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rose family

  1. a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales; have alternate leaves and five-petaled flowers with numerous stamens

How To Use rose family In A Sentence

  • Pink and red peppercorns are not true peppercorns at all, but the dried berries from a relative of the rose family.
  • Rose, a red rose for the deciduous shrub rose family.
  • Other locally common tannin-rich plants include blackberry, raspberry, rose, lady's mantle, agrimony, meadowsweet, and strawberry (all members of the rose family), geraniums, purple loosestrife, and sumacs.
  • But both the quince and the pear are of the same rose family. Secrets of the Soil
  • First, like many other members of the rose family (including apples), it is apomictic.
  • Other plants in the rose family - hawthorn, sorbus, apples, pears and prunus - require the same approach. The Sun
  • Cheryl Hume, rosarian and member of the South Valley Rose Society, held up numerous picturesque pink blooms, each representing a different variety of polyantha (a member of the rose family) as she discussed the characteristics of the flower breed during a recent meeting. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • The strawberry you eat isn't really a fruit at all, but the enlarged receptacle of the flower - a member of the rose family.
  • Pink and red peppercorns are not true peppercorns at all, but the dried berries from a relative of the rose family.
  • Other locally common tannin-rich plants include blackberry, raspberry, rose, lady's mantle, agrimony, meadowsweet, and strawberry (all members of the rose family), geraniums, purple loosestrife, and sumacs.
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