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How To Use Routinely In A Sentence

  • Sampling of gases and vapors by active sampling on a solid adsorbent or passive sampling by diffusion is routinely done and well documented.
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • These same people also routinely said they felt comfortable with Bush as a leader with values and dignity.
  • Though most men are physically stronger than most women, it is women who are expected routinely to carry heavy loads.
  • Politicians, academics and campaigners today routinely frame public issues in emotional terms.
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  • Defence lawyers routinely accuse victims who failed to make 'vigorous enough' protests, as in fact having consented.
  • In fact, areas where the outdoor temperature routinely falls to about 15 degrees are not good candidates for heat pumps.
  • If feminism is routinely placed first it sets up womanism as a ridiculous offshoot. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In Wisconsin, the drugs have been used routinely in organ donors, without problems, for decades.
  • Doctors now routinely use super-sensitive blood and urine tests to screen women suffering from any lower abdominal pain.
  • But the writ of the College was now routinely flouted. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • The same powers are routinely used to sign treaties and appoint ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • Tahoma has a work-release program for non-violent offenders and routinely has inmates doing some of their time providing labor at the cemetery. Reggie Buddle
  • There are many adjectives routinely used to describe jazz fusion, but ‘restrained’ isn't one of them.
  • The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
  • Created by novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes was an investigative genius who could routinely assess seemingly random clues and solve the mystery.
  • We routinely portray them as grim, doctrinaire, religious killjoys who lived in a didactic world of the Saved and the Unregenerate.
  • Anaesthetists routinely provide epidurals for both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.
  • What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
  • (I'm never home when it's on anyway) and setting the DVR to record it for later viewing seems more than I'm willing to do to expose my brain to the neuron-apoptosing and - necrosing antivaccinationist stupidity that Jenny routinely lays down, as lately I've been questioning whether any blog post, no matter how snarky and fun, is worth that kind of self-abuse. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The section was removed, the SEC said in a filing on April 18, 2011, because the term investment banking could have been read as applying to "syndicate" staffers, who routinely make decisions on how to allocate IPOs to firms' clients. Rule to Prevent Abuse of IPOs Is Delayed
  • The calculation would be based on age, sex, weight, and standard laboratory tests that all such hospitals would routinely perform.
  • It can be used routinely to select the appropriate cases to undergo MRCP, which could obviously reduce the hospitalization costs and shorten the hospitalization time.
  • This device could help to quell consumer anger about the way broadband speeds routinely don't live up to the promises of ISPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company routinely recalls tainted products, but usually after receiving complaints from customers.
  • Florida anglers routinely rate red drum (more commonly called redfish) at the top of the popularity list. Undefined
  • Forest Service crews routinely discover smoldering campfires along trails.
  • The West Mercia force involved does not use them routinely. The Sun
  • Another diagnostic challenge on imaging is the central neurocytoma, a recently described tumor that was routinely mistaken for an intraventricular oligodendroglioma on histologic analysis.
  • However, accurate determinations of species of tick and degree of engorgement are not routinely possible.
  • Likewise, we've endured the ever-dreaded swimsuit competition and the nerve-racking interview segment, in which at least one contestant routinely flops.
  • Many are available routinely in Scotland and Wales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The regular-sized Mayo stand contains instruments used routinely during the procedure, and the large Mayo stand holds instruments, reamers, and broaches specific to the implant system selected for use.
  • She routinely publishes playlists on her blog and links to everything she's reading.
  • This marker stains follicle mantle cells in routinely fixed and decalcified paraffin-embedded tissues.
  • Films are routinely cut and changed by bureaucrats in the office of film censorship.
  • In such a case a biopsy is almost routinely recommended. Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer
  • Because Ganymede's orbit is tilted nearly edge-on to Earth, it routinely can be seen passing in front of and disappearing behind its giant host, only to reemerge later.
  • Day in and day out, the global flow of goods routinely adapts to all kinds of glitches and setbacks.
  • Critics routinely dubbed him a dairy farmer from Kansas.
  • The money has been used to build high-tech vessels that are routinely breaching quotas and using outlawed fishing practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Biopsy tissues were fixed in buffered formalin and processed routinely through paraffin wax, ensuring optimal orientation at the embedding stage.
  • In the U.S., professors routinely use their titles, which are an important part of their credentials.
  • Those that routinely forage on the continental shelf rarely strand. Times, Sunday Times
  • While some of the equipment is routinely used in hospitals around the country, other pieces were custom-built for the sickbay, making it the only one of its type in the world.
  • Both thermoforming and cold- forming of foil are routinely done on this new and highly versatile blister -pack line at contract packager Brecon Pharmaceuticals in Wales.
  • Surgery was routinely performed on an outpatient basis.
  • The specific liver enzyme in question was alanine aminotransferase ALT, one of the liver enzymes routinely measured on standardize lab panels. How the media disses low-carb diets II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • This may indicate that the Picts routinely used Irish names for girls, which would be consistent with the colourful origin legend of the first Picts having obtained wives from Ireland see article on Pictish matriliny for the legend. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Building codes are routinely ignored to produce towering, fragile, overcrowded structures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The antral biopsy specimens were fixed in formalin and processed routinely.
  • Three blocks away, teen shooters routinely make the newspaper with their deadly gunplay.
  • I am among those who routinely phrase the baryon asymmetry question as "Why is there more matter than antimatter?
  • Their only series against a contender will be the Cardinals, who are routinely resting some of their starters in these final games.
  • Security personnel should conduct searches routinely for any person entering a large facility — a business or apartment complex, a suq or shopping mall, a sports arena, etc. The Right Way
  • a retired FedEx pilot, said MD-11s were so notoriously "squirrely" to land that pilots routinely spent extra time in flight simulators practicing how to control the plane. FedEx Jet Has Control Issues
  • To image something green on the sky to 1 arcsecond (which optical telescopes routinely do) thus requires a telescope of size at least 10 cm. Two Trinities
  • The library routinely handles a wide variety of enquiries.
  • The cars are routinely tested for safety and reliability before leaving the factory.
  • And it appalls me that people who claim for their views the authority of science routinely and arbitrarily insist on a brutally reductionist notion of what a human being is, what the human mind is, that justifies as inevitable every sort of meagerness and rapacity. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • Retiring public servants now routinely move into jobs where their previous contacts and responsibilities can enrich themselves and their employers.
  • After all, back in the 70's it was illegal to put benzoic acid in soda pop, with vitamin C because of the chemical reaction turning it into the toxic benzene, but now products routinely have the two mixed .... under the guise, of course, that you will automatically want the "healthy" drink because of the vitamin C. by karmacounselor Karma Counselor: Toxic Lubricants Cause HIV Symptoms
  • We have all experienced difficulties in transferring calls and in remote pickups, which we use routinely.
  • We also routinely use colour on furniture, woodwork and ceilings, not just walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over three million households are now reliant on moneylenders, many of whom routinely charge over 150 percent interest for cash loans.
  • The fax machine has been rendered almost redundant as information and documents are routinely exchanged at the press of a button.
  • The dW Java team loves Sing, and I'm routinely reminded by them that I should strong-arm him into writing again.
  • The team routinely extends opponents' innings by not reaching playable balls or botching plays that are ruled as hits.
  • It is not unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of one suspect, yet it could very well be unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of a very large number of people (a historically infeasible practice which technology has made more feasible). The Volokh Conspiracy » Final Version of “Applying the Fourth Amendment to the Internet: A General Approach”
  • Stylize your healthy life by routinely experimenting with new foods, spices, activities, and more.
  • The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.
  • Corporate honchos routinely install video cameras at ‘watch stores’ with high shrink, the lenses pointed at registers, the stockroom and the manager's office.
  • The library routinely handles a wide variety of enquiries.
  • Routinely, donors specify how they want their contributions spent.
  • Routinely, over 50 l of phloem sap was collected, however, only a few microlitres were required for analysis.
  • The do not know that marinara sauce routinely has more added sugar than ice cream topping; they do not know that breakfast cereals are routinely more concentrated sources of sodium than potato chips; they do not know fat-reduced peanut butter is less nutritious than regular due to added sugar and salt; they do not know that salt-reduced products routinely have added sugar and fat, sugar-reduced products routinely have added salt; they do not know that a 'multigrain' bread may contain no whole grains! The Full Feed from
  • MEDICARE SCARE TACTICS: Republican candidates routinely and cynically charge that the reform law will "cut" $500 billion from Medicare - leaving the clear implication that benefits will be reduced. NYT > Home Page
  • In the early cases, courts routinely rejected the argument that discrimination against transsexuals is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII, just as they had rejected the notion of transsexualism as a protected class under the statute. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • Now, routinely, free agency is an option that must be considered in the annual personnel decisions of each team.
  • They were routinely harassed when driving their cars or walking down the street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before recombinant DNA technology enabled pharmaceutical companies to manufacture human insulin in the 1980s, pig and cow insulin were routinely given to diabetic patients.
  • There is going to be a distinct backlash on the Muslim community if American citizens are forced to routinely disrobe in order to board their flights. Source: WH considers Friday incident attempted terrorist attack
  • Please note that the summaries and minutes of meetings of Convocation published above exclude information which the University has declared will not be routinely published under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
  • This information is now routinely available to anyone with access to a computer.
  • Due to the development of improved technology, cholecystography is no longer performed routinely.
  • Heathcliff is routinely described during the course of the narrative as grinding, clenching, and gnashing his teeth.
  • Congress routinely adopts policies that cater to special interests, which are then justified by the sort of smarmy, fact-free spin that the comedian Stephen Colbert has labeled "truthiness."
  • Many of us routinely participate in nonviolent resistance and support those for whom this is their only mode of opposition. Do "movements to bring about social and environmental justice always fail?"
  • It said that the defendant, who is alleged to have lost Allied Irish Banks' American subsidiary Allfirst more than €766 million, was routinely overstepping his credit limit.
  • Drug mules, long agreed by all as the real carriers of weapons of mass destruction, routinely elude the army, security guards and high-tech scanners.
  • And you may find it difficult to master the art of blindly dialing a number, even if you routinely do so on another cell phone.
  • He and other outlets routinely open bulk orders of booster packs, then sell individual rare cards over the counter.
  • None of the turmoil that routinely attends film-star existence ever seemed to visit the Astaire household.
  • The fresh tissues were routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy.
  • So why did Ottawa agree to insure the money they routinely borrow from other banks, a practice that keeps their credit operations liquid?
  • The media is strictly controlled, and foreign publications are routinely censored or banned.
  • Soldiers' missives haven't been routinely expurgated since World War II and the days of ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships.’
  • When samples from a particular area have to be processed routinely, it is better to determine the ideal cut-off by carrying out serosurveys and finding out the distribution of titres in the community.
  • Access to public services and facilities like restaurants, theaters, barbershops, and swimming pools was routinely denied them.
  • But here's the clincher: It seems to have completely escaped the European politicians prattling about issues like animal welfare, biodiversity and ethics that cloning technology of one sort or another is already widely applied to a variety of foods that Europeans and American have consumed routinely and uncontroversially for years. The Cloned Cow Has Left the Barn
  • Traditionally, ostertagiasis has been prevented by routinely treating young cattle with anthelmintics over the period when pasture larval levels are increasing.
  • Japanese teams were once routinely beaten by American all-stars; now they play them to a draw.
  • Additionally, plant quality and food safety systems are routinely audited by customers, regulatory agencies and third-party specialists.
  • For example, resurfacing of the patella with a patellar button is practised routinely, selectively, or not at all.
  • And no matter that this all culminates in a media climate in which, as the Leveson inquiry heard this week, newspapers routinely engage in inaccurate, prejudicial and victim-blaming when reporting violence towards women, as evidenced by the headline in which a gang rape is called an "orgy in the park". Committee's solution to attacks on female politicians: 'just get on with it'
  • But only in recent years, experts say, have they begun routinely disenrolling Indians deemed inauthentic members of a group. NYT > Global Home
  • At the same time the memorandum was written, fighter squadrons routinely found themselves outnumbered by bombers by five or ten to one. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • It's the five-year repaint, something most institutions do routinely, but at the Royal Opera House it stuns me to a standstill.
  • Worse still, these lapses are routinely ignored. The Sun
  • That is routinely sought out during negotiations in developed countries 2moons dil , say analysts and people who have been involved in similar negotiations.
  • The Tijuana Tornado" had a badly swollen welt under his right eye by the end of the fourth and routinely ate over 60 percent of Pacquiao's power punches the rest of way.
  • Drug mules, long agreed by all as the real carriers of weapons of mass destruction, routinely elude the army, security guards and high-tech scanners.
  • The highest counts of bacteria were found in the wet areas around sinks and on the cloths routinely used for wiping and drying kitchen surfaces and appliances.
  • But was 'economy' or 'ecology' ever routinely written in English as 'oeconomy' or 'oecology', LH? THE CRACK.
  • Curses were routinely used as a deterrent against tomb raiders in ancient Egypt, as the Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter discovered when excavating Tutankhamun's burial chamber.
  • There is no strict medical criteria to define whiplash and the injury is said by insurers to be routinely exploited by car crash victims for profit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, I suspect that I am one of the few people remaining to routinely address him by his first name and use the familiar Sinhala address - oya - when talking to him.
  • In my experience violence and intimidation are the exact tools used routinely to dehumanise and brutalise any individual unfortunate enough to be in the army.
  • Enemy number two is the house wren that routinely takes over nest boxes occupied by bluebirds and other hole-nesting birds, by puncturing the eggs or removing young nestlings…
  • The thyroid-stimulating hormone level should be checked routinely because hypothyroidism can mimic the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
  • Students at schools such as Benjamin Franklin and Alhambra Traditional routinely score high on standardized tests.
  • Is it paternalistic approval bestowed whether it is really deserved or not, or acknowledgement of output targets that are routinely reached.
  • Shared toys should be routinely cleaned with a disinfectant because the virus can live on these objects for days.
  • Life insurance companies routinely request medical records, with the patient's consent, to assess risk and eligibility.
  • Some delivery and minicab firms routinely removed the filters to cut costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet female politicians are routinely assessed in terms of their appearance in a manner that their male counterparts are not. Times, Sunday Times
  • He routinely cuts his assistant in half, then cracks up his audience with a bit of rib-tickling humor.
  • Some precast concrete foundation systems are routinely installed without a poured concrete footer. Foundation footer: A critical element on which your building's success will rest
  • Every organization routinely communicates with its employees about a variety of topics.
  • But editors routinely balance the requirement to tell the most important stories against what people can stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treatment is not yet routinely available to women solely for cosmetic purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This rate of temperature decrease, the environmental lapse rate, must be measured to be known; this is done routinely by balloons carrying instruments called radiosondes.
  • Pak cursed routinely and adjusted the gain of the amplifier.
  • There is no need to routinely perform protein C antigenic assays.
  • The U.S. government routinely repatriates suspects held in places where Western legal norms are not entirely shared.
  • Conflicts routinely erupt as a result of disagreements over how exactly to represent non-active shareholders on the board.
  • As a writer, perhaps equally so: Nigella routinely rejects words like braise and simmer in favor of much juicier language: blitz and squelch and my personal favorite, splodge.
  • In the United States neonatal screening for haemoglobinopathy occurs routinely in most states, and antenatal screening for cystic fibrosis carrier status has been recommended nationally.
  • On both sides of the border, companies routinely organize production, distribution and sales as if there were a single market.
  • Summer temperatures routinely soar above 120 degrees, and unless you are a chuckwalla lizard, your discomfort at any time of year will likely range from mildly overheated to thoroughly scorched. Living It Up in Death Valley
  • Many diagnoses, such as the organic and amino acid disorders are routinely made by the analysis of urine and plasma specimens using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and amino acid quantitation using ultra-performance liquid chromatography respectively. Metabolic Disease Lab
  • The regime routinely jails dissidents, has tortured them, and bans all opposition.
  • Smooth magazine she is "half-Italian and half Cape Verdean," and that she was routinely "antagonized" by kids at school over her mixed race. - Latest Videos
  • Companies like his - who were roundly criticised in the CABE report - are getting the green light where better ideas are routinely vetoed.
  • That was also an era when comedy records were routinely topping the charts.
  • Some delivery and minicab firms routinely removed the filters to cut costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the characters struggle to navigate the tangled web of their assorted affairs and bust-ups, they are routinely forced to spout alarming quantities of American therapy-speak of the kind popularised by shows such as Dr Phil.
  • He routinely did his Easter duty, kept the Commandments, but often slept through the Sunday slate of masses.
  • Imagine the problems if all employees routinely used encryption and changed their passwords regularly-both are considered good practice in security-minded organizations.
  • In most developed nations, HIV tests are either routinely offered as part of antenatal care or are offered to pregnant women thought to be at high risk of exposure to HIV.
  • A book by the British futurist David Levy, Love and Sex with Robots, predicted that by 2050 humans would routinely enjoy both romance and sex with a robot partner.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as Prevacid and Prilosec, which suppress gastric acid production, are routinely prescribed to combat the potential GI side effects of heart disease treatment.
  • Because of their predominantly vertical orientation, the basilar segmental bronchi of the right lower lobe are routinely sectioned transversely on CT.
  • Similarly, Harris County is the only big county in the state where, for first time drug possession offenders caught with less than a gram of a controlled substance - cases in which courts are mandated to give probation on the first offense - prosecutors routinely seek and get jail time in the county hoosgow as a condition of probation. Grits for Breakfast
  • The Division of Ophthalmology offers special testing not routinely available for children elsewhere, including vision testing for preverbal children, orthoptic evaluation and treatment, adult and pediatric visual field testing, electroretinography (awake or with sedation), visual evoked responses and ultrasonography. Ophthalmology (Eye)
  • This information is now routinely available to anyone with access to a computer.
  • Stories circulated of members who routinely franked their laundry home and who gave their signatures to family and friends for personal use.
  • They were routinely betrayed by being sold substandard produce, grot wrapped in pap.
  • Although everyone has the potential to dream lucidly, it rarely happens routinely without special training or temperament.
  • When a large number of products are involved this considerable effort may not be worthwhile until all overhead allocations are routinely reviewed.
  • Yet despite these multiple mechanisms, the problem of official corruption remains serious(Sentencedict), and leaders routinely cite moral turpitude as one of the party's main challenges.
  • He is not a man for lofty speeches; faced by cameras, he routinely flubs his sentences.
  • The approach could also be used routinely against seasonal strains to protect health and care workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It later emerged that prisoners at the camp were routinely tortured, and many executed.
  • From analog modems (remember baud rates?) to DSL to Cable to FIOS, people routinely (and happily) pay a premium for bandwidth, but they absolutely hate to pay for content. Content, bandwidth and lunch
  • During the Cold War, the Soviets routinely barrage jammed to interfere with transmissions from the West
  • Treasurers of companies, for example, routinely move funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short-term investments.
  • One of her cases involved a 17-year-old girl whose father routinely attacked the family, once with a baseball bat.
  • For the next two decades, he routinely ran six miles a day and completed several 26-mile marathons.
  • Because Spence alumnae are routinely accepted by Harvard, Princeton and Columbia universities, the school can afford to be very selective. Alan Singer: What's Good for Mayor Bloomberg's Kids Is Good Enough for Ours
  • He learns that laborers there work in fields routinely sprayed with the highly toxic pesticide methyl bromide, which is blamed for appalling deformities in their children. NPR Topics: News
  • When my young sons were exploring the streets of Brooklyn, I couldn’t help but wonder how good crushed rock or dried dog droppings could taste when delicious mashed potatoes were routinely rejected.
  • In truth, he was a card cheat of remarkable dexterity who routinely cleaned out the sophisticates in games of three-card monte.
  • To what degree did it reflect the callous attitude the government routinely exhibited toward civil rights and antiwar protesters in the course of the 1960s? Nixon Reconsidered
  • Plus, these days people routinely become famous for appearing in advertising, designing things, being good cooks, yammering away on the internet, etc. etc.
  • They just sentenced this woman to hang for killing her boyfriend, who she says routinely abused her.
  • Any outside criticism is routinely dismissed as interference.
  • The reading of the independent temperature indicator should be routinely checked against the chart recorder during the sterilisation period.
  • These days he is routinely referred to as a celebrity gardener. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, gemologists, appraisers, and jewelers routinely use simple tools - such as a jeweler's loupe or microscope - to reveal more about a stone.
  • We describe similar findings in a large population based study, in which data were obtained from measurements routinely performed by health visitors as part of the 6 week and preschool assessment.
  • They had routinely heated paraffin oil with a flashpoint of 175 degrees centigrade in its baking tins to stop pies sticking.
  • Because Equus is sold through Hyundai dealerships, a middle-of-the-road brand, dealers routinely pick up cars and deliver loaners to customers' homes and businesses.
  • Based on this data, it is recommenced that febrile episodes not be routinely treated with antipyretic therapy; an evaluation of the relative benefits and risks of antipyretic treatment should be evaluated in each individual case.
  • Iran routinely harasses the Baha'is, Zoroastrians and occasionally Jews, and now we have a case of Christian pastor charged with apostasy which goes against the very grain of Islam: "There shall not be any compulsion in matters of faith" Quran 2:256. Mike Ghouse: Citizenship, Islam And America
  • But divas and divos routinely substituted arias of their own choosing, and most operas developed ‘traditional’ cuts and transpositions.
  • Government officials routinely argued that buyers' clubs like Dallas were recklessly distributing untested drugs that sometimes proved to do more harm than good. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she does so in language that is routinely sublime; much of her prose jauntily gnaws on the page (Clinton "had not changed her name after marrying her big-pawed law school swain"; Rachel Maddow succeeded "thanks to a combination of brisk thinking and galumphing good cheer"), causing this reader to alternately grin and scurry to a dictionary. AJ Rossmiller: Brilliant New Book About Gender and 2008 Election
  • How many could afford to go out routinely for Pad Thai, Japanese sushi, Armenian khorovatz, Ethiopian aleecha, Chorizo Argentino, Lebanese hummus and shawarma, or even a nice, simple blueberry bagel?
  • Political combatants now routinely impugn the very moral fiber of their opponents.
  • It is claimed that the police routinely brutalize prisoners.
  • Countries now routinely providing vitamin A have virtually eliminated vitamin Arelated blindness and death.
  • People who experience an injury, howeer, generally need the same healing process to recover from trauma, so clinical experience has led homeopaths to believe that some homeopathic remedies might be routinely useful for trauma. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages. Big Music: scaring children
  • Children were routinely beaten for insignificant violations of strict company rules.
  • Dentists are routinely extracting entire sets of severely decayed teeth from toddlers under general anaesthetic.
  • In most Hindu households, shops and businesses you will find altars and shrines, and the day is routinely started with worship of gods and gurus.
  • This is undoubtedly an age of globalised art, in which artists routinely show in other countries.
  • On the other hand, mass-affluent clients who move to a firm that routinely manages money for the wealthy could receive a reduced level of personalized service, compared with what they're used to. Adviser Turnover

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