How To Use Rubber cement In A Sentence
If you're working with plain cushion, apply rubber cement to both the cushioned die and the block.
Rubber cements or solvent cements are adhesives that contain organic solvents rather than water.
For tranferring on any material, a sheet of paper is immersed in a solution of India rubber cement in 20 parts of benzole, dried, coated with the gelatine solution, sensitized, etc., by operating in the ordinary manner.
Photographic Reproduction Processes
More to the point, it involves copious amounts of rubber cement and other noxious solvents.
Rubber cements or solvent cements are adhesives that contain organic solvents rather than water.

Coverslips were then coated with gold and attached to an SEM stub with tape or rubber cement before SEM scanning.
Modification of polyacrylic rubber cement composite waterproofing coating was investigated with a chemical modifying agent.