

  1. a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers

How To Use ROTC In A Sentence

  • They typically nest in a horizontal fork or vertical crotch of a tree.
  • He poured a tankard of beer, and placed it between the acrobat's feet, eliciting an oath as he deliberately spilt some over his crotch.
  • The lower portions of the bookcase doors have panels of crotch mahogany set within cross-grained and mitred satinwood surrounds.
  • Nor does he discuss another dialectic, between the Scherzo's anapestic and amphibrach crotchet groups, sublated after the Trio in that startling alla breve succession of equal minims; nor the hunting topos of the Trio.
  • he climbed into the crotch of a tree
  • She is good reading always, however much we may sometimes pish and pshaw at the untimely poppings-in of the platitudes and crotchets (for he was that most abominable of things, a platitudinous crotcheteer) of Richard her father. The English Novel
  • Now, I'm supposed to be pithy in this column, full of cute and snide comments about my Midwestern family, how they don't get it, how they're getting old and crotchety.
  • In the second piece, the actual scans, moving through the artist's body from neck to crotch in speedy animation are set to the music of Ava Maria.
  • Lee and the production staff take the notebook-paper nudies several steps further still by also offering non-stop peeks up dresses, at flexing crotches, at perky patooties, and so much more.
  • My neck itches and I pull up on the overalls, a movement that tugs the inseam into my crotch. Miracles, Inc.
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