How To Use Round up In A Sentence

  • Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
  • They round up all the villagers and execute them one by one.
  • Calis had literally rebuilt the old battlewagon from the ground up, using what he had in the junkyard and blueprints that he had acquired some time ago.
  • Small crustaceans and young molluscs make up the bulk of their diet, along with algal cells, which are ground up in the muscular gizzard at the beginning of the gut.
  • Their familiar homeland of Norway has heavy clay soils ground up by glaciers.
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  • Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.
  • In these videos, the camera never stands still, often turning a full 360 degrees so that seemingly pin-headed figures, shot from the ground up, loom monumentally.
  • When I read an old book, I hold its pages up to the light and often find among the fibers of the paper little circles made by drops from the hand of the vatman as he made the sheet — or bits of shirts and petticoats that failed to be ground up adequately during the preparation of the pulp. The Library in the New Age
  • As half-term beckons why not round up the kids and head for Leksakslandet which claims to be The Local - Sweden's news in English
  • I found this book kicking around upstairs; is it yours?
  • The only way the GOP can compete is they need to completely remake their party from the ground up. No Clear Front-Runner for Republican Chairman - The Caucus Blog -
  • His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.
  • Another possibility, however, where it is felt a gradine is absolutely necessary for some reason (and I should note I am not against gradines generally; my thinking here is simply as it pertains to temporary gradines upon the mensa) is to instead build one from the ground up which will sit behind the altar on the ground. Another Altar "Metamorphosis" and Some Suggestions
  • I found this book kicking around upstairs; is it yours?
  • These get ground up to make porridge in most of Africa, or in India the grain is used for making chapattis and rotis, those delicious flat breads.
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • An 'primy donnies round up, it's little that you know A Little Book of Western Verse
  • These are military sweeps of areas known to be hostile to the Karzai government to kill or round up suspected opponents and terrorise the population.
  • It will be the first major stereoscopic video game title developed in 3D from the ground up. James Cameron Talks Avatar at E3; Video Game Screenshots Revealed | /Film
  • While we were tooling around up at the top of the ancient rickety ski lifts, I just had to check out the winching mechanism for tensioning the lift cables.
  • Two Service airboats patrolled the sea all day, every day, to round up sick birds and ferry them back to the on-site pelican rehabilitation hospital.
  • Over the winter the distinctive bare earth is ground up and massed into sharp ruts by tractor tyres.
  • If it does, a quick dust with a damp cloth will round up rogue particles or pollen.
  • This means that if I work for 8 minutes on a case, I round up to 15 minutes and write “.25” on my timesheet, which is the minimum billing increment for any entry. Advice
  • It means that the airplane is essentially rebuilt from the ground up with new or reconditioned parts.
  • Brains and livers from these trained animals were ground up and injected into untrained rats.
  • It may look familiar but this Accord is new from the ground up. Times, Sunday Times
  • By some definitions, every new loft is indeed a fake — whether constructed from the ground up, rehabbed as a calculated real-estate development rather than a spontaneous personal reuse of found space, or occupied by investment bankers instead of artists. Lofty Ambitions
  • If you eat lunch somewhere small, just round up. The Sun
  • The last week or ten days, for example, I haven't been able to push myself beyond a certain point in rewriting Corvus, mostly because 1) I couldn't find a way forward; 2) I've come to realise that the entire novel ought to be rewritten from the ground up to work the way it should; and 3) I'm not sure there's any point in continuing when all I'll ever be, at best, is third-rate. Archive 2008-05-01
  • They got punished in the end - they were ground up into corn. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the cording amount, add the measurements of the upper and lower shade edges and round up to the nearest 1/8 yard.
  • The four pages were in the tilt yard, where there stood a wooden figure, called a "quintain," which turned round upon an axis, and held a wooden sword in one hand and a buckler in the other. The Rival Heirs; being the Third and Last Chronicle of Aescendune
  • Over the winter the distinctive bare earth is ground up and massed into sharp ruts by tractor tyres.
  • GTA4 was shown, Spore is being redone from the ground up, GoW3 is in the design phase, Rainbow 6 died when they brought lockdown out, Assasins Creed is basicly Prince of Persia 4, Since when was PJ making a game?, and FF13 will be shown at TGS a game show which still matters. realityintern01 EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - 7 Games Mysteriously Missing from E3
  • Whereas, false boustrophedon, alternate lines instead of having vertical orientation will curl around upside down, this also being called Schlangenschrift which means snake-writing. 2007 October 02 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • Levine sold it as a chance to rethink the symphonies from the ground up, rather than simply tack them on to programs as a rehearsal-management technique, which I thought was pretty good spin, at the very least. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I mean, I feel better when I get my schedule and todo items recorded and not cluttering my brain, I wonder what other cruft is knocking around up there. Minor Observations
  • In a fit of desperation, he faced round upon Bruin and lifted his cane; at the sight of which the instinct of discipline prevailed, and the animal, instead of tearing him to pieces, rose up upon his hind-legs and instantly began to shuffle a saraband. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • This is a plan to round up the enemy spies.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • I just happened upon an old SB phase 1 round up page of yours via someone else's link, was thinking you weren't really doing them anymore but also thought "I'll see what's new in the kitchen" and lo and behold, a round up! we're not actually doing south beach over at the puku... hmm, maybe we should think about it? definitely lots of inspiration here! South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes Round-up: March 2008
  • In this trajectory, she presents this set of essays as yet another ground upon which feminism was and is being theorised in India.
  • A moraine is the ground up debris consisting of everything from giant boulders to fine rock powder which a glacier leaves behind.
  • I was scared stiff when I heard someone moving around upstairs.
  • According to Richard Rhodes '"Deadly Feasts", all about the mutation of the disease called "scrapie" in sheep that became BSE in cows, then Creutzfeld-Jakob in humans, those unused brains and bones have been ground up and used in fertilizer as well as, at one time, cattle feed. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Moreover, the orders to move were countermanded so the corps could chase deserters and round up transport, then reissued, then countermanded again.2 George Washington’s First War
  • All summer long Bill and his ranch-hands taught us to ride horse, chop wood, and round up cattle.
  • Bill Belichick has to be verrrrrry comfy with his strength to wear which cheerleadery pompom round upon a tip of his hat. Kissing Suzy Kolber Blog Archive Peter King Does Not Approve ...
  • Defeated by the locked door of Bluebeard 's Chamber, Annie prowled around upstairs again, forgetting her inhibitions in frustration. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • It would be impossible to round up all the stock and swim them across the turbulent Snake River.
  • The discussion is much enhanced by fulsome detail with respect to the politics of building a new program from the ground up and the particular problems of implementing a general mission statement.
  • The men who built barrels—one of the major industries of the early American economy—were normally paid for six days of work, but on Saturday they began drinking beer in the morning, then would “sit around upturned barrels playing poker,” and generally “lounged about” until they received their weekly pay. A Renegade History of the United States
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • Denton gave Peshlakai a cellphone, showed him how to use it, and told him when he saw anyone prowling around up the canyon, he should call. THE WAILING WIND
  • I was recently convinced that 3D, when implemented from the ground up, can be used in great ways. Mia Wasikowska Cast as Alice in Tim Burton's Wonderland «
  • The bureau confirmed their suspicions when it sent patrols into the countryside to round up deserters and men subject to conscription.
  • I was unexpectedly eliminated in the third round up against the wild card, Julia Kristen from California.
  • The hot sun is drying the ground up, and the crops can't grow.
  • By these, Bernadotte was instructed to close with the IIIrd Corps at Naumburg, Ney to move on Roda and the remainder to stop in their present locations, there to rest, round up stragglers and reprovision. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • I'd like to round up the meeting by thanking all those who were able to attend at such short notice.
  • Tunbridge, and praising the German Spa, in cant words, emphatically and conceitedly pronounced, and brought round upon every occasion, and in every speech, with so precise an exclusion of all other terms, that their vocabulary scarce consisted of forty words in totality. Camilla
  • I am new to blogging and really like your blog, what a grt round up you have had..sad I cudnt participate this time...will surely do it next time.. BBD#18 - Quick Breads Roundup
  • Despite all the disconnection from the computer, the round up is fabulous! Weekend Herb Blogging #190 Round-Up
  • You can make a comic from the ground up, or draw what we call a quickie with pre-set characters," Goodinson said. IOL Technology
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • As it stands now, the politically backed method of dealing with street dogs is a ‘cleaning phase’, a round up by dogcatchers, though there is an agreement that they will not take sterilized or collared dogs.
  • Richworth produce a fine ground up trout pellet that is ideal for my purposes.
  • Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • round up some loyal followers
  • An 'primy donnies round up, it's little that you know A Little Book of Western Verse
  • He came to work for Uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up.
  • With Doering listening in, he had the headquarters operator round up Magruder, Cheston, and several of the other coup plotters who could be found. Wild Bill Donovan
  • He wants the government to round up all the gunmen and their allies, be their military allies or politicians, and force them to pay for their butchery.
  • Many graziers in the Far West of New South Wales rely on working dogs to help round up goats.
  • That's only just enough time to round up the gear and the children, find fleeces and macs and wellingtons, and get everyone into the car.
  • Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.
  • It is understandable that criminals are sometimes used to round up dangerous lawbreakers for national security and public safety.
  • A majority of the stolen timber goes to particle board factories where it is promptly ground up; the mere mention of particle board makes Alvarez frown.
  • Starting from the ground up is the way 90 percent of the coaches in this league made it as far as they have, and that's one way to weed out the diligent from the inutile.
  • Philpot rose solemnly to his feet, and, looking round upon the company.
  • Later they might round up and question all serfs in the vicinity, and leam that Bane had been seen leaving, but by then it would be far too late. Here There Are Monsters
  • I perceived the Thing would come up with me long before I reached the enclosure, and, desperate and sobbing for my breath, I wheeled round upon it and struck at it as it came up to me, —struck with all my strength. The Thing in the Forest
  • At one point Bill suggested that the reason rhinoceroses' horns have been ground up for years and used as an ancient form of Viagra was, well, the shape of the rhino's horn.
  • I could hear someone moving around upstairs.
  • Rich had just ground up the skin of some smoked salmon in the garbage disposal, and, when he left the room, Rudy whom we always did call a pinhead had gone in after it. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Loving Our Cats
  • Traffic had to stop and wait while the cowman, wobbling on his bike with a stick in hand, would have to round up the odd cow that tried to make a run for it. Family life
  • There are countless dogs roaming around up there and the council needs to do more.
  • To this end, I do not subscribe to the trickle-down theory but instead believe in working from the ground up.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • It's just not as simple as it used to be to round up the rubes and tell them what they believe.
  • The plant is dried and ground up to make the powder, which is primarily used as a thickener in the kitchen, much like cornstarch. Baking Bites » Print » What is arrowroot?
  • These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.
  • I thought I could hear someone moving about/around upstairs.
  • If so, much of life is neutral ground upon which natural selection enacts its rare battles.
  • Which brings me to my point four: the debate around healthcare is framed very much in extremes – it is either world best and criticizing it is amoral, or it is so bad that it needs to be reformed from ground up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Oft-Missed Component When Evaluating European Socialized Health Care
  • In the mid 1990's, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Shuttle Small Payloads Project (SSPP), home to the GAS program, realized that many student organizations struggled in developing a full payload from the ground up, i. e data systems, power systems, structures, and the experiment taking their energy away from the actual science to be achieved. Today's Video: Inspire Me! Weightless Flights of Discovery - NASA Watch
  • Second, non-compliance with regulatory rules may be a ground upon which the court will refuse to enforce a stipulation of confidence.
  • Sand, the proppant, primarily quartz and feldspar aka ground up rock, is the material that gets lodged in cracks that open up, and keep those cracks open when force and pressure are removed, allowing less resistance between underground hydrocarbons, to allow them to become newly liberated hydrocarbons, which we use to power a significant portion of our country. Energy 101: Hydraulic Fracturing - Vladimir’s blog - RedState
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • They had been brought here to round up the escaped prisoners but fortunately no one was giving them any information.
  • The other is the police station, whence officers make occasional sallies to round up drivers or follow up a crime identified by the CCTV operators.
  • No, the mineral kingdom is ground up into non - consciousness and loses all awareness.
  • I was scared stiff when I heard someone moving around upstairs.
  • Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.
  • The New York Timesdidn't mention it; onThe Washington Postwebsite, it rated a few paragraphs in the midst of adaily health round up. "GMO JOB Will the Obama administration be the first to seriously regulate genetically modified food?"
  • Now, let's go and have a little shufty around upstairs, shall we? FALLEN WOMEN
  • O, you'll do!" the apothecary answered, with a laugh; but he said, in answer to an anxious question from the lady, "He mustn't be moved for an hour yet," and gayly pestled away at a prescription, while she resumed her office of grinding the pounded ice round and round upon her husband's skull. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • This is a plan to round up the enemy spies.
  • And I forgot to mention the billboards – giant things stretching from the ground up to about 15 – 20 feet up, typically in garish yellow or red, no pictures, just Chinese characters, and frequently tattered, faded, and torn. A Much Too Long Short Vacation « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Possibly he is also hoping to round up some western European support.
  • I now really need a lawnmower, some round up, a spade and fertiliser.
  • It brings up a point that I keep meaning to get around to, which is that our notions of heroism may need to be rethought from the ground up. Billings Blog
  • Once she reached her two story home, her ears were assaulted with the sounds of feet thumping around upstairs.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • In a mortar and pestle we ground up mint leaves from the garden with brown sugar.
  • Junaid Khan at Pro-Pakistanannounced the death with his post “Baitullah Mehsud killed in drone strike” and gave a detailed round up of Mehsud's life: Global Voices in English » Pakistan: Baitullah Mehsud Possibly Killed
  • Observing the crowd round her, the idea of pickpockets occurred to her mind; she put her hands to her sides, and at the same time looked round upon the populace. Caleb Williams Or Things as They Are
  • They could hear the children romping around upstairs.
  • The problem is from the ground up it's a very unstable technology in terms of specifications.
  • But having thus disburthened himself of this short history of his adventures, he turned round upon me in a sharper manner than he had even done before, and said, ‘But Hajji, my friend, in the name of the blessed The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • Denton gave Peshlakai a cellphone, showed him how to use it, and told him when he saw anyone prowling around up the canyon, he should call. THE WAILING WIND
  • The bark of this tree is collected fresh, well before the sunrise, and is ground up to make a herbal preparation.
  • Place the mascarpone cheese in a pastry bag fitted with a medium round up and pipe some cheese in the center of each potato slice.
  • Most work through it, but Michael is doomed to be a tree measurer from the ground up. A Guy, A Rope, & A Redwood Tree
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • One of the early bonuses attached to learning Russian, for example, is that all the standard European fairy tales were rewritten from the ground up by great writers. No Way, Madame Bovary
  • All the provings at this time were carried out with tinctures of herbs or, in the case of insoluble substances, with ‘first triturations’ (one part of substance ground up with nine parts of sugar or milk)…
  • `Once we heard, we sent our Jemmy around with the grommet, Tim, to round up all the folks who played their part. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Anyway, can you help me round up the chickens and put them in the other henhouse?
  • While we were tooling around up at the top of the ancient rickety ski lifts, I just had to check out the winching mechanism for tensioning the lift cables.
  • Two large lightning bolts strike the ground near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Though human eyes perceive the opposite, lightning moves from the ground up to the cloud.
  • The agency is also looking at installing a fish pass at Farington Weir to help the fish reach spawning ground upstream.
  • I am saying, however, that we have been extraordinarily casual and slap-dash and we really do need to look at the situation from the ground up.
  • The bottom is gray, sandy, silt actually dragged out from the land and ground up by the ice, its surface dimpled by countless millions of clams, all but their siphons buried.
  • Here we round up our favourite looks that will leave you looking just beachy. The Sun
  • If the government can round up someone and never be required to explain why, then it's no longer the United States of America as you and I always understood it. Our enemies have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They have made us become like them. Garrison Keillor 
  • They have now brought the football ground up to the required safety standards.
  • `Once we heard, we sent our Jemmy around with the grommet, Tim, to round up all the folks who played their part. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • I found this book kicking around upstairs; is it yours?
  • Frankly, it may be complex to give a round up of all this to the French reading public, but we hope to be able to do that.
  • The Abarth 500 has all the manners of the cute, modern Fiat 500 runaround upon which it is based—until you press the "sport" button.
  • He is a con-man from the ground up, and America embraced his devilishness.
  • We could hear the kids banging around upstairs.
  • The professor knew his subject from the ground up.
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • Ye visto is quite through ye house to ye gardens and through a long walke of trees of a mile through the parke to a Lodge or summer house at ye End, wch Lookes very finely, it being a Riseing ground up to ye parke. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • This material is first dried and ground up, then fed into a device called a fluidized bed reactor, where it is heated and put under vacuum. Technology That Breaks the Car Industry Mold
  • Mp3tunes is also great, there's a small plugin which sits on your machine called the oboe locker which just sits in the background uploading and downloading changes to your itunes or mp3tunes locker; very very useful. So much to write about, so little time
  • Bodies and rotting vegetation, like a day-old battleground upcountry. VITALS
  • Break the gridlock and let the talking heads on tv invite on every airheaded rightwinger they can round up. Matthew Yglesias » If The Founders Had Wanted a Supermajority Requirement for the Senate, They Could Have Put One in the Constitution
  • Consumers have reacted with shock and horror over reports that frozen chickens sold in supermarkets are often fed on ground up chicken parts mixed in with grain.
  • Congenital hip dislocation occurs when the round upper end of the thigh bone doesn't sit inside the socket of the pelvis properly.
  • Now three figures emerged from the inn; a tall, thin man came first -- a collie at his heels -- that was at once sent off to round up a hirsel of ewes on the hill. Border Ghost Stories
  • They wanted to build something from the ground up. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • The Marines are out every day looking for the enemy, and trying to round up the old artillery shells used to make the deadly car bombs.
  • The police are trying their best, but all they can do is make nightly raids on the underworld and round up Dusseldorf's riff-raff.
  • The aim was to round up the goats and herd them towards the vermin fence, where they were corralled.
  • These mostly had to do with comically inappropriate gifts, the drunken, hilarious behavior of relatives and friends, punctuated, of course, with a few dark occurrences -- a car accident, a cousin accidentally cutting off two fingers with a machete, an outdoor cooking fire consuming a year's supply of valuable rastrojo (ground up corn cobs and stalks used for livestock feed). Suspicious stranger visits a rural tacos al vapor stand
  • Society, round up your cavalries and raise your red flags: how dare a religion tell a woman she must cover herself in public? Katie Hawkes: The Burqa Ban: Another Misguided Step Toward So-Called Equality
  • Riot police fended them off with round upon round of teargas and pepper spray. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assembly was immensely humorous and an very enjoyable way to round up the day.
  • Help Alisa and Rudy, a magician and a gnomish builder, rebuild their destroyed world from the ground up! Archive 2009-04-01
  • He came to work for Uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up.
  • The police in Amsterdam were able to round up six of his alleged accomplices after the crime, and are seeking more.
  • We round up the glitziest dancing shoes available now. The Sun
  • On 18 May 1944, the Soviet NKVD began the systematic round up and deportation of nearly the entire Crimean Tatar population from their ancestral homeland to Uzbekistan and the Urals. Global Voices in English » Ukraine: 65th Anniversary of the Crimean Tatar Deportations
  • And I started talking to Hillary about this, and she kind of nosed around up here. Remarks By President At Dedication Of Anderson Cottage
  • As the cells round up, actin and myosin moieties are being redistributed underneath the plasma membrane.
  • These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.
  • •The big picture: This is a rebuild from the ground up. NFC team needs for 2009 NFL draft
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • Did MacMahon even try to round up support for his beleaguered master?
  • Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
  • I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
  • He told Dublin relief workers to round up 700 poor gossoons and colleens.
  • In the center of the room, shifting around upon a shining pink bed amongst a mess of hair and sheet, a girl clawed at the ringing sound of her alarm.
  • So hot-foot it along for that perfect pedicure - here we round up our favourite foot treatments. The Sun
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • Bush bots can juggle electrons and build atoms from the ground up. MIND MELD: What Are The Coolest Robots in Science Fiction?
  • Folk songs offer an alternative view of history, reportage from the ground up. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up. To mix brains with my efforts and use system and method in all I undertake. To find time to do everything needful by never letting time find me or my subordinates doing nothing.
  • It was the crew who called the hummer home during the invasion who came up with the idea to rebuild it from the ground up on the "Overhaulin '" television show and donate the proceeds to charity. CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2007
  • And I started talking to Hillary about this, and she kind of nosed around up here, and we know we knew about the home because of all the work that the veterans here do for the White House, and one thing led to another and this became one of our millennial treasures. CNN Transcript - Special Event: President Clinton Dedicates Lincoln Summer Retreat as National Monument - July 7, 2000
  • The ma-chine helps to firm the ground up.
  • But the summer of 2008 proved too much for even me and the onslaught of superhero movies (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, The Dark Knight) re-energized me and I once again dismantled “The Black Maverick” and began to build it from the ground up. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Trek Fan’s Review Forum
  • It looked like a wheatear but he was even a blur as a silhouette, bouncing around up there all alone like something very very important was going on, and I suppose it was.
  • February 27, 2010 at 06:02 PM havent listened to the newest podcast.. but while had this thought.. season 1 epi 1 when they hear the Monsters in the woods and see the trees moving opposite of each other... could this have been jacob and smokie? like chimps who confront each other they were beating the ground up and stuff. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • They could hear the children romping around upstairs.
  • The police are trying their best, but all they can do is make nightly raids on the underworld and round up Dusseldorf's riff-raff.
  • You might find you can go straight into a job and work from the ground up. Times, Sunday Times
  • So there you are now there they were, when all was over again, the four with them, setting around upin their judges’ chambers, in the muniment room, of their marshalsea, under the suspices of Lally, around their old traditional tables of the law like Somany Solans to talk it over rallthesameagain. Finnegans Wake
  • Oracle wants customers to multiply the number of processors cores in a system by .75 and then round up to the next whole number regardless of the fraction.
  • I would think you could simply make a custard (milk/egg/cream) steeped with tea and this would work. matcha, which is just ground up green tea leaves. Ask MetaFilter
  • Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.

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