How To Use Roping In A Sentence

  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She kept on struggling to loose herself, groping ineffectually at the deadfall that had entrapped her. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • But most guests prefer a more active role on the ranch: herding cattle from one pasture to another, rounding up strays, and learning team penning, roping, or cutting.
  • Jake crawled onto the bed, groping blindly for the towel he always kept nearby for just these occasions.
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  • Seated in the theatre's lower gallery, I found myself distracted, not for the first time, by the endless gropings of the groundlings.
  • Aren't you going to shout at me for groping you?
  • This was a loser who thought he could get away with groping her on the court.
  • He was roping a wild horse.
  • Mr Dunglass headed towards it now, groping in his sporran for a large iron key. SANDS OF TIME
  • “The crucial test for the solution of all these intricate problems which confront and challenge our ingenuity is the sheer and forceful application of those immutable laws which down the corridor of time have always guided the hand of man, groping as it were for some faint beacon of light for his hopes and aspirations.” McCain and Obama Court Hispanic Voters - The Caucus Blog -
  • She could do anything he could, from riding and roping to branding the cattle and castrating the bulls.
  • His installations, made of scrap objects and tied up with tangled roping, dominate the landscape.
  • Aircraft wheels could yet again be groping tenuously for the asphalt of Kai Tak, Hong Kong's unlamented previous airport, if private pilots and other aviation enthusiasts get their way.
  • Part of the Atlantic Stampede's appeal during its 14 years of bull riding and calf roping is its focus on entertainment.
  • Once the producers felt we had seen enough of that, the camera seemlessly segued into another grassy scene: one with prehistoric, upright, hairy Homo habilis digging holes and groping for food, circa two million years ago.
  • Then, of all things, she'd taken up spinning and needlework and all those feminine accomplishments she'd always scorned in favor of roping and riding.
  • C) Americans are like the Germans of the 1933, they want a strong leader ruler), they submit to extensive eavesdroping and spying, and welcome the government control of the media: propaganda. Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 6, 2006
  • For some time he even toyed with the idea of roping in one-film-old
  • He seemed groping for a fresh beginning, then gave up suddenly all attempt at circuity and blurted it out much as though he had lived with the thought too long to endure it longer alone. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • With it, we are aware in much of the art of the day of a certain feverish tentativeness, groping, as it were, sometimes after a new spirit, sometimes after a repristination of the old in a modern form; but everywhere, I repeat, we see Life. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • You can call the groping a crime all you want, and you are technically correct, but you are contextually way out of whack. The Volokh Conspiracy » Reversing DADT is “urgent” and “essential to our national security” because the policy “weakens” our military, expels “patriotic Americans” with “critical language skills,” and wastes years of training — all in “a time of war
  • It is a dim collection of brick sheds groping for some symbolic significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.
  • I think as far as the Internet is concerned, we are groping towards the defining equilibrium between crime and defense.
  • Where he and I would differ is that I think that the ability of government to devise a "solution" to the problem of future adjustments to the availability of educated labor from other countries is minimal compared to that of the decentralized trial-and-error groping mechanism of the market. Economic Advisers Stoop to the Net, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • a groping effort to understand
  • His hideous ears must represent the eavesdroping spies of the Inquisition who intimidated and stifled the people. Alex Jones' Prison
  • The blind went groping with the blind, the lame limped on together, and the maimed made gestures to each other with the only arm that remained; the sides of a considerable waterfall were crowded by the deaf, amongst whom were some from Pegu with ears uncommonly handsome and large, but were still less able to hear than the rest; nor were there wanting others in abundance with humpbacks, wenny necks, and even horns of an exquisite polish. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • The Rock Climbing Section minimized rope burn while rappelling (then called ‘roping down’) by feeding the rope through a carabiner, a metal link attached to their gear.
  • Such judgmental questions sound like that arch-conservative self-righteous man who every young woman in the vicinity knows is a groping ogler.
  • It seems that many are groping for words that will cause people to pause and think again, not simply reject what is being said based on resistance to its form and style.
  • But in groping for and moving into the sunlit plateaus of a better society we must ever bear in mind the necessity for adherence to one of those principles which are the underpinnings of society, a more ample and readily available justice. Law Reform in a Changing Society
  • And surmounting a higher ledge beyond this upthrust a huge dome of dull gold, Cyclopean, striking eyes and mind with something unhumanly alien, baffling; sending the mind groping, as though across the deserts of space, from some far-flung star, should fall upon us linked sounds, coherent certainly, meaningful surely, vaguely familiar -- yet never to be translated into any symbol or thought of our own particular planet. The Moon Pool
  • Yorick’s gospel, gropingly endeavoring to find an outlet for their own emotions which, in their opinion were characteristic of their arouser and stimulator, found through “Siegwart” a solution of their problem, a relief for their emotional excess. Laurence Sterne in Germany A Contribution to the Study of the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Eighteenth Century
  • Apart from herding, corralling, separating, branding and roping, I won a calf first go and the rawhide lasso nearly ripped my hands off.
  • Naturally, the way to Penelope's heart is to show off a prowess in shooting, roping and riding.
  • Even when he ran up to her, she managed to avoid talking with him by roping Clark Durand into a dance.
  • But I don't want you sneaking around, groping your boyfriend and thinking you're pulling off a fast one.
  • Enveloped in a rack of old, heavy coats, he reached up blindly, groping in the air until his hand closed on a string.
  • The Soviet government. although weakened, confused, and groping toward an uncertain future, was still intact.
  • This was what Bertie Wooster would have called “a bit of a facer”; I was groping for an apt response when Clark pressed on. The Pity of War
  • The demonstration involved Royal Marines abseiling from a Lynx helicopter to the deck of the ship while under way at speed - a technique known as fast roping.
  • That is an admirable statement of something I was groping blindly to try to express - thank you.
  • Number eight, you enjoy riding, roping and redecorating.
  • This allowed women to enter rodeo contests on an ad-hoc basis and to compete in a limited number of traditional events, such as calf roping and cutting.
  • Yes, he told himself, as he stood there, thoughtfully, as though bound to the spot by some Power not himself, -- yes, consciousness was like that little glass tube which electricians called a coherer, and all his vague impressions and mental-gropings were those disorderly, minute fragments of nickel and silver which only leaped into continuity and order under the shock and impact of those fleet and foreign electric waves, which floated from some sister consciousness aching with its undelivered messages. Phantom Wires A Novel
  • [_They fight on_ Julio's _side, and fight_ Octavio _out at t'other side: Enter_ Laura _and_ Sabina _at the Fore-door, which is the same where Sir_ Signal _stands: _ Tick. _groping up that way, finds Sir_ Sig. _just entring in; _ Laura _and_ The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume II
  • Others were made by hitching suffixes to nouns, or by groping for roots, e. g., to deputize, to locate, to legislate, to infract, to compromit and to happify. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 3. New Words of English Material
  • Using similar procedures for driving, roping and bringing down the mare as above, in this event the charro is mounted on his horse. A Companion Guide to La Charreada
  • It tells the reader that by groping (aka assaulting) their wife, they're actually doing her a favor. Feminist blogs
  • Such information can swing the views of judges, who are sometimes groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • (On a more positive note, the actor has successfully brushed up his lassoing skills for a segment in which Eddie practices roping a chair.) 'Fool for Love': A tattered affair at Keegan
  • With her hand groping along the wall, she felt her heart racing in unreasoning panic. MURDER MOVES IN
  • 'It's so ..., so ...' I was groping for the right word to describe it.
  • It was too early to kill him, so I blinked rather blearily instead, groping around blindly for my glasses, and noticed two pairs of feet standing nearby.
  • I can still see myself roping up, checking all of my knots, and peeking over at Mikey; hoping for a bit of encouragement or maybe just a bit of courage.
  • Then there is a vertical top-roping wall with colour coded routes and top-ropes permanently in position.
  • He was so happy, telling me about his friend's younger sister who had just won a roping contest.
  • Massa gave contradictory explanations for his behavior, acknowledging he groped and tickled a staffer in a nonsexual way and wrestled with others at his 50th birthday party, but then denying any groping occurred. Chris Lee Shirtless Photo Controversy Prompt Congressman To Resign
  • The closest you get to interactive stalking is the train groping part of it. RapeLay: The Response
  • 'It's so ..., so ...' I was groping for the right word to describe it.
  • In groping for useful precedents, one could do worse than heed the tale of a man named Sherwood Rowland.
  • Today, he competes as a heeler in team roping, an event that requires precision timing between partners.
  • Such information can swing the views of judges, who are sometimes groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • If equestrian sports are your forte, there are many offerings in the Leitrim area, but perhaps the most unusual is Drumcoura City, a real wild west town were Arizona cowboys teach western riding, roping and reining.
  • The girl told her the defendant had been touching her, interfering with her and groping her.
  • Diversions include everything from roping and riding to minicourses in Native American crafts, but some visitors do little except laze in a hammock, soak in a hot tub, or take a slow boat ride on nearby Blue Lake.
  • And romantic it certainly was — the fog, like the grey shadow of infinite mystery, brooding over the whirling speck of earth; and men, mere motes of light and sparkle, cursed with an insane relish for work, riding their steeds of wood and steel through the heart of the mystery, groping their way blindly through the Unseen, and clamouring and clanging in confident speech the while their hearts are heavy with incertitude and fear. Chapter 1
  • I reached down for my sweatshirt, groping around for the pockets and then for the box of aspirin.
  • For 84 years, Red Bluff, with 13,000 residents and a whole lot of Victorian homes, has hosted this annual celebration of roping, racing, and riding.
  • He's a schlemiel, for one, someone who is constitutionally unequipped for the rigors of contemporary life, and whose benighted gropings would seem tragic, if only they were not so comic.
  • I learned many a trick of roping from a cowboy friend of my motion picture days, and one of these I now put into use in an endeavor to entangle the crablike chelae Suddenly giving the rope sufficient slack, I threw a half hitch around the chela that gripped it, immediately following it with a second, whereupon the creature commenced to pull desperately away. Pirates of Venus
  • Watching the scene, you may find yourself instinctively groping around for a seat belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • An elderly couple are groping their way down the steps to the front row. Times, Sunday Times
  • She greets visitors by groping her way along a wall towards the sound of their voices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The morning proceeded just like any other around here: repairing fences, roping, keeping tabs on our cattle.
  • She said that without surprise inspections, regulators would be groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'It's so ..., so ...' I was groping for the right word to describe it.
  • Please use ring above the frame swing , forbid let the steel wire roping through the shaft.
  • A few moments later, the drums rumbling as we began the march back to the theatre, a gang of cowboys appeared and began roping our walking gents with their lassos.
  • We rode out from gay Mana and continued the gay progressdown the lava trails to Kiholo to the swimming and the fishing and the feasting and the sleeping in the warm sand under the palms; and up to Puuwaawaa, and more pig-sticking, and roping and driving, and wild mutton from the upper pasture-lands; and on through Kona, now mauka On the Makaloa Mat
  • They started groping viciously and kissing savagely with loud, desperate smacks resonating into the dizzy evening air.
  • They were practically groping him, grabbing his shoulders and tugging on his shirt, even as he turned to leave.
  • Obviously grateful for that flash of candor, he started groping for the words that might express his incredulity.
  • As I got closer, I saw that he was groping her and saying disgusting things.
  • Gracie will have her wearing trousers and roping cattle before they go home.
  • As long ago I had formulated untutored the _rationale_ of coitus, so now imagination, groping in the dark, conceived a fresh fillip for the appetite -- _cunnilinctus_. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • That's cowpoke talk for hurting bobbert herding , roping,(Sentence dictionary) and branding candle cattle the sun and stars.
  • Please use ring above the frame swing , forbid let the steel wire roping through the shaft.
  • But I forever have one boot in the stirrup of my roping saddle and the other firmly planted in the stainless steel iron of my English saddle.
  • Standing-room-only crowds cheered cowgirls as they competed in bareback riding, calf roping, the sponsor contest, cutting, team tying, saddle bronc riding, steer riding, and an exhibition bulldogging performance.
  • The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous
  • Walking down the dark hall, groping the walls, was Northeast Philly in all its unabashed intimacy.
  • Later, he would join them riding, roping and wrangling cattle on the ranch.
  • And because he knew not where he was, as also hoping to meete with his Mistresse; he went all about groping in the darke, to find either some staires or doore, whereby to get forth. The Decameron
  • Society is still coping with a gigantic change in the role of women, groping towards a stable balance between work and children.
  • Avoid dark-alley groping and unladylike fumbling in the back of a cab," the guide says on the subject of one night stands.
  • That's right, up to the shoulder, groping around for a grabbable part of the baby animal. Reading, Writing, Cooking and Crafting: Center Schmenter
  • He is always groping after wealth.
  • We rode out from gay Mana and continued the gay progress — down the lava trails to Kiholo to the swimming and the fishing and the feasting and the sleeping in the warm sand under the palms; and up to Puuwaawaa, and more pig-sticking, and roping and driving, and wild mutton from the upper pasture-lands; and on through Kona, now mauka ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Such information can swing the views of judges, who are sometimes groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cialikate and the man shared one last passionate, lusty kiss and a few more rounds of groping hands before pulling apart and rightening their clothing.
  • The two climbed much of the way unroped, because roping would have slowed them down.
  • She greets visitors by groping her way along a wall towards the sound of their voices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such an insertion is often referred to as farsa, both in the Middle Ages and modern writings, although "farse" can refer to other types of troping as well. Christmas Music from Medieval England
  • Salem Police Lt. Mike Green says the charges stem from complaints from two classmates who reported being victims of groping and frotteurism. News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • Its imperialistic court was armed with the power of roping in all sorts of unwilling or involuntary litigants all over Australia.
  • They had a couple of older cowboys that would do the roping, including my father and my Uncle Arthur.
  • They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.
  • Against her shoulder she could feel Erik's hand groping blindly in the darkness for a sign of her or Isabella.
  • Set your alarm for midnight and try to catch a couple of winks before roping up and entering the world of technical glacier travel.
  • It centers on riding and roping techniques and a lot of rough and tumble business with bulls and broncs -- not exactly lady-like activities. My Life As An Escaramuza Mom
  • I did everything: steer wrestling, calf roping, barrel racing, and my favorite, saddle bronco.
  • And all these efforts, valid as far as they go, leave us still groping for a basic conceptual approach that takes seriously the constitutional prohibition against uncompensated takings of private property.
  • What am I doing out there rolling around and being thrown around and groping myself?
  • A shop assistant accused of groping a customer as he measured her for a ‘perfect pair of jeans’ has been cleared of molesting her.
  • It comes out of the ground as two ivy trunks on opposite sides of the stoutest bole, but at a height of four feet from the surface the two join and ascend the tree as one round iron-coloured and iron-hard stem, which goes curving and winding snakewise among the branches as if with the object of roping them to save them from being torn off by the winds. Dead Man's Plack and an Old Thorn
  • Through the window, I watch a man practice for the calf-roping event by tossing his lariat over anybody who passes by.
  • Her crew also took part in rapid-roping from her Sea King helicopter to ward off ‘suspicious’ boats threatening the landings.
  • They were glad that Ranni had had the idea of roping everyone together, Jack hoped that neither of the big Baronians would fall into the river, for he was sure that if they did they would jerk the boys in after them! The Secret of Killimooin
  • Team roping is a two-person timed event, involving a header and a heeler.
  • She said that without surprise inspections, regulators would be groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • The power in Corb's songs is his ability to bring his world of roughnecks and steer roping to life on the stage.
  • At least it looks better than the poorly-disguised groping you two are pulling off right now.
  • He had been groping me all over up until that point.
  • Diversions include everything from roping and riding to minicourses in Native American crafts, but some visitors do little except laze in a hammock, soak in a hot tub, or take a slow boat ride on nearby Blue Lake.
  • The programs follow a classical pattern—grand entry, bronc riding, bulldogging, calf roping, steer riding, steer roping. THE AMERICAN WEST
  • She could do anything he could, from riding and roping to branding the cattle and castrating the bulls.
  • His installations, made of scrap objects and tied up with tangled roping, dominate the landscape.
  • I pictured the Gulag fleeing Russia and oozing across the bottom of the Pacific, pseudopodia groping, to its new home in the Land of the Free. Common ground
  • It doesn't require any blind groping to find hidden body parts.
  • She began to struggle free of Marco's embrace, groping around for anchorage.
  • He stepped over a branch and recalled groping his way through the cemetery on that foggy night with Lexie when he'd been unable to see anything. The Taste of Coins from Treasure Troves
  • A professional rider until her retirement in 1937, Kreig entered four traditional events: calf roping, bronc riding, bulldogging, and steer riding.
  • They face each other, and their signing, more excited than ever, turns into a ballet of arms and hands, a pantomime of two bodies groping their way toward oneness, and perhaps even a kind of secular prayer.
  • The Soviet government. although weakened, confused, and groping toward an uncertain future, was still intact.
  • The Rock Climbing Section minimized rope burn while rappelling (then called ‘roping down’) by feeding the rope through a carabiner, a metal link attached to their gear.
  • She kept on struggling to loose herself, groping ineffectually at the deadfall that had entrapped her. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • We left the joint soon after polishing off our free beers, not looking forward to once again having to push our way past a sea of groping ladyboys and crazy hookers again.
  • But even then it was only to take to the woods on foot, groping through the night with your hand at one man's belt while another held you behind, trying for dear life not to thrash about like a mad bear in a cane-break, gripping your rifle and gritting your teeth against the pain of saddle-sore buttocks. Isabelle
  • The Rock Climbing Section minimized rope burn while rappelling (then called ‘roping down’) by feeding the rope through a carabiner, a metal link attached to their gear.
  • However there will be times when groping is used as a weapon by a man against a man, by a woman against a woman and, arguably, by a woman against a man. Harlangate Groping Meme
  • Like dancers raising their arms in pleading ritualism, the scarlet tide splashed upward and drew back as gravity displayed evidence of past groping made in vain. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • He was roping a wild horse.
  • I watch, fascinated as I can see him searching, desperately searching, groping for the words.
  • The refugees were groping their way through the dark,(sentence dictionary) trying to reach safety.
  • As he did not share Blackburn's aversion to high places, he and partner Mick Sutcliffe began investigating the occurrence by roping down from the top of the quarry.
  • He parodied my groping stumble across the stage to the podium and gathered up the skirt to reveal hairy legs and bloomers.
  • And as he reeled unseeing, smashing his great groping clutches through the air at me, I was in and short-dirked him thrice in belly, thigh, and buttock, than which I could reach no higher up the mighty frame of him. Chapter 17
  • Seated in the theatre's lower gallery, I found myself distracted, not for the first time, by the endless gropings of the groundlings.
  • Thus, in a whole imbroglio of Capabilities, we go stupidly groping about, to grope which is ours, and often clutch the wrong one: in this mad work must several years of our small term be spent, till the purblind Youth, by practice, acquire notions of distance, and become a seeing Man. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • She had learned that local cowgirls wanted to compete in bronco riding, bull riding, roping events, and other professional contests, so she included more contests and opened them to any woman who wanted to participate.
  • He felt his way along the corridor, groping in the darkness for the door he knew would lead outside, facing the east gate.
  • A crude trawl of press coverage in November last year revealed a different story of doctors reportedly bungling, blundering, or groping their way through headlines for almost every day of the month.
  • Yet today, thousands of years after man first put this question to himself, he is still groping for an answer.
  • The coffee can inverse planter is less ad hoc that it might seem -- I cut out the base hole and glued in plastic sheeting a while ago, so today's work consisted of inserting cup hooks (there are nuts threaded on the inside to stop them pulling free), screwing in the anchor (I drilled a hole a few days back), and roping it up. From Twitter 07-18-2009
  • The Jr. Boys will rope muley steers or calves at all rodeos; no roping steers will be used.
  • For more than 50 years, the team roping event at the Lion's Arena has been one of Three Rivers' biggest annual events.
  • Andrew Davies, the man who peps up Jane Austen for the telly, has been explaining why he has inserted lots of groping and grinding into a forthcoming film version of Sense and Sensibility – or Sex and Sexibility as it may have to be retitled. May 2007
  • She knew nothing of their subterranean, furtive, twilight life, the limbo through which, with their obliterated humanity, they moved as so many unhouseled ghosts, or the aching hunger in those hands that reached, groping tentatively out of their emptiness to seek some hope or stay.
  • Groping for words, I tell her of my ongoing affection and respect, which has outlasted a cycle of hurts and mutual wariness.
  • They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.
  • Thank you Democrats for realizing this was a goat roping from the get go. Stimulus money needs to be spent faster, Dems say
  • The girl told her the defendant had been touching her, interfering with her and groping her.
  • Neither Greco-Roman, nor WWF, alligator wrestlers are actually trying to do something more akin to calf-roping: Catch an alligator from a pool or pit and bind its jaws shut with rope. Boing Boing
  • It is a dim collection of brick sheds groping for some symbolic significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lincoln was groping for answers, was a huge reader of the Bible, but not a member of a formal religious denomination, especially early in his career.
  • A professional rider until her retirement in 1937, Kreig entered four traditional events: calf roping, bronc riding, bulldogging, and steer riding.
  • Across the room a posse of young men, fresh from a football match, amused themselves by downing pints of lager in rapid succession and groping any woman who passed by.
  • ‘First base’ referred to embracing and kissing; ‘second base’ referred to groping and fondling; ‘third base’ referred to fellatio, usually known in polite conversation by the ambiguous term ‘oral sex’; and ‘home plate’ meant conception-mode intercourse, known familiarly as ‘going all the way.’ GENERATION S.L U.T.
  • No, not stertorous," reflects our narrator three pages in, remembering his ailing father, "rather wheezeful, softer, gulping, an immeasurably beautiful strange ancient fish glopping glooping groping rasping for air, at air …" But in this quest for literary uniqueness, there is too much calculation and coldness; something of the "love" needed to make it a full-blooded work of art is missing. Debut fiction: Quilt by Nicholas Royle; The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai by Ruiyan Xu; The World Beneath by Cate Kennedy
  • Last year Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, last year brusquely dismissed the Schäuble proposals, insisting instead on roping the IMF into the European bailouts while emphasising that they could be made available only as an absolute last resort and subject to the most punitive of terms. EU leaders look to expanded bailout fund to stave off crisis
  • But if the headline event was a bit of a yawner, it showed that the global powers-that-be are groping toward better understanding of the developing nations and their concerns about the dangers of globalization.
  • And as he reeled unseeing, smashing his great groping clutches through the air at me, I was in and short-dirked him thrice in belly, thigh and buttock, than which I could reach no higher up the mighty frame of him. The Jacket (Star-Rover)
  • We rode out from gay Mana and continued the gay progress — down the lava trails to Kiholo to the swimming and the fishing and the feasting and the sleeping in the warm sand under the palms; and up to Puuwaawaa, and more pig-sticking, and roping and driving, and wild mutton from the upper pasture-lands; and on through Kona, now mauka ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • They saw professional rodeo cowboys ride bucking broncos and bulls, saddling wild horses, calf roping and watched whilst cowgirls barrel raced.
  • Hughes' image of the psychic journey Oedipus must undertake, groping his way toward the final and horrible truth of his own actions, is heavily laden with guilt.
  • The power in Corb's songs is his ability to bring his world of roughnecks and steer roping to life on the stage.
  • To a bachelor who wanted six dollars for new leggings, tobacco, and spurs, three dollars were given; the same to another who needed a hat; and to a third, who modestly asked for two dollars, four were given with a flowery-worded compliment anent his prowess in roping THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Although wranglers are often found listed among dude ranch jobs, there's a lot more to the daily operation of a dude ranch than roping cattle.
  • She shook her head despite his grip, her hands groping blindly for her knives only to gather more cuts and bruises from the broken bottles lying on the floor.
  • She said that without surprise inspections, regulators would be groping in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, Cole and Brennan administer an angiogram and she starts groping Cole and convulsing.
  • Watching the scene, you may find yourself instinctively groping around for a seat belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it has determinate practical merit and groping meaning.
  • I was groping in a fog, hoping for inspiration.
  • Always an optimist, Dick easily outdid the immortal Micawber in his faith in something turning up just when things looked their blackest, and he had literally no thought for the morrow, until his hand, mechanically groping in his pocket for the wherewithal to fill his pipe, advised him of the fact that even his "baccy" was finished. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
  • For toproping you'll need a climbing rope that's already run through a locking carabiner affixed to a solid anchor at the top.
  • He parodied my groping stumble across the stage to the podium and gathered up the skirt to reveal hairy legs and bloomers.
  • Instead of trotting around a ring and jumping fences, the western rider can discover the joys of roping , barrel racing and trail riding.
  • It's up to the fuzz to put a stop to all the group groping.
  • The main difference is that the roping palm is heavier and has deeper recessed dimples and a tougher leather backing.
  • Failure to comply within 60 days may subject you to additional intimate screenings when boarding an airplane, groping, fondling, and intimate photography sessions in the Aeros Lounge, an ALL NEW Transportation Security Administration Playboy Co-Branded Airport Resort Public-Private Efficiency Partnership Initiative, cumming soon in an inter-modal transit center near you! I Should Have Flipped a Coin
  • 'It's so ..., so ...' I was groping for the right word to describe it.
  • Part of what I have been groping towards articulating is that a stumbling block in contemplating/examining this stuff is the rather parochial way the English language handles the notions of 'mind' or 'consciousness'. Another Look
  • This batch includes the grand entry, bronc riding, bulldogging, barrel racing, roping, cutting horses, and bull riding.
  • He didn't show anything on his face, but I knew he was groping for a cutting response.
  • She greets visitors by groping her way along a wall towards the sound of their voices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching the scene, you may find yourself instinctively groping around for a seat belt. Times, Sunday Times

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