
How To Use Rube In A Sentence

  • Pondus limi, inde aworden is flæsc pund fyres of thon read is blod and hat factus est caro; pondus ignis, inde rubeus est sanguis et calidus; pund saltes of thon sindon salto tehero pund deawes of thon pondus salis, inde sunt salsae lacrimae; pondus roris, unde aworden is swat pund blostmes of thon is fagung egena factus est sudor; pondus floris, inde est uarietas oculorum; pund wolcnes of thon is unstydfullnisse _vel_ unstatholfæstnisse pondus nubis, inde est instabilitas thohta mentium; pund windes of thon is oroth cald pund gefe of thon is pondus uenti, inde est anhela frigida: pondus gratiae, id est thoht monnes sensus hominis. English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
  • [42] Of such ministers and counselors, the holy king said that they who were confounded and ashamed should remove themselves far from him: _Avertantur statim erubescentes, qui dicunt mihi, "Euge, euge! The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Measles, mumps and rubella are unpleasant diseases and an epidemic in this country would be disastrous.
  • Sitting in the chairs for a shapeup this week are freelance writer Jimi Izrael, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette, civil rights attorney and editor Arsalan Iftikhar, and NPR's political editor Ken Rudin. 'Shop Talk': The Political Witchunt For Christine O'Donnell
  • Her mother Mandy, 38, has now urged all parents to have their children vaccinated with the MMR jab, which protects children against measles, mumps and rubella.
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  • But Ruben liked to pick and pick at her until she exploded so he could turn around and call her childish.
  • O immaginativa, che ne rube tal volta sì di fuor, ch 'uom non s'accorge perchè d'intorno suonin mille tube; chi move te, se il senso non ti porge? Art
  • When are Orwells sheep ever going to figure out the jingoist crap, mere words, are being used to make rubes of them? Think Progress » Minnesota Attorney General Denies Pawlenty’s Request To Challenge Constitutionality Of Health Reform
  • Good ol' Leo delivers 51,707 words per dollar, though I'm not sure what the conversion to the rubel would do to that. Archive 2005-05-01
  • Cytomegalovirus is a less well-known infection which affects considerably greater numbers of babies than rubella.
  • On my fourth dive of the week, I rounded an outcrop at about 22m to be greeted by a view of a series of rocky pinnacles covered in gorgonians bathed in the rubescent sunlight of a late-autumn afternoon.
  • [38 - †] “Dass der Gott Tepeyollotl im Zapotekenlande und weiter südwärts seine Wurzeln hat, und dem eigentlichen Aztekischen Olymp fremd ist, darüber kann kein Zweifel mehr obwalten.” Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • Rubellite is the term used for red or pink tourmaline, and indicolite is the term used for blue tourmaline.
  • The authors also perceptively assess the intense collaboration between Isabel and Ruben Toledo, her artist-and-illustrator husband of 25 years (they met in ninth grade). Designers’ Designers
  • Briffa added data from another Schweingruber site to a different composite, from the Taimyr Peninsula. GREENIE WATCH
  • There were no artists of importance after the time of Rubens and his followers whom we call Flemish artists. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • Creating double blind conditions in trials of counter irritants can be problematic; rubefacients irritate the skin whereas inactive placebos do not.
  • Unlike most of Rubens's head studies, the Glen Falls sketch cannot be connected with a known painting.
  • JUVENALtS Sldera te excipiant modo prlmos incipientcm 19 f Edere vagitus; & adhuc a matre rubentem. A. Persii Flacci et Dec. Jun. Juvenalis satirae: Ad optimas editiones ...
  • From the Stumptown Trade Review's article and podcast, I learned about Kenan Rubenstein's single-sheet "oubliette" comics. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Animal research has led to vaccines for rabies, smallpox, rubella, measles and anthrax.
  • It said evidence pointed overwhelmingly to MMR as the most effective and safest way of protecting children from measles, mumps and rubella.
  • “From 1985 to 2006, EITC payments grew from $2.1 billion to $44.4 billion, or by an eye-popping 2,014 percent,” Rubenstein said. Wonk Room » GOP Congressmen Mislead Again: ‘Millions’ Of ‘Criminal Illegal Aliens’ Will Receive Health Care
  • Where Brubeck does fall down is in his overly ornate arrangements, all painstakingly constructed to seemingly draw as many parallels with classical music as possible.
  • BLOOM: _ (Hides the crubeen and trotter behind his back and, crestfallen, feels warm and cold feetmeat) Ja, ich weiss, papachi. Ulysses
  • Soaked, I ducked into Rubenstein's Furniture Store to get out of the rain.
  • However although his solution matches experimental observations closely for small values of the wavelength, it was shown to break down in the far infrared by Rubens and Kurlbaum.
  • Unusual malignant gynecologic cytopathology by Irma Rube Female Genital Mutilation in the US? - Sadly Yes
  • And a big crubeen for threepence to be picking while you're able.
  • Manolson considers it striking that some young women with whom she has spoken and who are average looking and even "Rubenesque" in figure consider themselves beautiful, even sexy. Articles
  • Everyone suffers agonies of mortification that he'll seem a trailer-trash rube if he says out loud the plain truth that the modernist emperor has no clothes.
  • The purported partnership was supposed to provide short-term financing -- at annualized rates as high as 25% -- to hospitals buying sophisticated medical equipment through a onetime Marubeni subagent. Logjam Easing
  • The macronucleus is a long-beaded structure, or it may be in several parts connected by strands (Gruber). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • But he drew greater inspiration from studying the old masters in the Louvre, in particular such colourists as Rubens and Veronese.
  • In an era of waifs and buffed bodies, the full-figured beauties in Rubens's works have a graceful nobility.
  • Ruben Quinones, 33, director of sales and social media for Path Interactive, a digital advertising agency in New York City that provides services to a handful of pest control companies, called the bedbug search environment over the last few weeks "ridiculously competitive. NYT > Home Page
  • While we might think of Rubens in terms of exuberant light and colour, he was, not least, a talented draughtsman.
  • Other viral illnesses such as mumps and rubella may also trigger Bell's palsy.
  • A stupendous drawing of Venus rising by Rubens, 30 artworks by Walter Sickert and a poignant note written by Gandhi that was his tacit approval for Indian partition are among a dozen artworks and archives now in the possession of the nation because of the 101-year-old Acceptance in Lieu scheme. Acceptance in Lieu scheme brings a dozen new gifts to the nation
  • Cathy Barry sells drisheen, pints of Murphy and crubeens. The Boys of Fair Hill (2)
  • Maybe you think we're being a little hard on the people of this town, by calling them yokels and inferring that they're nothing more than a bunch of undereducated rubes.
  • Overdressing can make you look more like a rube than underdressing does. Ask MetaFilter
  • Rubenstein's voice wobbles and her dark eyes well up.
  • There are wonderful drawings demonstrating how the variety of graphic style which Rubens commanded surpassed that of arty high renaissance artist.
  • Springy of the justly curl about that he lapidarian it laudably and that you feoff to get tillable on sin and showily a rube in the monarch is unsubtle. Rational Review
  • From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader. Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
  • Upon the branches of the _spongia dichotoma_, some of which were twelve inches in length, sat swarms of _Ophiura fragilis_, _Asterias rubens_, A New Voyage Round the World, in the years 1823, 24, 25, and 26, Vol. 2
  • Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
  • This has also a rubefacient and epispastic operation. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • - Also called rubeola and morbilli, it is one of the commonest childhood infectious exanthems. Chapter 13
  • I think the dude with the earphones is the MacGruber director. MacGruber Viral Video? Or An Unfunny Wannabe SNL Short? «
  • Rubens's northern inheritance, which included painting on panels rather than canvas, brought into play a cooler range of colours, including bluer fleshtones and, generally, a softer overall tonality.
  • Without Title teems with words like “atrorubent,” “barathea,” “Pasiphaean,” “haruspex,”” pleach-toned” and “shotten.” 2007 July 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Ruben Dario was a very famous Nicaraguan poet and he had travelled all over the world. DESPERADOES
  • At the foot of this tree sat Tibbie Dyster; and from her red cloak the level sun-tide was thrown back in gorgeous glory; so that the eyeless woman, who only felt the warmth of the great orb, seemed, in her effulgence of luminous red, to be the light-fountain whence that torrent of rubescence burst. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • 'We're sifting through a forest of radio transmissions,' said Rubeo, giving the latest update. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • It meant that Rubens had to redo the altarpiece at his own expense and add two lateral paintings.
  • This has also a rubefacient and epispastic operation. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Rubens sometimes used monochrome techniques in sketching compositions for engravers.
  • The powdered leaves are rubefacient, and act as a substitute for cantharides. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • And while seemingly well adjusted, Ruben too is dispirited, trading on the bodies and brainlessness of his fighters for a few dollars and the dream of the big time.
  • Ruben Toledo, who have also created a line for the new store; theirs is fun, summery beachwear, which is more up our alley. All Stories | The New York Observer
  • When I was a kid it was run as a dry-goods store by a Mr. Rubenstein who always had a piece of sour apple super-bubble bubblegum for the kids.
  • In spring you see clematis montana rubens everywhere, sugary pink, scentless and often clashing with equally ubiquitous but bright chrome yellow Forsythia.
  • For those cowed by all this ardent muscularity, turn to her to discover, at the last, a private Rubens, that man of exceptional refinement and sensitivity.
  • Rubella is just another name for German measles.
  • Our data do not show a real increase in the incidence of congenital rubella.
  • Congenital toxoplasmosis can mimic disease caused by organisms such as herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and rubella virus.
  • Other viral illnesses such as mumps and rubella may also trigger Bell's palsy.
  • First, you can make sure you are up to date on all vaccine-preventable diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.
  • Rubenfeld brings back the stars of his earlier bestseller, "The Interpretation of Murder": Jimmy Littlemore, still the cleanest cop in New York; and Dr. Stratham Younger, older and a bit coarsened after tending to the wounded in Europe during World War I. Book review: 'The Death Instinct' by Jed Rubenfeld
  • The single rubella vaccine is being discontinued by the only manufacturer producing it in this country.
  • Beyond rhythm, Dave Brubeck challenged the public's ear with polytonality, or playing in multiple keys simultaneously. Network Awesome: Brubeck's Signature, Signed with Time
  • Charitable Trust . Her longtime spokesman, Howard Rubenstein, had no comment.
  • This is artistic licence and I think Rubens is taking it to portray sheer power.
  • As for activity on the dance floor, Rubens Barrichello and Felipe Massa proved that not all Brazilians have a natural sense of rhythm.
  • Massa, who also sustained concussion, was struck on his helmet by a spring that had worked loose off Rubens Barrichello's Brawn GP before he then straight-lined into a tyre barrier.
  • According to Mérat, the Bedouins use it as a rubefacient, and it is applied in sciatica, forming a substitute for cantharides. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • A young woman from the Barrio Ruben Dario was stroking his face with the back of her hand and trying to talk to him. DESPERADOES
  • This practice of representing objects nearer the eye than the frame is certainly to be observed in some of the prints after Rubens and others, and has descended to several common prints in our own time, but ought not to be adopted, as bordering too much upon that art which may be designated as a sort of _ad captandum vulgus_ display. Rembrandt and His Works Comprising a Short Account of His Life; with a Critical Examination into His Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt.
  • His landscapes, now given added breadth by the influence of Rubens, show similar characteristics and exhale an air of enchantment.
  • In his self-satisfied sense of superiority, it never even occurred to him that he might have been addressing one of those ignorant rubes who voted for him.
  • Slights of this sort propelled the planters to build bigger and gaudier country homes than the English landed aristocracy could normally afford, bedecked with canvases by Velázquez, and Rubens and the occasional Ming vase. Sugar in the Raw
  • At 12:01 a.m. on October 21, 2004, New York batsman Rubén Sierra hit a routine groundball to second baseman Pokey Reese, who threw to first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz for the final putout of a dominant 10-3 victory. One Season
  • Poussin's A Dance to the Music of Time, countless paintings by Fragonard, Rubens, Reynolds, not to mention acres of armor-is sometimes described as a staid museum. Encounter Books
  • Or maybe I like hearing about a good con that separates the rubes from their money.
  • So much for phony lowball estimates, which all governments dangle to keep the rubes quiet.
  • Like cebil-seeds snuffed and smoked, intranasal bufotenine is throughout quite physically relaxing; in no case was there facial rubescence, nor any discomfort nor disesteeming side-effect.
  • Yet Ann kept up the old tradition of churning butter, serving up boxty, potato cakes, crubeens and many other Irish treats.
  • Unless you have a gold mine paying off, an oil well gushing, or a Broadway agent sugar daddy frosting your billfold, Rupert and his avaricious rubes want little or nothing to do with you.
  • The baby's mother had caught rubella and when pregnant mums get rubella the results are abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, and birth defects.
  • It writhed down her arm, and its five rubescent flower heads thrust out toward the priestess -- vibrating, quivering, held in leash only by the light touch of the handmaiden at its very end. The Moon Pool
  • Tra queste, la tesi per cui internet "ruberebbe" e approfitterebbe dei contenuti e delle news prodotti dai giornali, sfruttando il lavoro altrui: tesi contraddetta dal fatto che la gran parte dei contenuti che i quotidiani italiani pubblicano viene da altre fonti. un'indagine esattamente su questo studiando la circolazione di una notizia sui giornali internazionali. Wittgenstein
  • To their credit, Quick & Ruben (2009) do note that some birds (including kiwis, emus and the extinct elephant birds and mihirungs) have very small sterna that don't extend as far posteriorly as the abdominal air-sacs: these sterna are actually smaller, compared to trunk length, than those of such non-avian saurischians as dromaeosaurs and diplodocoid and macronarian sauropods (Wedel 2007). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • I like debating bicycles like a big dork is all. biliruben Bike Nerd Envy « PubliCola
  • Rubella is a serious infection, which can cause severe physical damage to the unborn child.
  • The Rubenesque Cream-pussy gives the serious-writer unconditional love. More Tails of the Serious Writer and Her Pussy
  • Yet Ann kept up the old tradition of churning butter, serving up boxty, potato cakes, crubeens and many other Irish treats.
  • You've never seen anyone get to the victory stand so fast, even with his short-stop house-mate Ruben's failed effort to chair him up there.
  • One of these, a starter listed as snails and crubeens, which should be little fritters of gooey braised pig's trotter, was a salty, sticky, unpleasant mess of chewy snails and flavourless deep-fried cubes. Jay Rayner's restaurant review
  • Pregnant women who catch rubella can cause death and birth defects to their unborn babies.
  • Born in 1920, Brubeck grew up on a large cattle ranch in northern California, where his mother taught him the piano at an early age.
  • It is said to be extremely acrid -- even small doses producing a great disturbance of the stomach; employed as a rubefacient in fevers, gout, and rheumatism, and as a vesicatory in removing corns from the feet. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • He's no rube. He's a very smart guy.
  • Still, by now Rube wasn't really a stranger and I didn't want to be seenasmean - spiritedinsuchaposh restaurant.
  • Doctors insist the jab is safe and that a failure to give children the immunisation could lead to an outbreak of mumps, measles and rubella.
  • At first he planned a reproduction of Rubens 'palace in Antwerp, open _loggie_ for studios, leafy gardens covered with flowers at all seasons, and in the paths, gazelles, giraffes, birds of bright plumage, like flying flowers, and other exotic animals which this great painter used as models in his desire to copy Nature in all its magnificence. Woman Triumphant (La Maja Desnuda)
  • Patients given vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella, polio, rabies and Japanese encephalitis are not affected.
  • The council often seems to think that New Yorkers are unsophisticated rubes, continually fleeced by crafty and unethical businesses.
  • I have had to import single vaccines for mumps, measles, and rubella for these families from Europe and Japan.
  • Lumbrokinase is the name of a group of highly stable fibrinolytic enzymes originally derived from the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • North Dakota might be a rural state, but the people aren't rubes.
  • A man started toward Rubenstein with a long-handled scythe and Rourke shouted, "Watch out!" then started to bring the Python out of the Ranger cammie holster on his pistol belt. The Nightmare Begins
  • Ruben takes the boy under his wing, training him and putting him into a stable of up-and-coming fighters who tour neighboring towns to fight in gritty matches with small purses and high risks of injury. 70s Cinema: Fat City « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Peru balsam is used extensively as a local protectant, rubefacient, parasiticide in certain skin diseases, antiseptic, and applied externally as an ointment, or in alcoholic solutions. Chapter 43
  • The argument is that big institutions can't get bamboozled by hype the way the rest of us rubes can.
  • When applied in lotions every night for five or six times consecutively, it will heal indolent ulcers; and its rubefacient effects serve instead of those produced externally by mustard. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • She sends her somewhat absent-minded sister to start the job and wait for her to come for the finish, and her sister ends up setting fire to the house she's supposed to be cleaning in a Rube Goldberg sort of way involving a bed, a cat, a candle, curtains, and an overdose of ditziness. Comic Mediocrity
  • If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, make sure that you are immune to rubella through a blood test or proof of immunization.
  • Objective To study the immunity duration of attenuated live rubella vaccine.
  • And a big crubeen for thruppence to be pickin 'while you're able. The Galway Races
  • In each hand he holds a parcel, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the other a cold sheep's trotter, sprinkled with wholepepper. Ulysses
  • Even if a child survives the measles (rubeola), it may leave them blind or visually impaired. Latest stories
  • Heartless men, dashing knights of the keyboard, arranged their cards into pairs and flushes and whatever else was necessary to rob a rube - me - of his next week's paycheck.
  • After all, wouldn't you rather listen to a lie and let your children suffer polio, rubella, rubeola, mumps, hepatitis B, the whooping cough, varicella, variola, and so on? Bad Astronomy
  • Embodying the high key of colour associated with Rubénisme, it nevertheless belongs to the tradition of monumental mural painting begun by Le Brun.
  • Only thirty pages after pocketing the crubeen and trotter does he arrive at the brothel of Mrs. Cohen, the Circe stand-in. 'Making the Wrong Joyce': An Exchange
  • Animal research has led to vaccines for rabies, smallpox, rubella, measles and anthrax.
  • Ruberwa said Mugabe's re-election had "exhilarated" the government, warning: "We are approaching dark days". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Young man, urticaria is hives, rubeola is measles, and alopecia is baldness!" she thundered. The Bat
  • Some biologists thought that the finger-long red blenny (Parablennius ruber, also called a Portuguese blenny) lived exclusively in Portuguese waters.
  • No painter who has been labelled ‘baroque’ has surpassed Rubens, the supreme colourist.
  • Chickenpox, measles and rubella were the only notifiable diseases recorded in children under 15 in Orkney during 2000, according to new Government figures.
  • These objects are best attained by means of the galvanic current, which should be employed of sufficient intensity to produce a rubefacient effect. The Electric Bath
  • I just came across this paper by Gruber and Hungerman on the crowding out of private sector charity by government spending.
  • Rubenesque is the word i'd use to describe the clouds and the brilliant yellows in the sky. The moment.
  • The serum was also used in vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and whooping cough until as late as 1993.
  • Yahoo understands and is working with a version of my holsitic knowledge model blogging is pr with candor - steve rubel Some key Insytes from Gnomedex
  • When Rubens represented a great classical myth, his mind's eye saw a dynamic moment captured, with no part of the canvas wasted.
  • Conservation Ruberlok is applied internally to the underside of the roof leaving the external appearance unchanged.
  • In Dulwich Gallery there is an interesting portrait by Rubens of an elderly lady in a great Spanish ruff, which is believed to be the portrait of his mother. The Old Masters and Their Pictures For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art
  • Except having a long straight and having a car right behind and slipstreaming like I was able to do with Rubens allowed me to pass.
  • Any pregnant woman who has been exposed to rubella should contact her obstetrician immediately.
  • When a mother has certain infections, such as rubella, during pregnancy, it can cause birth defects.
  • From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader. Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
  • Roman Jakobson's good friend, that arch-structuralist aristocrat Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetzkoy, famously said that phonetics is to phonology as numismatics is to economics.
  • Three organisms cause infections that result in the requirement that infected patients be placed in airborne precautions: chickenpox and disseminated zoster, rubeola, and pulmonary or laryngeal TB.
  • Angus was given the mumps, measles and rubella inoculation when he was 15 months old.
  • MMR stands for measles, mumps, and rubella (also called German measles). Giving your child the MMR vaccine protects them against these diseases.
  • Specifically, Gruber confirms that the new MacBook Pros will have "buttonless" trackpad which is made of glass. MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
  • Ruben is up for a Grammy.
  • She had her rubella vaccination when she was fourteen, but when she was sixteen, she still caught the measles.
  • There is no proof of the safety and effectiveness of single jabs for measles, mumps and rubella, scientists said yesterday.
  • These are the most recently refurbished rooms at the Rubens, so décor is sprucer and fresher than elsewhere in the hotel.
  • One of Adcock's more memorable eruptions after a brushback pitch was to chase a terrified pitcher Ruben Gomez of the San Francisco Giants off the field.
  • Processional races and the abject lack of competition for the 36 - year - old Schumacher and his reluctant understudy Rubens Barrichello sparked a winter of bitter in-fighting .
  • Where else can you get a latke Ruben, a side of kishke and a Dr. Brown's cream soda to wash it down?
  • These include ostrich Struthio camelus, with white pelican Pelicanus onocrotalus, and greater and lesser flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber and P. minor on Lake Makat in Ngorongoro crater, Lake Ndutu and the Empakaai crater lake where over a million birds forgather. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
  • I love the craggier faces of older women writers (Proulx, Bainbridge, Lessing, Rubens) who've clearly lived life to the full and arrived in their own skin without apologies. The Author Photo
  • We just knew you prudish rubes would be upset and it would sell papers (which is, after all, the point of this business)!
  • Relative abundance variations of the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer and àƒÅ½à‚ⲱ8O measured G. ruber white variety in core PBBC1 plotted against calibrated years. Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
  • There are three surviving painted portraits by Rubens which show Frans with his mother, Helena.
  • She was the epitome of all Rubensian models and appears in many of his late works, not only in portraits but in the guise of various saints and deities.
  • I get to talk to a couple of rubes like you.
  • You know, in today's business, everything is so cookie cutter and so formulaic, for a rube like Billy to hit like he has is a great thing.
  • Or that we be staid before our betters, or in company we like not, or if anything molest and offend us, erubescentia turns to rubor, blushing to a continuate redness. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • When weft yarn is not on a package of suitable form to be placed directly onto the loom shuttle (i.e. when it is on ring rubes, cheeses, cones, or in hank form) it is necessary to rewind it on to pirn tubes of appropriate size. Chapter 5
  • The gallery has an impressive array of old masters on display, including works by Rembrandt, Poussin, Rubens, Canaletto and Gainsborough.
  • For this is no platform for young British shockers; its focus is Rubens, the artist who defined the northern baroque and who, more than any other, epitomises the idea of the old master.
  • You can't promise anything in this game, but I really felt that Ruben kind of parlayed to me that this type of situation would not happen. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • But what was all this rapture about a snuffy brown picture called Titian, this delight in three flabby nymphs by Rubens, and so forth? The Newcomes
  • Pianist and composer Dave Brubeck showed how a labyrinthine instrumental jazz could still storm the pop charts in the 1950s and 60s – and his musician sons Darius, Chris and Dan, augmented by British saxist Dave O'Higgins, are shrewd rekindlers of the old magic that produced hits like Take Five, while adding some personal enthusiasms. This week's new live music
  • These findings were comparable with the study from South Africa which showed a seronegativity of 20 per cent for measles among fully immunized population, 72 per cent for mumps and 66 per cent for rubella.
  • The juice is used externally as a rubefacient in rheumatic affections of the joints. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • It's just not as simple as it used to be to round up the rubes and tell them what they believe.
  • So that it would appear that there is in Rubens 'style of colouring an original incompleteness, destructive in part of the naturalness he would aim at; it is a mannerism, very tolerable in such light works as those lucid and charming pictures by Teniers where all is light and unlaboured; but becoming a weakness where the other labour and the subject are important. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 385. November, 1847.
  • V. i.204 (246,9) [A natural perspective] A _perspective_ seems to be taken for shows exhibited through a glass with such lights as make the pictures appear really protruberant. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • It's all about retailing efficiency, they tell us, as though we are gullible rubes who don't know that computers mean fewer retail clerks, more technological glitches, and much consumer frustration.
  • The demon's rubescent eyes fixed malevolently on the mage. Conan The Victorious
  • The light from the candle illuminated their faces to a Rubenesque glow. FAMILY BLESSINGS
  • There was a sudden sheep-like silence broken only by a bleat - we had been stumped, outwitted and outclassed by an obese, middle-aged rube.
  • Born into a high-ranking family, Rubens had originally been lined up for a career as a lawyer.
  • If Christina Hendricks Joan from Mad Men had a dollar for every time she was patronised as "Rubenesque", she could give up acting and spend the rest of her days lying by swimming pools in bikinis made of diamonds. Lucian Freud treasured the pleasures of the flesh | Barbara Ellen
  • Rubel had yaba addiction, as they came to know that Rubel was a drug addict they forbade Iti to develop any relation with Rubel. The New Nation
  • Therapeutically it is used externally in leprosy, old ulcers and to destroy corns, but on account of its rubefacient and vesicant qualities it is necessary to use it cautiously. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Serologic tests for Epstein-Barr virus, rubeola, and rubella were consistent with prior exposure.
  • Even if you know you have had the rubella vaccination, your body may not have made enough antibodies to make you immune to the virus, so it is best to check.
  • Almost all children need to be inoculated to prevent measles, mumps and rubella regaining a grip.
  • The one figure that remains to be reconsidered within this arrangement of matter in Rubens's painting is the Pan flanked by a pinelike tree and draped with a cloak resembling a Greek pallium.
  • You see, among his friends, Rubén was known as a bulldog because once he grabbed onto something, he never let go. Mariela Dabbah: Secrets to Success: An Olympic Athlete Who is Not Athletic
  • Dimly through rubescent veils, the others in the hall could glimpse his white, frozen features, fixed in a grimace of torment. Conan Of The Isles
  • Springy of the justly curl about that he lapidarian it laudably and that you feoff to get tillable on sin and showily a rube in the monarch is unsubtle. Rational Review
  • They will exhibit their permanent Rubens collections together with loans from other institutions and private collectors.
  • Leingruber has already designed several artistic, prankish and borderline illegal browser extensions, including the China Channel, which lets you experience the Internet as if you were in China, and Pirates of the Amazon, which let Amazon browsers easily download for free the products they were thinking of buying. Claire Gordon: The Anti-Facebook Revolution
  • Rubella is a mild, highly contagious illness that is caused by a virus.
  • They went to war to wow the rubes and armchair patriots.
  • At the turn of the century, health care seems to have come light years from the days of leeches, country-side doctors and a lack of remedies for ailments such as polio, rubella and the German measles.
  • The jury may still be out on Rubens's great baroque theatricals but who can resist the oil sketches?
  • The authors note that other types of maternal infections during pregnancy such as rubella, varicella, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis may cause central nervous system abnormalities and cognitive delay in offspring. Infection Control Today Articles
  • The New York of her books is the one of legend: where a small-town rube goes to cast his or her lot against the forces of good fortune and hard luck, and there's no telling which you'll end up with.

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