How To Use Rough in In A Sentence

  • So the publisher/distributor is sending the rest of the order while the first half is being RETURNED FOR CREDIT, and Borders can then use that credit to get books through Ingrams, who carries a helluva lot more than just that one small press. January 11th, 2009
  • Open source software is often portrayed as a breakthrough in the free and open exchange of intellectual property, without precedent in the prevailing global capitalist mentality.
  • Sometimes she was housed by friends and sometimes she slept rough in fields and public parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other route would see the fruits of eight years of growth wither on the vine through inaction and lack of imagination.
  • Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.
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  • Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.
  • He was not going to conduct his presidency through interest groups, by balancing one constituency against another and engaging in the customary horse-trading on the Hill. The Good Fight
  • She waited to tell him of her decision until the main doors of the school opened, as if to greet them, and the girls streamed through in varying degrees of sullenness and exultation and prettiness and slouching disarray.
  • Afghanistan in March 2003, 'af' was established as Afghanistan's domain name; Internet access is growing through Internet cafes as well as public "telekiosks" in Kabul (2002) The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • I blinked in surprise; her dark, sandy-blond hair, rough in texture, was now streaked with green.
  • I think I prefer to shift through information first and take my time to think about what I write - lest all that raw, reactive blabber does nothing but add to the noise.
  • To introduce desirable genes from blue catfish into channel catfish through introgression, a genetic linkage map is helpful.
  • People who longed for a more thorough introduction of Reformation principles during the reigns from Henry VIII to James I heavily relied on the Old Testament.
  • Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.
  • The great breakthrough in microscopy came when it was found possible to produce an image of an object using an electron beam. Press Release: The 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • It is something that is created and recreated every day through initiative and organised and coordinated activity.
  • For Susan a single treatment was sufficient for a breakthrough in her health due to her youth.
  • A glass trap door looks through in to the cellar from the kitchen, and a circular staircase winds its way up to the tower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pesticides work their way up the food chain from plants, through insects and birds to humans.
  • Interdisciplinary studies courses frequently are arranged through interdepartmental programs in which more than two academic departments offer courses together.
  • If anything, like a ravening creature, made savage through incarceration, the recollection had grown more vicious with the passage of time. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • These rhythmic contractions represent an ultradian cycle in worms that repeats every 47-50 sec and is controlled through inositol trisphosphate receptors in the posterior gut cells.
  • If you are not able to go through initiation with a teacher see above, daily mental repetition still has a strong purificatory effect, although it is not as powerful as after initiation. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • The media is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into microtechnology because they see that as the big breakthrough in making the viewer of a sporting event more excited about what they're watching.
  • The higher growth in inputs used suggests that much of their impact has still to feed through into output.
  • In fact, Harrison's love for Hawaii, where he had a house for many years, shows through in the rhythmic ukulele strums that form many of the songs' foundations.
  • This is not just water but water taken from the algae-green trough in the field.
  • Johnson has been sidelined through injury.
  • The most impressive breakthrough in this period was nevertheless made by Le Petit Journal, a Parisian daily of tabloid size, launched in 1863, and selling for one sou.
  • We pledge to use our skills, resources and energy, through individual and collective action, to empower disadvantaged people, eliminate racism and promote a non-racial society whose resources are used to the benefit of all its people.
  • My father was a geologist whose career went through incredible lows, but he is also an eternal optimist. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they come about through inheritance, acquisition or invention.
  • My writing group has a term for that period every writer goes through in phases: the "I Suck" phase, where you can't imagine anyone would ever want to read what you've written. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I recalled how Masko had gone through into the baggage hall at Heathrow to greet the Sochi visitors.
  • Horse flies, deer flies, stable flies, horn flies, and others have been incriminated in disease transmission through interrupted feeding.
  • Breakthrough infections and chronic carriage were clearly and strongly related to peak antibody concentrations.
  • Nor can they demonstrate any ability to provide better service through innovation; the only remaining room left to innovate is in figuring out how to deny claims. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • Boosters for clostridia and pasteurella given six weeks before lambing will offer good cover and some protection will pass through in the colostrum to the lamb. FWi - All News
  • The motion was steamrollered through in the lower chamber.
  • At a larger scale the deep plan was followed through in the designs for St Patrick's, Kilsyth, and most monumentally at St Bride's, East Kilbride (1963-65).
  • The height change means that while you went through it with a slight stoop when you were young, you'll be going through in a duckwalk as a grownup, and considering that you do the equivalent of a couple of blocks underground your legs will be wobbly as hell by the end of it. Back from radio silence
  • Based on this film, what a professional wrestler is forced to go through reminds me of what women are forced to go through in the porno industry. WATCHING: The Wrestler
  • Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish, or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy?
  • Most importantly, we'll be able to enhance our biological intelligence with non-biological intelligence through intimate connections.
  • Finally, corporate HQ had alienated its store managers through infantilizing incentives schemes, and irritated its employees with oppressive ‘loss prevention’ policies.
  • In the twinkling of an eye Flemming tried the cross-buttock, but it seemed that Merriwell had been expecting just such a move, for he passed his left leg behind Fred's right and through in front of Fred's left. Frank Merriwell's Races
  • Find out the lateral and vertical velocity change principle through integrated analysis of the interval velocity data in this area.
  • Taxpayers, of course, have to pay for this shilly-shallying, directly in extra pay for legislators and through indirect costs.
  • It is unclear whether MPs will push the deal through in defiance of the court ruling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it has success development different producibility bolt in last few year, concrete spraying research have not the obvious break through in anchor spray support.
  • Even before birth, the body may be killed through induced abortion and other types of feticide.
  • He was a chronic alcoholic and had severe problems in disciplining his work, which went through innumerable revisions.
  • You can pick up some nice ones above FMC up stream all the way through inkom to lava. John anderson, i havent fished the place you were talking about where is it?
  • Moreover, other inventors may be stimulated by what they see to make a breakthrough in an entirely different area.
  • When he let his genuinely winning smile come through in that interchange with Ifill over her forgetting the order, he displayed a charm that could be used devastatingly to his advantage.
  • A thorough inspection of the complex 40-hectare site, which contains numerous highly inflammable gas and liquid gas storage and production facilities, would require weeks.
  • The amount of money passing through international currency markets has reached $1.5 trillion a day.
  • This should be done through individual practice and by bringing to bear our collective expertise and influence in the community.
  • It is a tie that exists along with modern accouterments from snow-machines to Facebook and that comes through in testimonies at countless community hearings and meetings over rights and regulations. Ellen Frankenstein: From Tofu to Muktuk
  • The architect is carrying out a thorough inspection of the building.
  • For some it has been really important in getting through in getting through difficult transitional periods.
  • It began as a wine bar, and the origins show through in the excellence of the wine list and cheese board.
  • The government is creating a force that will suppress the criminally influential, but many have escaped the blacklist whether through influence or virtue.
  • Shamsie's attempt to explain political upheaval through interlocking lives is broad-minded, clear-sighted, even valiant. Burnt Shadows: Summary and book reviews of Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie.
  • This will actually benefit businesses through increased staff morale, reduced absenteeism and an increase in productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Union leaders will decide today whether to call fresh strikes by firefighters in the New Year, as a deepening rift with the Government dashed any hopes of a breakthrough in the pay dispute.
  • This bubble is the heliosphere shaped like a long wind sock as it moves with the Sun through interstellar space.
  • Lee Cattermole's senior debut came at St. James' Park - his role for Middlesbrough in a 2-2 draw in 2006 earning him the Man of the Match award.
  • The dusty canvas that covered it was worn through in several places, leaving small holes in the fabric.
  • And thanks to the globalisation ofwww. international ‘human rights’ law, Israel is now being persecuted through legal action for defending its own citizens against mass murder. The western front of the jihad against the Jews
  • Provoking a reaction through insults is discourteous. The Volokh Conspiracy » Discourteous to Wear American Flag Images on Cinco de Mayo?
  • Showers of sleet, snow and hailstones will continue up to the weekend but there will be clear spells with the possibility of sunshine breaking through in the latter half of the week.
  • His honesty and integrity won through in the end.
  • The always-reliable Adam Kirsch comes through in Slate: "In a novel full of grim jokes, the grimmest is the possibility that if the planet is to stand a chance of being saved, its fate may lie in the hands of a man like Michael Beard. Anis Shivani: Why American Reviewers Disliked Ian McEwan's "Solar": And What That Says About the Cultural Establishment
  • This section of the highway cuts through the island's rough interior, offering travelers views of stark rocky mountains, shady eucalyptus groves around gurgling streams, and the omnipresent tan-and-green-dappled shrublands Italians refer to as Mediterranean macchia. Enjoy the Ride
  • The ecological footprints of three industrial sectors in China were studied through input-output analysis.
  • These results represent a major breakthrough in Aids research.
  • One is through international environmental agreements; the other is unilateral sanctions imposed by responsible commons users upon abusers.
  • We know the feeling of eager anticipation in the hour or two before training, of running the workout through in our minds, of knowing before we even enter the gym that we're primed to unleash our best efforts.
  • He told Fox that Rumsfeld has run the Pentagon through intimidation and that a change in leadership is needed. Think Progress » VIDEO: 8th General Calls For Rumsfeld’s Resignation
  • He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.
  • The length of the filmmaker's relationship to his documentary subjects permits the film to illuminate the social and political complexity of the Korean national trauma through individual lives and the ties that bind them to others.
  • The enhancement of online learning through interaction comes in both synchronous and asynchronous exchanges.
  • From the far edge of her weighted drowse a voice filtered through in blurred staccato bursts. The Temperature of Porridge
  • Kuniyoshi achieved his commercial and artistic breakthrough in 1827 with the first 6 designs of the series The 108 heroes of the Suikoden.
  • The book includes a thorough index, making it a useful tool for researchers and students.
  • Around 80 per cent of all email is spam - and most of it is sent through infected home computers.
  • Neoliberalism holds that even under the state of anarchy, nation-states can still alleviate and even eliminate "security dilemma" through international institutions.
  • The tax is levied on the net value of property and money, excluding debts, acquired through inheritance, gift or usucaption.
  • This cable route tracer can trace and determine the depth of any conductive line and trace energized or de-energized lines through inductive or conductive coupling.
  • It appears to have done so this time only after reports of the blast began to filter out through international news agencies.
  • Water may enter the soil or bedrock simply through percolation through interconnected voids between particles under the force of gravity.
  • His empathy with the fighter comes from his own experience as a boxer - he was a useful featherweight forced to retire early through injury.
  • Morris presents it all as a revelation, a historic breakthrough in political history.
  • When the costs of crime are assessed, account should be taken of losses recompensed through insurance.
  • What are the typical steps you go through in the process of composing, scoring and recording a track, and how long does this usually take?
  • The weapon had a pointed metal tip that, with the speed and weight of a destrier behind it, could run a man through in spite of shield and chainmail as easily as a knife slid through butter.
  • Patients with lower antibody titers to varicella after vaccination also had an increased rate of breakthrough infection.
  • The second approach to verifying the state subsidy theory is through interviews with strikers.
  • So, a new house will need a thorough inspection before two years have elapsed and a structural survey before ten years.
  • The first breakthrough in the development of insect cell culture was the report of maturation of testicular follicle cells to spermatocytes in a moth in an artificial medium.
  • What Jones has discovered is that we have to work harder and harder to sustain growth through innovation.
  • Encouraging system construction of scientific research in higher education aims to effective impacts under fully consideration of infection factors, which is verified through input-output analysis.
  • Although this step does break the logjam to some extent, it is not exactly a huge breakthrough in and of itself.
  • _Quique quod_ is obviously prone to haplography; on the other hand, it could be a rewriting of _qui quod id es_, which is itself presumably a simple corruption through interchange of _qui quod es id_. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The State more than pays its way through income derived from oil, commercial fishing, tourism, mining and logging.
  • This time, though we were continually half-buried, there was no trough in which to be swept, and we drifted squarely down upon the upturned boat, badly smashing it as it was heaved inboard. Chapter 17
  • Driving on two-lane roads at night, headlights rarely flash the eyes of any animals, and there is virtually no road kill, a rough indicator of wildlife populations.
  • It is a tie that exists along with modern accouterments from snow-machines to Facebook and that comes through in testimonies at countless community hearings and meetings over rights and regulations. Ellen Frankenstein: From Tofu to Muktuk
  • It's all about the raw emotions we go through in life. The Sun
  • Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish, or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy?
  • Traditional basketry involves great care and pride, the weaver showcasing his skill through intricate weaves, designs, and colours.
  • In other words, the location of meaning and purpose in this world is to be found through individual self-fulfilment involving judgments that inevitably vary among people.
  • He says that after he failed to get through in his first attempt, he was shattered.
  • Kingston has been rated the 27th worst borough in London for quality of life in a survey out this week.
  • His passion for newspapers comes through in his film "Deadline-U.S.A." 1952, with Humphrey Bogart as a both saturnine and driven editor. Hard-Nosed Hollywood
  • He went through introductions, the names of The Gang and almost a dozen or so individuals who were now a grade or two higher than us who had been friends with Garland in previous years.
  • Iran has, through intermediaries and in direct talks with the Americans, made clear what it is, and is not, willing to do.
  • As the city grows, and cats become more popular as domestic pets, the number of animals living rough increases.
  • NDQ's intelligence and articulateness shines through in this interview, and her point about men needing to be part of those people protecting women's rights is spot on. Interview Thursday: "It is my belief that men must be involved in protecting women’s rights..." - NDQ
  • It contains tiny photovoltaic cells that convert some of the light passing through into electricity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such cases accountability through international institutions may be the only practical remedy available.
  • Or indeed any of the adolescent tyros who have broken through into top-flight football in recent years, only to collapse under the weight of expectation.
  • A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.
  • Profit warnings announced earlier in the year are now feeding through into job losses.
  • Carbo offered him his best chance of coming through in the pinch, just as he had done with a home run in Game Three.
  • If bowel sounds are present, repeated doses of oral activated charcoal may be administered to enhance the elimination of glutethimide through interruption of its enterohepatic recirculation. Loads
  • Sometimes she was housed by friends and sometimes she slept rough in fields and public parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck .
  • Whether sleeping rough in the remotest places or enjoying the fauniferous hospitality of the locals in inhabited ones, being incommoded was somehow integral to the experience.
  • Online shopping and banking rely on encryption that a quantum computer could blast through in seconds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The designers had their first breakthrough in the 1910s with a technique known as "graal," allowing for ghostly variations in color by cutting through layers of tinted glass, which are then covered in clear crystal. From Classic Stemware to Avant-Garde Art, Sweden Offers a New Way to Look at Glass Design
  • Police say they have made a breakthrough in their search for the killer of Diane Sutton.
  • The halfback was a revelation for Queensland this year, the heart and soul of the side, and he was sorely missed by the Wallabies when absent through injury at the start of the season. - Stuff
  • You talk things through instead of leaving too much unsaid at home. The Sun
  • He rushed the net at opportune moments and breezed through in less than two hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The knowledge, then, is transformed either through intention or extension and grasped either by comprehension or apprehension.
  • We've lost two key players through injury.
  • Consumers should be afforded a choice insofar as possible through increased competition.
  • Activision said the sales data were gathered by Chart-Track and retail customer sell-through information. 'Call of Duty' Sales Hit $400 Million
  • So, when a child complains of back pain, one has to act fast and go for a thorough investigation.
  • It's a far cry from the 1970s and 80s, when the Royal borough indulged in an orgy of office building.
  • The rest was indescribable: riding a meteorite through incandescence, shock, thunderblast, stormwind, night, mountains and caverns of cloud, rain like bullets, crazy tilting and whirling of horribly onrushing horizon, while the noise roared and battered and vibrations shook brains in skulls and devils danced on the instrument panel. The Rebel Worlds
  • These loans are, as the name clarifies, online i.e. the procedure for these loans is online and you can access these loans through internet. Best Syndication -
  • Mike Judge has called Beavis and Butthead his favorite creations, and that affection shows through in this clip. Beavis and Butt-head Return to Promote Extract | /Film
  • Drilling with a right-angle drill and an auger bit is the most common way to run the wire through interior, uninsulated walls.
  • Donaghy, who pleaded guilty in New York to conspiracy to engage in wire fraud and transmitting betting information through interstate commence, is serving a 15-month sentence. Former NBA ref Donaghy attacked in prison
  • Booked the car in for a thorough inspection of its electrical system, following one flat battery too many.
  • I can saw this tree through in 10 minutes.
  • Again, the Government will presumably pass this anyway come August if it doesn't get through in the next couple of weeks.
  • The outfit was a beautiful midnight blue dress, with spaghetti straps and faint white swirls working their way through in an exotic pattern.
  • Alteration of residues by site directed mutagenesis which are close to, or in contact, with the sugar result in variety of effects ranging from insoluble protein through inactive enzyme to little observable change.
  • Through in - depth scientific research is the discovery of human activities causing the ozone hole.
  • Conclusions Piperine may prevent the formation of cholesterol gallstone through inhibiting the lithogenic role of APN.
  • At the time, the far right's surprise breakthrough in Saxony-Anhalt caused widespread concern.
  • Probably Dee, through indolence or inadvertence, or, more likely, simple indisposition, hadn't made contact with her. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • When dilatation and healing have taken place, the laryngostomy wound in the neck is closed by a plastic operation to convert the trough into a trachea by supplying an anterior wall. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Down Minors have succeeded again in showing their stamina and determination in winning through in the quarter-finals of the All Ireland Minor Championship when they beat Galway in Cavan.
  • You might be driving past a field with a stone trough in it, for instance. Improve Your Landscape Painting
  • They were all miserable efforts, but at least the least bad one won through in the end.
  • Courtney's status as godhead shines through in the simple reason that personal contact with deities can be damaging to mere mortals, but their actions viewed at a remove provide free-floating signifiers.
  • I was hoping that he would have made a brilliant breakthrough in inventing clever rhymes and stories.
  • CONCLUSION: Xeno-MLR is weaker than allo-MLR. Xenogenic cells can only stimulate T cells through indirect pathway.
  • Often there is a layering of intertextuality, whereby the ancient model is filtered through intervening, post-classical, texts. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Through informal activity sessions they learn how to be tolerant of other religions and races.
  • This is ideal for anyone whizzing through in a lunch-break (although it is perfectly possible to take a leisurely stroll through all the rooms in an hour).
  • Organisms with r-selected traits range from bacteria and diatoms, through insects and weeds, to various semelparous cephalopods and mammals, especially small rodents. So what's so wrong with a "WYSIWYG" world?
  • For Burrell, however, who blames Charles for the stress he was put through in the court case, revenge has been sweet and very lucrative.
  • That a man may, through infirmity, fall into some such sin as for it to be amoved from a church society (that amotion being an ordinance of Christ for his recovery from that sin), I know not that it can be reasonably questioned. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Of course, a major task was to weaken the opponent through infiltration and enticement.
  • By contrast, work at the programme is a highly disciplined team effort which produces a breakthrough in only a small fraction of the complex cases they investigate. In pursuit of diseases that have no name
  • So that class of women known as facile is unknown to me, or if I allow myself to be taken with them, it is without knowing it, and through innate simplicity. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Your supper's just warming through in the oven.
  • This approach to coupling within the bedchamber was the ultimate sacrament within the Order, and the two of them had been through intensive instruction in sacred union. The Poet Prince
  • Middlesbrough in particular have suffered this season from this very factor, falling away after a great start to the season.
  • Using heroin through injection has many associated risks, mainly from sharing needles, which is common among injectors.
  • Persson's singing departs from her contained and clear intonation to hint at cute and rough in turn, while never testing her range or ability.
  • That means cutting in from the opposite side to meet your cut rather than going all the way through in one direction, which can delaminate the outer carbon layer where the hacksaw comes through.
  • It also reminds us that, no matter how we attempt to preserve it, faith is essentially invisible and this multi-layered meaning is carried through in the principal element of this tripartite work.
  • After all, the government position is that it's only the peaceniks who are demanding thorough inquiries.
  • Posted on: Tuesday, 2 February 2010, 09: 13 CST The role that the master gene Math1 plays in making a critical population of cells called granule neurons in the cerebellum also Posted on: Sunday, 31 January 2010, 13: 12 CST Researchers have made a breakthrough in HIV research that had eluded scientists for over 20 years, potentially leading to better Medicine in St. Louis have identified a protein made by the - Articles related to How Cholera Becomes Infectious
  • With Sachin Tendulkar out through injury and Sourav Ganguly likely to stay on the sidelines, it will be interesting to see who Chappell pitchforks into the opening slot alongside Virender Sehwag.
  • He was able to hold his own in any society and at other times brawl with the roughest of the rough in the bush pubs where he often drank to excess.
  • He can only approach them through intermediaries -- our own people. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • In an interview Tuesday at the Farnborough International Air Show near here, the EADS official also stressed that his company is looking across the Atlantic because of what he described as eroding European interest in ambitious space projects. EADS's Space Unit Seeks to Partner With U.S. Firms
  • That was the biggest learning curve and hopefully the only one I have to go through in rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather like what a man-at-arms goes through in his training. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Another approach being considered is to allow pupils to develop this information skill as they go through inquiry work.
  • While most Maya scholars and researchers acknowledge the importance of the breakthrough in the decipherment of the Maya system of writing, not everyone is convinced that this achievement radically changes our conception of the ancient Maya. Primary sources of Maya history - part five
  • In the distance, church bells rang out as a team of ringers sought perfection through incessant practise.
  • A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction allow humanity to come to harm.
  • It's all about the raw emotions we go through in life. The Sun
  • The skin infection scabies isn't necessarily passed on through intercourse, but as it involves close physical contact it's a possible method of transmission.
  • As the child goes through infancy, childhood and puberty, it learns to cathect its body in a particular way - to localize erotic pleasure in certain erogenous zones.
  • So you went right through infancy thinking this was a kid with reflux, and then discovered three years later that it was a remediable problem?
  • Warkworth was promoted as a borough in the C12, and long but narrow burgage plots line the main street.
  • All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience.
  • Axis Private Equity is looking to part-exit while ad-for-equity media investor HT Media is offloading its entire holding in the Gujarat-based hospitality firm Neesa Leisure Ltd operating under the brand Cambay through initial public offfering. Morning News Roundup
  • Sometimes she was housed by friends and sometimes she slept rough in fields and public parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the practical limits on the size of books, most introductory texts in biblical studies emphasize either extensive work with the text itself or thorough introduction to issues of authorship, date, canonicity, and the like.

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