The Reverend Mr. Rubrick, kinsman to the proprietor of the hospitable mansion where it was solemnised, and chaplain to the Baron of Bradwardine, had the satisfaction to unite their hands; and Frank Stanley acted as bridesman, having joined Waverley
  • Under the rubric of water resource development, dam building and river fragmentation are the main factors threatening biodiversity, while water abstraction is the main threat to human water security. Peter Bosshard: Global Scientific Review Finds That it Pays to Protect Rivers
  • Klein runs the whole thing under the rubric of ‘The Kennedy Curse,’ as he titles his forthcoming book.
  • According to its rubrics the officiating priest stood with his back to the congregation facing [liturgical] east and the entire Mass was said or sung in Latin.
  • As the hyphens and slash marks indicate, these emergent literatures do not fit under a single rubric.
  • This isn't to say that synods, canon laws and rubrics don't play an important role in our common life.
  • The rubric used to assess this document is detailed below.
  • The standard rubric is that critics care about literary quality, not commercial success.
  • As Michelle Alexander has pointed out in her brilliant book, The New Jim Crow, the mass incarceration of African-American men today is but the reinstitution of a racial caste system under the rubric of being "tough on crime. Janet Langhart Cohen: Dr. King, a Monumental Man
  • A ‘soft’ form of baby selling has already crept in under the rubric of contractual surrogacy.
  • The Harvard Library had some few of this fine engraved label printed in red ink, and placed in the rarer books of the library -- as a reminder that the works containing the rubricated book-plates were not to be drawn out by students. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • The text was rubricated either by the scribe himself, or one of his colleagues, who highlighted in red ink significant portions, phrases and words.
  • Winerip examined the rubric posted online by New York State for evaluating student essays. Alan Singer: Cheating Students Who "Pass" the Test
  • The text is rubricated throughout with red titles and red Lombards.
  • There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
  • Ms. Estrin grabbed a book for Chloe and gave her a classroom rubric before making her announcements.
  • For each question, the rubric specifies explicit grading criteria.
  • Although it is printed, spaces were left for rubricated or historiated initials to be put in later by book artists. Archive 2009-08-26
  • In fact, the administration has a messianic commitment to destabilizing the area, under the rubric of ‘democratization.’
  • Certainly, the exams didn't look to be getting off to the best start, when the first person noticed that the rubric was misprinted as ‘Answer all 5 questions’.
  • I am uncomfortable with applying these rubrics in a wholesale fashion to the work of honours students.
  • Harold Budd has fallen under the New Age rubric in more recent years; the two works presented here date from 1969-70 and show a more provocative side of this interesting composer.
  • As the hyphens and slash marks indicate, these emergent literatures do not fit under a single rubric.
  • On another worksheet with a rubric stapled to it, my daughter did not miss anything, but was given the grade of an MP. Starbulletin Headlines
  • The same year he picked up for ten shillings, in London, an early sixteenth-century folio, rubricated and with illuminated initials. The Book-Hunter at Home
  • They have obfuscated, delayed, lied, backtracked, pettifogged, and cancelled all sorts of commitments under the informal and formal rubrics of the Oslo process.
  • But assimilating all these wildly different forms of association under the rubric of ‘city’ only made the term so abstract that it told us nothing.
  • But Linder, with her single and singular name and her unsettled sense of what "Linderland" a later imagined rubric in which to corral her disparate activities might contain, has been many artists: photomonteur indebted to Modernism, musical conduit from 1970s feminism to art-inflected post-punk, collaborator and adviser, too often dismissed as "muse", for others such as Morrissey and Magazine vocalist Howard Devoto, latterly contriver and often star of shamanic and gruelling gallery performances. Linder, the artist with the hex factor

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