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How To Use Rosemary In A Sentence

  • Think roast partridge with wild mushrooms followed by a little pot of chocolate rosemary.
  • Dry spices are fine too, including garlic, paprika, basil, rosemary and oregano.
  • Place the leg in the pot (roasting dish) and perch the rosemary on top.
  • Reflections on Rosemary were given by her niece Claire and one of her great-nieces, Annie.
  • Rosemary speaks highly of the nurses and doctors who looked after her there.
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  • Lightly crush the rosemary to release the aroma. Times, Sunday Times
  • One night, after sampling a strange concoction made from the rose petals collected from Croxleys Wood, Geoff encounters the beautiful Rosemary.
  • Essential oils from allspice, basil, cedar, cinnamon, citronella, garlic, geranium, lavender, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, rosemary, and thyme have been reported to have repellent properties.
  • Avoid whole herbs with woody or rigid stems, such as oregano, sage, rosemary, tarragon, or marjoram.
  • I reached my hand down in between the tub and the wall and pulled out a small bottle of rosemary.
  • There was a difference of opinion over the roast skewered noisettes of lamb, served with rosemary and mustard soubise.
  • Climbing roses, jasmine and honeysuckle were trained up the walls and rosemary and lavender borders lined the flower beds.
  • The flavour, however, is less sugary than you might be led to expect, salty and redolent of rosemary, garlic and vinegar.
  • Napped with melted butter, and scented with rosemary and mint, that kebob had a tantalizing flavor.
  • Add the garlic, rosemary and chilli flakes, giving them a good swish around the pan to release the flavours. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you use gels, heavy creams or pomades to slick or spike your hair, adding a drop or two of your favorite essential oil (like lavender, jasmine, rosemary, sage or ylang-ylang) can counter some of the drying effects of such products.
  • For something a little different in the kitchen, sew a pocket onto the palm of each of your oven gloves and fill them with rosemary.
  • I had pan-fried duck, black pudding and rosemary boudin with slivers of venison saddle, roast sweet potato and hoi sin sauce.
  • Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
  • When the gravy has been reduced to the right consistency, add a handful of rosemary sprigs and bubble for a few more minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Season the buffalo meat with pepper, thyme, rosemary, salt, ground chili, and cumin. Dust with flour.
  • My lamb was sitting on a bed of potatoes and a rich gravy infused with the flavour of several sprigs of rosemary.
  • Dishes range from snacks to full meals such as fillet of beef medallions on rosti potato with rosemary sauce.
  • The tantalising pomme Anna consisted of Charlotte potatoes sliced, layered and caramelised with rosemary butter.
  • A nasty surprise awaited them in Rosemary Lane.
  • It was a warm night and under the glow of the electrolier Rosemary's magnificent hair curled and shone like polished bronze. Rosemary
  • In a sunny window, try oregano, rosemary, sage, sweet marjoram, and thyme.
  • Other flavors to think about are litchi (a tree fruit from China), yuzu (a rather expensive Japanese lemon), ginger and rosemary.
  • They go well with the strong Mediterranean flavours of anchovy, garlic, capers, extra virgin olive oil, rosemary and oregano, and Greek cheeses such as feta and halloumi.
  • An inspired blend of four different lavenders on a base of rosemary and thyme, it will make all your linens smell as good as sheets hung out to dry on a warm summer's day.
  • Scatter the prepared vegetables on the baking sheet and drizzle over the oil and chopped rosemary leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gearing up for the Rotary Park Restoration Walk next Saturday are bush regenerators Graham Read, Rosemary Joseph and Dennis Sellars with Cr Frank Swientek.
  • They go well with the strong Mediterranean flavours of anchovy, garlic, capers, extra virgin olive oil, rosemary and oregano, and Greek cheeses such as feta and halloumi.
  • We live in an apartment, and although we do grow some things - mint, sage, thyme, tarragon, rosemary - rhubarb is not one of them.
  • Thyme, rosemary, marjoram and lavender will act as a magnet for bees and butterflies.
  • Aroma advocates claim that rosemary, peppermint, basil and jasmine scents, alone or in combination, may improve your mental alertness.
  • She recognized the smell of thyme, rosemary, sage, and lavender, but that was about it.
  • Brecknockshire prefers the Spreading bellflower, while Cardiganshire opts for the Bog-rosemary.
  • Add the black peppercorns, juniper berries, thyme, rosemary, sage, lovage, and bay leaf.
  • Strip rosemary from stalk and chop to dust - very quick using a mezzaluna. Times, Sunday Times
  • Transfer to a large bowl and stir in panko, red onion, parsley, rosemary and lemon rind. Globe and Mail
  • officinalis" or medical name, perhaps also the belief that "where rosemary flourishes, the lady rules! Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
  • Tonka bean and hay absolute at the base along with ho wood very linalool rich at the heart complete the fougere picture and the pine was replaced by rosemary verbenone to add clean, herbaceous freshness. Lavender-Violet
  • Adventurous herbalists like to experiment with basil, oregano and rosemary, also including the more exotic plants like sweet woodruff, lemon grass and borage.
  • The Mediterranean vegetable garden includes an old water tank as well as displays of rosemary, thyme, pumpkins, figs, globe artichokes, olives and grapevines.
  • In a two-page order, judges Thomas Griffith, Rosemary Collyer and Beryl Howell wrote that Texas "used an improper standard or methodology" to determine which districts give minority voters the ability to elect their preferred candidates. U.S. Court Challenges New Texas Districts
  • Black beans, cumin, jalapeño, arugula, and bacon may be the best things that ever happened to a rosemary-braised halibut.
  • Climbing roses, jasmine and honeysuckle were trained up the walls and rosemary and lavender borders lined the flower beds.
  • Make sachets of dried lavender or equal portions of rosemary and mint.
  • He likes to pair foods flavored with rosemary with a fino sherry, a dry fortified wine.
  • In dune areas, anchoring shrubs such as Havard shin oak, fourwing saltbush, and yucca stabilize the dune sand for herbaceous grasses and forbs such as sand verbenas, sunflowers, fringed sagewort, and hoary rosemary-mint. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • Danny looked at Katie as if to say ‘we should go find her’ but Katie was too engrossed in conversation with Rosemary to notice.
  • Main courses included best end of lamb with shallot purée and rosemary jus, and daube of beef with pomme purée and root vegetables.
  • Climbing roses, jasmine and honeysuckle were trained up the walls and rosemary and lavender borders lined the flower beds.
  • Rosemary, thyme and dill are also good decorative herbs to plant with cabbages.
  • The rosemary will also have been cooked to crispness as well.
  • His front yard has lots of lavender and rosemary growing in it, but the mugwort and rue are threatening to take over.
  • The kitchen'll be turning out seasonal, elevated tavern victuals including a trio of rotating savory pies e.g., lamb & rosemary, curried chicken; hare/wood pigeon/venison-filled Poacher's Soup; Lancashire hot pots w/ braised lamb shoulder; and, sided by a savoy cabbage & wild mushroom casserole, a roasted Berkshire rack, which can happen pretty quickly considering how pale everyone is there. Thrillist: Jones Wood Foundry: A Pub With Proprietary Beer and Meat Pies
  • Beat in half the rosemary oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • A square pewter container was next, containing black dogwood stems, large green chrysanthemums, white lilies, the palest green flowers surrounded by senecio and rosemary, and yellow cymbidium orchids cascading over the edge.
  • Pop a few mini sprigs of rosemary and a garlic slivers in middle of cheese, with a drizzle of olive oil. The Sun
  • I planted box hedging, rosemary and lavender. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just went to talk to my downstairs neighbour about a tree that fell down in our garden, and she gave me a sprig of rosemary, and a tied bunch of lavender.
  • I had wormwood, soapwort, dill, yarrow, tarragon, chives, rosemary, lavender, angelica, many kinds of basil and thymes.
  • I also gave the potted plants (rosemary, chives, oregano and garlic) a bit more compost and a top dressing of bark chips to smarten them up, keep down the weeds and help with water retention.
  • Stepping off the ferry, I am overwhelmed by the perfumes of rosemary, sage and lavender.
  • There was a difference of opinion over the roast skewered noisettes of lamb, served with rosemary and mustard soubise.
  • Or sprinkle your rice with oregano, rosemary, basil, thyme, parsley and sage.
  • The commando chief Rosemary lost interest in leading desperate missions.
  • Rosemary had never done much thinking, save about the illimitability of her mother’s perfections, so this final severance of the umbilical cord disturbed her sleep. Tender is the Night
  • Litigation in the case will now continue, “with USTR asking US District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer to uphold its decision to conceal virtually all of the information that EFF and PK seek concerning the ACTA negotiations,” add the two organisations. Unveil ACTA! EFF, Public Knowledge
  • Made with white and wild rice, onion, celery, and a hint of rosemary.
  • To one side of the plate, place a fig tartlet with a quenelle of rosemary creme fraiche on top.
  • Food is traditional — oeuf en meurette, ribeye marinated in rosemary and garlic — and the decor is delightful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Created by the founder of Le Cordon Bleu cookery school, Rosemary Hume – rather than her better-known business partner, celebrity florist Constance Spry, as is often claimed – poulet reine Elizabeth, as it was originally known, was a deliberate and tactful compromise between the luxurious and the thrifty for a country still under the dreary yoke of postwar rationing. How to cook perfect coronation chicken
  • You can start some herbs, such as thyme, mint and rosemary, from cuttings or from young plants you buy at a florist or greenhouse.
  • My rack of lamb was baked to perfection and nestled on a bed of peppered savoy and sliced potatoes, augmented by a delicious rosemary and orange jus.
  • Season the buffalo meat with pepper, thyme, rosemary, salt, ground chili, and cumin.
  • That said, however, roast lamb can take a variety of flavours, from mint, rosemary and oregano to anchovies, garlic and even coffee.
  • Her first gift to me was a rosemary plant in a pot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foulshaw boasts a huge variety of plants and animals, including the cranberry, bog rosemary, heath butterfly and bog bush cricket.
  • At the last minute add the sprig of rosemary and infuse for two minutes.
  • Most insurance companies, Rosemary says, make sure that as a matter of course they reinsure their risks.
  • Stir in finely chopped rosemary and grated Parmesan (or nutritional yeast). Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Sustainable Is The New Normal
  • Then the thigh, and the whole of the leg, must be fomented with a decoction made of sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, flowers of chamomile and melilot, red roses boiled in white wine, with a drying powder made of oak -- ashes and a little vinegar and half a handful of salt. ... The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • Sprinkle the demerara sugar and rosemary over the top then crumble the remaining mixture over to more or less cover.
  • Meanwhile, the rosemary is doing just fine now, and the hardier looking specimens have their permanent home, where they're definitely thriving. From Twitter 07-13-2009
  • While I was out there I pruned back the mint, rosemary and oregano plants which were past their best.
  • To clear a muggy head, put a couple of drops of thyme, rosemary or pine essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale frequently - all have antiviral and decongestant properties.
  • Herb de Provence is a mixture of herbs, often including thyme, rosemary, tarragon, chervil, sage, marjoram, basil and fennel seed.
  • and plants from tropical regions including certain palms can be surprisingly winter hardy, but plants from the Mediterranean such as cistus and rosemary have increased vulnerability and are much more unreliable. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In this recipe we marry the strong flavours of olive oil and fresh rosemary with the succulence of the potato.
  • Add the condensed milk, syrup and rosemary sprigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rosemary cannot comb her wet hair in front of the mirrors, because odds on someone will be standing next to her starkers, so she has to scurry home, hair tangled and flustered. Why do people bare so much flesh?
  • Plants chosen for drought tolerance as well as color thrive here, including catmint (Nepeta ‘Blue Wonder’), ceanothus, lychnis, penstemon, purple coneflower, rockrose, rosemary, and star jasmine.
  • The forest thinned to a plateau of wind-worn scrubland and there was the aromatic scent of rosemary and thyme.
  • Make sachets of dried lavender or equal portions of rosemary and mint.
  • If you are an excellent chef, that paella is almost ready: simply take it out of the range and cover it for a couple minutes to concentrate the rosemary scent and maybe soften those last rebel rice grains. Valencian Paella
  • You also can plant lavender, oregano, thyme, rosemary and sage.
  • The death of Rosemary Clooney reminded me that I had seen the famous songstress in person at Leopardstown Races many years ago.
  • You can start some herbs, such as thyme, mint and rosemary, from cuttings or from young plants you buy at a florist or greenhouse.
  • Mostly we ambled along the flat trails at family friendly speeds accompanied by birdsong and smell of wild rosemary. The Sun
  • Basil adds luster to hair: brunettes, add it to a rosemary rinse, blondes, add it to a chamomile rinse.
  • Roughly chop the remaining rosemary and sage and set aside. The Sun
  • Thirteen different types of evergreens were selected, including ivy and blue grass, and aromatics such as mint and rosemary.
  • Coarse-textured stuffing is essential to what I regard as one of the glories of Christmas. onions 2 butter a thick slice thyme a large sprig or two rosemary 1 large sprig sausage meat 400g fresh breadcrumbs 3 handfuls cooked peeled chestnuts (boiled or roasted) 50g, roughly chopped Madeira or dry marsala a wine glass Peel and cut up the onions just short of finely chopped. Tender delights
  • I think it was rosemary and frankincense in it perhaps, that the swinging censor of incense, and I just found it all so beautiful and evocative, that ritual going on.
  • Minestrone with garlic bread bruschetta, buffalo mozzarella pizza, and homemade cannelloni would be followed by a selection of main courses including Chilean sea bass, tiger prawns, and rosemary spring chicken.
  • Container and garden grown rosemary takes well to training into topiaries.
  • Rosemary get all dolled up for the party tonight.
  • The Rosmarino starts with the rosemary vodka, dry vermouth and a hint of Pernod, served ice cold with a caper berry.
  • In her 1996 life of Eliot, Rosemary Ashton quotes a hitherto unregarded letter of G. H. Lewes's about Daniel Deronda.
  • So too was a chunky lamb chump chop with flageolet beans, skins still intact, but gloriously floury within, all mixed up with creamy goats' cheese and surrounded by rich brown rosemary gravy.
  • All this anointed with a clear, bright, winey gravy, innocent of thickening gloop and judiciously scented with rosemary.
  • You may pick a sprig of rosemary or thyme, or a few fronds of parsley or dill, but you'll pick an armload of basil.
  • The subtly billed "sparkling" libations, made with the Spanish white wine known as cava, ground their bubbles in the harder stuff of a Hemingway character and are good enough to order twice - particularly the palate-puckering punch of tequila, grapefruit juice and rosemary. Home/News
  • Or how about Wensleydale, spinach and autumn fruit chutney in a rosemary and raisin roll?
  • Moisten the top of the bird with olive oil and then season with thyme, rosemary, oregano, salt, pepper and a few pinches of cayenne.
  • Drain and add to the fennel with the rosemary and tomatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scatter a bulb of garlic cloves around the turkey in the tin, and add a few lemon halves and a handful of rosemary sprigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put the chicken in a slow cooker and then sprinkle the chopped onion, rosemary and lemon juice and zest over it. The Sun
  • You may pick a sprig of rosemary or thyme, or a few fronds of parsley or dill, but you'll pick an armload of basil.
  • Effective non-chemical remedies include the essential oils from plants such as lemongrass, eucalyptus, cypress, lavender, rosemary and thyme.
  • Chop the needles from 1 of the rosemary sprigs and chop 4 of the basil leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rosemary asked him what the problem was but she could not get a straight answer from him.
  • In British Low Culture, Leon Hunt notes from that special,Sandra Shulman, author of Daughter sic of Satan 'Their beautiful bodies belonged to the devil–A novel in the tradition of Rosemary's Baby' and The Degenerates wrote orgy scenes as 'a shopping list of perversions' and claims not to have known what 'shafting' or 'going down' meant. THE TEMPTRESS by Sandra Shulman (Paperback Library 1971)
  • And instead of lawns, the gardens have drought-resistant plants such as rosemary and gallberry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shot cuts back to Hal, who looks bewildered, and glances back towards Rosemary.
  • Flower beds along the front held lavender, rosemary, and cistus -- three of the few shrubs that the deer would leave alone. Angel With No Hands
  • Karen, the Munster regional finalist, won out with her honeyed lamb noisettes, roast root vegetables and rosemary roast potatoes followed by sticky toffee pudding with caramel sauce.
  • Season the lamb with garlic and rosemary.
  • Tie thyme, rosemary and bay with cotton. Times, Sunday Times
  • My rack of lamb was baked to perfection and nestled on a bed of peppered savoy and sliced potatoes, augmented by a delicious rosemary and orange jus.
  • The consensus is that they tend to avoid aromatic herbs including garlic, onions, chives, rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, mint, tansy, lovage, marjoram, thyme, sage and fennel.
  • Katterfelto of wonders! exceeded expectation, went beyond belief, and soared above all the natural powers of description! she was nature itself! she was the most exquisite work of art! she was the very daisy, primrose, tube rose, sweet-briar, furze blossom, gilliflower, wall-flower, cauliflower and rosemary! in short she was a bouquet of The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • And of course a deep total body moisturization of my special blend of grape seed, and castor oils delicately scented with patchouli, grapefruit, and rosemary. Madrigle Diary Entry
  • Finish the salad by crumbling over the feta cheese and adding the fried rosemary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add the oil, rosemary, flour and salt and bring together to form a dough.
  • Try rosemary (to invigorate) and spruce (to energise) in your footbath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tuscan snobs will enjoy the savory agnolotti dumplings, stuffed with spinach and ground veal, and a steamy bowl of pici spaghetti, drenched in a buttery mushroom sauce and scented with rosemary and bits of black truffles.
  • Rosemary walked into the diner in a single, long, lithe movement that drew my gaze from the list of eggs done every which way. Archive 2009-07-01
  • “True, true,” said Cromwell, “they shall be removed to the churchyard, and every soldier shall attend with cockades of sea-green and blue ribbon — Every one of the non-commissioned officers and adjutators shall have a mourning-scarf; we ourselves will lead the procession, and there shall be a proper dole of wine, burnt brandy, and rosemary. Woodstock
  • Add thyme and rosemary and return to boil. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a little experimentation, we decide to sprinkle some fresh chopped rosemary and chili onto the sardines and then dredge them in flour for a quick pan-fry. A Challenge For A Top Chef: Make Sardines Tasty
  • Winners this year included drinks made using a Scottish candy with cloves and orange bitters, one with Chartreuse and rosemary, and a highly recommended refresher using peach puree, amaretto and peach bitters.
  • “If only you’d left the dress with Rosemary,” she said, referring to the dressmaker who had fitted the gown for her. HEARTBREAKER
  • Learn how to pick your rosemary, what makes a great knife block or peppermill, how to find fresh food, along with much more expert advice. Next Week's Watercooler TV: The Season Premiere of
  • This also is true of many herbal tablets, capsules and extracts, including black or blue cohosh, ephedra, dong quai, feverfew, juniper, pennyroyal, St. John's wort, rosemary and thuja.
  • Lavender and rosemary are good, hardy plants. The Sun
  • At Maizza, peach and nectarine trees groan with ripe fruit; fragrant herbs such as marjoram, rosemary and lemon verbena scent the warm summer air. Sniffing Out Local Gems
  • Remove and discard rosemary branches and bay leaves. The Sun
  • Add the garlic and rosemary and cook for a minute. Times, Sunday Times
  • What most people want is the pleasure of picking fresh salad leaves for supper and having a steady supply of easy to grow herbs, such as chives, parsley, lovage, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, mint and marjoram.
  • A whisper of herbs - rosemary and tarragon - perfume this wine, along with the flavor of melons.
  • Squeeze over a little lemon juice and add any leftover sprigs of rosemary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anchor the landscape with permanent plants that look good year-round; Armann planted agave, lantana, rosemary, and yucca.
  • The evening's competition was for an interesting tool, and was won by Rosemary Gyles, with a 100-year-old spokeshave.
  • Rosemary ended up in casualty last night.
  • Deer don't like strongly scented plants, so mint and rosemary are deterrents, as are plants with fuzzy (tomentose) leaves. The temperamental rose offers rewards in color, fragrance and luxuriance
  • Red yarrow is blooming underneath, with rosemary on the left and calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ on the right in the background. Butterfly Bush Standards « Fairegarden
  • Stuff the inside of the chicken with a little of the dried lavender, fresh rosemary and salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Customer: Yes, I'm going to have the Rosemary Pork Loin.
  • Short-lived shrubs (such as cistus, rosemary, ceanothus) are better replaced with fresh specimens. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair had hobbled into the garden to gather rosemary, southernwood, rue, and other plants proper to be strewed upon the body, and burned by way of fumigation in the chimney of the cottage. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Sprinkle the demerara sugar and rosemary over the top then crumble the remaining mixture over to more or less cover.
  • In 1922 he bought de Kerilleau in Wodonga, breeding shorthorn cattle, Corriedale sheep and horses and with his wife, Lenore, raised four children: Ian, Bob, Rosemary and Faith. The Border Mail - Front Page
  • The Mediterranean vegetable garden includes an old water tank as well as displays of rosemary, thyme, pumpkins, figs, globe artichokes, olives and grapevines.
  • You can also use rosemary flowers, lightly folded into fools and creams to be served with a warm cake or fruit tart.
  • Some of the native plants we found growing in the rocky limestone soils of the hills and mountains away from the coastal plains were familiar: cistus, helichrysum, euphorbia, thyme, fennel and rosemary.
  • That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits. Forced Into Medicare
  • Every day for the past 36 years, Vic and Rosemary Mier got up at 5 a.m. to milk cows.
  • With the doors and windows sealed, the air should be purified by sprinkling perfumes and scents and by burning aromatic woods such as laurel, myrtle, rosemary and cypress.
  • Few bay leaves and sprigs of thyme, rosemary or sage. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the gravy has been reduced to the right consistency, add a handful of rosemary sprigs and bubble for a few more minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nasturtiums, violets, clove gilliflowers, and marigolds are all cited in this context in English recipe books; the blossoms of many herbs, such as rosemary, basil, dill, and chives, can be added.
  • But don't miss a hike with botanist Stephane Rogliano through the maquis, the hypnotically fragrant cover of shrubs and wild herbs (mint, thyme, laurel, rosemary) that spreads over much of the island. Dream Hideaways: The World's Top Microboutique Hotels
  • Grey mullet is popular in Mediterranean dishes and goes well with rosemary, thyme, garlic and fennel.
  • Basil, marjoram and thyme grow well in small containers; bay, lavender and rosemary need larger ones.
  • In 1996, a woman named Rosemary told a Canadian reporter what it's like to have argyria. - Boing Boing
  • The red mullet fillets, crisp-skinned and moist-fleshed, sat on rosemary oil-brushed toast and were doused with a sharp, lemony, basil dressing.
  • In front of the beech hedge, a patch of un-cultivated land overflowed with flowering thyme, rosemary and gorse.
  • The scientists used a mixture of 2 drops thyme, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops rosemary and 2 drops of cedar oils in a base of 20 ml grapeseed oil and 3 ml jojoba oil.
  • Add soda and garnish with a lemon slice and rosemary sprig. Times, Sunday Times
  • Essential oils from allspice, basil, cedar, cinnamon, citronella, garlic, geranium, lavender, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, rosemary, and thyme have been reported to have repellent properties.
  • I have also heard of adding fresh herbs such as chives, thyme, parsley, or rosemary, and even parmesan cheese. Meathead Goldwyn: Latkes: The World's Best Potatoes
  • One of his simplest recipes is for burnt oranges with a sugar and rosemary crust. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a recent day with Hill, I discovered a little of that magic in my jacket pocket on the drive home: the piney scent of a sprig of rosemary.
  • Secondis move on to slow roasted rosemary-honey beef ribs w/chanterelles, a fava & fingerling-abetted Lobster Pot (rosemary butter, porcinis), and a "steak" of roasted Berkshire pork shoulder, which certainly isn't something to get lean on. Thrillist: Ciano: Allstar Italian in the Flatiron
  • Many herbs can help to deter flies, such as lavender, sweet woodruff, lemon verbena, star anise, tansy, any of the mints, rosemary, bay, chamomile, rue, elder, southernwood and basil.
  • Some of the ones that are especially good for skin are rose, lemon verbena, rosemary, geranium, clary sage, and chamomile.
  • Rosemary, peony, clary sage and white musk give it dimension. Orange Blossoms
  • I could smell rosemary and thyme when the breeze whiffled through. I is for Innocent
  • We can no longer call otto of rosemary, or otto of nutmegs, essential oil of rosemary or nutmegs, with any more propriety than we can term sulphuric acid "oil" of vitriol. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • I'll be content to don my rosemary, have a few games of two-up and take some time apart to think about those brave old diggers who didn't come back and be sure to shake the hands of those who did.
  • Thyme, rosemary, marjoram and lavender will act as a magnet for bees and butterflies.
  • Teacher Rosemary Fenney died when Mr Fitz-gerald's ambulance went through a red light and crashed into her Peugeot 206 side-on in October 2002.
  • Thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano are all found here.
  • Your cousin Fay is fifteen. Rosemary is older than Fay . She's seventeen.
  • The Herb Garden includes 20 varieties, such as basil, lemon grass, hot and sweet peppers, chives, rosemary and much, much more.

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