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How To Use Rooted In A Sentence

  • The Western Cape's pursuit of an inclusive South African identity is bedevilled by ... the persistence of white privilege rooted in historical baaskap and black exclusion," the document said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • His self-image is rooted in robotic toughness, like the shape-shifting, molten-metal fiend in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • Unless you've been hiding under an unfashionable rock for the past year, you'll have the word camel firmly rooted in your fashionista lexicon. Philippa Young: Camel: It Doesn't Matter if You're Black or White
  • The Oni character is a deep-rooted aspect of Japanese culture.
  • Each year one vicious habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good throughout.
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  • His work was rooted in a landscape, religion and a rural way of life.
  • Tribal traditions and a male-dominated reading of Islam have produced a deeply rooted ideology of women as temptresses, who must be kept under control to avoid "fitna" or social strife, thereby safeguarding the "peace of Islam. Ida Lichter, M.D.: Afghan Women's Movements Deserve More From the West
  • Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West. Jewschool
  • I thought it would be a totally appropriate way of starting off the city's celebration, as a way of showing the 'rootedness' of churches within the history of Hattiesburg," she said. -
  • We know of young people who have been uprooted from their homes and placed in provincial centres where they are used as fodder in the great experiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electricity is still in short supply and 12,000 trees have been uprooted, apparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've rooted out an old pair of shoes that might fit you.
  • Their music is firmly rooted in the Irish tradition but also encompasses an unusual blend of hot jazz, bluegrass and baroque.
  • But while it may have had some of the earmarks of a religious revival, this movement was rooted firmly in the material world.
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • (BTWI prefer “fair trial” which is more firmly rooted/defined in articulable legal principles/standards because “doing justice” is a phrase that notoriously begs the question). Should Prosecutors Hire Jury Consultants?
  • A crest of wavy, blond hair was loosely rooted on a magisterial forehead.
  • It is difficult to override a deep-rooted cultural bias.
  • A truly good education is rooted in good family upbringing and parental love and guidance. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A hunter-gatherer couple stand by an uprooted tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically, a nation of know-nothings is secretly guided by adherents of an esoteric political tradition rooted in a grand conversation among philosophers ranging from ancient Greece to Weimar Germany.
  • The aim of these fine distinctions, not to say hair-splitting, is to deny the Marxist thesis that the driving forces of the war were rooted in economic and geopolitical conflicts of the major capitalist powers.
  • She froze in place, her arms and legs locking together, her feet rooted to the ground.
  • The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.
  • For De Vos, Benedict's text had been both an inspiration and a foil, against which he argued that the Japanese are a deeply interiorized and guilt-ridden people and not motivated by external emotions rooted in social shame as Benedict had described. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • The other rousing chapter, entitled ‘Truth and history’, asserts the historicity of the Bible - that Christianity is rooted in history.
  • His expression agitated me so that I unconsciously rose to my feet and warned him off with my fan; but he seemed rooted to the spot. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • To the extent that Baker and Reynolds actually excised archaic and unrepentant parochialism rooted literally in past centuries of practice that gave rise to existential equal protection problems, sobeit. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Talk at the Constitution in 2020 Conference
  • Sporting thin, jagged leaves upon a succulent, fleshy stem, the herb is easily uprooted and replanted due to its shallow root system.
  • The deep-rooted bad habits and many temptations of objective condition grow rampantly like the weed in heart so that pain, illness, and annoyance come to us.
  • This cult of personality has little or no interest in gauging principles; it is rooted in a nearly religious adherence to a personality. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Stunned at this cover-up, I was rooted to the spot.
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • Amidst all that humbles and scathes; amidst all that shatters from their life its verdure, smites to the dust the pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writeth a sudden and "strange defeature," -- they stand erect, -- riven, not uprooted, -- a monument less of pity than of awe! The Disowned — Complete
  • Radio 4 is rooted in British post - punk tradition, and take a lot of their sound from the Clash, Mission of Burma, and Gang of Four.
  • In Borken's messily vital urban context of supermarkets, small houses and traffic roundabouts, the bank's simple Euclidean form is a reassuringly calm, rooted presence.
  • Many Eastern and Southern Indian nations were uprooted and forced to remove themselves beyond the Mississippi River.
  • That way, shallow rooted weeds like foxtail and bluegrass will be unable to grow until the alfalfa has a head start.
  • It claims conservatism is rooted in phobias that cause ‘fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity.’
  • They rooted their football team on to victory.
  • It seems that the source of Herman's queasiness is rooted in concerns about the property market in Southern Europe, many having holiday homes in the Med; growing commentary on the decline of Southern Europe's economies; a growing crescendo of remarks from Southern Eurpean politicians that are perceived as threatening the independence of the European Central Bank, a sine qua non for Germans to give up the Deutschmark; and a sudden ramping up of German inflation to an official 8.1% (which, if our own experience is anything to go by significantly underplays the reality). Archive 2008-06-08
  • Trees had been uprooted, telegraph poles broken, roofs torn off, advertising hoardings smashed and lorries turned over.
  • Trees, rocks and soil had all been uprooted, and flickering tongues of flame dotted the landscape.
  • To transform a term rooted historically in the salt of the earth struggles of working class Latinos in the campaigns of candidates who also repeat mantra-like the phrase "middle class" alters and diminishes the political value and movement power of "Si Se Puede". Roberto Lovato: Basta Ya: Boycott "Si Se Puede" in Elections
  • Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play.
  • Meanwhile, back on the stoep, both men are rooted to their chairs in what appears to be a catatonic stupor.
  • These two movements have one thing in common: they have sprung spontaneously from the individual's deep and firmly rooted conviction that the ordinary man and woman is capable of making a meaningful contribution to peace. The Nobel Peace Prize 1977 - Presentation Speech
  • Rooted in Germanic idea of "strength" (which lives on in our English term kraft paper), crafty once meant "skillful. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • His strategy is rooted not only in calculated opportunism, but also in a rock-hard philosophy of how the game must be played today.
  • It also had a thriving black culture rooted in the blues, gospel and jazz.
  • Israel has implemented a scorched earth policy and uprooted nearly 400,000 olive, citrus and almond trees.
  • tinctured" with His spirit, and has his own human life rooted in the Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups.
  • Spontaneous self-expression shatters shyness and habits rooted in your need to remain in control. Midnight Moon Cafe
  • He stopped dead in his tracks, rooted to the spot with horror.
  • The crew walked out amid lots of cheers and, frankly, some deep-rooted fears.
  • Sexual identity is rooted in every person's biology before birth and springs from a variation in our individual genome.
  • I literally feel life zip by me while I stand rooted.
  • The same occurs in bulbous rooted plants raised from seed; they die annually, and produce others rather more perfect than the parent for several years, and then produce sexual flowers. Canto II
  • The trees, which have been chopped down, but not uprooted, have been replaced by new turf.
  • When for any reason it is necessary to put a small or weakly rooted plant or cutting, or a cutting that is just on the point of sending forth roots, in a pot that seems too large, _put it near the edge of the pot_, instead of in the middle. Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
  • The Company's name, 'evo', is rooted in the word "evolution". PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The great and crescive self, rooted in absolute nature, supplants all relative existence and ruins the kingdom of mortal friendship and love. Essays — Second Series
  • Buses and lorries were overturned, tens of thousands of trees were uprooted and seals were washed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disenchantment is rooted in national economic policies that were framed decades ago. The Politics of Western Canada: Revolt or Reform
  • They tried every way possible to reestablish the refugees uprooted by flood in new homes.
  • One I pegged down earlier in the summer had already rooted, so I potted it up on its own.
  • Deep-rooted plants, such as hackberry, elm and green ash trees, may tap into groundwater and release more moisture into the air than is replaced by precipitation. Kansas City infoZine Headlines
  • To facilitate animal traction, migrants cut down big trees, cleared bamboo bushes, and uprooted stumps.
  • In the US, however, the European pastoral ideal, rooted in Virgil's bucolic visions of an unchanging Arcadia of shepherds and shepherdesses, has been transmuted by the capitalistic impetus.
  • They have tightened security measures to control the influence of extreme political sects among the uprooted multitudes.
  • A number of tools were stolen from sheds and the vandals uprooted vegetables and plants, throwing them around.
  • Crime were rooted in the animality of human nature, that is human instinct.sentence dictionary
  • Thousands of trees were uprooted, blocking roads and crushing cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers have found that Conservatives typically are dogmatic, intolerant of ambiguity with beliefs rooted in fear and aggression.
  • Viewers rooted for the Virginia kid with shaggy brown hair and glasses, who fidgeted with his hands as he spelled such words as "oriflamme" and "sophrosyne. 'Fustanella' is N.Va. teen's killer bee word
  • As bombing raids attacking Britain's cities increased during World War Two, thousands of children were uprooted from their families and sent to the safety of the countryside.
  • Even at the campiest moments of Spider-Man 3, the franchise was absolutely a series rooted in character development above admittedly top-notch spectacle. Scott Mendelson: Corporate Filmmaking at Its Worst? Sony Boots Raimi/Maguire, Reboots Spider-Man for 2012
  • According to officials who visited the settlements - everything has been destroyed, uprooted, ripped out, or looted.
  • The hurricane blew with such force that trees were uprooted.
  • Guisante (Corrupted Latin: Arabo-Romance Spanish Dialect Mozarabic, adopted by Castillian dialect) _Pisum sativum_ (Modern day binomial scientific name of the English pea or Green pea) "Rooted" in the same time frame we had: cicer, cicero (Latin) Translation for peas & greenbeans (nfm)
  • In England, the utilitarian doctrine of a higher public good trumped the idea of intellectual property rooted in natural right.
  • But despite the ineluctable force of modernization it's surprising how strongly and deeply rooted this callous disregard for women is.
  • Her rootedness was important to her verse. Times, Sunday Times
  • BBC must become more impartial" is the headline on its own take (HERE) on its deep-rooted culture of leftist-liberal bias, implying that it is already impartial and merely needs to adjust a little to become even more so. Archive 2007-06-17
  • While the front of the building floats, the rear is rooted in the brick and stone structure that houses the kitchen, toilets and study rooms.
  • In his individuated free-floating imagery that defines his iconography, he is rooted in the social and cultural matrix.
  • We need not go far to find how deeply rooted this tendency is and to what exaggerations it will sometimes lead. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Prophets is a book-length poem with an ambitiously epic scope, a sensibility and language that is rooted in Jamaica and a work with a markedly religious overtone — not doctrinaire or even ideological, but openly exploring the day-to-day implications of Pentecostalism in Jamaica through a language that is sensual, that invokes myth and reggae and that is best described as risky and experimental. Poetry Terrors : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • May was inching slowly closer to David, who stood rooted to the spot.
  • With the help of corpus, we can analyze the polysemous phenomenon of same-rooted words and find that in the category of same-rooted words, there are center meanings and peripheral meanings.
  • Any theological reflection on human work and social praxis ought to be rooted in this fundamental affirmation.
  • A further 29 recently deposited ice-proximal stimps rooted within a well-preserved paleosol were located 50 to 150 m downstream on the adjacent outwash surface. Stumped in Alberta « Climate Audit
  • Cesena remain rooted to the bottom of the table after a 1-1 home draw with Cagliari. Serie A round-up: Udinese's unbeaten run ends with defeat to Napoli
  • It is a style that is rooted in tradition and the exotic, yet reflects the dynamism of modern urbanity.
  • One key component that distinguishes gay bashing from other hate crimes is that ‘it's not rooted in economic fears,’ says Levin.
  • These essays and poems collectively establish a literary tradition for the country rooted in gauchesco poetry, in both European and Argentine writers, in the frontier-like atmosphere of the compadritos: "Foulmouthed men who whiled away their time behind a whistle or a cigarette and whose distinctive traits were a high-combed mane of hair, a silk handkerchief, high-heeled shoes, a bent-over gait, a challenging gaze … [in a] classic time of gangs, of Indians," i.e., the characters in "The Man on Pink Corner" and the men Dahlmann encounters when he travels South. CounterPunch
  • Inspired by skiwear fashions from the 1930's, the winter collection presents an attitude that's rich in contrasts and rooted in the city.
  • Some of the water weeds are loosely rooted and others are firmly rooted.
  • Well, the term "skank" is rooted in the discipline of brewing to refer to the final mixture of kieselguhr and yeast. BSNYC Morbid Death Quiz! (Formerly the "Friday Fun Quiz")
  • It is a poverty reducer rooted in the non-academic, marketplace realities of the poor: 190 million micro-borrowers enrolled. 97% microloan repayment rate. Jonathan Lewis: Social Impact Evaluation: Useful? Utopian? (Part 2 of 4)
  • Confession consciousness is rooted in Christianism.
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was many years before I realized that activism must be rooted in the very simple principle of love: love of some kind of moral or spiritual guidepost (some call their guidepost "God"), love of self, love for each other, and, unquestionably, love for humankind. Kevin Powell: Barack One Year Later: Open Letter to Young America
  • How would they take to being uprooted from their contented life in California? Times, Sunday Times
  • When the skies open up over the desert, watercourses alter, rivers gouge out deep channels and tracks, roads break up, trees are uprooted and our dramatic countryside changes yet again.
  • The new sciences - uniformitarian geology, nebular astronomy, and evolutionary biology - were rooted in a temporal methodology, as was evolutionary social science.
  • All around the horse corral, it was overgrown with viny bushes and thick rooted willows.
  • Electricity is still in short supply and 12,000 trees have been uprooted, apparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know of young people who have been uprooted from their homes and placed in provincial centres where they are used as fodder in the great experiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two men have a long, complicated, familial relationship, rooted in a shared experience of the liberation struggle; bonded, too, by a shared distaste -- even contempt -- for the postliberation-movement African politics that leaders like Mr. Tsvangirai represent. Mbeki and Mugabe
  • Her music may be deep-rooted in the teen market but her image crosses over into the adult market where she is often shown on adult magazine covers posing seductively while still maintaining an ‘innocence’.
  • The Florida Supreme Court's decision Tuesday to compel state officials to accept and certify the hand recounts of the presidential vote in several south Florida counties was solidly rooted in both law and democratic tradition.
  • Once Moon-Watcher heard the unmistakable sound of a bush, being uprooted; the elephants and dinotheria did this often enough, but otherwise they moved as silently as the cats. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Aftershocks and heavy rains continue to trigger mudslides on mountain slopes where the quake has uprooted forests, loosened topsoil or created barrier lakes.
  • The intransitive very inactive verb is from the 15th-century Scottish dialect noun lungis, meaning “laggard, lingerer,” rooted in the Latin Longinus, the apocryphal name of the soldier who lanced Jesus in the side, and was influenced by longus, “long,” associated with “slow.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • In just three albums, he has defined his own recognisable sound, rooted in psychedelic rock, spiritual jazz and contemporary dance music, and spurted hordes of followers.
  • The essence of this food is its rootedness and identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bodily rooted nature of all moodedness, i.e. of all affectedness by the world, implies also that the union of souls in love or friendship can be described suggestively in a poetic language as 'one soul in two bodies' or 'two hearts beating as one'. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The machinery of contemporary human reason thus turns out to be rooted in a biologically incremental progression while simultaneously existing on the far side of a precipitous cliff in cognitive-architectural space.
  • Such questions indicate how complex and deeply rooted are some of our negative attitudes to the aged.
  • Rather than offering didactic explanations for each aesthetic decision, artists may rediscover the value in enigmatic, emotionally-rooted work whose meaning is intuitively derived and not so easily explained. Sharon L. Butler: Abstract Expressionist New York: Line and Legacy
  • The therapy was developed in France, but is rooted in the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture, where pressure points relating to specific parts of the body are manipulated to alleviate particular problems.
  • Hundreds of houses were washed away, trees were uprooted and all the bridges across the river were torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actually, ask the mighty YouTube- it's got some great video tutorial walkthroughs for Mac, PC, and Linux users, and you can even find out how to unroot your device, and how to get the Amazon Premium services back on your rooted device. Wired Top Stories
  • For the school to flourish and thrive, just like a plant it needs to be placed in fertile and well-prepared soil, be strongly rooted and well-nourished and cared for.
  • Now he needed desperately to be rooted deep inside her.
  • Powerful gusts uprooted trees, twisted steel towers and knocked down bridges, rendering many roadways impassable.
  • The darkest leaves are represented by Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Summer Wine’ and the purple leaf peach which was the starter planting for the black garden, a passalong rooted cutting from good neighbor Mickey, he even planted it for me. Denizens Of The Dark « Fairegarden
  • The confusion is rooted in a failure to distinguish between cyclical budget problems and the longer-term soundness of state and local borrowing. NYT > Home Page
  • At the time the young plant, having rooted, is placed in a pot, where it will remain for some two to three months.
  • One of the strong currents found within the avant-garde art movement was that of a certain fascination with "primitivism", which looked to non-European sources for inspiration and which was significantly rooted in a rejection of more traditional Western forms of art. Continuity, Beauty and Dignity within the Liturgical Arts and their Development
  • Her affection for him is deeply rooted.
  • He is no mere copyist though, as he manages to create a sound all his own, rooted entirely in artistry.
  • Many of these clinical problems are already recognized as being rooted in, or exacerbated by, stress; it is Sarno's association of these disease entities with repressed rage that makes his theory unique.
  • The presumption of innocence - widely overused as a rhetorical lifeline for the arrantly guilty - is indeed deeply rooted in Anglo-American common law.
  • Celery root, also called celeriac or celery knob, is a turnip-rooted celery used extensively in France for flavoring much as we use celery. Make It Easy Make It Light
  • The term irony itself is rooted in the Greek eiron, or "a dissembler," or liar. The Rule of Reason
  • Once Constitution stands in the way of natural justice then it must be rooted out and changed with vigorous expediency.
  • Even on the most dismal of wet, windy days the quality of O'Meara's stock is apparent, from the dazzling display of winter colour polyanthus and camellias to the serried rows of bushes and trees, both bare-rooted and in containers.
  • Covering women in the name of religious piety is anathema to the heart of France's libidinous boisterousness, which is rooted in the rejection of publicly religious declarations regardless of religion. Taylor Marsh: Burqa Battle: Rooting for Sarkozy to Win
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must be rooted in the most difficult strictures of the scriptures of the major religions and the deepest springs of the human heart.
  • These concerns seem rooted in the hope that the nonidentity problem can be addressed within the scope of a person-affecting approach without taking the extreme step of denying that the acts under scrutiny in the nonidentity cases are wrong. The Nonidentity Problem
  • And part of our decision-making about what to publish and what to pursue is rooted in those unanswered questions.
  • Bounding to the bathroom, he rooted through the cabinets, stuffing everything he found into pockets and hiding places in his sweaters and tunic.
  • His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history.
  • You're rooted in the tradition of hip-hop and turntablism.
  • Or is it that plays are rooted in the moment and are not available for infinite replay as films are.
  • Some personal effects, including a full packet of cigarettes and a cigarette lighter were found close to one of the uprooted trees.
  • He is upright in the wind, shaken but upright, enrooted there. Under Fire: the story of a squad
  • Rooted in the holiness tradition of Moses, the religious leaders regard the law as central to Israel's culture.
  • His iron public spirit, his inevitable devotion to duty, unconscious and instinctive and uncensorious, combined with a guilty sense that her youth and beauty had been uprooted by him, and put into a dusty distant soil. Balloons
  • Hazing has a deep-rooted association with college fraternities, athletics, and the military.
  • Brand inspectors, who rooted out cattle thieves, tracked down stray steers, and kept the peace in the stockyards, had become the de facto law of the range by the time he joined their ranks in 1949.
  • More than 6,000 trees were uprooted and many electricity poles were knocked down.
  • Bavaria, where the hatred of the Austrians was irradicably rooted. Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4
  • Each year one vicious habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good throughout.
  • Prior to the Revolution there was scant institutional evidence of deep-rooted nationalist sentiment.
  • Like most worthwhile adventures, the origins of this particular grand excursion are rooted in pure serendipity.
  • Deep-rooted, long-lived perennial plants such as jojoba offer promise for agriculture in harsh, arid environments where many conventional crops cannot survive. 1 Introduction and Summary
  • Historically, Portuguese architecture is firmly rooted in the vernacular, with craft-based, artisanal origins and a limited range of forms and materials.
  • The abuse of power is rooted in the abusive family member's extreme emotional deprivation and neediness.
  • Vines, cornus, willow, buddleia and fig will be rooted by spring and ready for potting by mid-summer. Gardening jobs for November
  • I thought I'd rooted out all the hidden food in our kitchen.
  • The admission by the council that it is infested with some bad eggs which are to be rooted out is a good starting point in dealing with the matter.
  • As a result, the design is rooted in two quite different yet familiar building types - the cottage and the loft.
  • But the difference is also rooted in conscious policy decisions. The California Experiment
  • No one is expecting instant solutions to problems that seem to be so deep-rooted as to be terminal.
  • Human beings are very much alike, and every culture is rooted in a universal human mentality.
  • This article will examine the academic study of English literature in the second quarter of the nineteenth century in order to suggest that literary scholars 'preference for metaphors of discontinuity is rooted in long-standing educational practices that have given the concept of literary culture its institutional form. Culture and Discontinuity (in the 1840s and in Foucault)
  • The Celeriac is known as the beast of vegetables a turnip rooted, celery topped winter crop that is predominantly used in stews or soups.
  • For the universities involved, these partnerships are not rooted in cloud one-upmanship, but in invaluable experience. NSF Grants $5M for Research on Google-IBM Cloud
  • The so-called discourse implicature refers to the intention of interlocutors inferred in verbal expressions, textual versions or non-verbal behavior that are rooted on specific cultural awareness.
  • My dad was from Virginia but he didn't harbor the deep-rooted racism prevalent at the time in the South and blatantly institutionalized in classic colonial style in the Canal Zone. Will Wright: Thanks Dad for Failing: Even When Dads Fall Short, Good Can Come of It
  • While McCarthyism rooted out political subversion, science and the media worked to instill proper gender roles.
  • This card is rooted more deeply in the material plane, connecting Tiphareth to Yesod.
  • If you use the green code consistently the idea should be well rooted by the time they go to school.
  • I have successfully rooted plumeria branches broken from my plants.
  • It's rooted in providing a hunting opportunity, getting trophies for walls and rugs for floors.
  • And as much as we might admire her deep-rooted hatred of collectivism, her philosophy is still just another utopian dream, a transvalued Marxism.
  • Don't you have deep-rooted psychological damage from your time amongst the other kids?
  • From a Chemical & Engineering News account at the time: "While some depictions are chemically accurate -- such as nitrogen, which shows a rooted elephant drawing nitrogen from the soil -- others are more a play on the names -- for example, the masked Lone Ranger atop a rearing white elephant representing silver. Science
  • Then there is the deep-rooted fear of idleness.
  • Yet such was her distress I was sorry for her, though I believed it to be rooted and grounded in falsity, and that she had no need to regard with such disapprobation her sister's being indebted to an English gentleman who gave her in all honour the best he had. The Heart's Highway: A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
  • Whole neighbourhoods were uprooted and displaced. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Who I am now is rooted in where I began and has been developed by where I have been since, and to ask my fromness is to ask my identity.
  • I disagree with utkal on "rootedness", in the sense that nothing about films like Welcome, NAACHGAANA
  • Ingredient: wild Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle root of red - rooted salvia and so on.
  • That is the vice is so entrenched, so enrooted that the person afflicted does not feel sick anymore. Slimy Love. Racism as a Private Hell.
  • Conversation analysis is a discovery-oriented, inductive approach rooted in ethnomethodology.
  • He was rooted to the spot by surprise.
  • Not only is that morally mistaken, but it is also militarily ruinous, for any armed service which is based upon or rooted in its members' self-love is doomed to failure and disgrace.
  • As we stand upright and are, in a sense, rooted in the ground so the wall through its wainscot division, is rooted relative to the floor," he wrote, in just one of several passages where he is clearly thinking like, and arguing from, the perspective of the fully physically able-bodied person he was in 1982. Philip Kennicott on Michael Graves's 'Revealing Culture' exhibit
  • The ultimate effect is the emerging sense of values that resonates from these stories rooted in the delicate areas of modern life.
  • The Fried Henderson is an approach to problem solving rooted in erudition, experience and a love of World of Warcraft. The Fried Henderson and the value of being clever | FactoryCity
  • Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
  • She was rooted to the spot with fear/amazement.
  • On the Bowling Green near Manhattan's southern tip, for instance, stood a vacant pedestal enclosed by an iron fence around which stray pigs often rooted.
  • A horn that Hutchinson felt in his bones as much as in his ears signaled their arrival at the stones, an ellipsoidal stretch of pave stones whose huge mass prevented them from being uprooted by the surrounding trees. Analog Science Fiction and Fact

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