How To Use Rose-red In A Sentence
Prince Rose-Red talked without one second's intermission the whole time I was dressing him; and I allowed it, as papa and Una were not here to be disturbed by the clishmaclaver.
Memories of Hawthorne
The same colour everywhere and then that blank, blue stare, that rose-red mouth.
The priests in their yellow robes moved silently through the green trees, and on a pavement of black marble stood the rose-red house in which the god had his dwelling.
In the hotter months, make the most of the early morning and evening, when the sun is less punishing and when the light on the striated, rose-red rocks is at its most spectacular.
It becomes covered in coralline algae, tiny plants that grow in mats and form a rose-red crust.
Kelsie Harder The State University College at Potsdam Caryl Johnston Boston, Massachusetts Notes from the Compound World According to the famed mytho-grammarian Maxim Mütter, compounds (snow-white, rose-red, upsy-daisy, shaggy-dog, etc.) are the harbingers of a new epoch of consciousness.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1