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How To Use Round In A Sentence

  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • They were now surrounded on all sides by a ring of excited, curious faces.
  • Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
  • When the King heard this, he bade his son be slain; but on the next day the second Wazir came forward for intercession and kissed ground in prostration. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Before you know it, all the Sandy Clarks and Billy Starks doing the media rounds are back in business until the next time they are given their jotters for failing to meet fans' expectations.
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Master English with Ease
  • By recording the spectra of several distant quasars whose light pierces the Milky Way, the spacecraft revealed some 50 ultraviolet-absorbing gas clouds around our galaxy.
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
  • There were a few cows dotted around in the field.
  • He slapped away a few dryads, but they still surrounded him.
  • Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
  • Last night, a steady stream of people arrived at the evacuation centre in Brisbane's showground, only a few minutes' drive from the swollen river. Brisbane residents flee homes as floodwaters rise
  • Such football titbits always float to the surface on third-round day which remains the best, most hectic, interesting and fun day of the season - and this one was even more frenetic than usual.
  • We drove a mile or so to Shipley Glen, a wooded hillside where a bit of family fairground fun awaited.
  • Receiving the round initial in the third quarter, the Rams would put together the 10-play, 61-yard expostulate immoderate 5 mins as great as finishing it off with the 6-yard TD pass from Stefkovich to So, TE, Joe Migliarese (Blue Bell, Pa.) to tighten the measure to twenty-nine twenty-eight TU. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Hamed will go on a publicity tour around the States next week before entering training camp on February 16.
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • The flight crew made a distress call and the aircraft landed safely on one engine around 14 minutes after take-off.
  • The largest of these primitive ‘trees’ were giant lycopods reaching upwards of 20 meters, but most of the plants grew to less than a meter above the ground.
  • So, she ran round and round the scaffold with the executioner striking at her, and her grey hair bedabbled with blood; and even when they held her down upon the block she moved her head about to the last, resolved to be no party to her own barbarous murder. A Child's History of England
  • And the fact is that women just dig men who see clips of defenseless mother pigs stuffed in crates so small that they can't turn around, and then blurt out, "But, I love me some bacon! Josh Tetrick: Five Reasons Why Man = Meat
  • At around 11 am that day a pensioner foiled another attempted scam by a man and woman in Central Avenue, Gravesend.
  • Her own valuers had estimated that the property was worth £150,000 on the basis of agricultural use of the surrounding land, and virtually nothing on the basis of mining and/or landfill operations.
  • In 1883 Mr. Leaf wrote: "I take it that the _zoma_ means the waist of the cuirass which is covered by the _zoster_, and has the upper edge of the _mitrê_ or plated apron beneath it fastened round the warrior's body. ... Homer and His Age
  • Commissioned in 1963 to make a film about America's first successful quintuplet birth, Leacock and Joyce Chopra captured the quints' mother's anxiety at her sudden celebrity and the surrounding South Dakota community's eagerness to cash in on it. The Man Who Held Up a Mirror to America
  • Side effects of all topical treatments include allergic and contact dermatitis, depigmentation of surrounding normal skin, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • During the next patrol, at about 10 p.m., however, our men found fresh footprints on the wet ground.
  • He said it was because he was paid to sit around and drink milkshakes all day.
  • The company raised €10 million in May, but decided to extend the round after it was oversubscribed by potential investors.
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • I find it hard to get my tongue round these Polish names.
  • In recent years, Laganside Corporation has transformed the inner core of Belfast city centre, specifically along the Lagan river and in the surrounding area.
  • He put a proprietorial arm around her.
  • It avoids a phony moral high ground or fake appeals to the sanctity of multilateralism. Globe and Mail
  • We do not allow people a second try on a second question when they have so absurdly got it right the first time round.
  • Stoke's summer signing from Wolves could only produce a tame shot that went into the ground. The Sun
  • Each item was skewered on a cocktail stick and laid like sun rays around the plate, which also had a flower intricately carved out of turnip for decoration.
  • The tranquility of Birch's daytime views hardly characterized the disputative climate surrounding the building, then and later.
  • All of a sudden St. Philip's ten bells start tanging - one o’clock already - and at once the workshops and factories around the yard begin disgorging throngs of workers on their way to lunch
  • One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
  • They asked around and at least five different people have seen him.
  • The rounded flakes, with less surface area to reflect light, lose brilliance.
  • The old, merry Whiting looked sideways at Richard, then the round face assumed an expression of diffident humility for Mr. Hanks. Morgan’s Run
  • He admitted killing her but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility and loss of control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
  • Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
  • Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
  • To the left a small party was holding an entrenched position on rising ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many had played around the world, including in North America's National Hockey League.
  • Heat will only leave the container by radiation, convection and conduction if the temperature of the container is higher than the surroundings.
  • De Forest had only one seat to his buggy, and it was rather irksome to be conveying two ladies around all the time. The Expressman and the Detective
  • It is love that makes the world go round
  • Behold the mermaid blanket, a fishy update on that hygge groundbreaker, the slanket. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
  • Many of the wrecks around our coasts are either mine or torpedo victims, and either way there is a colossal bang, the ship gets a big chunk blown out of it and the rest lands in a heap nearby.
  • The exams are just around the corner and students are bogged down with preparation work for practicals and orals but the Transition year students found time to raise funds for those less fortunate.
  • Aides hovered round like royal courtiers before he made a fleeting appearance climbing on board the City of Chicago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
  • He saluted and adjusted his large round wire rimmed glasses.
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • Season with salt and pepper and tie string around each saddle to secure the caul fat.
  • Just before Chiswick Bridge he suddenly wrenched the wheel round to the right. Times, Sunday Times
  • His first impulse was to turn around and walk away, blank her out, pretend he hadn't even seen.
  • It is mainly accomplished by using text in the same color as the background color of the page.
  • And strips of cloth had been tied around the reserve chute so that it could not be opened either. The Sun
  • Open, and I was quietly confident that I would have a chance, said Leaney, who was forced to change caddies after his original caddie, Justin Hoyle, fell ill after the first round. - Leaney's second at U.S. Open earns PGA Tour card
  • The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
  • Kerry have a better balance all round; better team and better subs.
  • Since corporate America is more interested in hoarding than rehiring, the New Poor are going to be around for awhile. Mark Olmsted: No Pizza, No Peace: The New Poor and the Coming Blowback
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • Mature and rounded or light and fruity? The Sun
  • Rob also reckons that the south-west coast of Ireland has some of the best sailing grounds in the world - particularly around Roaring Water Bay in West Cork.
  • Winfrey interviewed Cruise at his mountaintop home near Telluride, Colorado, surrounded by the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.
  • We work together as ground crew for an airline. The Sun
  • The State Department contacted American embassies around the world to make sure that they repeated the line that it was an aberration and not in line with American ‘values.’
  • Already well dispersed, they probably acquired iron technology around 500 C.E. On their route eastward, the Bantu speakers skirted the northern forest edge toward the interlacustrine region of East Africa. D. Africa, 500-1500
  • The pitahaya season in San Diego goes from October 1 to around mid-November.
  • The lightship has had uplighters added to its fore and aft masts with lighting units added around its deck and jetty.
  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
  • Pour cider around the meat and cover with foil.
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • It was mid autumn and the leaves were already starting to swirl around me as a harsher wind blew, creating almost a curtain of color each time the breeze came.
  • The beast was as huge as an aurochs, its glossy midnight mane shining in the sunlight as it pawed the ground restlessly with one forehoof.
  • Dunstan: Dunstan: “What happens if the program administrator refuses to certify that the defendant “completed” the program on the grounds that the defendant refused to agree with certain teachings?” The Volokh Conspiracy » Stringent Constitutional Limits on Anger Management Classes, Anti-Drug/Alcohol-Abuse Classes, or Even Traffic School as Alternatives to Prosecution?
  • Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
  • The sun was bright in a sky already shading into a cooler, breezier blue, and the trees surrounding the compound glowed with the first, bright brush strokes of fall.
  • He said the operators of two steel fishing vessels recently reported losses of HK $50,000 a month while the operators of two sampans said they had lost around HK $20,000.
  • A nasty flu bug's going round at the moment.
  • Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face. Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
  • Many had difficulty negotiating the cross-drive obstacle, where often it was not until they were almost upon it that is was clear whether the sheep were going through or around the outside.
  • The orbit of the earth (or the circle which the sun seems to describe round the earth), is called the ecliptic, which is divided into twelve equal parts, called signs, and are distinguished by the following names and marks, [again, the symbols for the signs can be seen in the A Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies Or, a Private Tutor for Little Masters and Misses
  • In nature there are no groundless talk, the earth will not form.
  • To acidify soil, sprinkle two tablespoons of aluminum phosphate or sulfur around the shrubs in early fall.
  • He spun a chair around and straddled it as he sat down, folding his arms across the wrought iron back.
  • Ice the sides with the chocolate icing, then pipe a decorative border of chocolate icing around the top, encircling the coconut topping.
  • The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
  • This is a habit I developed surrounded by thick-skulled idiots.
  • In mining for precious stones such as diamonds, a method for accurately filtering the gems you want from the surrounding rock and soil is worth its weight in gold.
  • The kings of the heartogram didn't fail to impress, with a diverse crowd gathered, including everyone from young punks to soccer moms and even a haggard old bat dancing around in lingerie.
  • More often, though, I hear plans being made around me and I'm not included.
  • The new film just seems to be skirting round things; it hasn't been brave enough.
  • Look out for things like white feathers and birds that appear to follow you around the garden. The Sun
  • The fans certainly looked like they didn't have a care in the world as they lay in their hundreds sunning themselves on the grassy slopes surrounding the stadium in the hours before the game.
  • I have caught plenty more on hook and line than they have noodling (they call it grappling around here), so I don't think it is something that we should be concerned with. What do you guys think about noodling? have you ever gone? or do you think its wrong?
  • He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
  • The companion star would emit plenty of its own UV radiation, but this radiation would be blocked in the direction of Eta Carinae by the thick nebulosity of the giant star's surrounding gas, dust, and stellar wind.
  • At the two-minute mark of the eleventh round, De La Hoya delivered a left uppercut that traveled less than 6 inches.
  • A €500 million investment in upgrading long-haul aircraft is part of the turnaround. Times, Sunday Times
  • How about a nice sing-along around the piano?
  • She learned to scramble around and even run sideways, but not forward.
  • Then she spread out a beautiful hand-stitched quilt on the grassy green ground. Eliza’s Freedom Road
  • It proved necessary to row ashore in a small dinghy, plunging through the hot spray past a Turkish battleship that had been moored for so long that the coral had grown up around it, immobilising it forever.
  • Hunt thinks it unlikely that the currency will break parity with the dollar next year, and feels it is likely to settle around the $0.92 level.
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • The _router-plane_, Figs. 121 and 122, is used to lower a certain part of a surface and yet keep it parallel with the surrounding part, and it is particularly useful in cutting panels, dadoes, and grooves. Handwork in Wood
  • Critics fear the environmental impact and possible contamination of groundwater as well as the risk of earthquakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The background music was provided by an accordion player.
  • So far the scenery around her had been thick fur trees and dense foliage.
  • The filly's head whirled around and she nickered softly before fumbling toward me, nudging my palm as I held my hand out.
  • Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
  • What's more, the mountain was haloed by phosphorescent blue bands of some sort of energy crackling all around it.
  • Lia was looking around her shoulder, as if she was expecting a stampede of wild animals to come charging down the corner.
  • This is a small holopid with rounded whorls, deep sutures and a body whorl bearing coarse collabral threads.
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
  • Around me the room was pleasantly dark, rolling in drunken contentedness.
  • Fire ants feed on almost any plant or animal material, including vulnerable reptile and ground-bird hatchlings.
  • Rain flowing from the roof is collected in an underground cistern and reused.
  • The Olympic venues have won praise and admiration from around the world. The Sun
  • Their lasagna is like eating a cloud .... the little museum next to the church has some interesting objects, and the best entertainment of all is a nice long stroll around town. tashby Current Info on San Sebastian del Oeste
  • But going back to the days when I was seeing these epics first time round, in the fleapits and bug-hutches of south-east Leeds - most of them converted music halls or disused chapels - we didn't give a hoot what the title of the film was.
  • Around the humerus, loose where once it had clung tightly, lay the twisted semi-circle of a priestly arm-ring. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Will you grind up a pound and a half of lean round steak for me?
  • Katherine and Kyla ferreted around the racks looking for good clothes.
  • Sterling was darting around, looking for pockets of space, but missing a glorious chance from close range. Times, Sunday Times
  • We take a sightseeing boat trip around the bay and get a glimpse of the smart new opera house which looks exactly like two durians - a very distinctive local fruit that tastes great but has a repellant smell.
  • [12] The spermatozooids of certain plants can be strongly attracted towards a pipette which is filled with malic acid -- crowding around and into it with avidity. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • Every time I turn around he seems to be checking up on me.
  • Activists are aiming to build on the general feeling over the issue to get support across the underground for the dispute.
  • There was a convoluted tangle of coloured threads around you, some of which seemed to be paths.
  • The students are drawn from very mixed social backgrounds.
  • What could stop two swashbuckling heroes from venturing in for another gruelling day larking around in fancy dress? The Sun
  • Pass the rest of the notices round the table so that everyone can have a copy.
  • The two elves approached the last goblin, still stuck to the ground, from both sides.
  • And then, in the pouring rain, a half-dozen supporters stood around waiting for the media to show up.
  • A half-timbered family hotel with rooms off a creaky wooden balcony running round two sides of a courtyard.
  • Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around. Starfarers
  • If the worst happens, I'll start an underground blogging movement with secret servers in people's attics.
  • The case - possibly the ultimate in town versus gown - revolves around a former manse on a quiet street in St Andrews, where students already occupy more than half the town centre accommodation.
  • He sped along Bellhouse Road and crossed a mini roundabout diagonally, to the alarm of many pedestrians and motorists.
  • The path follows the river closely, occasionally deviating round a clump of trees.
  • She and I were laughing and joking as the car whipped round curves at 70 mph.
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Over 300,000 visitors a year enjoy the waterfalls, flower gardens, exotic birds, animal life and the children's playground.
  • Mack and I dove on the ground and began to crawl forward.
  • The cover picture, the story and all the hoopla that surrounded it made me a celebrity. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's no mean boast, since there's a surfeit of super-featherweight talent around.
  • She said the new playground would help give the children greater independence.
  • A dear little announcerette rattled off expert intros to various gymnastic jingles, one of which featured dogs barking in the background.
  • In the early years of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and even one author's experience under the CISP program, the term compensating control was used to describe everything from a legitimate work-around for a security challenge to a shortcut to compliance. CSO
  • The tips on rounding hours to the next quarter-hour or tenth-hour and dropping your own VBA procedure into a formula were most ingenious.
  • All tickets are booked, the glitzy hotel has been booked, and I will be flying up there this Friday, around mid day.
  • Surrounded by musicians and men who directed its movement, and followed by child maskers, the Ijele begin to spin, slowly at first, then gaining speed.
  • Kirkwall lifeboat was called out to a boat aground in the Rousay Sound on Sunday afternoon.
  • In the mirror Dog saw a car nose round the end of the pantechnicon, then quickly reverse out of sight. THE ONLY GAME
  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • By the time we had got the boat to the waist, the ship had filled with water, and was going down on her beam-ends: we shoved our boat as quickly as possible from the plank-shear ** A timber around a vessel's hull at deck line. into the water, all hands jumping in her at the same time, and launched off clear of the ship. The Greatest Survival Stories Ever Told
  • His beard went all round under his chin, and was clipped into the appearance of a stiff thick hedge — equally thick, and equally broad, and equally protrusive at all parts. John Caldigate
  • The arcade is an indoor playground, a room full of games and toys, and people playing them.
  • As for bridges, fairground rides, aeroplanes and indeed absurdly altitudinous skyscrapers that move perceptibly in the breeze - not fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Female cockroaches carry their fertilized eggs around in these pod-like sacks called ootheca. Boing Boing
  • It's not the first few rounds of the cup, it's the quarter-final and the teams have been whittled down to the last eight.
  • Garrido's round was achieved without the use of his driver, which he broke at the second hole on Friday.
  • They have to put up with some shoddy sequels to groundbreaking originals.
  • I can hear it rattling around. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're on a misty riverbank, with lush, flowering trees and towering storybook castles in the background.
  • Indeed, there are times when the pedestrian traffic through the cemetery and around its perimeter is heavy enough to make one think about the need for a stop light inside.
  • On an odometer basis, my perambulations around the hearthrug by rocking chair are infinitely more dangerous than an astronaut's wildest rides through space.
  • _ When a scirrhus affects any gland of no great extent or sensibility, it is, after a long period of time, liable to suppurate without inducing fever, like the indolent tumors of the conglobate or lymphatic glands above mentioned; whence collections of matter are often found after death both in men and other animals; as in the liver of swine, which have been fed with the grounds of fermented mixtures in the distilleries. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner. The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • The motorcyclist had a brush with danger as he skidded round the bend.
  • round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him
  • Look at the nests of ants, how around them the land is barren. A Plague of Angels
  • They didn't pick up any ground against Boston, who spent its day walloping Toronto to remain two games in front of New York. Yanks Smack Cleveland Again
  • She lay back in her bed, her companion clucking around like a motherly hen.
  • Round them, as they gradually went down with the subsiding soil, calamites grew, at one level after another. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • Round off the trip with a lunch of Zanzibari rice and spiced tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inferior gluteal artery also assists in forming the cruciate anastomosis that forms around the neck and greater trochanter of the femur.
  • Why don't you fetch your new boyfriend round one evening? We'd like to meet him.
  • I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face into my shoulder like he had earlier that evening, shoulders heaving as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
  • The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
  • A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
  • Relaxing, in amusement at her unwonted altruism of motive, she had drawn her moleskin coat more closely around her, and settled back to wait the other woman's pleasure in returning to the bright warmth that the pale-orange ribbon of light, wavering upon the swaying platform, harbingered. Undesirables
  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • I think you could get aroundthe police strategy discussed above by Orin Kerr arrest the potential non-consenting guy first with this sort of blanket prohibition. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Georgia v. Randolph Apply to Computers?
  • Most lenders have relaxed their criteria around the maximum age of applicants at the end of the term. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to him, ‘In Europe the farmers throw dirt around the asparagus in order to blanch it.’
  • It results in a rich mix of students from various backgrounds with different experiences of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • The discussion then went off on a tangent, to the question of how many spheres of equal size could rotate around a central ball of the same size.
  • And strips of cloth had been tied around the reserve chute so that it could not be opened either. The Sun

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