How To Use Rubeola In A Sentence
- Also called rubeola and morbilli, it is one of the commonest childhood infectious exanthems.
Chapter 13
Even if a child survives the measles (rubeola), it may leave them blind or visually impaired. Latest stories
After all, wouldn't you rather listen to a lie and let your children suffer polio, rubella, rubeola, mumps, hepatitis B, the whooping cough, varicella, variola, and so on?
Bad Astronomy
Young man, urticaria is hives, rubeola is measles, and alopecia is baldness!" she thundered.
The Bat
Three organisms cause infections that result in the requirement that infected patients be placed in airborne precautions: chickenpox and disseminated zoster, rubeola, and pulmonary or laryngeal TB.
Serologic tests for Epstein-Barr virus, rubeola, and rubella were consistent with prior exposure.
Pneumonia is a known complication of rubeola, varicella, and pertussis.
Have you had any experience with rubeola?" she queried finally.
The Bat
This world is thick with De Boursy-Williamses, throwing in bromides with a liberal hand, ungrudging of strychnine, happily at home with quinine and cathartics, ready at a case of simple rubeola; hideously, secretly, helplessly perplexed between the false diphtheria and the true; treating internal cancer and fibrous tumours as digestive derangements for happy, profitable years, until the specialist comes by, and dissipates with a brief examination and with half a dozen trenchant words the victim's faith in the quack.
The Dop Doctor
All my brothers, sisters and cousins contracted and survived measles, either rubella or rubeola.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Rh factor rheumatic fever right brain rigor mortis root rubella rubeola
22. Medicine and Health
RUBEOLA and scarlet-fever, will deny that the remarks which we have offered concerning this latter disease, likewise apply to rubeola.
Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
Viral etiologies of rashes include rubeola, rubella, erythema infectiosum and roseola.
Measles (also called rubeola or morbilli) was once one of the most common childhood infections in North America.
Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even fatal for small children.
Pneumonia is a known complication of rubeola, varicella, and pertussis.