How To Use Roustabout In A Sentence
Then it was the roustabout galop and the polka that were all the rage.
He was a roustabout, he herded sheep, he was a streetcar motorman.
But what I love the most: also included at the bottom of the list are the job titles "roustabout" and "stevedore," which I admit I had to Google.
Boing Boing
To pay the bills, the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture graduate took a job as a North Sea roustabout, the labourer of the oil industry.
A roustabout is a dangerous job that typically pays about US$31,000 a year, with high unemployment and a negative outlook for growth, the study said.
China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper

Morgan City is also home to "Mr. Charlie," a once cutting-edge offshore drilling rig that is now a training facility for would be roustabouts.
Georgianne Nienaber: Why Should Anyone Care About Louisiana?
Of course, it must be remembered that along with such frivolous occupations I was trying to get work as wop, lumper, and roustabout.
Chapter 25
The race quickly becomes a contest between Borghese's Italia and the Spyker, driven by a Dutch circus roustabout.
I hear, the boss took on two new roustabouts this morning to help with the canvas crew.
ROMANS: Look at the worst jobs, roustabout, which is for a worst job, it has the best name.
CNN Transcript Jan 9, 2010
‘He was a roustabout with a traveling carnival,’ my grandmother had told me just before she had died.
I was a sailor before the mast, a longshoreman, a roustabout; I worked in canneries, and factories, and laundries; I mowed lawns, and cleaned carpets, and washed windows.
What Life Means to Me
NEW YORK -- Being an actuary, calculating statistics to determine probability and risk, is the best job to have in 2010, while working on an oil rig as a roustabout is the worst, according to a study released on Tuesday.
China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
The simple graphic, though it may perpetuate the hopes and expectations of unemployed roughnecks and roustabouts, masks a more complex story.
It's the place of choice for all sorts of hard-living roustabouts who come into town to blow off a little steam after long days, weeks or even months of toil in the mines and lumber camps.
Then it was the roustabout galop and the polka that were all the rage.
By the way, Knight wants a camp hand, a kind of roustabout, who can cook -- a handy man, you know.
The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land
You never know whether you're talking to a roustabout or someone with a PhD in physical science.
During the interior secretary's tenure in the 1980s, he jumped to more lucrative work as a pumper, roughneck, and roustabout on Wyoming's oil wells.
Redford served as a "roustabout," an unskilled laborer who did little jobs around the rigs, until he was discovered sleeping in an oil tank he'd been assigned to clean.
Eight Successful People Grateful That They Got Canned
The bump-backs cascade down the hierarchy of skills and seniority; the roustabouts and roughnecks in lesser-skilled positions and typically of recent hire go walking.
This was a dangerous area, but the skilled roughnecks and the roustabouts went about their business with seamless teamwork.
There are many of us who like to think we are too high-minded for reality television and the down-and-dirty roustabout of confessional chat shows.
Students who complete the class will be eligible for positions such as derrick operator, rotary drill operator, service unit operator, roustabout, welding and brazing operator, and truck driver. - News
Few neighborhood rituals in Manhattan are more beguiling than to be present as roustabouts pump helium into the balloons that give such a childlike lift to the Macy's parade.
During the Interior secretary's tenure, Taylor jumped to more lucrative work as a pumper, roughneck, and roustabout on Wyoming's oil wells.
a longshoreman, a roustabout; I worked in canneries, and factories, and laundries; I mowed lawns, and cleaned carpets, and washed windows.
What Life Means to Me
While there is no hardship pay for working offshore, entry-level roustabouts on the drilling rig still begin at about $30,000 per year.
Roustabouts shouting from the crow's nest float like Ascension angels on a ring of lights.
Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon!
Archive 2006-01-01
Though, as always with a Decemberists album, you may want to have a lyric sheet and thesaurus handy just in case you get a word like "roustabout" thrown at you.
Marquez had worked in the business as a roustabout - ‘a flunky,’ he says - since he was a teenager paying his way through the Harvard of geosciences, the Colorado School of Mines.
a roustabout; I worked in canneries, and factories, and laundries; I mowed lawns, and cleaned carpets, and washed windows.
What Life Means to Me
Bad enough that they charge you an arm and a leg for a few brief moments of rumpo but then they try to extort even more though the services of some roustabout who's even bigger than you.
31 Screams: Uta Levka
In the same town there lived a Negro, named Henry Smith, a well-known character, a kind of roustabout, who was generally considered a harmless, weak-minded fellow, not capable of doing any important work, but sufficiently able to do chores and odd jobs around the houses of the white people who cared to employ him.
The Red Record Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States
Morgan City is also home to "Mr. Charlie," a once cutting-edge offshore drilling rig that is now a training facility for would be roustabouts.
Georgianne Nienaber: Why Should Anyone Care About Louisiana?
Of course, it must be remembered that along with such frivolous occupations I was trying to get work as wop, lumper, and roustabout.
Chapter 25
BWhen Theodora disappears like this, Tamika fears she will be gone forever, a fear compounded by her roustabout life.
For somebody who has grown up with the stench of oil dripping from filthy laundry, surrounded by roustabouts and crane operators, I've spent surprisingly little time on rigs.
The succulent catfish is easily obtainable for food, and the wages of the roustabout -- or "rouster," as he is called for short -- are good.
American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
In the days before her wedding, after college graduation, she finds herself being drawn into the classic ‘torrid affair’ with a roustabout at a carnival.
He had a rich and varied career, as fairground boxer, circus roustabout, cartoonist, poster designer, trades-union journal editor, television presenter, and towards the end of his life, psychotherapist.
Rocky Mountain House has more than tripled in population, and that doesn't include the countless oil and gas roustabouts, drilling maintenance crews, surveyors and the like.
The bump-backs cascade down the hierarchy of skills and seniority; the roustabouts and roughnecks in lesser-skilled positions and typically of recent hire go walking.
This was a dangerous area, but the skilled roughnecks and the roustabouts went about their business with seamless teamwork.
Every one of the musicians in the orchestra have spent uncounted numbers of hours to become the fine, cohesive, interpretive group they are and you treat them like three-ring roustabouts.