How To Use Rousing In A Sentence

  • The sow, the mouse and the cow sounded a rousing song.
  • Certainly, this apathetic behaviour can be explained in part by disappointment with a government that many feel has not lived up to its rousing promises of four years ago.
  • The tenor saxophonist's rousing stomps and sensitive ballads are deeply imprinted in his fans' memories.
  • Usually a rousing piece, on this recording, never really takes life.
  • tossed a rousing political comment into the conversation
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  • They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.
  • Rousing the man, I caused him to swallow some pints of warm water, and then I gave him a hypodermic injection of apomorphia. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • The other rousing chapter, entitled ‘Truth and history’, asserts the historicity of the Bible - that Christianity is rooted in history.
  • Friday's session is sure to raise the roof and promises to be a rousing foot tapping treat for all lovers of trad.
  • He's gone out of his way not to mention his blue-blooded carousing, because he knows it would make the average citizen puke themselves into a coma, and one side-effect of this is that he seems shifty and suspicious. Birthday Boy
  • Have you ever worried that people are grousing about the egregious errors of your judgment?
  • The second goal kept the home fans happy, but they were still not convinced and there was no rousing chorus in support of their under-fire manager. The Sun
  • When he left the field to be replaced, he was given a rousing reception. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's nothing naughty, is it," Daisy asked, "like the last time you had that was rousingly good? The Wouldbegoods
  • And my son isn't interested in carousing with 92,000 of his closest friends. Your Right Hand Thief
  • While not an absolute pleasure, it's a rousing bit of high-energy entertainment.
  • And they enjoy their jobs instead of grousing about deadlines or gouging the customer with extra charges.
  • By now it should be clear that even the most rousing display of "passion" – the sleeve rolling, the finger wagging – is as much about showboating as any prancing triple stepover. Arsenal's failure to win trophies is not down to faint hearts | Barney Ronay
  • She disregarded the laws governing tavern hours, and stayed open late into the night, allowing her customers, some only in their teens, to drink and play the forbidden game of shovelboard, carousing loudly enough to disturb the neighbors' sleep. History of American Women
  • The emotions rise from the subtext and take center-stage in rousing number after number until my ability to respond to rousing music kind of numbed out -- although that may have been because I found the music bland -- except for those based most directly on actual ragtime, which were much fresher than the over-wrought ballads and anthems of the rest. Ragtime
  • The Middleton Guardian was told that up to 60 vandals regularly invade the grounds and spend the whole night drinking and carousing, leaving a trail of dangerous debris in their wake.
  • They were so repulsive that instead of appealing to one's sympathy they only succeed in arousing one's disgust. Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
  • Drew Bledsoe threw a touchdown pass to Dave Moore for the Bills, Eric Moulds caught four passes, and President Fillmore gave a rousing "huzzah" as Rohan Davey entered the game to replace Brady. NYT > Home Page
  • Am I correct that the evening included a rousing soliloquy by Lady Davenant from the marvelous play "Or," performed by one of the gentlemen in attendance? Eleventh Night
  • The children dressed in soccer gear whistled, shook rattles and cheered as the orchestra gave a rousing rendition of this well known football anthem.
  • That easy promise he'd made not to pray was the means of arousing him to meet the God who inspires and hears and answers prayer.
  • It was a nearly perfect set that ended with "Johnny Come Lately," which began with the rousing melody rearranged into a contrapuntal, pointillistic pattern with bass support from Peter Washington, and centering around a percussion solo by Dana Hall. Classic Sounds
  • The minute Fawcett said the word honey, Snyder knew why the smell was so familiar and so arousing. The Lions of Lucerne
  • However the rousing spectacle of so many dancers performing heroic choreography in unison should not be missed, even if it does not bear repeated viewing.
  • But having viewed several of these spectacles herself, she could not deny that they were perversely arousing. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Or from your country's flag hoisted aloft the podium to the rousing swell of your own national anthem? Times, Sunday Times
  • Both made powerful speeches to rousing applause. The Sun
  • The Last Night of the Proms tomorrow has dropped some of the rousing anthems associated with it, including Rule, Britannia!
  • They also note that while sadomasochistic fantasies are common, most of those who find such fantasies sexually arousing have no desire to experience the acts in real life.
  • General Motors has been suffering in the economic shutdown in our country and the President gave a rousing speech to a crowd of blue coll NBA All-Time Best Games | myFiveBest
  • Clotho saw it, for he called to Joe to look out, and the pistol was jammed into my back ... and all the while I could hear the morning traffic rumbling in the street far below the curtained windows, and the distant knocks of porters rousing guests THE NUMBERS
  • They knew their business, crawling up over him, the motion of their limbs, and their bites and stings, arousing him. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Toledo opened the Tom Amstutz era in rousing fashion as Chester NCAA Football - Minnesota vs. Toledo
  • Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.
  • This announcement is arousing far more controversy than the plan to cap the amount of benefit any family can receive. Conservative conference live - Monday 4 October
  • Perhaps she hopes to halve the processing time it currently takes to sift through the various minerals she must analyze, or perhaps she needs a younger version to 'aimlessly' crawl toward that Army weapons depot, blinking her 'eyes' in rapid succession at key strategic weak spots without arousing suspicion. Gawker
  • I will corrupt the organist, bribe the choir, double-bank the preacher in advance, and we will all have a rousing time. The Wedge of Gold
  • He died a young man and it was possible that his lifestyle sleeping in wet clothes, drinking and carousing led to his death.
  • The perception of those much younger than us as sexually arousing is completely interwoven into our culture. THE ILLUSION OF HOME AS SANCTUARY FOR CHILDREN
  • So today, I'm grousing and trying to find something constructive to do with the day.
  • Such increases could renew corporate efforts to cut medical costs by passing them on to employees, thus further arousing consumer anxiety.
  • Weathers channeled a range of soul brethren for what could, at minimum, be called a revel-rousing affair James Brown would've been proud of. stories
  • It may be said of many a man, as d'Annunzio says of the hero of his _Trionfo della Morte_ in relation to the woman he loved, that "he felt himself bound to her by the real qualities of her body, and not only by those which were most beautiful, but specially by _those which were least beautiful_" (the novelist italicizes these words), so that his attention was fixed upon her defects, and emphasized them, thus arousing within himself an impetuous state of desire. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • After a few rousing choruses of ‘O Holy Night’ there'd be a rustling at the back of the room and the first whiffs of smoke filtered forward.
  • Poetry is a dense and compact literary medium and its impact in rousing the soul needs no emphasis.
  • With gasoline hitting new highs, motorists have been doing plenty of grousing at the pumps.
  • Adam's next problem was how to obtain a translation of the document and Goering's letter without arousing unnecessary curiosity.
  • For all our grousing about rubberneckers, who among us doesn't slow down to gawk at a car wreck?
  • However, Florey succeeded in arousing the interest of the authorities in the Physiology or Medicine 1945 - Presentation Speech
  • Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
  • One of them looked up at the approaching sight of the blonde bombshell in a short skirt and black leather jacket wrapped tight around her very arousing figure.
  • A bugle and drum struck up, their rousing sounds sharply misplaced, and we marched across the wreckage of the walls. ANTI-ICE
  • If you can quieten the Paris crowd you have half the battle won and they proved themselves magnanimous in defeat by giving the Scots a rousing cheer at the final whistle.
  • A shaft of light moved across my eyes, rousing me from deep slumber.
  • Midriff shirts should be, should not be banned at school - Or choose other arousing clothing parts for another persuasive speech topic technology appearance bentley hyundai addon column weight cockpit texas angle path thoughts dallas share platinum way winter accident glass crystal activation bread motors jazz lcd bit enterprise chest rocket office bat domino bell rover student casino bleed cat system camera wav cry chair box security alert cough alaska singer jewerly Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • They did not succeed without arousing resentment and envy. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • There's evidence to support this, too: where I used to go out carousing until the wee small hours during the week, I'm now more likely to be moderate and in bed by midnight - even on the weekends.
  • The performance began tentatively but progressed to a rousing, very satisfying conclusion.
  • A fine night's carousing at the college ball was followed by a boisterous afternoon on the river at the annual regatta.
  • Everyone sang the Marseillaise, moderates and radicals alike, in a rousing show of unity.
  • Dinna ye ken, Nelly woman, his presence will vex you no longer? you're at liberty to go your own gate, and be as you have been -- that was his propine," whispered Lady Staneholme, in sorrowful perplexity, but without rousing Nelly from her stupor. Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • They have long enjoyed the uses of political power and hark back to a past when they were the rousing nationalist force behind Ceylonese kings. Buddha’s Savage Peace
  • He soon diluted his rousing speeches to become more pragmatic, a move that garnered a broader support platform that enabled him to take 61 per cent of the vote in last October's presidential elections.
  • Bringing the play to a rousing climax, he stumbled over to Trina and kissed her bulbous balloon lips.
  • As I looked, a small crocodile rose, splashed, and sank, sending terror among the gallinules, but arousing the spur-wing jacana to a high pitch of anger. Edge of the Jungle
  • Other examples in the two inch thick cardboard bound volume include rousing poems exhorting the empire to action, and photos of Egyptian women dressed proudly in traditional garb.
  • There is no rousing chorus, and the performance will last up to three hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bugle and drum struck up, their rousing sounds sharply misplaced, and we marched across the wreckage of the walls. ANTI-ICE
  • London (CNN) -- Rousing speeches by gifted orators such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were crucial to the struggle for civil rights in America.
  • Everyone's out carousing in the street anyway.
  • After days of restrained, informational talks, here was someone with a flair for theater - a rabble-rousing activist.
  • This extraordinary film is celluloid incendiarism, rabble-rousing cinema with a delirious, delicious edge of black comedy which I estimate to be about 90-95% intentional.
  • The question is, will we rise to the situation, will we do our duty, will we aid in arousing public opinion to the danger which lies ahead of us? Save Our Timber and Forest Industries
  • The two painters downstairs impinge - directly through their crazy behaviour arousing suspicion against themselves, and indirectly through Porfiry.
  • And about 90% of them say Avatar is a rousing spectacle with a vapid, recyled plot, thin characterizations, and cliched dialogue. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • That impressive pedigree transmits well to this film, a rousing tale of survival against the odds that's partly inspired by a true story.
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare
  • He would come home early, early in the morning - after work, he would go out drinking and carousing, so his adventures would take until after midnight to culminate.
  • She was stuck indoors with the kids while he was out carousing.
  • So to those grousing that Susan Boyle colored her hair and that now makes her "inauthentic," give her a break. Bonnie Fuller: Susan Boyle Deserves To Be A Swan: Stop Howling About Her Makeover!
  • MORE than 10,000 wellwishers gave a rousing reception yesterday at our biggest homecoming parade for troops returning from Afghanistan. The Sun
  • I like the word "ciphering," because it makes me think of slates -- slates that were always falling on the floor with a rousing clatter, so that almost always at least one corner was cracked. Back Home
  • Anyone who can preach what you call rousing sermons is considered The Seaboard Parish, Complete
  • The album opens with gentle acoustic guitar, coupled with plaintive vocals, which soon crashes into a rousing sing-along of a chorus, complete with fuzzy basslines and distorted guitars.
  • I just sang a rousing rendition of Oh, Canada!
  • We found a lot of old sails in a locker at the fore end of the forecastle, and these we divided, taking away a sufficiency to kindle a good rousing fire in the hold; and over these, as soon as we had deposited them in a suitable position, as well as over those remaining in the locker, we poured a few buckets of tar from a cask we found abroach on deck. For Treasure Bound
  • Laya Kavya was marked by vigorous footwork providing a rousing finale.
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • ‘Feathered Friends’ is the album's requisite slow track, a rousing, uplifting singsong that eclipses Rocket's previous attempts at balladry.
  • A total of 4,000 people watched a rousing display of pageantry. The Sun
  • But what is a person of limited means and no taste for "carousing" to do? Nickel and Dimed
  • I am rousing a decidedly unshrewd shrewdness of apes.
  • There's nothing finer with a rousing chanteyman leading it and the watch hauling on the braces. Java Head
  • And so the Gazzettino is reporting that cultural commissioner Sandro Parenzo is grousing about how the production company cheaped-out and exploited the Comune, paying only US $90,000 for unprecedented access to calles, campi and the insides of countless, rarely filmed palazzi and other vintage buildings. Veniceblog:
  • So when it comes to picking a rousing anthem, we're somewhat stuck for stirring subject matter.
  • She delivered a rousing speech full of anger and passion.
  • Its rousing chorus was delivered with a honeyed growl and accompanied by hip-hop style hand gestures. Times, Sunday Times
  • And exhausted; I slept on the way to Mark's house last night, and slept for much of the day, rousing myself to Twitter a senryu: sprawled, limbs akimbo his bed emits sleepions recovery is. I live! Really.
  • It is the second type of question which is aimed at arousing speculation about possible solutions.
  • Through that view-medium of misfortune -- of a noble spirit in low environments, and of a squalid and premature death -- we view the undoubted facts, (giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burns's were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication. November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • Dancing continued until midnight, when there was a rousing rendition of the national anthem to close the evening.
  • Boldly defying his own "svelte" President, Crawford called upon his nation to enter the fat race, concluding with a rousing echo of Churchill: The War on Fat
  • A shaft of light moved across my eyes, rousing me from deep slumber.
  • The Most Valuable Player of Tuesday's All-Star Game, Ripken was greeted by a rousing ovation after each homer from the sellout crowd of 50,069. Major League Baseball - Orioles vs. Braves
  • The Harlem Gospel Choir is a really rousing outfit with its foot-stomping, hand-clapping blues and spirituals.
  • His rousing words were delivered with such zeal that after a while you even began to believe that he believed what he was saying.
  • Four scuffles during the game, with one fight in particular arousing a supporter to the point that he decided to enter the fray by attacking one of the players himself.
  • Gaelic football and hurling have been arousing Irish passions for a long, long time.
  • Because honour is central to your values, the unfair situations you're facing are rousing a righteous ire. Times, Sunday Times
  • How can you give a rousing speech if you stammer? Times, Sunday Times
  • How can you give a rousing speech if you stammer? Times, Sunday Times
  • What some attendees remember best is not so much the generous hospitality as the rousing speeches which he would deliver to his executive fan club.
  • It's the rousing finale to the exciting Angel series.
  • The second goal kept the home fans happy, but they were still not convinced and there was no rousing chorus in support of their under-fire manager. The Sun
  • He got a black eye tussling under the boards with Shaquille O'Neal in a rousing win against the Lakers, snapping Los Angeles' 19-game winning streak.
  • The simple, undramatized, unselfconscious undressing was more ruthlessly arousing than anything one could ever pay to see. Forfeit
  • Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks.
  • Coleman also presented an original and rousing lecture at MCA that included slides of Coleman himself looking at the work in the exhibition punctuated by humorous yet insightful commentary.
  • Other performers, again, are remarkable for vivacity of action and elocution, who nevertheless are felt to be feeble and ineffective in rousing an audience to emotion.
  • What is the best way to deliver a critical message without arousing defensiveness?
  • He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy.
  • I can't envision this milquetoast rousing a crowd of people, much less as the firebrand leader of a band of rebellious anarchists.
  • But he got a rousing reception from a packed crowd who chanted his name. The Sun
  • He had the gift of the public gab, and was never at a loss for a rabble-rousing piece of personal invective. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • A number of factors may then precipitate a psychotic episode, including emotionally arousing events and a stressful environment.
  • Another veteran Etoiles hero, Syran Mbenza, adds in the gently rousing guitar solos, while horns, violin and accordion provide the backing.
  • Barber's boundless melodic inspiration takes inspired flight from the surging opening movement through the moving, poignant Andante and rousing bravura finale.
  • Gerald suffers in his relationship with Gudrun, his mixture of violence and weakness arousing a destructive demon in her.
  • Of course, the directors at least have the solace of knowing that the faddy internet grousing isn't affecting their box office. "This is my dream. I make the path."
  • The last number, The Ransomed Petticoat, is a rousing dance song with jiglike rhythm, of the type that was often used to accompany the folk dances in the country. Folk Songs of French Canada
  • As rousing, stirring words go, community is not in the same league as ‘freedom’ or ‘liberty’.
  • His rousing speech did wonders on the spirit and enthusiasm of the men, for a few hours.
  • Almost every morning for the past five years, she has been leading close to 500 children in a rousing, outdoor catechism about education.
  • A balcony in Rome from which Mussolini gave rabble-rousing speeches to his Black Shirt supporters and declared war on Britain in 1940 is to be reopened to the public after decades of neglect. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I don't need to begin this new Tuesday by grousing over an annoyance rather easily fixed with a few keystrokes.
  • How can you give a rousing speech if you stammer? Times, Sunday Times
  • Its rousing chorus was delivered with a honeyed growl and accompanied by hip-hop style hand gestures. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a rousing locker room speech by Coach, we went to speak with the media for a few minutes, and then made our way back to the charter bus.
  • The rousing reception he received reflected that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two guys next to me were grousing about getting older.
  • Still rousing, though - especially if you like tubular bells. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a rousing speech the minister hit out at racism in the armed forces.
  • The celebration of St Ralph's Day would involve as much carousing and tomfoolery as St Patrick's Day, with the added attraction that it would be compulsory to tell porkies at every possible opportunity.
  • Almost as a cheerleader rousing the crowd at a game, the leader uses his or her influence to bring out the best in others. Christianity Today
  • The reason is that merely arousing people to action once may not suffice to bring them out of lethargy.
  • He passes by the dead drop and deposits the message casually, without arousing suspicion.
  • And including more emotions and more sensual experiences naturally and I am using my Biologist Hat here, *naturally* means it will be more arousing. Porn: What Is It Good For?
  • One More Angel in Heaven and the rousing finale with its two-part harmony were musical highlights.
  • They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.
  • We knew ALL about the Policing Pledge as ALL staff with public contact were trouped up to HQ for a rousing speech by the CC. It’s That Time Of Year Again « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • It is the same unregenerate self that is manifested both in the intimate gestures and public actions, the madness of love and the frenzy of rabble-rousing: there is no difference between the private and the public self.
  • It's going to require more than rousing speeches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.
  • The play then shifts to a church confessional where the geek is talking about the sniffing incident, about how it was a sinful display but arousing nonetheless.
  • When one's hair can rise no further, a final statement of the gallop theme brings us to the closing phrases of the work, with a rocking-horse series of E-major and B-major chords, a last powerful descent of those noble trombones, and a rousing tutti flourish to crown the ending in triumph. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • Now the parliamentarians are grasping for the last means of arousing the people in order to win them over to their cause once again: giving back their mandate.
  • Dr. Kissinger apparently doesn't appreciate the considerably rousing power of the traditional cantilena-cabaletta sequence of Italian opera. Unlikely music critic of the day
  • I am aware of the weakness of democracy, of its occasional stupidities and shallowness, its temptation to prefer the rabble-rousing spell binder, its habit of giving way to envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness.
  • He made a splendid figurehead, always ready with a witty comment or a rousing speech. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • It is, I think, the duty of Canada to give trumpet-tongued expression to Canadian public opinion against such fiendish doctrines; to broadcast her views throughout the world; to take the lead, if needs be, in arousing other nations, and thus to produce a world opinion that man is subject to divine laws. A Complimentary Luncheon to The Right Honourable Sir William Mulock, Chief Justice of Ontario, Chancellor of the University of Toronto
  • Katja's was thick and blonde, its waves caressing her naked back as she walked in front of me to our room, close enough to reach out and touch, and while no one could notice I drank in as much of her as I could like a boy naughtily carousing his father's alcoholic beverage while his back is turned. Potsdamer Strasse #3
  • After a rousing closing hymn and benediction, people were leaving with pleased looks on their faces - even though some of them were clearly thinking hard about what they had just heard and experienced.
  • They started proceedings with a rousing rendition of the national anthem.
  • Yet that is what has happened, and it is not a cynical by-blow on the part of Dryden; the last line is entirely rousing and single-hearted. "Courage is not solely for men, but it is mainly for men."
  • Where they "bantered," cajoled, and sneered, arousing a very mild irritation, Swift's scornful invective, and biting satire silenced into fear the enemies of the Queen's chosen ministers. The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09 Contributions to The Tatler, The Examiner, The Spectator, and The Intelligencer
  • It addresses the audience by distracting its reason and arousing its emotion.
  • He woke his younger sister and brother and got them and their mum out of the house before rousing the next door neighbours.
  • Next morning the two fell again to feasting and carousing, and ceased not to lead this life for a term of twenty years; at the end of which the Barmecide died and the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I've got to get going, I'm a bit tuckered out from a rousing game of Bridge.
  • Inside the hotel ballroom, he was at a rostrum giving a rousing speech to a packed house.
  • All the pros and cons of its cinematic flourishes considered, Slumdog Millionaire is a bloody good, riveting and emotionally rousing film.
  • The first is the title track, a rocky soul belter which sounds very similar indeed to En Vogue's imperious ‘Free Your Mind’ and is nearly as rousing.
  • weirdos grousing about the established fact of AGW". laree - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • And so commences the raillery, at the expense of the grousing giant.
  • Gantry, using his histrionic gifts and his "arousing barytone," latched onto the ministry because of the power it gave him over others. Birthday of a Preacher Man:
  • He was a votary of the esoteric Eton religion, the kind of graceful, tolerant, sleepy boy who is showered with favors and crowned with all the laurels, who is liked by the masters and admired by the boys without any apparent exertion on his part, without experiencing the ill-effects of success himself or arousing the pangs of envy in others. Arrested Development
  • Stuyvesant, grousing, harassed the exiles and hampered their efforts to buy homes and cemetery plots.
  • I was grousing about R.'s stubborn refusal to accept the new realities of her life and to find some new pastimes that match her abilities.
  • he walked the busy streets of the seaside town, where he saw much of the kind of carousing that it is famous for - but then scored on his debut against Fulham. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The jays conduct a rousing reveille of check check check to awaken me at dawn, eliminating the need for mechanical alarm clocks.
  • For nearly as long as there has been an entrepreneurial space industry, there has been griping and grousing about regulatory issues, as well as lobbying for legislation to resolve those flaws.
  • He sat once again at his desk and began to consider how to get the official document translated without arousing further suspicion.
  • History is littered with the debris of self-righteous, intolerant, xenophobic, rabble-rousing ideologies.
  • Nor could he wait the hour designated; for he was fifteen minutes ahead of time in rousing his guest. To The Man on the Trail
  • Matt's behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbors.
  • Probably to avoid arousing the ire of his notoriously touchy band mates, he becomes more discreet and less gossipy as time goes by.
  • After supper, she played the spinet for a time, filling the house with the rousing sound of "Yankee Doodle. The Devil's Bedpost
  • The rousing finale made up for that, anyway, and its charged conclusion was greeted with enthusiastic and much deserved applause.
  • Scientific work in the 1970s and 1980s into acid rain had a strong effect on arousing governments and the public, and reducing sulphur emissions.
  • It addresses the audience by distracting its reason and arousing its emotion.
  • Of his three rousing tragicomedies, Juno and the Paycock is the most popular, The Shadow of a Gunman the most moving, and The Plow and the Stars the most accomplished.
  • The music builds up to a rousing climax.
  • The others again addressed themselves to conversing and carousing; and, when the wine get the better of them, the eldest lady who ruled the house rose and making obeisance to them took the cateress by the hand, and said, “Rise, O my sister and let us do what is our devoir.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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