How To Use Roughen In A Sentence

  • The idea here is to use an adsorbent surface (a roughened metal plate) to concentrate explosive vapours.
  • Some mechanics buy narrow wire brushes to even and roughen the glue surface. Ask Nick: Tire choice for an epic, re-gluing tubulars, post-crash replacements and more
  • Remove shelves and sand them with medium and then fine abrasive paper to smooth surfaces roughened by water.
  • Within time high winds rose roughening the waves to a height of up ten feet and more.
  • In a mezzotint, a serrated tool is used to roughen areas that will retain ink to be printed, while areas to remain white are burnished and scraped smooth so that ink can be wiped away.
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  • Again its a case of getting these young guys to look a bit scarier and to shorten and roughen up their songs.
  • First you take an abrasive pad and roughen the material to provide a better gluing surface.
  • reeding," or roughened edge, is stamped sharply, and we can tell just what the coin is by feeling of it with the finger, even in the dark. St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, May, 1878, No. 7. Scribner's Illustrated
  • Etching the parts roughens the surface for better mechanical adhesion of the EN to the magnesium.
  • The integration of a replacement, porous SiCOH (pSiCOH), however, poses serious problems such as an unacceptable 'roughening' that occurs during plasma processing," explains Darnon. Science Blog
  • ‘Hey,’ he said, quietly, and his voice was cracked, warped and roughened by sleep.
  • The laboratory work often takes a week or two so, while the veneer is being made, you may have a slightly roughened, sensitive tooth.
  • _Fluthwerk_ and 'hydraulicking' would easily wash down the whole alluvial and auriferous formation to the floor of grey granite which has supplied the huge 'cankey-stones' [Footnote: This proto-historic implement, also called a 'saddle-quern,' is here made out of a thick slab of granite slightly concave and artificially roughened. To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • Short fair hair curled lankly down from beneath the hat; blond stubble roughened his jawline. NIGHT SISTERS
  • The flute accentuates the bubbles coming off the bottom because of a “poil mousse,” or a roughened “scratch point,” said Maxmilian Riedel, also on hand for the event. Charles Heidsieck wants to burst your bubble – decanting Champagne | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • I've heard mixed feedback regarding the use of a mild acid wash to roughen up or etch the surface and create more traction.
  • Spread a bed of mortar to a little more than the prescribed thickness (the string line will guide you in this) and roughen the mortar surface by making a shallow furrow with the point of the trowel.
  • His face was roughened by days outdoors in the chill spring, his hair more unruly than ever.
  • If the tube is salvageable cut one of the patches to the size required and lightly roughen the area where the patch is to be installed with a bit of sand paper.
  • The way Skinner describes his creative process, he sounds like a conscientious painter and decorator sanding a wooden surface to roughen it up a bit before applying an undercoat.
  • Roughen the surface before applying the paint.
  • As time went on, the surface of the highway roughened.
  • Will roughening our cadences and splitting our infinitives establish our distance from our colonial history?
  • Ian blushed and looked awkwardly to his hands, roughened by work.
  • In the new method, the brand-name abrasive substance - Carborundum - is used to roughen the surface of the plate from which a mezzotint print is made.
  • When dried, the emergences are sometimes difficult to see, resembling flattened, near-hyaline scales or giving the calyx wall a muricate or roughened appearance.
  • As the disease progresses, the cartilage that protects the bone becomes roughened, then thins and wears away.
  • The trick to not looking naffly dressy is to roughen things up. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • “What happened, Pete?” she asked, concern roughening her voice. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • Apply a thickening / volumizing product to the root area to roughen the hair's texture there, which will make styling easier.
  • I then used some 180 grit sandpaper to roughen up the surface of the plexi to create the desired effect.
  • The stairs up to the Hayward were a blind coil of roughened bone, like the inside of a shell abandoned by its inmate. LOST CHILDREN
  • The under surface of the navicular bone was much enlarged and roughened by this bony deposit, which extended on to the os pedis, causing complete anchylosis at each extremity of the navicular. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Branches numerous, composed of long, terete joints, rather thicker than a goose-quill, glaucous-green, slightly roughened on the surface, with depressions for the dot-like cushions. Cactus Culture for Amateurs Being Descriptions of the Various Cactuses Grown in This Country, With Full and Practical Instructions for Their Successful Cultivation
  • Nail primers, which are used to roughen the surface of the fingernail, are among the most dangerous products. Personal Care Products
  • Yet for all Mann's show of creative muscle, Luck remains very much a David Milch show, from the grubby poetry of the dialogue "You don't know how your daddy died, what they did to him," Nolte mutters wistfully to his horse early on to the roughened beauty of the setting. After John From Cincinatti, David Milch spies a change in his Luck
  • Bleach changes your hair texture and roughens the cuticle — it will make frizzy hair even frizzier. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's six-foot-something but unimposing, his soft voice roughened by a rasp.
  • The infected seed has purple to brown discoloration and the seed coat may be roughened and cracked.
  • Â After it dried, I sanded it lightly, which brought out the texture and roughened the surface to make adhesion better. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Strive Book
  • After firing a pot, they would roughen its surface and apply chaute, a mixture of charcoal, oil of sage seed and a glue-like substance from the camote tuber. Guachimontones: unearthing a lost world near Teuchitlan, Jalisco
  • They are very slender, tubular, the mouth somewhat enlarged, the margin of the tubes pale cream color and minutely mealy or furfuraceous, with numerous irregular, roughened threads. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • If he could only reach a part of the forest that was much roughened by outcroppings of rock or gulleyed by rains, he felt that his chance of escape would almost turn into a certainty.
  • He was reminding himself that if he wanted his past to stay hidden, he'd best roughen his manners. A TIME OF WAR
  • As the surfaces roughen, inflammation and the number of bleeds can increase.
  • Later, a gray fog stole softly over the roofs, soothing the wind-roughened surfaces, and inwrapping all things in an uncertain light and a measureless peace. Tales of the Argonauts
  • The ungual phalanges are convex on their dorsal and flat on their volar surfaces; they are recognized by their small size, and by a roughened, elevated surface of a horseshoe form on the volar surface of the distal extremity of each which serves to support the sensitive pulp of the finger. II. Osteology. 6b. 3. The Phalanges of the Hand
  • Skin roughening ( "hyperkeratosis") and concomitant hair loss was maximal in regions subjected to mechanical friction, such as abdomen fig. 3c), changes on the dorsal skin were mostly limited to scaling (fig. S2). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although the head is worn, a detail shows that the lower part of the face extends down to the trachea at the base of the neck; this roughened area, too massive to be simply a prognathous jaw, must instead represent a full beard.
  • He was reminding himself that if he wanted his past to stay hidden, he'd best roughen his manners. A TIME OF WAR
  • A gifted pianist and saxophonist, he dabbled in country, jazz, big band and blues, and put his stamp on it all with a deep, warm voice roughened by heartbreak from a hard childhood in the segregated South.
  • The roughened surface created by the dimples causes a layer of air that takes the shape of an airfoil (think of an airplane wing).
  • Where previously the pursuit of truth had been conducted through pure deduction—speculating why a stone falls to earth—it was now permissible to roughen one's hands in the mechanics of experiment, measuring precisely how the stone falls. An Engine of Perpetual Revolution
  • The roughened surface created by the dimples causes a layer of air that takes the shape of an airfoil (think of an airplane wing).
  • Oh, wait, he means that she needs to roughen up her styling. Project Runway Finale Part Two Recap
  • As time went on, the surface of the highway roughened.
  • Just waiting," answered Jake's dad, his voice slipping into the gruff tone it could take on when they travelled into rural Alaska, when he moved closer into the country that had roughened and raised him. The Place He Had to Go
  • Drain the potatoes well, then use a fork to roughen the outside of each potato to make the crunchy crust.
  • Knurling . knurling is the process of producing a roughened suce by means of a specialized forming tool called a knurl .
  • Saw a woman with roughened hands opening the door to him, smiling a little at this stranger, unperturbedly welcoming him as her husband. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Short fair hair curled lankly down from beneath the hat; blond stubble roughened his jawline. NIGHT SISTERS
  • They were close, very close, the smooth surface of the water already beginning to swirl and roughen as they approached the sharp, underwater rocks. A Sorcerous Mist
  • In these cases, the dorsal surface of the bone will often be roughened and show pits and channels.
  • Other equipment like discs and harrows can be used to roughen the texture of the soil on a slope.
  • The microphone crackled and roughened the sound, but the liquid of her voice came through. Day of Honey
  • Roughen the surface of the inner tube over and around the puncture, using the glasspaper.
  • He was clean shaven, only a few small whiskers roughened his otherwise smooth chin.
  • It is termed the gluteal tuberosity, and gives attachment to part of the Glutæus maximus: its upper part is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, the third trochanter, is occasionally developed. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • I'll have to see if roughening the line with clay increases surface tension. Are You Sold on Fluorocarbon?
  • Virginia's voice had roughened to an angry growl.
  • His arthritis turned his young, smooth, round elbow joints into abnormally spiculated and roughened snowballs on the radiographs—indeed, the worst case I had ever seen. The Last Chance Dog
  • Its convex, roughened dorsal surface has a mediolateral elongated oval outline.
  • Such mills have large diameter rolls with surfaces that are roughened or ragged to increase the coefficient of friction.
  • I push on, and soon the ranchland begins to roughen into badlands. The Nervous Breakdown
  • The results impressively demonstrated the importance of roughening on different length scales for water-repellency, since extremely papillose surfaces, having an additional wax layer, are able to resist up to 70% methanol.
  • It was made of local limestone, not marble, and roughened by weather.
  • I've heard mixed feedback regarding the use of a mild acid wash to roughen up or etch the surface and create more traction.
  • A pallor had invaded her face and the skin had roughened, signs of wear which she had attempted to cover in excessive layers of cosmetics. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • When it is in full springtime bloom it is partly divided by rocks that roughen the lip of the precipice, but this division amounts only to a kind of fluting and grooving of the column, which has a beautiful effect. The Yosemite
  • roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Apply a thickening/volumizing product to the root area to roughen the hair's texture there, which will make styling easier.
  • Only at that point was there any roughening of the dead black surface.
  • Prepare your work site by cleaning the old concrete and then roughening it up with a stiff wire brush.
  • He hoped to strike Nagoya the next day but roughening seas prevented the force from reaching the intended launch point. Whirlwind
  • His face was roughened by days outdoors in the chill spring, his hair more unruly than ever.
  • The coarser the powder, the more the grains roughen up the surface for more of a textured finish.
  • Cyril reached down and stroked the calico cat's head with a work-roughened hand, and was rewarded with an even louder purr.
  • Basidiospores continuous or rarely septate, globose, obovoid, ellipsoidal to oblong, smooth or roughened, hyaline or colored, borne singly at the apex of sterigmata. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Greer came over to him, concerned, checking the man's pulse as his breathing roughened.
  • As Task Force 58 pounded north through roughening seas, Spruance took advantage of the poor weather to shield his approach from the Japanese. Whirlwind

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