How To Use Root rot In A Sentence
However, well-drained soil will help prevent root rot, or erica wilt.
Saturated soils also favor root rot of adult plants later in the season.
Waiting 5 to 10 days after the fly-safe date ensures escape from fall infections of barley yellow dwarf and lessens the potential of root rot and early season foliar diseases.
How to diagnose wheat take - all diseases, wheat sharp eyespot and wheat root rot?
Unlike the more commonly-planted 'bush beans', the beans are resistant to legume diseases such as anthracnose, root rot and ascochyta, which are found in damp, higher altitude areas.
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Take a sniff; if the soil smells rank and sour, instead of earthy, the plants have been over-watered and may have root rot.
The main problem is Rhizoctonia root rot, with heat canker also being reported in some areas.
Small trees resistant to cotton root rot include Jerusalem thorn, yaupon and wild olive.
Puddles can create ideal conditions for diseases such as root rot, damping off and seedling blight.
There was no evidence of any crown and root rot on plants examined during the October surveys.
Select good quality, cleaned and treated seed and plant at the proper time to lessen the risk of crown and root rot, wheat streak mosaic, soil-borne mosaic, common bunt and loose smut.
On the other hand, a vine with a small and/or unhealthy root system, be it due to shallow soil, drought, root pests such as phylloxera, or diseases such as armillaria root rot, will support only low-vigour growth.
MSU for armillaria root rot research Marissa Cumbers (Last updated:
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The reference above to root rot is cautionary only, since this disease would not be problem if badly drained soils and water logged conditions are avoided.
Even if it's root rot, and still survive.
The co-op's aim is to help customers protect against Phytophthora root rot and Rhizoctonia and give plants a better chance to emerge.
Developing fan-shaped mat of fungal strands caused by armillaria root rot at base of sycamore trunk
The company attributes the failures to root rot due to unseasonal rain.
But during the early years of the 20th century, root rot and mosaic virus nearly destroyed the crop and the industry it supported.
Unfortunately, the first visible symptom of root rot, chlorosis, can be caused by many other problems such as a shortage of nutrients, too much or too little watering, or insect or nematode damage.
4.1 Nursery establishment
The major soybean diseases can be classified as root rots, stem rots, leaf blights, and seed diseases.
At least five species of Pythium cause seed decay, damping off, and root rot of soybean.