How To Use Rotational In A Sentence
This happens around the time that Mercury arrives at that part of its orbit which places it closest to the Sun (called perihelion ), where it's orbital speed can briefly exceed its rotational speed.
The spatial proximities between labels are determined by heteronuclear dipolar couplings, which are measured by rotational-echo double resonance (Gullion and Schaefer, 1989 ab).
A toothed rack was commonly adopted for the automatic screw thread rotational unloading.
Extensive simulation results demonstrate the validity of the novel half-rate rotational invariance joint space-frequency coding scheme and the performance of the direct decoding algorithm.
The helmet is designed to limit the rotational forces affecting the head during an impact and is currently undergoing bench tests.

The reason is simple: higher rotational speeds lead to boosts in performance, as data transfer rates and access times benefit equally.
Just like the Earth, Saturn's rotational axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.
This happens around the time that Mercury arrives at that part of its orbit which places it closest to the Sun (called perihelion ), where it's orbital speed can briefly exceed its rotational speed.
The break-up of the confederacy followed a row between the two countries over the question of rotational leadership of the confederation.
This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
Airscrew performance depends on the wind speed as well as the rotational speed.
To apply the oil to your scars, massage it into the skin with your fingers, using either rotational movements or in an upwards direction.
The care of children with uneven limb length and limb deformities is complex because achild's growth can dramatically exaggerate limb length differences, as well asangular and rotational deformities.
Leg-length discrepancies, limb deformities
One of the major differences of super cells compared to that of single-cell and multi-cells storms is that, the super cell contains a viscous rotating updraft, this rotational updraft is known as a mesocyclone.
He evaluated rotational stocking, in which large numbers of cattle were moved through a series of small paddocks at short intervals to prevent overgrazing.
In essence, 3D flows can be considered as complex combinations of irrotational and rotational strains that vary in space with time.
Wormers must now record their daily haul, and they are required to harvest the worms on a rotational basis, leaving some beaches to lie fallow for a season.
In 1765, Euler decomposed the motion of a solid into a rectilinear motion and a rotational motion.
One example of the application of this technique is in the distinction of trans and gauche rotational isomers.
Packaging Technologies is using a rotational rheometer to accelerate the development of new food-grade and industrial sealants.
Processingtalk - processing industry news
Lax rotational grazing systems are those having less than seven paddocks with a grazing period of one to two weeks.
access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead
the required influence lines are found by subjecting the model to small displacements horizontally, vertically and rotationally
Small-scale fertilizer granulator is mainly composed by motor, making grains disc , gearbox , underbed, main shaft bearing , regulate device and rotational speed test system , etc.
Apparently if they failed to tighten a wheelnut to the correct torque there was an infinitessimal chance that the wheel might reach critical mass due to vibration and, thanks to the rotational velocity of the circumferential mass, collapse into a black hole, causing untold damage to the universe and wiping our miserable, H&S mad, planet out of existence.
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There are four variations available, which have a specially selected grease and seal for the 'typical' application condition: general, for normal applications concerning speed and cleanliness; high speed, for high rotational speeds; rugged, for extremely dirty operating conditions; and endurer, which is lubrication free under certain conditions.
Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
Traditional seismographs record straight-line movements, for example shaking, whereas ring lasers measure rotational movements like rolling or twisting.
The rotational action of the obliques is very important in turning the shoulders, which is vital in gymnastics, diving, wrestling, and the martial arts.
Rotational motions associated with muscle contraction may occur in myosin, actin, or in both.
Thus, the combination of a spherical quadratic boundary potential and icosahedral rotational symmetry conditions maintained the initial distribution of solvation waters at the exterior boundary.
The restoration project has seen vast areas of the park put back into a rotational system of management.
Scientists at Michelman are using a rotational rheometer from Malvern Instruments to customise its water-based surface modifiers, polymers and coatings.
Processingtalk - processing industry news
Explicit iterated integral formulae of the moments in various order of the hitting times of geodesic spheres by Brownian motions on rotationally symmetric manifolds are given in this paper.
The Artis zeego is part of the Artis zee® family of interventional imaging in cardiology, radiology, and surgery. syngo® DynaCT Cardiac, available with all Artis zee systems, uniquely supports cross-sectional 3D images of the beating heart via rotational angiography.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
And new discoveries, like rotational feeding, maternal dermatophagy, protrusible eyes and hydrostatic locomotion, have brought caecilians to the widespread attention of biologists.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Dining Experience The Disney Wonder has what's known as "rotational dining.
The Full Feed from
All eight observers reported monocular after-effects, opposite to the previously observed induced rotational motion.
Here, rescaling the rotational velocity is equivalent to stretching the time domain.
These correspond to the rotational symmetries of the cube.
Times, Sunday Times
Rotation of the lever in a second direction translates rotational movement into sliding motion of the upper disk in a second direction to control the water flow rate.
We do what they call rotational grazing," said Bill.
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They found a 19th-century neo-Gothic chair, and then recreated it in plastic using an industrial method known as rotational molding, usually reserved for objects like footballs and airplane parts.
Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
Moment of inertia is a fundamental property in rotational mechanics.
The interactions of the individual dipoles in a magnet do not depend on any particular direction, and their dynamics are rotationally invariant.
When the generator GN is driven to rotate at a predetermined rotational speed, a counter electromotive force arises in a multiphase phase coil of the generator GN.
Their molecules are diatomic, and as such they aren't capable of achieving the quantized vibrational, rotational or rovibrational states responsible for absorption and emission of thermal radiation.
Hansen: Obama has only four years to save the world - NASA Watch
We on Earth get to see the same side of the Moon as its rotational period around its axis and revolution period around the Earth are the same.
Designing the hitch extension for rotational forces reduced the travel mechanism's price tag by a couple of million dollars.
The hydraulic dynamometer consuming the dynamic energy of the diesel engine with water power can accurately measure the torque and the rotational speed of the diesel engine.
Using moves that involve twisting the waist can build the kind of rotational strength your abdominals need to shape up and stay more functional.
Also, an alternative method I think is that I can rotate the deformation gradient to corotational frame first, and then calculate the stress based on tranformed deformation gradient.
IMechanica - Comments
Once the workpiece has been turned uniformly round it is smoothed by means of a planer which is held at some 65º to the rotational axis of the workpiece.
6. Turning Technology
This is maneuver called the rotational pitch maneuver.
CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2007
Land set aside this year will be eligible to enter non-rotational in 1993-94.
Objective To study the rotation of femoral component and tibial component with CT and evaluate the relationship between patellofemoral complications and rotational alignment of the components.
Before this the staff had only been able to fly ashore for a couple of days' rest on a rotational basis.
The event is held on a rotational basis in each of the participating countries.
But the lateral motion reduces the rotational friction, so that the spinning persists longer.
What you find in the atmosphere to lower wavelengths is mostly rotational absorptions of water vapor.
Eli Concern Trolls
I should also point out, as Shebardigan mentioned in an earlier post, microwave ovens and diathermy essentially heat by coupling energy from an RF field to the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules, especially complex organic molecules.
Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
She told him about an important difference between the irrotational wave he had just described and a rotational wave.
The fluorescence anisotropy decays were analyzed by a unidimensional model, which correlates all the lifetimes with all the rotational correlation times.
A specific difference is made in classical mechanics between parallel motion and rotational motion.
mesocyclone," the core rotational structure of a thunderstorm, which can produce a tornado.
The New Yorker
The frequency shift is then converted to wind velocity, yielding a small region of rapidly changing wind direction, a characteristic rotational wind shear signature of the mesocyclone indicating a tornadic circulation.
The reigning Four Continents champions also executed a serpentine lift followed by synchronized twizzles, two curve lifts (one in combination with a rotational lift), a spirited diagonal step sequence, and a nice rotational lift.
By contrast, a number of others (including scaphopod and some bivalve mollusks, as well as many annelids) deviate from rotational symmetry to a much greater degree than
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Speaking in round numbers, the revolutional moment of momentum of Jupiter is about thirty times as great as the rotational moment of momentum at present possessed by the sun.
Time and Tide A Romance of the Moon
In addition, the postulated role of vorticity production near the head is at variance with inviscid, irrotational models.
The other players in the taxi advertising field place ‘New York boxes’ on the roof of cabs, use non-rotational vehicle hubcaps and wrap the advertising around the body of the car.
Although the platform was given a very sophisticated mounting it was not able to have complete rotational freedom.
She and nine other women join together and borrow 20,000 rupees, which they split amongst themselves using a rotational method.
The UK shares rotational command of this division with Canada and the Netherlands.
Milutin M. Milankovich, a Serbian mathematician, developed the idea that the Earth's rotational wobbles and orbital deviations have combined to affect in a cyclic way global climatic changes.
The quadratic regression rotational combinational design was used to screen fermentative medium of Bacillus thuringiensis isolate WB7.
The asymmetry of water and ozone molecules causes the moments of inertia that govern the quanta of rotational motion to be different in each spatial direction.
Now if by "healthy ecosystem" you mean a system in which fire and rotational grazing is practiced constantly then yes, it does tend to be somewhat controlled, but that's extremely labor-intensive work and trust me, an eastern redcedar will sprout in a beautiful, healthy pristine patch of short or midgrass prairie just as quickly as it will an eroded gully.
Kill Some Trees On Earth Day
In ABAQUS manual, it is said all stress and stretch tensor are defined in corotational frame, but how about deformation gradient? which frame is it defined in?
IMechanica - Comments
The primary motivation behind installing an SSD is its ability to access data in microseconds instead of milliseconds (as with rotational disks).
With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
The number of bumps on each wheel in combination with the rotational speed determined the pitch produced by a particular tone wheel assembly.
Each state represents a different combination of rotational, vibrational, or orbital energy for the molecule.
It is commonplace to see new MBAs hired into rotational management programmes designed to groom future leaders.
The greater the torque, the more rotational power the blade has.
For rational behavior analysis the animals were given 2.5 mg/kg D-amphetamine intraperitoneally and their rotational behavior was monitored over a 90 min period using the TSE rotameter system (Bad Homburg, Germany).
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At present the rotational moment of momentum of the earth is about a fifth part of the revolutional moment of momentum of the moon.
Time and Tide A Romance of the Moon
If adequate relief is not provided by these restrictions, then rotational daytime power cuts would be imposed on residential areas.
I represent the whole moment of momentum of our system by £1,000,000,000, the bulk of which is composed of the revolutional moments of momentum of the great planets, and the rotational moment of momentum of the sun.
Time and Tide A Romance of the Moon
When the regulator detects low air pressure, air is transferred from the sealed-off axles to the low tyre through a small rotational part on the axle.
Exercises using medicine balls allow you to do many rotational movements that are often difficult when using traditional strength-training equipment.
Liu Y, Englund PT (2007) The rotational dynamics of kinetoplast DNA replication.
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More extensive use of rotational spaceflight research platforms is planned for the International Space Station and free-flying biosatellites in coming years.
The company moved its Bailey's Irish Cream flavour from year-round availability to rotational status.
Measurements of the rotational diffusion coefficient of proteins within muscle cells were also employed to obtain information about the physical properties of sarcoplasm.
A new digital torque and rotational speed measurer is introduced in this paper.
It is not exactly the same face because of the tilt of the Moon's rotational axis to its orbital plane around Earth, and the slight ellipticity of that orbit (the position of the observer on Earth also has a slight effect).
He considered the Euler angles and studied rotational problems which were motivated by the problem of the precession of the equinoxes.
I visit a research farm where new legumes and rotational grazing are being introduced and gains are recorded by electronic ID tags in intact bulls.
I need to rotate the stress back to corotational frame.
IMechanica - Comments
Rotation reduces linear friction, and lateral motion reduces rotational friction, so that a kind of negative feedback arises.
An angular interval between prescribed two of the at least three identification elements indicates a maximum allowable rotational speed of the rotor.
We have already explained that the general tendency of tidal friction is to augment revolutional moment of momentum at the expense of rotational.
Time and Tide A Romance of the Moon
The rotation eliminated platform of camera designed in this paper is able to isolate the rotational motion of missile, clearing and steading the collected images.
Molecules may change their rotational energy levels by absorbing energy from electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region of the spectrum.
The engine uses winglike hydrofoils mounted on a pair of belts to convert the energy of water at low dams into a rotational output at twoaxles.
In addition, the postulated role of vorticity production near the head is at variance with inviscid, irrotational models.
Via preliminary check-out, n of this car accumulator is enough, open ignition switch, starting function is rotational, but have skid phenomenon (starter is one-way clutch skids).
The concept of long term rotational antibiotics for acne is outdated and this practice should be avoided.
Making two seedings about three weeks apart staggers the maturities and makes rotational grazing or harvest timing easier to manage.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 40 (1954): 541 – 549; “Rotational Properties of 21 Sc Galaxies with a Large Range of Luminosities and Radii, from NGC 4605 (R = 4 kpc) to NGC 2885 (R = 122 kpc),” with W. Kent Ford, Jr., and N. Thonnard.
Vera Cooper Rubin.
With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
The high rotational axis and forward-mounted hinge provide excellent stability, especially when cornering.
In addition to the precession and nutation of the Earth's rotational axis, the Earth itself undergoes a wobble such that the crust wanders about the rotational axis with a combination of two periods and amplitudes.
Molecules absorb radiation at characteristic wavelengths that excite one or more of their rotational, vibrational or electronic degrees of freedom.
Riparian fencing allows dormant-season rotational livestock grazing.
Add to that the rotational inertia of the flywheel and driveshaft, and you're well over 2,500 foot-pounds.
Jupiter from his rotation has not the fifty thousandth part of his revolutional moment of momentum, while the earth's rotational share is not one ten thousandth part of that of
Time and Tide A Romance of the Moon
They are testing a system called management-intensive, or rotational, dairy grazing.
With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
In April, half the steers were sent to a feedlot in Steele's Tavern, while the rest stayed in West Virginia to graze rotationally.
The rate of change in the direction of the rotational axis is the ratio of torque to angular momentum and so gives a value for the precessional constant.
The surgeon should not expect that the rotational alignment or geometric constraint of the trochlear component will ensure patellar component engagement in the presence of patellofemoral malalignment.
Apparently Looney Luntzs rotational resistors had a short and the same old folks as before didnt have knobs not of their own, to twist when some jingoist thought echoed about the sheeply tiny pink globs existing within their cavernous cephalic
Think Progress » Conservatives Falsely Claim New Obama Nuke Policy Prevents Nuclear Retaliation Against Chem/Bio Attack
Wormers must now record their daily haul, and they are required to harvest the worms on a rotational basis, leaving some beaches to lie fallow for a season.
It will be constitutionally comfortable for the next administration to deliberate on the issue of a regional rotational process.
Don’t forget to add in rotational exercises as well for an overall balance within your routine.
Got Abs? Want em’? Here’s How!
Angular momentum is the momentum associated with rotational motion. Search engines are by no means infallible.
A49-sided coin has 49 rotational symmetries.
Times, Sunday Times
Kunkle's re-examining of astrology is rooted in the Earth's "precession" -- put simply, the gravity-fueled change in orientation of the Earth's rotational axis. - News
Fluorescence anisotropy is used to characterize rotational mobility of the fluorescing molecules or complexes.
And with the motor mounted further toward the midline of the chassis "midship", it gives the car an even more nimble quality than before because most of the rotational mass is in the middle of the vehicle.
2006 Mazda MX-5 Miata
A three-phase current winding (also known as polyphase winding) with three pairs of poles is connected to a three-phase current having a frequency of 50 Hz. Determine the rotational speed of the rotating field per minute!
8. Three-phase Current
The structure was found to be highly symmetric with C9, ninefold rotational symmetry.
In rotational grazing the pasture is divided into paddocks and the livestock moved from paddock to paddock.
These parameters are used by the system controller to determine the rotational speed and the vertical feed of the machine spindle.
Develop your career and participate in two or three rotational positions over three years.
We are in favour of a rotational presidency and for an opportunity for each country to participate actively in EU foreign policy.
A reflectional symmetry is distinguished from a rotational symmetry by the fact that all dihedrals have their signs inverted, except for 180°, which is equivalent to 0°.
He became involved in 1992 with the introduction of rotationally moulded polymer water ballasted road barriers to Australia.
Because of this and rotational symmetry, all the red segments in Fig 8 have the same length.
And then the power of servo motor is calculated according to crank press working load , kinematical characteristic, torque and rotational momentum.
The puzzle is that this is about six minutes, or one percent, longer than the rotational period measured by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft during their fly-bys of the 1980s.
When rotational inertia increases, the proportion coefficient of adjuster must be descend to ensure position control system to be critical damp course.
The fluid is irrotational at all points, except next to a vortex street wake behind the fish.
The fact that the countryside around the White Horse is so picturesque, has not happened by accident but by careful, rotational grassland management of which grazing and manuring is part.
In the following decade, the other two main concepts of the mechanism were revealed, namely that the three catalytic sites participate sequentially and cooperatively, and that our, and other, data could be best explained by what was termed a rotational catalysis.
Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
i have to create a simple design that has 2 lines of reflectional symmetry but without rotational symmetry look i need help so if u came to my question just to say to ur own homework and stuff like that Who found this interesting?
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The most important aspect of tropical legumes is their ability to fix P in association with rhizobium atmospheric dinitrogen which becomes available to subsequent crops in rotational cropping systems.
1. Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics.
Traditional seismographs record straight-line movements, for example shaking, whereas ring lasers measure rotational movements like rolling or twisting.
6.3 m high shells will be built out of lightweight blocks up to third floor level and juxtaposed with each other in rotational symmetry.
In addition to planting, fertilizing and irrigating, pasture management includes rotational grazing to prevent overgrazing.
Didn't Rafe understand that an ideal fluid is incompressible and lacks viscosity, and its flow is steady and irrotational?
Short-duration rotational grazing with heavy grazing pressure results in the best use and greatest animal gains per acre.
Perennial ryegrass tolerates continuous grazing if a two-inch stubble is maintained, but rotational grazing improves production.
By pulling in its legs, the cat can considerably reduce it rotational inertia about the same axis and thus considerably increase its angular speed.
Beech is a very easy timber to grow on a rotational basis.
Intensive rotational grazing systems usually have more than seven paddocks with grazing periods of less than one week to as little as a half day.
A tourbillon is a rotational device that improves accuracy by counteracting the effects of gravity on the gears of a mechanical watch.
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In this case, V is vertical symmetry, E is equilibrium, R is rotational symmetry, and HV is the relation of the polygon to a horizontal-vertical network.
The engine was heard 'roaring' prior to impact, chordwise scratches were found on the propeller blades, and rotational marks were found on the starter housing.
Aero-News Network
A flywheel is a mechanical device with a significant moment of inertia used as a storage device for rotational energy.
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The symmetry group of the Kepler problem is the three-dimensional rotational group SO.
The New determine the orbit of the param - with the crown of glory. the Seven Mansion Worlds, the Jerusalem will be revealed as a eter, a test is taken to see what 30 We can see h o w Merkabah Light worlds of the lower Merkabah totality, a system which energy fields need to be crossed. can spiral through the inner chem - luminaries. will coordinate all building blocks Once they know how many fields ical lattice of planetary program - 35 Merkabah is witness to the of crystal into one greater life force. need to be crossed they create ming so as to attune the species to bringing of prophetic consciousness This is why the key tells u s that what they call rotational circumver - central growth cycles, or speed from one level to other levels of the higher intelligence uses the sion which is two conic sections of through star systems and connect a creation.
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Some of the rotational velocities may have been underestimated because of the small width of the vortex, supported by large spectrum widths associated with mesocyclones some distance from the radar.
He uses the linear throwing technique rather than the rotational method, performed consistently throughout the final.
The event is held on a rotational basis in each of the participating countries.
The tyres' bigger gyroscope boosts rotational inertia on moderate uphills, flats, and downhills.
Tour a certified organic farm that integrates a rotational strip cropping system and examine a sustainable and highly efficient rotational grazing system.
Thus, in order to calculate the vibrational frequencies and the rotational constants of a molecule all that is is needed is the input.
Fundamental theories describe how the translational displacement and the rotational motions of the Brownian particle can be predicted in terms of D.
Experiments are performed to show that the proposed algorithm can locate corners accurately, is rotationally invariant, has scale invariant property and is insensitive to noise contamination.
The beats of the Norwegian Flyfishers Club are fished on a rotational basis, giving each angler equal rights, and a maximum of four anglers per beat.
The orginal idea that the shear mass of that much water, being now located in centralized areas, verse diffuse in all the worlds oceans, is like putting a small lead weight on a spinning top, you are going to affect the rotational tilt.
Hydrology vs. the Apocalypse
The practical structure of die casting mould with the rotational automatic thread demoulding for shell parts, the calculation of mode locking force and the process parameters were presented.
That is precisely why I need the pins which was mainly to correct what is called the rotational problem with my finger.
CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2007
The status of an undercarriage at the touchdown instant is studied by analyzing the undercarriage parameters which change with the wheel rotational speed in the drop test.
The drive elements enable both linear and rotational motion through fully sealed linkages.
There are seven lighthouse keepers on Pengchia, with one acting as the chief, four as regular keepers and the remaining two serving on a rotational basis.
Both are made from high-density polyethylene, one with a process called rotational molding and the other via blow molding.
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Objective To study the rotation of femoral component and tibial component with CT and evaluate the relationship between patellofemoral complications and rotational alignment of the components.
The two grazing methods evaluated were continuous and rotational stocking.
Yet the homology sphere is a sphere with the rotational group SO (3) “modulo” a discrete set of rotations which describe a polytope or polyhedra.
The Lopsided Universe
Pitch angle control system can change pitch, accordingly regulate the rotational speed and output power by adjusting blade incidence of wind-driven device.
Look for rotational control of the mouse.
With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
rotational inertia