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roof rat

  1. common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide

How To Use roof rat In A Sentence

  • It is possible that mummified black rats - also known as roof rats - found in attics were not placed there for protection, but merely died there and became naturally desiccated.
  • Hidden amidst the towering buildings at the outermost edge of the city lay a small, ratty karaoke bar that seems to seek shelter from the raging thunderstorm, its shingled roof rattling harshly.
  • The decision to completely replace the roof in 1998 was made after getting roofer Kendall's advice, who advised that it would be cheaper and better to just redo the whole roof rather than to repair the insufficiencies.
  • Dog on it, it was more than I could thole, and I saw that his mother had spoiled him; so, though I aye liked to give him wholesome reproof rather than lift my fist, I broke through this rule in a couple of hurries, and gave him such a yerk in the cheek with the loof of my hand, as made, I am sure, his lugs ring, and sent him dozing to the door like a peerie. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • More common are species such as agouti (Dasyprocta agouti), fallow deer (Dama dama) to provide game, the indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) and the inadvertent importation of the black or roof rat and the brown or Norway rat (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus). Leeward Islands dry forests
  • The proof rather lies within the domain of the soul itself, and is not something which may be tacked on to any kind of external, spatial existence; it is the emergence of a _new kind_ of existence or _self-subsistence. An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy
  • It means that economical users will have an opportunity to invest into a modern and future-proof rather than into an obsolescent platform.
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