How To Use Rubicund In A Sentence
The rubicund moon-head goes wagging; darker beams the copper visage, like unscoured copper; in the glazed eye is disquietude; he rolls uneasy in his seat, as if he meant something.
The French Revolution
Turn the clock back 20 years and peer into the grand kitchens of hotels and country houses and you'll see a tubby chef with rubicund face, multiple chins, and a sheen of sweat on his brow.
You'd think they couldn't ruin a steak, surely there's a rubicund, porky chef, with a hat, prodding and turning steaks over a hot griddle.
The expression of his countenance would have been bluff but for a certain sinister glance, and his complexion might have been called rubicund but for a considerable tinge of bilious yellow.
Tench saw it in his eyes but he didn't flinch, nor did the amiable Pickwickian smile fade from his round and rubicund face.

The same goes for rubious, no less shapely on the tongue than rubicund.
The Times Literary Supplement
He has a face of that rubicund, knobby type I have heard an indignant mineralogist speak of as botryoidal, and about it waves a quantity of disorderly blond hair.
A Modern Utopia
A bearded, rubicund, large man who also specialises in truffles and wild asparagus, there is something of the forest about him, something gnomishly mysterious.
Santa's rubicund cheeks
You'd think they couldn't ruin a steak, surely there's a rubicund, porky chef, with a hat, prodding and turning steaks over a hot griddle.
The fat, rubicund little man would tiptoe into the room, finger on lip, half in order to amuse Elsa, half from a very genuine fear of disturbing or calling forth his learned son-in-law, with whom he found it impossible to fraternise.
Two Tales of Old Strasbourg
It sees the countryside as a large playground-museum, filled with red-faced Poujadiste farmers, cruel fox-hunting squires and rubicund peasants, over which its supporters are encouraged to roam at will.
Archive 2008-02-10
Theobald Tanqueray Thompkinson, leaning unsteadily forwards, jocular and rotund; rubicund, reckless and implausibly optimistic.
Pigeon Post
Reverend Jenkins was tall, rubicund, big-boned yet fragile-looking, with a full shock of longish white hair topping the bill.
Shortcut Man
Willi padded round the room with his basket, a balding, rubicund Eliza Doolittle.
The relatives had all gathered round for one last kind word to them, and many still laughed and joked with rubicund cheeks and loose tongues.
Over a glass of rubicund wine and juicy steak, he poses the main dilemma of the movie.
[Footnote 17: It is stated that the Aztecs paused in admiration of this feat, whilst "the Son of the Sun," as they termed Alvarado, from his fair hair and rubicund visage, performed this extraordinary leap; considering it miraculous.]
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