
How To Use Rosette In A Sentence

  • In a richly ornamented setting with animals and plants on a red background, in 14 copper rosettes placed between lacunars, there are the Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins of the New Testament parable; the former hold lighted lamps, the latter have lamps already extinguished.
  • This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • Designed with a center emphasis, the fabrics are arranged in rings of hexagons, with four additional rosettes in the corners.
  • In the second example the rosette is substituted for the inner curves of the spiral, and the intermediate space is filled in with the true lotus motive. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Its flowers nod on frail stalks that spring straight from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I even phoned up the AA guide to let them know about it and they have now given Malik's two rosettes.
  • For example, the dark blue triangles on the pink background of the rosettes are barely perceptible in the old photograph and may be missed entirely if the viewer is not aware of the value shift.
  • It is composed of the following stitches: -- Point d'Alençon, point de tulle, English rosettes, Sorrento bars, d'Alençon bars, dotted Venise bars, and the fancy stitch point d'Anvers, which is not a true point lace stitch, but which is much employed in modern point. Beeton's Book of Needlework
  • The rosettes are somewhat flattened and numerous, and give the idea of greenish-white flowers. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Upon entering the hall from the gallery of the rotunda, the viewer faced the elevated rostrum of the speaker at the south end, located under an arch that featured coffers filled with plaster rosettes.
  • These unstable phenotypes that varied between siblings included widely variable flower morphology, stem fasciation, variation in rosette leaves, and anthocyanin variegation of the stem.
  • Although the external decoration varied from garland to garland, similarities did exist consisting of ‘printed paper rosettes, cockades, and silk hangings’.
  • As soon as the second-year plants set seed and die, that seed germinates into pretty new rosettes that quickly monopolize light, moisture, nutrients, soil, and space.
  • When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
  • There's also a restaurant deserving of its two AA rosettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • These plants are frequently monocarpic, their rosettes usually dying after flowering.
  • Is Taverham (and Norwich North) beinng "conned" by an Independent wearing a blue rosette? Archive 2009-07-01
  • On a visit to a zoo in Delhi, India, in 1980, Mill spotted a feral, orange domestic cat with deep brown rosettes that lived in the rhinoceros compound and earned its keep as a ratter.
  • The show will spotlight the classic Bunny costume, one of the most recognizable outfits of all time, complete with bursting cleavage, name-tag rosette and a tail that Norman Mailer once called "the puff of chastity. The Bunny Is Back
  • The man from Great Southern was presented a blue and white sash, a rosette, a specially handcrafted rug from the SAIS and a trophy.
  • The aim is to grab hold of a rosette attached to the bull's head without being impaled. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the parasite is remarkably similar to the ‘rosette agent’ found occasionally in salmon, including chinook salmon, which can also cause mortality.
  • But best of all was a chilled broth constructed around delicate slivers of Maine Peeky Toe crab and a green rosette of avocado.
  • The restaurant has three red rosettes in the AA Guide, and the cuisine is classical with modern influences.
  • Sporting a large blue rosette, he was the real star. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking down at her, I admire the black rosettes of her spots against the snow-white beauty of her fur.
  • The doorknobs' roses or rosettes are simply cast and machined brass discs with a ribbed outside border having a three-inch diameter, twice the size of the normal knob rose.
  • Round her waist they made the loveliest belt of mingled blue and yellow, and all over the upper part of her night-gown, in and out among the pretty white fills which Dorcas herself "goffered," so nicely, they made themselves into fantastic trimmings of every shape and kind; bows, rosettes – I cannot tell you what they did not imitate. The Cuckoo Clock
  • The winner of the competition was given a red rosette.
  • Sixty healthy rosettes, germinated in a greenhouse in March 1986, were used.
  • Sicilian marquetry furniture is immediately recognizable by the rosettes with eight petals, similar to the quatrefoil of Genoa and the star of Naples.
  • Rosette says that when successful organizations are led by black managers, the strong performance is attributed to broad market factors over which the leader had no control, or to what she calls "compensatory stereotypes," such as humor or public-speaking skills, which would make up for any lack in competence. Race Influences How Leaders Are Assessed
  • The front door leads into a rotunda with a domed ceiling decorated with rosettes in the coffers.
  • Both leopards and jaguars have a similar brownish yellow base fur colour, which is distinctively marked with dark rosette markings.
  • Pipe rosettes of cream around the top of the cake.
  • And the black dress on the right with the rosettes, it is beautiful!
  • Their sturdy stems, topped with 4-to 5-inch-wide blooms, rise from rosettes of dark green, wavy-edged leaves.
  • La couleur est d'un rouge violet lie de vin, tirant sur celle de fleurs de pêche, lorsqu'elle est peu intense; on le trouve quelquefois en aiguilles divergentes, partant d'une centre commun, et formant de jolies rosettes à la surface de la gangue. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Mr Wood, who visited Petrus and got involved in an argument with the staff, wanted the restaurant to be given only four rosettes describing it as an ‘expensive poseur's restaurant’.
  • The English army then, to distinguish themselves, assumed a black rosette on their hats; which, from its position, the Scotch nick-named a "cock'ade" (with which our use of the word "cockscomb" is connected) and is still retained. Notes and Queries, Number 65, January 25, 1851
  • It was a tight black tankini that would sculpt to my body like a second skin with tiny, faded rosettes patterning the surface.
  • There are necklaces of gold papyrus blooms, rosettes, and argonauts, and polished amethyst, carnelian, and sardonyx beads. Minoans in Manhattan
  • If you want more of this beauty, you'll have to divide the rosettes in spring or take stem or root cuttings in summer, as it doesn't come true from seed.
  • The winning horse had a rosette fixed to its bridle.
  • Damage to rosette leaves appeared to be by cottontail rabbits, based on droppings associated with the damaged plants.
  • The partial inclusions of hematite take the form of microscopic rosettes of thin, splendent blue-black plates (pers. observation).
  • In lawns, mowing of hawkweeds is ineffective because the low-lying rosettes are missed by mower blades.
  • If you leave the rosettes fighting each other for space they'll still all bloom, but with shorter, spindlier flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just a smattering of grooms and judges and the salmon-hatted wives of supermarket sponsors waiting to hand out rosettes watch with a wake-like reverence.
  • A large, ferocious cat. Panthera pardus)of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur.
  • The elastic waistband has a decorative rosette and stretches easily.
  • The gilt rosettes that once studded its coffered dome evoked the firmament.
  • Long, sturdy, round flower stems develop from the leaf rosette starting in May.
  • Upon entering the hall from the gallery of the rotunda, the viewer faced the elevated rostrum of the speaker at the south end, located under an arch that featured coffers filled with plaster rosettes.
  • [GONIOCLYPEUS SUBANGULATUS] somewhat pentangular; posterior or anal orifice lateral, or upon the superior face; interambulacral area grooved, with the continued area beneath projecting; interambulacral areas sub-angulated; mouth rather narrow or small, central; peristome angular, and surrounded by five angular prominences, which terminate in the interambulacral areas, between which is a rosette, perforated by seven pairs of pores, with three odd ones at the end of each petal; ambulacra petaloid and closed; the prolonged zone provided with alternating pores as far as the base; pores connected by oblique grooves; interambulacral wide; plates large, and nine or ten in a column. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The campaign strategy of the Tories, when not completely off the wall, shows a neurotic obsession with retaining the votes of a certain elderly constituency who would vote for anything with a blue rosette.
  • The busy restaurant has two AA rosettes and a sushi bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The front door leads into a rotunda with a domed ceiling decorated with rosettes in the coffers.
  • The prize was decorated with silk rosettes, fruit and small stuffed birds.
  • He persisted in dressing, as in his youth, in black silk stockings, shoes with gold buckles, breeches of black poult-de-soie, and a black coat, adorned with the red rosette. Ursula
  • Its flowers nod on frail stalks that spring straight from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nightclubs, shebeens and taverns in Rosettenville and Turffontein were targeted by Johannesburg's metro police on Friday night in a crime prevention operation.
  • -- It is worked at the same time both round the bosom and sleeves. 1st round: * 1 double in the centre purl of the 1st scallop of the rosette, which we will call the _first rosette_; 5 chain, Beeton's Book of Needlework
  • The animal was, no doubt, the "ocelot," which is also spotted, or rather marked with the eye-like rosettes which distinguish the skin of the jaguar. Popular Adventure Tales
  • The rosette is Egyptian; and the honeysuckle, which Mr. Petrie has identified as a florid variety of the lotus pattern, (44) is also distinctly Egyptian. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Some of the little flowers clustered in the rosettes get blown down by the wind like confetti. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inlay elements are symmetrically organized into three concentric bands of antithetical animal groups surrounding a central rosette.
  • The inner vault is divided into 7 lines of 32 quadrangular lacunars; each lacunar has a golden rosette in the middle.
  • It was not so much fresh thinking as the fear of mandatory reselection that persuaded 28 Labour MPs to remove red rosettes and don tricolour badges instead. Social Democratic party: Thirty years on | Editorial
  • The leaves, in rosettes, have a mucro or spine at the tip.
  • Mites were very abundant in the leaf rosettes and much less abundant in the stalk material, thus we limited acarine identifications to those mites inhabiting the leaf rosettes.
  • A milder form of sorrow finds its inexpensive and lasting remembrancer in the coarse and ugly but indestructible 'immortelle' -- which is a wreath or cross or some such emblem, made of rosettes of black linen, with sometimes a yellow rosette at the conjunction of the cross's bars -- kind of sorrowful breast-pin, so to say. Life on the Mississippi, Part 9.
  • The cells he identified ― called rosette-stage NSCs (R-NSCs) ― are different from other neural stem cells in the way they look, express genes, and in their special needs for growth. - latest science and technology news stories
  • For starters we both chose rosette of smoked salmon with a sour cream and fresh dill yoghurt.
  • Pipe the butter into 24 rosettes onto a parchment-lined sheet pan and set aside in the refrigerator.
  • The spiral in combination with the rosette is first found, as a decorative design, on a ceiling in one of the tombs at Beni-Hasan, as in the following illustration; and in another Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Arabidopsis has open rosette leaves during the day and directs its leaves upward at night and this leaf movement is controlled by the circadian clock.
  • The Haworthia attenuata has a stemless rosette of really tough dark green leaves that have bands of glistening white tubercles.
  • The spiral, either in its simplest form, or in combination with the rosette or the lotus, is an Egyptian design. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Hyacinth bloom buds should have come up far enough to show in the heart of the leaf rosette before you bring the pots into the light.
  • Garnish each tortoni with a rosette of cream and a candied cherry.
  • Detail of the hexagon Charm quilt, shows the center rosette of the quilt.
  • The fine dining restaurant has two AA rosettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its restaurant was awarded three AA rosettes last month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rosario's embroidered and ornamented sashes with ribbon rosettes for an imagined Miss Brazil, Miss Amazon and Miss France hang from standards nearby.
  • On the south side, a large acanthus medallion sprouts amid a field of stone rosettes, as delicate as on the day they were first chiseled. Temple of the 'Bride of the Desert'
  • Thick stripes and spots covered his altered body, making it seem like a combination between the lines Jyfe had exhibited and the rosettes of a jaguar.
  • The gold bowl from the acropolis is also arranged around a central rosette in three concentric bands of figural representations separated by three ornamental bands.
  • A well-flowered specimen is very effective on rockwork, but the panicles have a fault of heading over, from their weight, and also because, unlike _S. longifolia_ and _S. cotyledon_, which have large and firm rosettes close to the ground to stay them, this species has a somewhat "leggy" rosette or a foot stalk, which is more or less furnished with browned and very persistent foliage. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Peel away the ruff of the older, dead leaves under the rosette first. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another attraction at the Royal Show, also competing for rosettes and prize cards are over thirty pure breeds of poultry, exhibiting in the Poultry Marquee on the first three days of the show and followed by a poultry display on the fourth.
  • The girl had a new silk kerchief around her neck, her hair put up inexpertly beneath a bonnet that was liberally trimmed with motheaten feathers and stained rosettes of ribbon. The Serpent's Shadow
  • One of the commonest weeds is nipplewort (named for the shape of the flower buds) which is spreading its leaves in small, loose rosettes.
  • The garlands are all bell-shaped, wooden-framed and covered in paper rosettes sewn into place.
  • Their efforts were rewarded when, fifteen minutes later, Blossom took the blue rosette for ‘Best Jersey Heifer’.
  • The artist's repertoire of imagery has remained consistent: arabesques, medallions, garlands, lobed rosettes, various tropical flowers and fruit are assembled in trophylike configurations.
  • Plants form a tight rosette of leaves, not a long blocky head.
  • Its flowers nod on frail stalks that spring straight from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • While sundrops are still in the rosette stage, they are very easy to pull up and move around.
  • So, I talked to the GIF officers and showed them my rosette.
  • A variety called australe, found at the southern tip of the plant's native range, differs in having long, above-ground runners that root at the tips, forming new rosettes of leaves much the way a strawberry plant would. -
  • The rosette diameter was measured after full leaf expansion using a ruler with 1 mm precision.
  • Some of the little flowers clustered in the rosettes get blown down by the wind like confetti. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nickel-finish conchas normally used to decorate Western wear form rosettes when they're anchored on leather circles and tied with turquoise leather thread.
  • It is moulded fully in the round, but by way of adornment, in close agreement with the tradition of vase-painting, the head is wreathed with rosettes and crowned by a single palmette. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • In the center of the valve is a rosette of larger areolae surrounding a star-shaped hyaline area.
  • All of the women wear traditional dress: long flowing skirts, heavily embroidered waistcoats and embroidered hats with a rosette on the right side.
  • A flowering plant consists of a rosette of hairy basal leaves with long petioles, and from one to several flowering shoots, up to 50 cm tall, each bearing a dichasium of several to many flowers.
  • But, according to what I once heard from certain old friends of Andrea, he used to defend himself by saying that he had adhered in his vault to the method of the coffering in the Ritonda at Rome, wherein the ribs that radiate from the round window in the centre above, from which that temple gets its light, serve to enclose the square sunk panels containing the rosettes, which diminish little by little, as likewise do the ribs; and for that reason they do not fall in a straight line with the columns. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 05 ( of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto
  • Norfolk Blogger: Is Taverham (and Norwich North) beinng "conned" by an Independent wearing a blue rosette? skip to main | skip to sidebar Is Taverham (and Norwich North) beinng "conned" by an Independent wearing a blue rosette ?
  • The plant is succulent with leaves in tight rosettes more or less four centimetres or more across in diameter.
  • A small rosette of leaves appears in spring, gradually increasing in size among spring bulbs, forget-me-nots and wallflowers.
  • As well as rosettes, some special trophies will be awarded and will include, best junior rider and best rider.
  • He persisted in dressing, as in his youth, in black silk stockings, shoes with gold buckles, breeches of black poult-de-soie, and a black coat, adorned with the red rosette. Ursula
  • I graciously accepted the rosette and belt buckle, thanking the ring steward as I rode out and the applause trickled down.
  • [GONIOCLYPEUS SUBANGULATUS] somewhat pentangular; posterior or anal orifice lateral, or upon the superior face; interambulacral area grooved, with the continued area beneath projecting; interambulacral areas sub-angulated; mouth rather narrow or small, central; peristome angular, and surrounded by five angular prominences, which terminate in the interambulacral areas, between which is a rosette, perforated by seven pairs of pores, with three odd ones at the end of each petal; ambulacra petaloid and closed; the prolonged zone provided with alternating pores as far as the base; pores connected by oblique grooves; interambulacral wide; plates large, and nine or ten in a column. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Its interior is characterized by a great central peperino arch with lacunars and rosettes, introducing to the high altar consecrated to the Virgin, whose icon is painted on a piece of slate.
  • Draw up very tightly the cotton over which you work, so that the circles form a rosette, which is closed by sewing together the two corresponding purl of the first and last circle. Beeton's Book of Needlework
  • The aim is to grab hold of a rosette attached to the bull's head without being impaled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Antony Worrall Thompson who was demonstrating in the food hall later in the day was exhibiting his Middle White pigs for the first time and beginners luck was with him, for he was presented with a second prize rosette.
  • Paranephelius is composed of acaulescent herbs with showy, yellow capitula, sessile in the center of a basal rosette of leaves, often with bullate leaf surfaces.
  • A knitted or crotcheted hat, with woollen rosettes over the ears, is, in the winter time, an excellent hat for a child subject to ear-ache. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • She began to sneak towards Rosette's bedroom; avoiding the few creaky floorboards like the plague.
  • Within their company, there's sometimes a woman in a flowered pantsuit, hair swept into a bead rosette. THE BINGO PALACE
  • The second case showed presence of rosettes in between areas of typical neurofibroma BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • • A rosette, which is thrown over the edge of the boat. Nunatsiaq News - Online
  • Sunday after Sunday saw Paddy head off for some of the regional shows or gymkhanas where he was a regular performer and from which he amassed an impressive array of rosettes.
  • On the floor in the center is a dazzling blue sequin-filled rosette.
  • There are cuboid watermelons and giant tomatoes, as well as little vignette inserts punctuating the picture - a fruit fly, a strand of human DNA, a repulsive overbred lapdog framed in a prize-winning blue rosette.
  • Higher pixel - precise transform of infrared rosette scan is the base of infrared quasi - image recognition.
  • The plant is succulent with leaves in tight rosettes more or less four centimetres or more across in diameter.
  • Smooth leaves form a rosette at the base, which flower stems rise up to 12 inches above.
  • In mild climates, the plant will maintain a low rosette of leaves and can be picked through the winter.
  • The key to good control of musk thistle with herbicides is to control young plants in early May while they're in the rosette stage.
  • This new rosette - picking orchids Festival , the delicate fragrance fragrance.
  • After cleaning, Mr Stone knew what a significant find he held in his hand because of the characteristic individual stamps in the shape of a stylised rosette.
  • (I'm told that the rag rosette was Leah's touch to hid a coffee stain on the tee-shirt).
  • Angela, gowned in a white dress overendowed with pink rosettes and cerise ribbon, stood twisting her fingers in said ribbon. A RAKE'S VOW
  • He will also reproduce period fireplace surrounds, ceiling rosettes, and freestanding carvings in the manner of Grinling Gibbons.
  • These form rosettes of waxy evergreen leaves and star-shaped summer flowers.
  • A typical rosette-shape of the malarian parasite on the top, among red blood cells. Life and Discoveries of Camillo Golgi
  • Mr. Scully had a brand-new blue coat and brass buttons, buff waistcoat, white kerseymere tights, pumps with large rosettes, and pink silk stockings. The Bedford-Row Conspiracy
  • The aim is to grab hold of a rosette attached to the bull's head without being impaled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sunken rosettes, surrounded by raised arabesque borders, between the caryatides, are sculptured with such a careful reference to the distance at which they must be seen, that they appear as firm and delicate as if near the spectator's eye. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867
  • A handful of rosettes is all the pensioner has left following last Wednesday's raid, where more than 1,000 prizes and certificates were also snatched, along with valuable horse brasses.
  • These night tables were often decorated with the characteristic Neapolitan rosettes highlighted with ivory inlay.
  • Traditionally there was a decorative rosette around the hole.
  • After losing Jezebel Phil has had nothing to ride so he's going to have a play with Chocx, it's very much a new partnership so we aren't expecting any rosettes just yet, then later this year he thinks he will start a Chocolate youngster called Callisto off to replace Jez. Undefined
  • I am unable to learn to what species it is most nearly related; its name, which doubtless has reference to its peculiar form and habit, would seem to isolate it even from its parents, if such are known; it, however, belongs to that section having thick leathery leaves, ligulate, encrusted, arranged in rosette form, and having excavated dots. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Biennial caraway forms a rosette of leaves the first year and develops a flowering stalk the second, after which the plant dies.
  • The 34-foot deep eastern basin has a sand and gravel bottom with a variety of sterile-rosette aquatics including the rare plantain shoreweed.
  • Kreth G, Solovei I, Koehler D, Saracoglu K, et al. (2005) Three-dimensional maps of all chromosomes in human male fibroblast nuclei and prometaphase rosettes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In contrast, even though planting of R. multiflora is illegal and it may currently suffer from rose rosette disease, its spread rate increased in the 1990s.
  • Verbascum bombyciferum, for example, will grow 1.8m / 6ft tall or more with long spikes covered in soft yellow flowers rising from rosettes of large, downy leaves.
  • Apply herbicides when plants are in the rosette stage and prior to bolting.
  • One out of three putative double mutants that were transferred to soil developed a fasciated stem and a structure similar to an aerial rosette (data not shown).
  • It is not a fashion statement it is a cult statement in the same way that wearing a political rosette is, or that wearing a gang patch is.
  • Several of these pieces of furniture share characteristics of both groups, such as a hanging cupboard with grain-painted sides and a green front with yellow rosettes, and a grain-painted chest of drawers with rosettes.
  • A separate experiment revealed that the area of the incurrent naris where dye entered the rosette determined where it would exit the excurrent naris.
  • I molded the tuille on an upside down mini muffin tin to make the cup, then put a rosette of the white chocolate whipped cream inside, loaded on the raspberries and topped it with some purloined candied almonds that another group made for a cake. Reading, Writing, Cooking and Crafting: White chocolate pain-in-the-ass
  • This jewel of a vegetable with its rosette of bluish-red leaves has great visual appeal - both in the kitchen and the garden.
  • The church is circular in shape and it is covered by an impressive dome which is styled on the Pantheon, with lacunars and rosettes carved from limestone.
  • The flag must not be used as a festoon, rosette or bunting or in any other manner of decoration.
  • The coffin would probably have been painted possibly with rosettes signifying prosperity in the after-life.
  • Every rosette is handmade and ruffled at the factory in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, fashioned in velvet, super-satin, acetate or a type of cord called faille, which seems a strange misnomer when it's associated with success.
  • They can also be combined with a rosette and used to decorate an otherwise plain ceiling.
  • Their straplike leaves, smooth, shiny, and thick, fan out symmetrically around a central cup (called a tank) to form a neat rosette.
  • Each of the Rosettes of the plant are monocarpic which means that they are plants can be kept alive after flowering if the flowers are removed as soon as they are done blooming, before seed formation begins. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The winners will receive a special trophy, with rosettes awarded to the runners-up.
  • Bear the bull mastiff has already taken five first prizes at dog shows across the South West, countless rosettes, plaques and certificates.
  • Sicilian marquetry furniture is immediately recognizable by the rosettes with eight petals, similar to the quatrefoil of Genoa and the star of Naples.
  • The flowers spring up from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves at the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘It's been a great day for democracy,’ said one of Robinson's team as he adjusted his rosette.
  • Shooting the birds was marginally better sport than bagging dodos and to win a rosette in pigeon-shooting you had to kill in excess of 30,000 passengers in a session.
  • It was perfect, with precise, even planes and a stamped-out whipped-cream rosette.
  • It has clusters of lilac or blue flowers at the top of stout stalks, and long leaves springing in a rosette from the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rosettes on the hips, pompons on the tail and puffs on the leg all reflect the frivolity of the French aristocracy, and have been kept by breeders who wish to preserve the dog's historic tradition.
  • She is 38 with long blonde hair and wearing a large blue rosette. Times, Sunday Times
  • The narrow rim around the outline of the rosette may be of the same light wood as the latter, or it may be made of gray harewood.
  • The tall young Queen was in crimson satin with cunningly-wrought silver embroideries, trimmed with tufted silver fringe, her stomacher stiff with silver bullion studded with gold rosettes and Roman pearls, her bodice cut low to display her splendid neck, decked by a carcanet of pearls and rubies, and surmounted by a fan-like cuff of guipure, high behind and sloping towards the bust. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • The aim is to grab hold of a rosette attached to the bull's head without being impaled. Times, Sunday Times
  • When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage at the base of the plants.
  • In Arabidopsis thaliana and other long-day rosette plants, it has been shown that photoperiodic control of stem elongation is mediated by GAs.
  • For propagation, cut off the lateral rosettes with roots during March to April or September to October and plant in ordinary soil.
  • Harvest most of the rosettes but let a few flowers form seeds; mache self-sows readily, so next year's crop is likely to seed itself.
  • Frosting is thick and holds shapes like rosettes and shells like those you see piped around the edges of a birthday cake.
  • Rosette actually magicked them to creak, and she maintained that it gave the house ‘character.’
  • The quality of the copperplate engraving of each rosette is extraordinary, featuring both the frontal view of the stone carving and a cross-section to show the depth of the carved decoration.
  • He was allowed quarter of an hour for pressgang work, and sure enough he came back within a very reasonable time with a few spare hands, and then -- paddling and poling for dear life -- we glided swiftly through the tangled lily-pads and the green rosettes of the Singhara, and soon were _in medias res_ and fairly committed to the deep. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Singing the red flag, wearing a green rosette. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under favorable conditions each rosette produces one flowering stem up to 3 meters in height, with numerous auriculate clasping leaves.
  • The ceiling coffers of the Urbino studiolo contain Montefeltro imprese and emblems of Federico's personal achievements, while at Gubbio they bear rosettes. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The dining room has recently been awarded three AA rosettes for excellence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winner of the competition was given a red rosette.
  • There wouldn't be a red rosette left standing. The Sun
  • Decorate each rosette center with one gold seed bead.
  • The flowers spring up from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves at the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the worsted rosettes of the bell-ropes, in the plaster picture-frames, in the painted tea-tray and on the cups, in the pediment of the sideboard, in the ornament that crowns the barometer, in the finials of sofa and arm-chair, in the finger-plates of the "grained" door, is to be seen the ineffectual portrait or to be traced the stale inspiration of the flower. Essays
  • It is a herb with a rosette of fleshy, oblong leaves, 1 to 3 in. long, appressed to the ground, of a pale colour and with a sticky surface. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He now behaves "quite well" and they have won over 100 rosettes together in dressage competitions up and down Britain. The Golden Thread - Asian experiences of post-Raj Britain

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