How To Use Roseate spoonbill In A Sentence
Large wading and diving birds seemed to be everywhere: great white egrets, great blue herons, green herons, tricolored herons, roseate spoonbills, anhingas, cormorants, and jacanas.
Among the bird species the following are the commonest: military macaw Ara militaris (VU), rufescent tinamu Crypturellus cinnamomeus, spot‑bellied bobwhite Colinus leucopogon, great curassow Crax rubra, crested guan Penelope purpurascens, blue‑winged teal Anas discors, roseate spoonbill Ajaia ajaja, thick knee Burhinus bistriatus, jabiru Jabiru mycteria (VU), ibis Eudocimus albus and laughing falcon Herpetotheres cachinans.
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
There were the gaudily plumed roseate spoonbills, their bright pink feathers glowing when they passed between my hide and the rising sun.
Overhead, gulls, brown pelicans, and roseate spoonbills wheel through the steamy air.
Among the bird species the following are the commonest: military macaw Ara militaris (VU), rufescent tinamu Crypturellus cinnamomeus, spot‑bellied bobwhite Colinus leucopogon, great curassow Crax rubra, crested guan Penelope purpurascens, blue‑winged teal Anas discors, roseate spoonbill Ajaia ajaja, thick knee Burhinus bistriatus, jabiru Jabiru mycteria (VU), ibis Eudocimus albus and laughing falcon Herpetotheres cachinans.
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Among the bird species the following are the commonest: military macaw Ara militaris (VU), rufescent tinamu Crypturellus cinnamomeus, spot‑bellied bobwhite Colinus leucopogon, great curassow Crax rubra, crested guan Penelope purpurascens, blue‑winged teal Anas discors, roseate spoonbill Ajaia ajaja, thick knee Burhinus bistriatus, jabiru Jabiru mycteria (VU), ibis Eudocimus albus and laughing falcon Herpetotheres cachinans.
Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Other bird species associated with mangroves include spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia), roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja), green heron (Butorides virescens), belted kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon), mangrove cuckoo (Coccyzus minor), mangrove warbler (Dendroica petechia), and reddish egret (E. rufescens).
Bahamian mangroves
Pink-plumed birds called roseate spoonbills flew overhead and big, leafy American lotuses glistened on a distant bank. Front Page
Stuffed birds in flight - roseate spoonbills, a great blue heron, a ferruginous hawk - fill another case.
Saltillo, Mexico - color, culture and colonial charm
Marbled godwit, frigate bird, roseate spoonbill, the palm warbler.
Large wading and diving birds seemed to be everywhere: great white egrets, great blue herons, green herons, tricolored herons, roseate spoonbills, anhingas, cormorants, and jacanas.
Behind them, on the island, glorious dark-pink roseate spoonbills roost in the dry trees; further on, flamingos delicately lift into the sky when the boatman claps his hands.
The park is known for its rich bird life, so focus on large wading birds, such as the roseate spoonbill, woodstork, great blue heron and a variety of egrets.
The Musée d' Orsay has sent The Snake Charmer, my favourite Rousseau, in which a pitch-black silhouette of an Indian pipe-player, who is hung with snakes, tempts closer a pink approximation of a roseate spoonbill.
In the distance, majestic pink-colored roseate spoonbills rose like a rainbow and flew off from the middle of the marsh.
Rocky Kistner: In the Bayou, a Fisherman Seeks His Own Solution to the Oily Marsh
We're beginning to see roseate spoonbills, reddish egrets, tricolored herons, more edge-dwellers who reach their northernmost ranges along the Gulf coast.
Also, the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens), the roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja), the anhinga (Anhinga anhinga), and the jabiru (Jabiru mycteria) are common.
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
Also, the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens), the roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja), the anhinga (Anhinga anhinga), and the jabiru (Jabiru mycteria) are common.
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves