How To Use Rooting In A Sentence

  • Pakistan should cooperate with India in uprooting this. Understanding Mumbai, India and terrorism : Law is Cool
  • He snuffled, dark hair damp against my neck, his mouth rooting to take hold of my collarbone. Brush of Darkness
  • Unlike his characters, known for galumphing around European capitols, his team is on a far more appreciable quest of rooting though Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
  • A Yoshino cherry is propagated by grafting a cutting onto another cherry trunk or by rooting small cuttings.
  • Space allowances should permit natural movement and exercise, and the environment should allow animals to perform instinctive behaviours, such as rooting by pigs.
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  • the pig was rooting for truffles
  • As the sun beats down on Africa, a woman in a veld in the Eastern Cape of South Africa is hunched over her task - uprooting a species of flowering plant.
  • What he demands is an education that ‘makes] [him] a sharp, snouty, rooting hog.’
  • When using the second method for rooting hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants you do everything exactly the same as you do with method number one, up to the point where you bury them for the winter.
  • Matt Wrack, general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, said his former wife and student son had been "pestered" by reporters, with one "rooting about" in dustbins. The Guardian World News
  • Chickens scratched in the company of a stately, gruff-voiced, very respectable pig, rooting under a walnut tree.
  • I found myself rooting for Tamara to reconnect in the deepest way with handsome Andy, her childhood friend — Luke Evans makes him a son of the soil who would have had Hardy's vote — and I was shocked by her home-wrecking exploits with a fatuous scrivener, though her heedlessness is exactly the point. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
  • The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
  • His efforts also saved countless lives by rooting out contractors using inferior materials and producing shoddy equipment.
  • Crowe is stoic and selfless - a perfectly flawed hero worth rooting for.
  • Baruchel Undeclared is nerdily charming, but Johnson chews too much scenery to go with the whiskeys the script has him knocking back, and both attorneys are saddled with such cornily dramatic closing-arguments speeches that you will end up rooting for the jury to send an innocent man to jail, just to spite them. Reunited, and, Well, Frankly, It Could Feel Better - Tuned In -
  • Mist spray, constant heat of 28C, and auxin mixtures of IBA and NAA appear essential to good rooting (Zeijlemaker, 1976). Chapter 8
  • In both cases, a coefficient of variation was modeled for each plot by assigning the mean height and rooting depth (per species) for all 14 plants in each plot.
  • She was rooting around in her drawer for a pencil.
  • If anyone has the gaucherie to point out the left's nearly unblemished record of rooting against America, liberals turn around and scream "McCarthyism! Archive 2007-02-01
  • She was rooting around in her drawer for a pencil.
  • The energy that was once spent in a constructive fashion, rooting for teamwork and friendship, will be transformed into a tornado of terror and minor misdemeanors.
  • Where drainage is not adequate rooting development is restricted leading to poor tree growth and insufficient anchorage.
  • He then sat down with his back to Hunter and Jason and began rooting through the fallen trunk of a tree.
  • Sterilized seeds were germinated in the dark at room temperature using two rooting environments.
  • You literally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around.
  • When using the second method for rooting hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants you do everything exactly the same as you do with method number one, up to the point where you bury them for the winter.
  • “Every dollar that’s lost to a faker is one more dollar that can’t be spent on a veteran,” said O’Neill, whose office is responsible for rooting out those who defraud VA. Phony Veterans and POW's - Article Index
  • Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess.
  • The hypnotic approach to ending procrastination is similar to that for conquering Writer's Block: a combination of rooting out the cause and positive post-hypnotic suggestions.
  • Falsely claiming that someone (or the majority of some group) is rooting for the bad guys in a war is indeed pretty egregious misbehavior.
  • Make a cut below a leaf joint and dip the cutting in hormone rooting powder before inserting it into an open peat-free compost and perlite mix.
  • On a weanling shoat he'd earlier noticed rooting among the fallen apples beneath this favorite of all his trees. Ecce viator : Behold the Traveler
  • Helxine soleirolii (mind-your-own-business) looks like a fragile weed but it spreads by rooting at the leaf joints.
  • The role played by lateral roots and root hairs in promoting plant anchorage, and specifically resistance to vertical uprooting forces has been determined experimentally.
  • To plantlet regeneration, different growth regulator levels played important roles in rooting culture.
  • Kekana suggested that Westbury take the Soweto option - inspanning law abiding youths in the area at act as the "eyes and ears" of the community in rooting out and identifying criminals. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The energy that was once spent in a constructive fashion, rooting for teamwork and friendship, will be transformed into a tornado of terror and minor misdemeanors.
  • Not rooting against the Yankees, per se, but not feeling awful that Clemens was obviously going to be pulled from the game.
  • Cheered on by a Washington media rooting section that could only be portrayed by a cackling Heath Ledger brought back from the dead and replicated to fill every seat at Politico, Edwards is now caricatured as a shrill, unhinged she-devil rending her garments in airports and slicing the Achilles tendons of underlings with the vicious alacrity of a demanding hellcat. Tom Watson: The Cartooning of Elizabeth Edwards
  • In an arm-wrestling match between God and the Devil, you're not quite sure who he'd be rooting for.
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • He was rooting through his pack for matches when Pierre-Jacques, no doubt assuming he was doing us a favor, soaked the assemblage in gasoline and ignited it with a cigarette lighter.
  • EPA officials recently awarded $6.6 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants designed specifically to put unemployed people to work - uprooting invasive plants, stabilizing stream banks and creating habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler and massasauga rattlesnake. Front Page
  • She sighed and started rooting though her rations pack looking for more food.
  • She was poised and full of grace, and he was rooting for her.
  • I saw many of my friends and neighbors and coworkers in the courtroom, rooting for me.
  • It took her husband time to get used to the idea of uprooting, and she admits her grown children had concerns. Front Page
  • Another small, dull crowd had more interest in razzing the players than rooting their teams on.
  • Putting carbon in the soil improves tilth, soil structure, nutrient retention, rooting depth and stability.
  • With all of that said, today it is possible to grow Pink Dogwoods by rooting cuttings under intermittent mist.
  • A mutated "biotype B" insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • We're rooting for the college baseball team.
  • Oddly enough, when most of my friends and relatives were rooting for Dorothy and her crew, I was on the side of the Witch.
  • Without collective advancement there can be no genuine individual advancement, but only uprooting.
  • Similar estimates derive from observed forest destruction, scaled from the uprooting of trees in nuclear weapons tests.
  • Then she makes her nest, carrying mouthfuls of bedding to the chosen spot before rooting and pawing it into shape.
  • I've heard of people rooting rose cuttings, but have never succeeded at it.
  • With shaking limbs, she rose from her bed, stumbled to the small wardrobe that held her few remaining possessions and started rooting through them, searching frantically.
  • P. myriophylla is a woody subshrub that forms patches of prostrate or decumbent stems often rooting at the nodes.
  • Activity IAA-synthesizing scheme relationship synergism auxins non-auxinic chemicals rooting cuttings Xml's
  • I've been nervous about rooting because my friend turned his phone into a brick.
  • If adventitious rooting could be introduced into a crop like cotton, it could lead to new production efficiencies.
  • For weeks, they have been uprooting their troops and tanks, forced to withdraw under intense international pressure.
  • Another reason owners go the testing route is to uncover possible explanations for behaviors that might be inherited, such as herding people and other pets or rooting around in chipmunk or mole holes. DNA tests sniff out mutts' breeding
  • June 4, 2009 at 1:04 pm we had javelinas wunse, wich iz being large wild pig-like fings taht lib in teh dezzert. tehy nokked ober owr garbij kans an was rooting throo teh leftedober suppers an stuffs, happy az yoo pleez. tehy wuz very stinky. after taht we started tying up teh bags tighter. else was - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Woolf was one of those authors whose "paper rivers" formed the origin of Laing's watery obsessions, and there's an intriguing correspondence between "sources": rooting in "a copse of hazel and stunted oak" to find the indefinite "clammy runnel" of the Ouse, and shuffling among original manuscripts in a bone-dry archive. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface by Olivia Laing – review
  • Consequently, they search for new ways to eradicate disparities in income, seeking additional means of uprooting poverty.
  • Am I now expected to going back to rooting for this selfish lug?
  • It is important to note, however, that the language of perestroika rooting out "bureaucratism" was used here to suppress protests. Making the History of 1989
  • Such is to be freedom from market value reduction alone and for rooting deeper while reaching more inclusively, dialogically, into experience-value based on creative individuation and global responsibility.
  • They can also be put into a heated propagator, which will speed up the rooting.
  • At night we saw dogs rooting in the shadows, and men walking in the cold, their hands drifting out of warm pockets reaching for what?
  • It's a pretty rare event for me to be rooting for a Sununu for anything; John Sr. had that dreadful Al Gore quality of being sure that he was twice as smart as anyone else in government or politics, and the same Gore-like propensity to overplan as a result. Archive 2002-09-08
  • We passed through a narrow gate, left open, and saw an empty cattle shed, and next to it a circular pig sty, with a few great swine rooting through the strawy mud.
  • Even University of Minnesota fans dressed in maroon and gold were rooting for neighboring Iowa State, which has three players from Minnesota on its roster. - Women's Basketball - Washington vs. Iowa St.
  • Trim the cutting just below a leaf joint and dip the end in rooting hormone powder or liquid.
  • Please, do not take this wrong, I do support and condone your part in uprooting and exposing those who claim to be other than they are or were. SHAWN PAUL AKERS
  • Stems are erect or decumbent below or ascending from a creeping base, rooting at the nodes, smooth, glabrous and much branched, varying in height, from 1 to 2 feet; branches are short, slender and sometimes even capillary, with _nodes_ bearded or not in branches ending in solitary spikes, and completely glabrous when they end in binate spikes. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Instead of lauding the likes of Mr Van Buitenen and Ms Andresen, he attacks them; instead of rooting out fraud, he witters on about non-existent success.
  • The New Orleans Saints are the obvious pick but all of us are rooting for them so let's cross them off the list.
  • Dip the base into a hormone rooting compound and insert into a free-draining compost.
  • Halsted called this procedure the “radical mastectomy,” using the word radical in the original Latin sense to mean “root”; he was uprooting cancer from its very source. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • I'm not saying its impossible to find someone who earns less than $250K who is nonetheless worse off taxwise because of their smoking habit....the fact is the population of such people sounds pretty small and if you are low income consuming such mega-amounts of packs you're probably best off rooting for any type of massive health care subsidy. Notes from the Monterey Tea Party, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Muffy and I will be rooting for you from behind our ivy-covered, mansion walls! bulletbob wrote: Look at that crowd, boy the Tea - (B) aggers are sure representative of America aren't they? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • At Bangui police station, a number of detectives specialize in rooting out sorcery.
  • The Deans were a classic American archetype: pioneers constantly uprooting themselves in search of a better life. Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert
  • They can be very invasive, spreading with suckers and by stems rooting where they touch the soil but hard annual pruning will keep growth in check.
  • As the crowd applauds, you can't help rooting for him, too.
  • Eclipses are very effective in finding weak, outworn situations and in uprooting them in the blink of an eye.
  • Split the round pods, soak seed overnight and plant in a small pot of moistened rooting mixture.
  • Every truly successful raunchy romantic comedy has at its heart a couple worth rooting for.
  • (up to 1.2 m or 4 ft) such as chilis, beans, and squash may draw most of their water from the area 25-40 cm (10-16 in) below the surface; and for deep-rooted crops such as grapes, olives, almonds, and watermelons with a potential rooting depth of 2.0 m (7 ft), the depth of maximum water absorption may be 1. 2-1.4 m 5. How plants live and grow
  • Similar estimates derive from observed forest destruction, scaled from the uprooting of trees in nuclear weapons tests.
  • The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
  • The elephant passes through the wilderness, treading shrubs, bending and uprooting trees, fording rivers and lakes easily; the rat can gain access to the bolted granary.
  • We passed through a narrow gate, left open, and saw an empty cattle shed, and next to it a circular pig sty, with a few great swine rooting through the strawy mud.
  • The only qualification to this statement is in reference to rooting of the ingroup relative to outgroup taxa.
  • Effects of environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, photoperiod and PH value on rooting of the tissue- cultured plantlets in sweet pepper were studied.
  • If he's serious about rooting Al Qaeda out of Pakistan it would require more than a couple of cruise missile strikes, it would require a substantial ground presence, which would be unstainable without Pakistan's agreement. Obama Memo Presses The Point: He's The Real Change Agent On Foreign Policy
  • Things get dangerous when the recruit is given the special assignment of rooting out a suspected mole that has infiltrated the Agency.
  • Saguaros in bloom, the glare of a horned owl and javelinas rooting for a bite to eat.
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
  • Michaele's earnest rooting through the car in search of a (non-existent) paper invitation is a bizarre sight for those who have followed this story closely. "I want to see that invitation": D.C. 'Housewives' recap and fact-check (#8, Oct. 1)
  • Remember that you will need two slip cuttings per drill (planting hole) if the grass is a fibrous rooting type (e.g. babiyo, kans, khar, phurke, etc.) but only one if it is rhizomatous (e.g. amliso, padang bans, etc.), and only one rooted stem cutting or seedling. 3.1 Planted grass lines: contour/horizontal
  • The farmeress (if I may be permitted to add a new word to our vocabulary) was uprooting her garden flowers and throwing them away. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Again, whether or not any such overt decision was made by whites in this regard, the result was the same -- a gradual uprooting of blacks, circumstantially forcing them out of the District. Glenn Beck's Decision To Scratch Plan To Promote His Book May Have Been Wise
  • However, decay is an inevitable consequence of life and even though we taxpayers heave a collective shudder at the thought of strange men rooting around in the maws of our leaders, we have to accept that they, too, are human.
  • Rooting also allows for various other functions that apps on the Android Market provide, such as overclocking and taking screenshots.
  • The audience, after all, is rooting for her before the first punchline has tripped from her lips.
  • He keeps rooting for a nice expensive vacation.
  • Peccaries are omnivores, though they mostly eat vegetation (predominantly roots, fruits and tubers), and the suid-like rhinarial disk they have is obviously great for rooting in soil. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
  • As we crept slowly across the flat in about 15 inches of water, we could see tailing bones rooting about in the soft bottom or around the mangroves, for crabs, shrimps or any other food item they could find.
  • DuckCroc, about 3 ft. long, had a broad snout for rooting in shallow water and onshore, duck-like, for fish and frogs.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Digging and weeding and planting and tending my flowers, all this serves some primitive instinct, so that I feel much more like a pig rooting for truffles than a woman staking her delphiniums, or pulling up witchgrass, or transplanting phlox from a shady to a sunny spot. No More Words
  • The relative juvenility (in terms of rooting ability, cell division rate, and in vitro responses) of epicormic and basal shoots has been widely reported in forestry species.
  • I felt as though cold water had just been dumped over my head, shocking me and rooting me to the spot.
  • Label, water and stand in a frost-free propagator or cold frame, or in a heated propagator for faster rooting.
  • The stem is delicate, seldom branching, prostrate, and rooting as a marsh plant.
  • But for many the policy evokes a chapter of the country's history they would wish to forget - the McCarthy-inspired witch-hunts of the 1950s, aimed at rooting out communist agitators.
  • The small band of loyal fans like me (I was born the same year as Myra) were reduced to rooting out his records only in 19-cent remainder bins.
  • Well I hope she keeps her seat available if she don't succeed in uprooting this clone of BUSHS 'from the governor's seat. Barbour hopes Hutchison stays in Senate
  • But still I find myself rooting for him, wincing at his near-misses, and noting grimly the buffetings and bolstering of his twin averages. Why do I like Tim Bresnan so much?
  • It is a typical aquatic plant with a very short rhizome; stems are very thin, rooting or floating in water.
  • It is a paper you cannot make head nor tail of, and at the end come five or six long folded diagrams that open out and show peculiar zigzag tracings, flashes of lightning overdone, or sinuous inexplicable things called “smoothed curves” set up on ordinates and rooting in abscissae — and things like that. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • Official codes of nomenclature continue to enforce this rule - one name, one species - although rooting out synonyms and homonyms is a constant struggle.
  • Emergency services were deluged with calls at the weekend as strong winds blew through the county causing structural damage to buildings, uprooting trees and turning over vehicles.
  • A series of factors affecting rooting were studied in embryo culture of Chinese Date ( Popozao ) .
  • Papers were unabashed party cheerleaders, rooting openly for their candidates and leading the way in smearing the candidate of the opposing party. The Complete History of Dirty Politics: A Q&A on Anything for a Vote - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
  • Falsely claiming that someone (or the majority of some group) is rooting for the bad guys in a war is indeed pretty egregious misbehavior.
  • Trim the leaves from the lower part of the stem, dip the end in rooting hormone powder or liquid and bury in the soil with about 8cm of stem showing above the ground.
  • The girl rushes to join her mother, who is rooting through some old piles of lace handkerchiefs.
  • HOWARD KURTZ, RELIABLE SOURCES: Good morning, T.J. Coming up, McCain's South Carolina victory: were the reporters running around on his bus rooting for what one calls poetic justice after his defeat in the state eight years ago? CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2008
  • Furthermore, surface application of lime cannot alleviate toxic subsoil Al, which presents a barrier to deep rooting and the uptake of water and nutrients.
  • Likud rejects the idea of uprooting Jewish settlements or sharing Jerusalem with the Palestinians, she said, adding that "if two states for two peoples was such a magic solution, the Palestinians could have been celebrating their eighth independence day. News | WM |
  • Official codes of nomenclature continue to enforce this rule - one name, one species - although rooting out synonyms and homonyms is a constant struggle.
  • The elephants had killed the trees by uprooting and debarking them.
  • Moving house is rarely easy, and the strain of uprooting is incomparably greater for people who can barely move themselves. Residential care: In a decrepit state | Editorial
  • At a finer scale, species differences in rooting density influence the suitability of soils for burrowing by gophers.
  • Many of the folks in my bonsai group un-pot their trees in early fall and plant them back in the ground on top of a piece of slate or the like (to prevent deep rooting).
  • A Yoshino cherry is propagated by grafting a cutting onto another cherry trunk or by rooting small cuttings.
  • If you're unsuccessful rooting cuttings - whether in a glass of water or a pot of rooting mixture, ask your nurseryman about tree availability.
  • Dust the wound with rooting hormone, then lay it along the bottom of your hole, using a bent piece of wire to keep it in place.
  • Inspired by a few facts from Errol Flynn's life, and rooting her story firmly in Jamaican history, Cezair-Thompson vividly imagines the life of Ida, who is little more than a child herself when she gives birth to her daughter May, the illegitimate child of 1930/40s movie star Errol Flynn - known as a swashbuckling adventurer on screen, and for his glittering parties and affairs off screen. The Pirate's Daughter: Summary and book reviews of The Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson.
  • Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
  • One is installing the pipes in a bed of woodchips and planting deep-rooting alfalfa over the top.
  • It is run by an ex-army martinet absurdly out of touch and absent-mindedly rooting about in irrelevances.
  • Another critique launched by Chavez is that none of the people responsible for works or missions talks about Socialism or the Bolivarian Revolution or rooting out vices ... such as a case of the manager of a Socialist factory, living in Caracas and (Chavez hinted) covering hefty viaticum and other perks, apart from the Bs. F 10,000 he earns a month. Venezuela's Chavez slams poor government planning, discipline, failure to apologize
  • Imagine a country where instead of rooting out discrimination, many policy makers are busily blaming women for their disproportionate poverty.
  • I don't support censorship or rooting out the Commies, but I do think it means that mainstream organizers and people of conscience have to take a more active leadership role.
  • The main concern is with the vertical upward forces which act on the plant, producing an uprooting tendency.
  • Hot beds are heated by soil heating cables, steam-carrying pipes, or fresh strawy manure buried beneath the rooting zones of the plants.
  • Feel free to throttle him. go for it. we'll all be rooting for you - he's such a… guy.
  • But for me the term always conjures up childhood memories of rooting about in an old canal in my wellingtons and putting tadpoles in a jam jar.
  • He fills his days rooting around for precious stones, which he then polishes into objects of inestimable beauty.
  • However, a continuous basipetal transport of auxin from the shoot to the rooting zone (upper part taproot) is required for adventious root formation.
  • Next on the agenda for the Park Committee is the uprooting of two deodar cedar trees close to the rose garden.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • It combines - appropriately in four letters - the notion of ripping, rooting, offing and torting in mellifluous onomatopoeia.
  • Cats had been rooting in the garbage bags again.
  • The task force will concentrate on rooting out theft of trade secrets and high-tech components, particularly integrated circuits.
  • The industrialization of agriculture after the Second World War, with its attendant use of chemicals and uprooting of hedgerows, has destroyed the habitat of many familiar plants and animal species.
  • This would entail uprooting people and resettling them somewhere else.
  • The exuberant, deadly light embraced the dank alley as it sped toward Zarl, uprooting the earth once trapped by cement and gravel.
  • Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, or ascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long and leafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • One of his favorites is "No Extra," which entails uprooting faulty programming, "which we call our personalities," to reach the pure, innocent essence within. East Bay Express
  • He had to leave the island to find himself as a black man, eventually rooting in Chicago, the antipode of remote and exotic Honolulu, deep in the fold of the mainland, and there set out on the path that led toward politics and national power. Into the Story
  • As often happens in chase narratives, I found myself thinking like the fugitive and perversely rooting for him to get away. Manhunt Tales To Track Down
  • OrenWithAnE says: whom in blazes am I supposing to be rooting for? The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Revolution (?) in Kyrgyzstan
  • The directive does require farmers to supply pigs with rooting materials such as straw, hay, wood, sawdust, compost or peat.
  • The unnamed first-person narrator of the eight linked stories in Love and Obstacles survives a similar uprooting from the Balkans to the Midwest. 2009 September 18 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • He looks over at Tim, who is wearing a pair of headphones over one ear and is rooting around in his jeans pockets for something, probably food.
  • * Does not count the random succulent cuttings that are rooting at the base of the cordyline Garden Voices
  • Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess.
  • The causes for this uprooting are always different, but the result is the same: the uprooted have lost what they had and where they came from and must start life again as handicapped strangers wherever they are allowed to live. The Arabs of Palestine
  • If this is anything like any of the "re-imaginings" they've been doing lately, there will be some character-defining backstories grafted onto the three guys to flesh them out, but that goes against the whole point -- the Stooges are everyman shmoes, guys that we could both identify with (who hasn't been broke or out of a job?) while at the same time reviling (nobody is that stupid) even while we're rooting for them. The 3 Stooges movie will have the perfect Larry.
  • The cuttings root very easily in sand or in a rooting medium.
  • The water table may drop seasonally below the rooting zone of vegetation which also aerates the surface. Wetland classifications
  • P. myriophylla is a woody subshrub that forms patches of prostrate or decumbent stems often rooting at the nodes.
  • These criticisms include major ecological changes, reservoir sedimentation and the uprooting of large numbers of people.
  • Their rooting will also create erosion problems, their wallowing will also muddy streams and increase fecal coliform levels in the streams. My family owns and opperates a small farm which has recently built up a decent wild hog population.
  • Dip the cut ends into hormone rooting powder before planting.
  • Civic unrest infiltrated every corner of the globe, varying in specific movements but all concerned with uprooting authoritarianism in all its political, social and economic permutations.
  • Maple Sugar Time is one of those quirky New England customs that defines the region --- like duckpin bowling, dropping Rs when speaking, or passionately rooting for a baseball team that plays 86 seasons between World Series wins. Undefined
  • The system includes a root-repellent membrane to prevent plants from rooting in the roof, a drainage system and a growing medium that is lighter than the soil used on the ground.
  • In the great race to prosperity—and thus global hegemony—presently taking place between India and China, anyone interested in the survival of a liberal-minded and tolerant civilization must be rooting for the victory of India, infused with the best traditions of Westminster-style representative institutions, over a sabre-rattling, resentful and totalitarian China. India, Still the Brightest Jewel
  • True, Rifkin readily acknowledges that globalization is uprooting cultures, threatening languages, and ruthlessly destroying the domestic economies of developing nations.
  • Some weeks ago, rooting around in files of old clippings and correspondence, I made a discovery of astonishing obviousness and triviality.
  • It is especially convenient for rooting the unrooted trees obtained from parsimony, distance or maximum likelihood tree-building methods.
  • The directive does require farmers to supply pigs with rooting materials such as straw, hay, wood, sawdust, compost or peat.
  • Make sure the rooting hormone covers the part of the stem where you have removed the foliage, then tap gently to remove the excess.
  • Dryland corn is rooting at the three foot depth and, even with high temperatures and lack of precipitation, it is looking good.
  • Once again they show that they have no idea that you can dismiss a batsman by bowling in the blockhole at 145 kph and uprooting the middle stump! News24 Top Stories
  • As a wife of a traveling shipyard worker, Missy tries to keep a positive attitude about constantly uprooting her family, a feeling many Navy wives can easily relate to.
  • Like pigs, peccaries use a specialised rhinarial disk for rooting in soil and their snout is specialised for this behaviour. Archive 2006-08-01
  • This having been said, and my “knowledge” of Kyrgyzstan having been exhausted, whom in blazes am I supposing to be rooting for? The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Revolution (?) in Kyrgyzstan

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